Rom/Basic Info

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The Romany people are a culture mostly apart from the others in the 'Verse, a people who are almost entirely pacifists, and usually isolationists. Romany can easily be identified by their bright, cheerfully colored ships, shops, and camps. The majority of Romany live in space aboard ships, called 'Vardos' run completely by groups of Romany, referred to as 'familia'.

Interaction with Gadje

The Romany people tend to keep to themselves, not usually mingling with non-Romany who they refer to as 'Gadje', though there are numerous exceptions. Some Rom can even be found traveling aboard Gadje vessels, though Romany are prone to distrust those not of their people, even after years of association.

Romany who marry non-Romany or 'Gadje' may be outcast by Romany society. They are isolationists and as they can escape Gadje and avoid interaction completely if they wish to especially aboard their Vardos. To marry a Gadje is considered an offense against one's people. Female Romany are especially shunned if they do this, as they are depended on to keep the Romany bloodlines. To the People there is no such thing as Half-Romany. They are or they are not. Romany raised are accepted easier than those who have to learn the ways.
There have been many exceptions to this mindset, and for rp-purposes it's more of a guideline and can vary from clan to clan. Many 'gadje' have been considered trustworthy or proven themselves so to the family, and many 'gadje' have been adopted by the Romani.

The Romany Language is considered one of the few things truely roma and any Romany caught teaching Gadje the language are shunned and considered traitors. This like all else is relative.


Romany Clans are political ethnic groupings created with the First Romany Alliance treaty. It was developed firstly for census takings. Every 10 years those in ships return to the Clan’s world to register rather than the census workers trying to catch the nomadic peoples to be counted. The other need for the Clans stemmed from the need to keep a viable and healthy Gene pool. Not as necessary now as is was in the beginning tradition makes the clan almost as important as being Romany.

Paquin or The Vitsi Jekhipe
The Paquin clan is considered the clan of leadership in Romany society. This for no other reasons than they live on the Home World. They do not make the appearance of being the most powerful or wealthy clan, in fact they are known to be very traditional,. They own small farms near their camps. There are a few standing buildings however, and Yaw, the 'Gypsy King' is known to have a tavern near the camp. This is a misnomer as there are approximately 35 thousand Romany in this one “camp.” He is not known to be well-off financially. The Paquin clan of Romany are practicing pacifists, that and the importance of the people mean that Churara are much more often seen on Paquin than other Romany worlds as guardians of their people. The Paquin Clan finds it fairly easy to not carry weapons as Paquin is well protected by the local law enforcement. Paquin is a hub of entertainment.

The other notable feature on Paquin that is directly related to the Romany is the Great Carnivale. It is a huge assembly of Romany and gadje alike. This is a huge Carnival with a large old Ferris wheel and Caroursel reportedly having been crafted form parts of ones brought from earth that was. There is no Proof of this but the two attractions are over 500 years old. Crafts are sold here, as well as produce from the farms, this providing an opportunity for the Romany to earn a living to live their lives the way they choose.

Ariel or the Visti a Trushal Odji
The Ariel clan are quite a bit less traditional than the other clans. Many Romany of the Ariel clan become Police Officers or are involved in the Military. There are doctors and lawyers and professeurs. They treat their women as equals and many have cast off the traditional ways of life, even planting roots in gadje cities. The Ariel clan still have a strong sense of family, and community however, and the mentality of when one Romany bleeds they all do is still an important part of their lives.

Beylix or The Visti a Vyusher
Both the Beylix and Shadow clan are closely linked with the Paquin group, often pacifists, farmers and entertainers.

Shadow or The Ushal Vitsi
The Shadow clan is connected to the planet in name only. Once a large enclave resided here. But during the evacuations most left joining their families either in space or on other worlds. They are not at all pacifist. This may be due in part as a reaction to the destruction of their lives during the war. A Clan convention was called. The Ushal Visti split ways with the Kriss and the council on Paquin after several months of growing discontent with a perceived general lack of leadership and what were perceived acts that went against the culture and the ways of the Romani people. With increased concern over that they may become Mahrime with any continued association and with the urging of the Prince of Shadow the elders decided it was time for a parting of ways so as to better serve the clan and its people.The_Ushal_Vitsi

New Melbourn or the Nivsai Vitsi
More like the Ariel group but still hold with most of the Romany tennets.

Deadwood or The Mulo Kascht Vitsi
A small Clan that has a village on Deadwood although they are scattered all over the verse. They are isolationists feeling that the horrors of the concentration camps on Earth-that-was will happen again. They do not want to go quietly to their deaths as half of the Romany on Earth did. They are traditional Romany and yet they are armed and dangerous. They have planned for the genocide by the alliance although it has not happened yet. They are prepared. The main family is the Jianagos family.
The Prince of the Deadwood clan is known to be a leader with great military skill. The warriors of the non-pacifist Deadwood clan are renowned for their prowess, pride, and they're impatience with gadje. There have been times in the past, though rare, when the council has called upon clan Deadwood's warriors to defend the Romany, though this is not done often as the Romany prefer to appear non-threatening toward the Alliance in particular.
Vitsi Rarti Satarma or Clan of the Night Star
A lost clan or the other Romani. When the original Romani headed west the Others went east. They are neither Pacifist or typical. They settled on Salisbury and keep to themselves. They are not represented in the Kriss as they have always felt superior to their brethren. Warrior tribe that prides itself on it's ability to defend itself.

Meanings of the Clan Titles
Deadwood Clan ====== Mulo Kascht Vitsi
Shadow Clan ====== The_Ushal_Vitsi
New Melbourne ====== Nivsai Vitsi ====== Water Spirit Clan
Paquin Clan ====== Vitsi Jekhipe ====== Clan of Unity/oneness
Ariel Clan ====== Visti a Trushal Odji ====== Clan of the Hungry Soul
Beylix ====== Visti a Vyusher ====== Clan of wolves
Salisbury ====== Vitsi Rarti Satarma ====== Clan of the Night Star

Romany Titles

The Romany are a true Democracy. Every Adult has a vote or say. The trouble comes about when a majority does not happen. With a large number of the Rom on ships, votes can take weeks to correlate. They rely heavily on tradition, but they don’t have social 'classes'. Elders, Princes, and other “titled” Romany are elected either by the people or the council, Churara are not elected they volunteer. Princes are often chosen by the council and then voted on. These young men have shown by their behavior that they are diplomatic and charismatic. They can deal well with people. Most of the clans are male-dominated however there have been females with special qualities who have proven themselves worthy of titles, as was the case of the 'Great Gypsy Grandmother' who led the Romany during the Unification War

The Romany are led by a council of elders, the oldest and most wise of all the families, with one elder, in particular, carrying more weight than the rest and viewed as the unofficial head of the council; and therefore leader of the Romany people as a whole.

Grandfather - Also Referred to as the King of the Romany

Ray Baro -Also referred to as Elder or Grandfather, They are members of the Romany council, elders among the Romany who are considered wise and are well-respected leaders. They are often chosen by other council members or by the Romany Congress. The various clans of the Romany, each have at least one of they're elders on the Romany council. The Paquin clan usually has more because they are the largest clan and represent the “Home World”

. Prince - Also referred to the Messenger of the Romany , He is chosen for his temperament and abilities by the unanimous decision of the council. These chosen, elected, Princes are intended to join the Congress next upon the passing of The Grandfather, or council member. Romany Princes serve their people as an ambassador to gadje or 'Rom Bar'o', looking out for the people's best interests and the future of the Romany. These men are looked upon as a role models, expected at all times as befits their position. Romany Princes are not treated like a monarch, as non-Romany would see them, though they are respected and held in high regard. It is not their future to lead the council, but become part of the leadership, The Grandfather is elected by the Council. The Romany are more likely to listen when a prince speaks, because of the trust they have in their leadership. Princes are known for being good mediators, diplomats, advisors. Theirs is a life of service and self sacrifice. It should be noted that the positions of “leadership” within the Romany hold no weight with the Alliance, the House of Lords, or the nobility of the 'Verse outside the Romany people.

Churara - Also referred to as a Sword of the Romany, these are a small group of people within the Romany who keep themselves separate from the political tides of The People. They have specialized skill is weapons and protection. They represent the strength and the passion of the Romany, taking the role of enforcers or police within the Romany families. The Romany are generally pacifists, so to be a Sword of the Romany sets these people outside the norm for this culture. This is not a position that many Romany aspire to although the Swords of the Romany are looked up to as role models in some Clans. They serve their people in the best way they know, doing those tasks and facing challenges that most Romany would find impossible. Despite the dark purpose they represent, placing them at odds with the Romany beliefs in many cases, they are grudgingly respected as an important part of Romany culture. Without the Swords of the Romany, the pacifist portions of the Romany would be without the means to defend themselves.

The Gifts of the Romany

Studies show that per capita the Romany people tend to have a higher Psychic ability than the general public. The general public has a rate of measurable psychic phenomena of 1 per every 300 thousand people. The Romany test at 1 per 100 thousand people. A number of reasons have been given to explain this phenomena. The most likely is the small genetic base. Romany are notorious for not marrying outside their own culture. So the genetic tag for this ability stays with in the small group. Another reason may be the cultural acceptance and in some cases embracement of such abilities.

  • This information is the In Character explanation, the scientific explanation and does not necessarily explain why some Romany have the gifts they have. It also should be pointed out that the pure-blooded members of the pacifist Paquin clan are almost exclusive to this rule. One would also discover that it is said if a member of said Pacifists should commit an act of violence they would suddenly lose they're abilities for a length of time dependant on the act.

If you wish to create a Romany character please contact Chovian, Danee, or any of the Romany Characters.