LRS Da'rhi

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LRS Da'rhi
Class Long-Range Shuttle
Crew Capacity 10
Ownership History


The Da'rhi began its life as the DA Shuttle Great White, operating out of the central DA office on Londinium.

In October of 2527, Rhonwen O'Neil, Duke Carmichael and Count Fawzy were traveling in the shuttle when it was struck by an asteroid. The pilot and co-pilot lost their lives but the passengers were rescued by the Guan-Yin II.

The shuttle was repaired following the incident, however the DA's office decided that they didn't want it back. As the Guan-Yin Corporation had posted want ads for a new shuttle, a deal was struck. The shuttle changed hands and was refitted as an ambulance. It was renamed LRS Da'rhi, in honor of the founder of the original Guan-Yin, Dr. Ophelia Da'rhi.

Note: there is no coded object for this shuttle at this time, it exists as a virtual asset of the Guan-Yin.