Alliance Uniform - Navy

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The following are Alliance uniform descs for you to use. These are intended as a starting point, feel free to re-write as you see fit. All descs are written so that they can just be pasted into the MUSH, then used with the descer. These descs will automatically find your name and rank to properly describe the outfit. See also; Alliance Outfit.

Utility Uniform

This is the uniform worn in combat, as well as for 'everyday' wear. Be sure to replace <LAST NAME> with your name.

&OUTFIT_UTIL me=%t%N is wearing a new-issue utility uniform, done in a mottled purplish-gray digital camouflage pattern on the jacket and trousers. The undershirt is just visible, as a subdued violet color, under the folded-down Mandarin collar of the jacket, on which the name "<LAST NAME>" on the right breast pocket, in a slightly-brighter violet than the shirt (not so much as to draw attention, obviously; these are designed to be worn in combat, after all). On the collar of the jacket, each side, rests the rank insignia marking %p as a [ugetrank(%!)]. The boots, a dark gray suede-looking number, are laced up as high as possible, zippers just visible on the inner sides. The trousers are bloused smartly, covering the zippers, and the laces of the boots. The uniform's cap rests on %p head, crisply presented, with a regular octagonal appearance when viewed from the top.

PT Uniform

This uniform is used for physical training.

&DESC_PT me=/%t%N is currently wearing %p PT uniform. It's a fairly simple outfit -- a close fitting grey short-sleeved t-shirt and matching tights. The shirt has an Alliance flag embroidered on the right breast and the tights have the same flag embroidered on the left calf. When it's cold outside, the shirt is covered by a grey hoodie; again, with the Alliance flag embroidered on the right breast.


Dress Uniform