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This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.
Full name Jude Connelly
Date of Birth 5 June 2023
Birthplace Persephone
Parents Charlene Connelly, Stephen McManus
Siblings Cian, Morag & Megan (half-siblings)
Gender Male
Height and Weight 1.78 m (5' 8") / 70 g (154 lbs)
Status Waiting in the wings
Education Information


Employment History



Jude is old enough to remember that he had his Mom to himself until he was around six and that they lived on Persephone, but he never knew who his father was. According to his Mom he was dead. When Jude was six, Charlene met Dean, a young farmer from Jiangyin who had come to Persephone to buy produce. They hit it off and she agreed to move to Jiangyin with him. Dean accepted Jude as his own and he even grew used to calling him Dad, but then more children arrived. First Cian, then the twins Morag and Megan. Dean couldn't help preferring his own son Cian and Jude felt pushed aside more and more. He grew into a rebellious teenager who hung out with other bad boys in the nearby larger settlement. He began imitating some sort of rock star chic with lots of leather, dyed his hair and learned to play the guitar while giving up on school. Charlene didn't know how to make him feel better about anything. Then one day Donna appeared at the farm with news about Jude's real father... and finally a chance presented itself for him to get away from the farm, his life and everything to make a fresh start.


His weedy built makes Jude appear taller than he really is. He has a thin face with full lips and a pair of large green eyes, flecked with gold. He has an impressive mop of -very- blonde hair that falls almost to his shoulders though one closer look is enough to realize that it's growing black at the roots. Skinny legs in very tight fashionably ripped black denim are stuck in clompy black biker boots. He's wearing a nearly white tank top that exposes some cheaply done tattoos on his shoulders and upper arms, including a very visible one of the Browncoat's logo on his right upper arm and one of Che Guevara on the left upper arm.