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This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.

Full name Deco Miyamoto
Date of Birth 9 Nov 2490
Birthplace Santo
Spouse Unwed
Assignment Doctor
Specialization Medicine
Gender male
Eyes and Hair Brown and Black
Height and Weight 5'7" and 153 lbs. (1.7m and 69kg)
Status NPC
Education Information

Med School, Santo

Military Service

2508-2511, Independent Army, Sergeant (medic)

Employment History
  • Jan 2522, Medical Officer, Chaos Theory
  • Practicing physician along the Rim worlds, accompanying Cid Torres Miyamoto for the last four years.

Note: Deco is an NPC played by Chaos Theory crew members.


Deco Miyamoto is a cousin of Cid Torres Miyamoto, 10 years his junior. When Deco turned 18 in 2508, he joined the Independent Army, training as a medic. As fate would have it, he was assigned to the same unit as Torres, and served alongside his cousin for over two years until the war ended. Similarly disillusioned after the war, Deco opted instead to return home to Santo, and become a doctor. Over the years, Torres received sporadic WAVE's on Deco's progress in med school, then internship. Quite by surprise, in 2517 Deco showed up in the town Torres was sheriffing. He was looking for work as a doctor, which in the Rim worlds is always hard to fill--especially a real Alliance-certified doctor. For the next four years, Deco and Torres travelled from one town to the next together, the one taking on town doctor, the other, lawman. It was a good arrangement that served both well. When Torres opted to find work aboard a ship, Deco decided to extend his services at their last assignment, sitting on the fence, as it were. Then Deco got a WAVE from Torres, saying they needed a medical officer aboard the firefly, Chaos Theory. Deco was packed and ready to go that day. In January of 2522, he was aboard Chaos Theory as their newest medical officer.


Being a Browncoat veteran, Deco is quite skilled with a gun, either a pistol(~50) or rifle(~50). He's fairly agile, and still remembers some of his martial arts(~40) training from the war, but Jet Li he's not. He's an able and skilled doctor(~60), of course. Finally, Deco is a pretty good Blues guitarist(~50), preferring the Delta style mostly. He's particularly adept with slide guitar.

Personal Equipment

  • Medical bag.
  • Acoustic guitar and case.
  • Small caliber pistol.


Deco tends to wear utilitarian clothing. Aboard ship, he's often seen with a T-shirt or flannel shirt over cargo pants and boots. Outdoors, he'll often have a duster on as well.

Manner of Speech and Languages

Deco speaks as most people do from outside the Core planets, though his degree of 'western twang' isn't as hard as some. Deco speaks not only Chinese and English, but also Spanish.

Personality Synopsis

Deco aims to please people. That's what drives him: helping people out, caring for others, and being generally warm-hearted. Where that gets him in trouble is when he offers unsolicited advice or oversteps his bounds in trying to help others. Deco can be confrontational or manipulative at times when trying to offer advice or suggest a solution. Another interesting aspect of Deco is that he tends to ignore his own needs. This will often manifest itself as pride when others try to help him. On the plus side, Deco is very aware of his weaknesses and can be called on it, often acknowledging his shortcomings.

Interesting Habits

  • Not a habit, as a sexual preference. Deco is gay. A homosexual, but not flaming though.
  • likes to call Torres 'Uncle' as a joke, knowing it irritates his older cousin.
  • doesn't drink alcohol in any form, because he can't stand the taste of it.
  • is a fervent Buddhist (Zen sect), and meditates for 30 minutes every morning.
  • enjoys most forms of music.
  • likes smoking weed (marijuana).
  • his favorite snack food is pork rinds.