List of RP Logs

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The following is a list of RP Logs from Serenity MUSH divided by date. Please add a sub catagory for your ship if it is ship RP. Log pages should be in the format of person posting then date, so for example 'Book RP Log - 19th December 2007'.




The Spitfire

Samantha RP Log -- 31st January 2008




Marcus RP Log -- 21st May 2009




Shadow Box -- 13th May 2011


Report Number Three -- 17th July 2011

A Polite Request -- 17 July 2011 - Pursuant to orders relating to the presence of known Pirate members located on Alliance words a polite attempt at arresting the aforementioned pirates was made.



Sihnon Robbery - 15 April 2012 - Why is it always clowns? - Alliance RP Log


Sniper Fire! - Part 1 - On any given day something unexpected is bound to occur. - Alliance RP Log
Sniper Cornered - Part 2 - When that something unexpected does occur certain things are bound to happen immediately afterward. - Alliance RP Log
To Parliament - Part 1 - In light of recent events - including the Caveman Flu and the Live Fire training exercise conducted on Persephone the directors of ACI and Interpol, along with select members of their divisions, as summoned to testify before Parliament. - Alliance RP Log
Unexpected Address - Part 2 - When Parliament is called to session it appears that the set agenda for the day is not to be followed. Chaos ensues. - Alliance RP Log
Hostage Rescue - Part 3 - The dangers of politics and a reminder that loved ones make the most perfect hostages. - Alliance RP Log



Boros Parts Yard - The Pie-Rats are back! - Alliance RP Log

Salvage on Whittier - A problem in logistics. - Alliance and Aces and Eights RP Log


Reavers over Whitefall - Epic space battle - Alliance RP Log