+help places code

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Places are parts of rooms where players can communicate privately.

+help places code

Type place/help for a list of player commands. (Shown below)
Type place/ahelp for a list of administrator commands.
Type place/bhelp for a list of builder commands.
Type place/ohelp for a list of owner commands.

Type place/help <command> to learn more about a command including alternative ways of invoking that command.

(You can request that Places be installed in any public room by submitting a +areq to staff)

Place/Help - Player Commands

Syntax: ap[proach] [<place>] or place/ap[proach] [<place>]

Makes player an occupant of <place>. If <place> is omitted and there is only one place in the room the player is in, that place is used.

Syntax: dep[art] or place/dep[art]

Makes player no longer an occupant of a place.

Syntax: join <player> or place/join <player>

Makes player an occupant of the place <player> is in.

Syntax: pl[ook] [<place>] or place/l[ook] [<place>]

Shows description, limit, and occupants of <place>. If <place> is omitted and there is only one place in the room the player is in, that place is used.

Syntax: p:<pose> or ppose <pose> or place/pose <pose>

Shows <pose> to only occupants of the place the player is an occupant of.

Syntax: p"<message> or psay <message> or place/say <message>

Shows <message> to only occupants of the place player is an occupant of.

Syntax: p;<semipose> or psemipose <semipose> or place/semiaction <semipose>

Shows <semipose> to only occupants of the place player is an occupant of.

Syntax: place/list [<room>]

Lists all the places in <room>.

Syntax: place/tlist

Lists place types. Only administrators are shown the instances of each type.