+help +cookie

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+help +cookie

Syntax: +cookie <admin name>=<reason>

Just as players get votes and kudos for rping with OOC pats on the back. Even staff need something now and again to be able to see that they have been appreciated. The one way to do this other than spamming them with pages, or @mailing them with things they likely wont read for a month or so, is the '+cookie' command. This code allowed a player to send a cookie to an admin. You might ask why? Well, not only are our staff good for when we need scenes judged, have rules questions, or are having code issues. But also when we're frustrated and need sounding boards, or when you just need a shoulder to lean on for a bit of support. Just like players, Admin need to know sometimes that they're doing a good job here in making this a mush we all can love and enjoy. This command helps our players give out those kudos to staff and give them support just like they do for us.

See Also