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Full name Celeste Cannon
Date of Birth 22 July, 2513
Birthplace New Melbourne
Parents Erik & Natasha Cannon
Siblings None
Spouse None
Children None
Assignment Ninja, Praemia
Gender Female
Status Active
Education Information

Basic education, stopped at age 15

Employment History

Present: Praemia
7/2527-Present: Retired Cargo Hauler


One of the most noticeable things about this woman is her height as she stands just shy of 6 feet tall, 1.8 meters. Her coal black hair is neatly cut in a bob that highlights and accentuates her sculpted facial features. Her slate gray eyes are alert and her gaze can be intense and chilling. Her most is a touch too large for her face and has a slight kink to it as if it had been broken in the past. Her lips are full and often set in a neutral unemotional position.

The clothing she wears runs to simplistic, comfortable and flexible enough to move in when she needs to. A black stretchy bodysuit conforms to her curves and a loose fitting brown duster adorns her shoulders and hangs to around her ankles. Black knee high leather boots adorn her feet. Across her back are two katana swords and placed in such a way that her coat doesn't interfere with unsheathing them. Concealed in numerous other places are numerous daggers and throwing knives.

This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.

Early Years

Celeste was born on New Melbourne two years and several days after U-Day was founded to two kind and loving parents, Erik and Natasha Cannon. The first few years were the happiest Celeste had ever been as her parents doted on her until she was of age to start school. Sadly that was about to change just after her fifth birthday.

A group of Alliance agents showed up and started accusing her parents of being involved in aiding a known terrorist group that helped break out criminals and other sundry types from Alliance facilities. Despite her parents denying the charges the Agents proceeded to torture and beat her parents as the Agents wouldn't believe her parents. After what seemed like days to Celeste but really a few hours, her parents were dead and the Agents had left, leaving Celeste the sole witness to the event.


A few months after her parents were killed Celeste was sent to an Orphanage. The first few weeks went alright, until a minor altercation crept up and the boys started to pick on her and tease her. That lasted for a while then escalated into beatings. She tried to report to the staff but they didn't believe her. Progressively the beatings got worse but were infrequent and as Celeste neared her tenth birthday, the staff became involved in the beatings. Then they turned even more violent as they started to use whips.