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Full name MacLean Zhengmu
Date of Birth August 19th, 2486
Birthplace Bernadette
Parents Kendric MacLean (deceased) and MacLean Ruikai (née Zhang, deceased)
Siblings Lt. MacLean Deaglan (KIA)
Spouse Unwed
Assignment Unemployed
Specialization Criminal Justice - Investigations
Gender Male
Eyes and Hair Hazel Eyes, Black Hair
Height and Weight 5'10", 168 lbs
Status Active
Education Information

University of New Paris, Bernadette - Master's, Criminal Justice

Employment History

Entrepreneur & Investor - October, 2513 - July, 2530 Self-employed: Private Investigator - July, 2530 - Present


The man before you is not overly tall - about 5'10" if you had to guess - and looks to be of mixed Chinese and Anglo descent. His hair is kept close-cropped, but immaculately styled nonetheless. His hazel eyes are piercing, somehow sad, and honest all at once. If it weren't for the faint hints of crow's feet at the corners of this eyes, you probably wouldn't believe him if he told you his age. His nose is almost perfectly straight and his lips are thin. He doesn't keep a moustache, but the day's dark stubble on his face makes it seem that one might suit him. His warm smile is often on display and has a uniquely disarming ability - the smile of a true charmer, able to turn strangers into buddies in a matter of minutes. His chin is set back a bit leading to his long neck.

His physique on the whole seems to on the fitter side of average - perhaps he's one of those lucky ones that never really had to worry about diet or exercise, or perhaps he just wants it to seem that way. His shoulders are broad, set back by his somewhat aristocratic bearing, though his arms could hardly be described as muscular. His soft hands are long-fingered and his nails kept meticulously short. His trim waist is somewhat high, though his long-legged frame balances this. He has no real distinguishing marks that you can see, just an average build and a rather handsome face. If you had to choose the most distinctive feature about the man, you'd be torn between his captivating eyes and his winsome smile.

He is wearing a simple black button-up shirt, though the buttons themselves are somewhat distinctive - the press-studs almost seem to be backed with onyxes, but the heavy sheen of lacquer makes you think twice. There's a tiny and rather simple Celtic knot with a floral motif around the edges of each laid in what seems to be either silver or fine stainless work. He wears a pair of traditional intricately knotted silk knots as cuff links, confirming yours suspicions as to his Chinese heritage. His pants are very straight-legged charcoal dress slacks with a heavier weave than is generally considered fashionable. Nonetheless, it does give them an interesting texture and variance in the color that makes them suit the man rather well. Much like his highly-starched collar, his pants are so crisply pressed you could hardly imagine them being otherwise. His shoes, much like the belt at his waist, are simple, straightforward dress shoes - not so many concessions to fashion to make them seem terribly impractical. Overall, he is rather well-dressed and tends to stand out a bit in a crowd, especially with rather genteel way he tends to carry himself.


His personality is first and foremost bent around being friendly - in college, some of those closest to him would jokingly tease him as "Pally McAffable, Everybody's Friend." By in large, this is rather genuine - he is generally a very kind person and interested in others, though he does have a need to be accepted and well thought-of. Admittedly, sometimes his friendly nature and natural charm is a facade in the interest of networking contacts - especially as his fortune has dried up, he has come to rely more and more upon his influence to keep himself afloat.

His values and morals center around order, justice, and rule of law - a government that has the will of the people behind it must certainly be not only right, but in some ways, righteous. He isn't a heart-and-soul Alliance zealot, however - the percieved miscarriage of justice that destroyed his family fortune and possibly broke his father's will to live saw to that. Nonetheless, he is inclined to work alongside the Alliance and similar forces moreso than not; though when the chips are down - as they are now - his discretion would certainly extend even to serious criminals, if the price was right.


There's quite a bit here, and almost everyone from a decently-civilized world old enough to remember before the War would likely know a bit about my family's history - my father's company, NetStar, was wildly successful along the lines of Microsoft. They were ruined during the war, however, so no one likely uses the name much any longer.

Plot Hooks

Need an investigator?

  • Whether you're a crimeboss, bounty hunter, Fed, a ship's crewman, or just about anyone else in this 'Verse, it seems like everyone's got troubles, and with troubles, there are questions. If you need your questions answered, I can find the information you need. If you need someone tailed, identified, or found, I'm your man. If you need information or goods retrieved, I'm good for that too. Security systems breached, computers cracked, false pretenses made - you name it, and I'm your sleuth for the job.

Looking for some action?

  • Sure, Persephone's a port of call everyone's likely to pass through at some point in their career. But let's face it; it's not always as exciting as it was when pirates were loose in the streets. If you're on Persephone and looking for some exciting RP, drop me a line or send me a wave - it just might be that crime is afoot and that we might be able to team up to catch some perps in the act! Pickpockets, scoundrels, and riffraff - all these and more could be yours for merciless beatings, interrogations, or just fun and profit!

OOC Notes

This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.

I'm trying to be pretty strict with myself not to metagame unduly with Zhengmu. I'll still go where the RP is for no particularly compelling reason, but I've put a few limits on myself.

  1. Two-thirds or more of my experience will be used to reflect what I have spent the majority of my week doing. If I have been networking, making contacts, and working them for information, I will +raise Gather Information and Diplomacy, for example. If my week is more like my RL weeks, I'd probably raise skills like Cooking, Computer Use, and Farming. (Is there something closer to Gardening, btw?)
  2. While my character is determined to explore nearly any avenue to get his family's fortune back, amassing money is not the be-all and end-all - if I RP that I'm using money, I will find a way to rid myself of a reasonable amount of credits.
  3. I will use my PDA to keep track of important IC knowledge, much as a RL investigator would likely take copious notes - you never know when having good information will come in handy.