+help maintenance

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Revision as of 21:10, 20 February 2010 by Otrere (talk | contribs) (adding Damage Control System Commands)
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+help maintenance

Syntax: +mrep

This command gives you a maintenance report on the current status of the ships systems.

Syntax: +mwork <system>=<minutes>

This command sets the ship to work on a specified system (aka communications, reactor etc) for a specified amount of time. The default should be 10 minutes.

Example: +mwork Reactor=10

Syntax: +mrestock <storage>=<amount>

This command allows you to restock a supply of needed storage parts, up to a specific amount specified.

Syntax: +moverhaul <minutes>

This command will put all systems in maintenance for the allocated time, each So if you want to do 10 minutes maintenance on each of the systems, you only need to use +moverhaul once and stack 70 minutes of tech time with that. No need to come back every 10 minutes to hit +mwork again.

Damage Control System Commands

To use the damage control systems, you need to...

  1. Power on the computer systems.
  2. Power on the Damage Control System.
  3. Power on the manned console via 'cpower on' (even if it is an engineering console)

Now you can use the following commands to use the systems...

Syntax: crewrep

Displays the status screen of the damage repair crews.

Syntax: assign # to <SystemName>

Assigns crew # to <SystemName> (thrusters are maneu..., and so on as is represented in the display of 'sysrep') or Idle for none.