White Sands Slaver Charity

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White Sands Slaver Charity
Location: Log_Location::Paquin IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2533/04/01 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2013/08/07
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Faoite McGuire, Has Characters in Scene::Kyoshiro, Has Characters in Scene::Maxim, Has Characters in Scene::Skye, Has Characters in Scene::Sypher, Has Characters in Scene::Jasmine, Has Characters in Scene::Nataliya, Has Characters in Scene::Zepp, Has Characters in Scene::Danee
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::A charity beach party is held on Paquin by the Jia to celebrate their new found freedom and to raise money to get them back on their feet but Revenge take precedent.
Log_Characters::Faoite McGuire, Kyoshiro, Maxim, Skye, Sypher, Jasmine, Nataliya, Zepp, Danee




Parliament has recently stepped down its efforts to effectively root out the issue of slavery in our 'verse. The Jia along with its sister ship the Aces and Eights are putting on a casual cook out that even the average spacer can attend. The Cook-Out will take place at the White Sands Beach on Paquin where there will be free food and swimming. There will also be a surfing competition. The evening will finish with a fireworks show put on by the Fisherman's Guild. Donations are optional and any amount is accepted to fund and aid the recently freed slaves from Haven and other parts of the Border and Rim and to fund any further action needed to help end the problem. Music by various bands will be provided with a look towards a diverse genre. Join us as we celebrate the Jia and Ace's victory against the Slavers of the 'verse along with their success through out the many years they have flown the black. Also to send a message of displeasure to parliament regarding their usual lack of action regarding the Rim (in response to the recent retreat of the Temperance ordered by Parliament).


White Sands Beach - Paquin

Not far from the bustle of the Accendo City Center lies the glorious beach of Paquin. A broad expanse of white sand stretches out from the edge of the crystal blue of the ocean, then disappears beneath the planks of a wide and winding boardwalk. The boardwalk was shaped by years of careful design by master craftsmen, and every year a few boards are replaced with painstakingly made reproductions.

The beach is well traveled at nearly every hour with throngs of people swimming, playing in the surf, making sand castles, or simply strolling over the sand or carved wood. This is the public area of White Sands Beach.

To the north, overlooking the whole area from the line of hilly sand dunes, are the residential homes most responsible for Paquin being the place it is today. The beach area in that direction are the private portions of the White Sands Beach. The outline of the homes, both very large to rather small, are clearly visible against the sky, whether back lit by the azure firmament, highlighted against the brilliant displays of sunset or gently lit against the starred heavens.

Not too far east from the Great Carnival and other tourist attractions lies the Board Walk accompanied by the White Sands Beach. One just needed to make their way up and over the grassy and sandy Dunes in order to find Paquin's Ocean... one of them at least. The boardwalk was lined with shops but further North were the large houses owned by the more well off residents of Paquin City and most everyone in the 'verse could recognize the home of the Dumonts.

The beach was busy, as it was any other day, the sun just starting to come down from it's noon height. It was fairly warm and humid but not completely uncomfortably so, a breeze from the ocean coming in and flapping what ever material lay loose around the beach. There were people sun bathing, swimming, surfing, children laughing an playing; all the usual activities of beach goers. However though, there was a huge tent set up on a section of the beach today. Inside were tables and chairs. A portable wet bar and makeshift out door kitchen consisting of mostly grills and battery powered refrigerators lined one side. There were a few waiters and waitresses mingling around, getting drinks for people, or some type of food. It smelled like American BBQ. Chicken, hot dogs, Hamburgers, and other assortments.

Further off across from the Tent was a portable stage that was just being finished being put together by a crew. A band now playing different types of music now attracting some fans at the barricade. There was a fire pit too which some event staff were just beginning to fill with wood. A small table with two people behind it held surf boards and towels. Here is where one would go to register for the surfing contest.

Among those beach goers is a currently shoe-less Skye. Being homeless on this particular planet and area has *some* perks, and the teen seems to pretty well enjoy the weather. But once Skye catches a whiff of that BBQ, their attention's pulled wholly away from the beach and breeze and towards the tent.

For a few moments Skye only looks, but then approaches quickly at an off angle, feet pattering in the sand. Once up against the tent wall, Skye peeks through the opening. Cautious, yet with an eager gleam in those blue eyes.

Danee stands with three very large dark men who seem to be arguing with her. Although their voices are pitched low and they are speaking in Romany it is not hard to figure out that something is not actually right. With a sigh and throwing her hands in the air in defeat she heads for a large towel sitting on one of the table.

She stands about 5 feet tall and is athletically built. Weighing only about 125 she is curved in all the right places. She is cute in a dark sensuous sort of way. Dark hair and eyes. Skin reminiscent of sun baked clay. Dark eyebrows and lashes frame slightly tilted eyes. A strong nose and stubborn chin frame moist, soft, full lips. Black hair hangs to her shoulders and is fully of body and blue tints.

For a two piece it is very modest. For a Romany to wear it is almost indecent. The top is made of brown stretchy material that is styled in a tank top design. Brown with orange stripes down the sides. It ends an inch or two above her belly button. The bottoms look like shorts in the same material with orange stripes down the sides. They are short short and come up to just below her belly button. Modest by a lot of standards.

Over by the registration area is a familiar figure, dressed down in darkness quite unusual for the beach scene and with a duster on at that, the leather flapping a little in the breeze. Sypher surveys the area, giving a thin smile as he watches the goings on.

Standing 6'0", this lithe young man seems almost flawless. His skin is lightly tanned and his black hair is tied back into a thick braided tail with a thick brass ring tied into the bottom to hold it down. His eyes carry an unusual violet hue, flecked with the faintest touch of midnight blue.

Zepp is already in the mix, too, looking hot -- literally. Her boots, socks, and vest are off, her pant-legs and sleeves are rolled up, and she's sweating despite the breeze coming off the water. She's not exactly dressed for the beach. Nonetheless, she appears to be in good spirits. She's been wading gamely near the shoreline, but spying the beginnings of the fire pit, she saunters up the beach to get a look.

Zepp is a young woman in her early twenties, thin and of moderate height. She has brown skin, and a dusting of small dark freckles across her forehead, nose, and cheekbones. Her facial features are attractive enough, in spite of a prominent nose, and her complexion is unblemished. Her black eyebrows are thick and eloquent, and her dark eyes are large and widely set. She has a narrow jawline and pointed chin, which give her a slightly elfin look. Her abundant, wavy black hair is usually tied into a substantial braid, the end of which hits her mid-back.

The girl's figure is slim and spare, and she's dressed to work. A gray handkerchief is knotted loosely around her neck. She wears a basic khaki green coverall, the shoulder straps and bib folded down and cinched around her waist. Underneath the coverall she's got on all-in-one long-underwear in a loud plaid print, blue and white. A brown leather vest with a quilted lining and collar seem to be all she has in the way of outerwear. The vest has a pocket chain decorated with metal coins, an affectation some might recognize as miner-inspired. Black work boots complete the ensemble.

Kyoshiro flipping burgers, yes flipping burgers. It's what he does. He doesn't mind though, this quietness and stillness. This idea of freedom and what this was for put his mind at ease. Besides Oliana was gone away for the time being. With a cigarillo stuck between his lips, sweat dripping from his brow he waved to one of the waiters. "Got a whole batch for you Johnny, you're doing good. Keep it up and we'll make you head waiter at the Senior Hunters Club in no time." Of course his chef, Giuseppe looked at him funny as he was prepping some side dishes. Kyo's red eyes would catch Danee of course and her current discomfort and his eyes would raise. "You okay over there Lady McGuire?" He would almost shout in his deep core accented monotone. He had to speak loud so she could hear him over the talking and music.

Danee turns and sighs looking at Kyo, "It seems that even though I am a -Married- woman" she glares at the three men standing near by "It seems that I am under dressed. " She wraps the towel syrong style about her and turns to glare at the man, "this is the best it gets. Don't like it too bad" then heads towards the cook. "you'd think I was naked" she huffs. Then she smiles at Kyo. "Everything smells wonderful." now she totally ignores the men.

Skye looks around slowly, carefully taking in the current circumstances. Checking to make sure people here aren't carrying name tags or wristbands or some other way of marking those who do belong from those who don't. And just when Skye is looking satisfied, Kyo's shout makes the teen jump and looking around quickly before realizing they aren't being addressed.

It's about then that Skye happens to spot Sypher, whom may hear quick footfalls on the sand before the urchin (hopefully) collides with him and (hopefully) latches onto Sypher's arm like a barnacle to a hull. "If anyone asks, I'm with you!" Skye grins, but suddenly pauses and lowers their voice. "You're here for the food, right? You are, aren't you?"

Sypher actually laughs and looks to Skye, not minding that she's latched on in the least. "Food, fun and a bit of surfing, yes." he says with a smile. he takes note of Danee, giving a quirk of his brow at the men around her before shaking his head and laughing. "wow.. Something tells me this is going to be an interesting day."

The tent has some families and other people in beachwear or not sitting down and eating. They talk and laugh and some seem to be watching what is going on with the band across the way preforming on the stage. There are a few men building the fire pit as Zepp investigates. They nod to her and do of course check her out even if she is dressed for the beach or not. "Free drinks over there Ma'am..." One of them points towards the wet bar, "You look a little hot."

Zepp folds her arms as she eyes the way the event staff are laying the fire. Her expression is skeptical, and it looks like perhaps she's getting ready to do a little backseat driving. "It's not going to get enough air if you lay it like that," is her opening comment. But when the fire builders respond with the words 'free drinks', she says curtly, "Oh, perfect, carry on..." She makes her way up towards the tent and bar.

McGuire comes in from the private estate area, towel over his shoulder, rapier in it's black leather sheath and belt over his white trunks. The strides are full as he aims for the cook-out, eye's scanning the area to set it to memory, his face lightens when he sees his wife.

He stands five feet and eleven inches of solid mass and frame. Long black hair with streaks of gray and white fall down his mid back in thick curls and waves. Bushy salt and pepper black eyebrows help define his sharp deep blue eyes, with long dark lashes that soften his rough expression. Leather tanned skin holds deep age lines across his forehead, and etch deep crows feet off his eyes and down his cheeks. He looks to be in his fifties or worn really tough with time. There is this slight sent of tobacco smoke about him.

He has on a bright white trunk swimsuit. Bare feet, hairy legs and arms, and a bare chest are tan. This man works out to add bulk and then tone it. Every muscle rippling on his heavy firm stature.

Kyoshiro raises his brow at Danee's statement. "There are still something I do not understand about the Romany need for Modesty. I mean... well..." He looks Danee over a moment and clears his throat, "Never-mind." He caught himself checking her out, Bad Kyo. "Thank you, Lady McGuire... about the food... Would you like anything?" He flips a few burgers and wings, squeezing a bit of hot sauce on them with a pinch of a spice mix, his own little secret touch. Kyo was tall for a seemingly Japanese man, but when one studied his face they could make out his angular bone structure hinting at a mixed heritage of Anglo-Asia. His eyes were red, naturally so, and they held a cold mechanical air about them. The look of a man who had seen far too much violence in his life. His face was unflinching, flat an emotionless like stone.

Skye frowns at the words for just a second, but doesn't comment. And looks down at the seized arm curiously, but also doesn't comment. Lastly, the urchin also follows Sypher's gaze over to Danee... yet still, doesn't comment. Apparently deciding there are more important things or just used to not understanding what's going on around them, Skye faintly tugs Sypher towards the tent with the meals.

The fire crew raise an eyebrow at Zepp's comment before going back to work, wiping the sweat from there brow. "Come on you loafs, we still have another truck full to go." The wood had to be shipped in by truck from the west. One of the lumber companies in town had donated some unused cut wood still untreated and safe to burn.

Across the way more people started to gather around the stage as the band picked up the pace of their music to a more lively kind a strange folk rock of sorts.

Danee inhales the scent of the cooking food. "no veggieburgers" she shrugs, "One of those hot dogs please." she smiles at Kyo, "Ask. I am not going to be embarrassed. They may not like it." she turns and sees the men approaching Fao. "but I don't mind answering questions. as long as it isn't something forbidden." She looks back at Fao and waves.

Sypher just smiles to Skye and walks with her over to the tent with the food, though for the moment it doesn't seem like he's hungry.

The men approach Faoite. Stopping to nod to him, ".............................................................................................................." They look to him to make a decision.

The bartenders are working efficiently, and there's not a long line. So Zepp leans on the bar and orders. "Just a little ice please," she stipulates. "Oh, and a twist of lime." She watches the bar woman who's mixing for her work. "Are the glasses iced? What kind of whiskey is that?"

McGuire's smile widens as his wife waves at him. He notes the three men and side steps them, his focus on Danee and not on them. "Jewel, you look wonderful. These goons givin you the what for. It sure is bad our own people don't know a good time when it slaps them in the face." Stepping up to Danee, he leans down and kisses her fully on the lips. Then stands to face the men with his arm around his wife.

Skye looks over as they walk and asks, "Aren't you hot in all that? And what's the big deal over there anyway?" Skye glances back to the scene they just left. When they get to the table, the urchin finally lets go to pick up a plate (offering a second to Sypher), bun, and miscellaneous collection of whatever sides are available. And, as long as the darkly-clad man's still following, Skye then moves over to where Kyoshiro's grilling to patiently wait for the first batch of burgers and wings to finish. <Chinese>

Sypher takes a plate and finds a rather meager assortment of goodies by the time he's gone over the food. looks like someones trying not to eat too much. He gives Skye a glance and chuckles a little. "Not really, the clothing's designed to breathe, it actually keeps me cooler on a hot day than it would say, keep me warm on a cold one." he gives a little grin, either this man hails from a desert planet by the this logic, or he's slightly nuts. taking all bets?

Kyoshiro watches as Fao greets his wife and the way he kisses her. He frowns a bit as the moment goes by in seeming slow motion and suddenly there was a sinking feeling in his stomach, a rare frown coming to his lips. He really did miss Oliana but the Guild needed her right at this moment.

"Kyo..." Giuseppe would snap at him, "You're burning the Steak!."

Kyoshiro would shake his head, coming out of the day dream of his wife, "Right... Sorry about that." He went back to his cooking. "Steaks up!" He would call out before grabbing a hot dog for Danee. Placing it on a plate he would hand it to her. "Greetings Captain, would you like one as well?"

The Barkeep would fill Zepps order, the glass had to be dug out of one of a portable ice maker. "It's Santo Mudders Whiskey... nothing harder in the 'verse Ma'am."

Kyoshiro would glance up from his grill and had to stand on his tip toes to get a glimpse of Skye. "Oh, hello there little Miss." Giuseppe then fills up a heater trey with wings and some hamburgers. Cheese and condiments were further down the table. He looks to Sypher and nods, "Hello Mr. Sypher, thanks for coming."

Danee lifts her face for his kiss and then grins in what one would interpret as a 'see he sided with me' expression. She can't help the giggle as the men say some words in that tone of voice and turn to walk away. she slips her arms about her husband. "thank you. Are you hungry?"

Zepp is a curious and persistent customer. The bar woman is relieved when the girl sashays away from the bar, sipping her long drink with satisfaction. "Ahhh." She draws towards the grill, just in time to see the three Romani men walk away. She doesn't say anything further, just checking out the throng waiting on food and enjoying her drink.

Skye sighs faintly and frowns at Sypher. "Cooome ooon, I know you speak Chinese.' But Skye helps them self to generous portions from the heater tray and gives Kyoshiro a cheerful "Thanks!"

McGuire glances around, smelling all the food, "Kraut!" He says in a very excited voice, "You remembered." He nods to Danee and turns to get a plate. "I was hoping Esther was here, she wanted to spar with blades, so I brought mine." Funny look in swim trunks and blade.

Sypher gives a laugh and looks to Skye, musing, "What, don't like English?" then he gives a glance to Kyoshiro and smirks. "Seriously, Kyoshiro. No formalities, please.. besides, calling someone 'mr.' and using their first name just sounds wrong.."

Kyo narrows his eyes in confusion at Sypher's response regarding the suffix he had used. "Oh, um... sorry." He says simply as he flips his burgers and turns his hot dogs, steaks, and chicken wings. The Bar is probably the busiest part of the event, more people wanting drinks than food. He imagined as the drinking increased so would the food consumption.

Zepp drinks like she's thirsty. She pauses for a moment, gently touching her cold glass to her cheeks and neck. "Jeez, it's hot by the grill." She eyes the food, Sypher and Skye, and everyone else, then begins to back off in the direction of the water, seeking the breeze.

Danee accepts plate from one of those who are serving. On it is a hotdog and bun with a salad thing. She smiles at those she knows. heck she smiles at everyone. There is a sense of calm contentment around her now that she can relax. <English>

"Ehehm..." A nervous smile flickers across Skye's face briefly before the urchin looks away and looks around at the party goers, not commenting. Skye doesn't move, however, instead waiting for Sypher to decide where to go/sit. But the teen also decides to ask a few more questions rapid fire: "Aren't you hot in all that? Um. Are you wearing *armor*? Isn't *that* really hot? And what was all that stuff-" Skye waves their free hand inarticulately "-going on earlier?"

McGuire gets his plate loaded with dog and kraut, potato salad on the side with a jello wiggly tower on the other. He looks to the tables for two free spots.

Sypher gives a smile and chuckles. "I am wearing armor but it's not hot honestly. As for what was going on? Well, some people are just prudes and cant stand to see a woman showing off a little." he gives a little shrug, then nibbles a little on a bun.

It was hot by the grill which is why Kyo and his kitchen staff who usually worked at the Bounty Hunters Guild's version of an Officers Club, were sweating profusely. Lines of the stuff falling from their face. The song at the stage changes yet again and there are cheers and shouts. Beach balls in the pit are being thrown around. It's like a scene out of Earth-That-Was MTV Spring Break episode. Lots of young and vibrant people half naked dancing and jumping.

Zepp has apparently overheard the conversation between Sypher and Skye, and decides to break in with a helpful factoid, in colorfully accented Chinese. "Some cultures believe that the belly button is the seat of arousal -- got to keep it covered!" She nods to them both, then sips her drink.

Danee turns with a nod. "Women cause men to lust." She has a hard time keeping a straight face. "So we are to remain covered in an attempt to keep them from lusting. As well as the belly button thing." She shrugs trying not to laugh even though it is true. "It is a cultural thing." She looks over at Kyo and grins.

"Oh." Skye cocks their head at Zepp and Danee, but looks a little cautious of the newcomers (in Skye's eyes) to the conversation. "Gotta keep their ankles covered too, that kind of stuff?" And giving up on the idea of getting to a table, Skye simply sits/kneels right there in the sand. Puts a burger together with the materials gathered on the plate and promptly begins to nom. Talking only somewhat intelligibly with their mouth full, "Which backward culture is this anyway?"

Sypher gives a look to Zepp and smirks. "I'd hate to live in a culture like that.. Then again I'm also a fan of seeing cute guys in a thong and nothin' else to cover em." he gives a thin little grin, then looks to Skye and explains, "Not so much backwards as it is different.. Hell where I'm from, women are sequestered at a young age and taught to be 'perfect wives' in order to be married off later down the line.. Not exactly a tradition I agree with but oh well."

Zepp glances towards Danee, laughing outright as the woman endorses her belly button story. She shrugs at Skye's question, but dismisses Sypher's political correctness with regard to the word 'backward'. "Back-ward's damn right. Too many backward cultures to keep 'em all straight," she says.

Kyoshiro raises an eyebrow, "Everyone in the Alliance Navy had sex with each other. At least that's how it seemed to me. They used it as a kind of power or trade or some other commodity to get what they wanted. Most of the time we wore uniforms which don't really show off much of anything." It seemed he was trying to make a point. "Marines often cheated on their wives and the wives often cheated on them during the war." He seems to be missing the point of the conversation. Good old Kyo and his Social stumbling.

McGuire steps a bit closer to those in the conversation in Chinese. He listens carefully and shrugs slightly, the hotdog covered in kraut lifted to his lips, "I think it's a shame a man can't get tempted and have the power to back down on their own. Where is their willpower? It's a silly law, rule, concept if you ask me." He takes that first messy bite, slaw hanging onto the dog as he pulls on it.

Skye, for now, looks content to listen and munch. The urchin's said their thoughts on the subject already, and apparently it doesn't go any deeper than that.

Sypher just shakes his head and muses, "Every culture could be considered 'backwards' in the eyes of others. Personally I don't think there's been one in all of human history that was flawless." he gives McGuire a glance and a nod with a smile. "Good point though."

Danee laughs and nods. "I think people lust when they are blind. So I should not be held responsible." she looks at Kyo. "Exactly. But the Gypsies have been different for millenia."she turns to Fao, "Can I have a glass of tea?"

"I need another drink," Zepp says, frowning, and stalks off in the direction of the bar to replenish her beverage. <English>

McGuire takes another bite, chew chew chew, looking between faces at other faces in the small crowd playing on the beach. A volley ball game breaks, new teams begin to form. Swimming and sunbathing all around. He walks to the beverage cart and works the pitcher to fill a beach cup near full. Fao swallows his bite and says, "Nothin' about humans is perfect. Way to much superstition and sheep to follow what ever seems to have the most people involved. But I'm not sayin our way is best, but being exposed to all the cultures helps us to be more well rounded." He steps back to Danee to hand her the tea and kisses the top of her head.

Kyoshiro nods to Sypher's words, "Imperfect beings can not create perfect. And even if we could, then life would just get really boring." The song changes yet again and the crowd erupts in cheer as a favorite of theirs starts to play.

Sypher nods and smiles. "I consider the flaws of humanity it's best quality really." he gives a little shrug, then finishes off what very little he had on his plate and sighs, giving a little stretch before looking around, "Hmm.. my kingdom, for a proper place to change.."

Danee takes the offered drink and sips. She looks up at him with adoration in her gaze. "I think traditions are great. It helps to remind one where they came from and what went before. But I think sometimes it can be a bit restrictive."

McGuire takes another bite and listens. Swallowing, he says in his even tone, "Traditions have their place, just not at a beach party." He shoves the rest of the dog into his mouth, walking back to get a beer.

Sypher looks to Danee and laughs, "Only a bit?" he shakes his head and smiles, "Another good point." he says with a glance to McGuire. After a moment, he stands up and starts to walk out onto the beach, reaching behind his duster to pull out what looks like a tiny blue cube with a plastic wrapper on it.

Skye just happily noms for a while, but when Sypher starts to walk off, reluctantly takes the plate in hand and rises to follow. "What's that?" Skye asks curiously, eyes on the cube. But at least having to carry a plate keeps them from latching on.

Kyoshiro shakes his head, "No I suppose not." His comment is to Fao. He looks between Danee and Sypher. The line is starting to die down a bit as more people congregate towards the stage. The next truck for the fire wood has arrived and the staff starts to unload it. Kyo steps back from the grill and wipes his brow, red eyes looking to his assistant. "You have the conn, Giuseppe." The man would no and Kyo would step out from behind the hot grills to get some air.

Danee sets down her empty plate and stands drinking the ice tea. She smiles as she watches the children play and eat and just have fun. A bit wistful but still content.

Sypher takes the cube and cracks the plastic with his thumb nail, pulling out of it an entire beach towel! talk about well packed. He lays the towel out on the sand and starts to shed clothing, his duster first, folding it neatly before he starts unbuttoning his vest and dress shirt.

McGuire says to Danee, "I'm taking a dip." He offer her his hands to urge her to come with him. He doesn't take her hands, just offers to if she wants to.

Skye looks disappointed. Not some high tech gadget after all. But politely turns away and starts to finish off the last of that plate.

Danee looks out at the water and then taking a deep breath she takes his hand. Looking up at him she smiles nervously. "I'm game. just don't let me drown or I'll haunt you."

Kyo steps outside of the tent, crossing his arms as his red eyes take in the scene. The sun has moved farther down towards the west towards the board walk, the light becoming more orange and yellow the white hot light. It starts to cool off just a bit. In the Ocean, just off shore, the Fisherman's guild start to arrive in masses, each boat carrying firework for when it got darker out. The crowd at the stage is still going wild.

Sypher takes off his vest and shirt, revealing the first oddity: He's wearing a bikini top? a simple little thing, no more than a strip of cloth that clasps in the really, this one not having the usual 'cups' though obviously. His arms are decorated as well in, of all things, weaponry! he has an array of ten throwing knives on each wrist, as well as a pair of whisper thin dirks, one on each, all bound to a pair of odd looking bracers which are fairly quickly shed as well. Then the man kicks off his shoes and unbuttons his pants, stepping out of them, leaving nothing else to cover his bits than a brightly colored thong sporting (quite literally) a rainbow of colors. With a little stretch, the slender, now nearly naked (and apparently waxed) man starts towards the edge of the water with a glance to Skye. "Told ya I was here for more than just the food."

Skye glances back over their shoulder and blinks quickly. "If you did," Skye says skeptically, "it was probably in English. Have a good swim!" Skye's not exactly dressed for swimming and probably doesn't have a surprise outfit underneath.

Danee moves out to stand at the water's edge. Her chest hurts with the ache of nervousness. but she takes a deep breath and steps her feet into the water.

Kyoshiro turns his head just in time to Catch Sypher stripping down. He doesnt give a response at first, but, as his sight moves on from the Oddly dressed man he double takes back to him. He staggers just a bit, his eyes going wide. He starts to cough, having never seen anything so... different before. "OH dear fluffy lord..." He whispers as he continues to cough, trying to look away from the display.

Sypher takes note of Kyoshiro as he walks into the water, ignoring how cold it might be. He actually laughs a little and smiles bright as he muses, "What, never seen a man in a two-piece before?" as if the attire were actually NORMAL and everyone else in shorts are weird.

Doesn't look like it particularly fazes Skye. The 'verse is an odd, odd place. So Skye simply walks back far enough to throw the plate away, and then promptly collapses on the sand facing up. Even without swimwear, there are ways to enjoy the beach.

Danee takes another step into the water. She looks around and wonders if anyone feels her fear and when no one seems to be paying attention she relaxes.

Kyoshiro is still standing just off the the side of the outdoor Kitchen recovering from the shock of Sypher's attire and taking a break from his duties as head chef for the time being. Putting together this event was tough. The music was loud, the boats from the Fisherman's guild now settling into almost a blockade formation as they run preparations for their fire works. One shoots off a rocket early for a test and to tease the crowd which cheers and bounces beach balls around and blow on horns. His eyes watches Danee as she wades in the water, an eye brow raising.

Two figures come walking from the less-populated northern beach. Strolling along, lost in their own sphere of thought, they hold hands as they make their way along the sand. They are practically upon the tent and the crowd before they notice that something more than casual sunbathers is going on here.

Jasmine holds her fedora in one gloved hand, after the wind blew it too many times from her head. Seeing the gathering she glances about, sharing a glance with Nataliya at her side, before asking someone nearby, "Is there some kind of party going on?"

Nataliya has her vest in her other hand and her top is only held closed by two buttons in the middle, the tails fluttering freely in the breeze. Jasmine's voice snaps her back out of her thoughts, bringing her attention to the cluster people, tent and stage. "Party? Festival? Can only ask," she murmurs, brow arching. "Anyway, there seems to be food."

Sypher notices the newcomers and waves from his place nearly knee deep in the water. Yes that's a slender man in a rainbow bikini waving at them. Eventually though he lets his arm fall and just sort of falls back into a wave that rolls over him, burying him beneath the breaking wave.

Kyoshiro glances over towards Jasmine and Nat as he hears their inquires, being not too far from them. He takes the cigarillo from his mouth and drops it to the ground. The despondent red gaze of his looks around for Fao, but sees that he has disappeared somewhere, so he takes up the responsibility of greeting them. "Greetings..." He says in a deep core accented monotone, "Free drinks, food, and music here... Charity Even for the recently freed slaves. Help your selves and enjoy." He doesn't smile making the worst host ever, his facial expressions uniform and neat. This was a better job for Fao.

"Freed slaves?" Jazz blinks, and turns to Nataliya, confused. Then, brushing her ignorance aside, she puts on a smile. "I guess we've been out on the Rim too long, not paying attention to the +newsnets," she says with good humor. Then, recalling, she repeats, "Free food?"

This is the point where a sneaky little girl with a white ferret over her shoulders like a boa, dressed in a one-piece blue swimsuit and with slightly distant looking gray eyes walks up behind Jasmine and gives a cheerful, "Yep! People have been freeing slaves a lot lately."

Sypher finally surfaces, fairly far out from the shore and tosses his hair back, then realizes how close he is to the anchored boats preparing for the fireworks display and sinks a little low with a muttered line in Russian.

Nataliya shrugs and smiles at Jasmine. "We miss too much news, lubiya moya, but at least is good news." She gives her companion a nudge towards the concessions. "Perhaps is a good time to freshen up and check our karma accounts?"

Kyoshiro nods to the two newcomers, "That's correct. Captain Faotie McGuire and the crew of the Jia are putting this on so that the Slaves they freed on Haven can get back on their feat. Donations are optional and yes there is free food." His red eyes then move to the little girl and a brow raises. He then places his hands clasped behind his back. "Indeed," comes from his mouth in response to the little girl.

Jazz nods at the information that Kyoshiro conveys, and thanks him with a word in Mandarin. Then she turns to Tali, smiling at her. "Karma accounts?" she repeats, with a chuckle. Then she checks her belt pouch, to see if she has anything to donate as she wanders over toward the table of hot dogs. "With my karma, the food will make me sick," she asides.

McGuire walks over to Kyo, "Sent Dah Knee home, she was feeling a bit uneasy. Have you seen Captain Gomez, I mean Esther around? She wanted to spar with blades." He pats the belt holding the sheath and the rapier. "I feel a bit silly in swim trunks and this blade." He pulls at the fasten and undoes it to swing it around his left side to lay near Kyo. "Would you watch this for me, I'm going for a swim." He smiles at those around him already, giving a friendly nod in greeting.

Nataliya rolls her eyes and pokes Jasmine in the ribs. "If this were true, I would have been the one to poison you." She, too, nods to Kyoshiro, adding a polite, "Spasiba, gospadin." Her gazes slowly scans over the gathering while her free hand digs a few bills from her carried vest's pockets to hand to Jasmine.

Sypher swims back to shore and walks up, finally deciding to get some actual food. The little girl runs up to him and gives him a hug, causing the ferret on her shoulder to freak out.. WATER! poor critter jumps off the girls shoulders and right to the sand. Sypher looks to Kyoshiro and smiles. "You said something about steaks earlier?" he asks, tilting his head a little to the left.

Jazz watches McGuire head to the water, as Sypher emerges. The antics of the young girl and the ferret bring a smile to her lips, which almost reaches her eyes. "Pity we don't have our suits," Jasmine remarks, as she takes the money from Tali and moves to put the bills into the donation box before helping herself to a plate, and then some hot dogs.

Kyoshiro turns his attention to Fao as he walks over. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it wasn't anything I cooked." He looks down at the Rapier offered to him, both eyebrows raising this time. He takes it with both hands before watching the Captain run off to the Ocean. He slides the Rapier into his belt right next to his Rokusaburo Katana. He glances to Sypher as he addresses the Jia's Cook, "Well... There are Rib-eyes prime for the picking. Did you want one?" He asks.

Nataliya laughs softly, "Da, a swim would be nice." While she gets some of the food, too, she only takes a very little bit of the sides, avoiding the sandwiches and chicken. "Do not see anyone I recognize, do you, dorogaya?"

McGuire reaches the water and says to Sypher, "How's the water?" Stepping into the surf to test it for himself. He did notice she had no goose pimples, so that was a good sign. His pace still solid, his body lowering into the waves.

At Tali's suggestion, Jazz raises her gaze and quickly scans the crowd, casually at first - then her eyes lock on to a figure in the distance. It's hard to see exactly who Jazz is looking at, but her gaze is intent and focused. The plate of hot dogs is forgotten in her hand. Then, after a long moment, perhaps the person disappears into the crowd, or perhaps Jazz realizes that they are not who she suspected them to be. She slowly pulls her gaze from that spot, glancing Tali's way. "No," she then says, though her tone is non-committal.

The sun is really starting to set now, a few of the more prominent stars in Paquin's system are starting to show now. Most of them are the other planets that circle the star, but some are of distant far off systems. One of the boats sends up another fire works test, the colors of the explosive display becoming far more vivid as the light dims. The crowd in front of the stage, drunk and merry, cheer at the loud boom the explosion makes, the next band taking the stage, a group of electronic DJ's.

Sypher looks to McGuire and smiles. "A little cold, but I live on Newhall, so I'm sort of used to cold water." he gives a little shrug, then looks to Kyoshiro and smiles, nodding slightly. "Mhmm. Though the ones you put out earlier looked a little... Well, I usually go for really well done when it comes to steaks.. Call me paranoid but I don't want a repeat of my time on Jiangyin a few years back.."

Kyoshiro nods, "Have Giuseppe make you one to order, well done. Everyone has a different taste. Lot's of people like it medium, right in the middle. If he doesn't get it right, I'll make it for you myself." He seems satisfied in his answer, his head moving to catch a firework go off.

Nataliya eyes Jasmine curiously a moment, then shrugs. "Well. Then we will need to work on meeting more people. Is good for finding work, too. Come, we will mingle, eat, perhaps dance, then we can go check on dotya."

McGuire smiles and agrees, "A little." Then leaps forward into the water, arms stretched out over his head as the goes under the surf.

The party at the beach has attracted attention. Perhaps it's the noise of people conversing.. Perhaps the smell of good food cooking.. for whatever reason Maxim makes his way from up the beach down to where the party goers are at. He looks about at the various people about, and a bronze coin slips into his hand so he can flip it over his fingers idly as he takes in all the new faces. He's not dressed for the beach, the black attire letting him stand out rather easily on the sandy backdrop.

Before you is a man who appears to be in his mid twenties. Dark is the best expression for him perhaps, as his hair is raven black and long, but not overly so perhaps to just above his shoulders. Sometimes it is tied back, sometimes covered in a black wool cap. His eyes are a dark brown, and have a bit of a distant look always to them, though they always seem to be moving, scanning about. His nose is straight, and not too big nor small, his features being perhaps on the attractive side but not such that he would stand out instantly in a crowd. He has a beard and mustache, though they are well kept, and fit well with his nicely tanned skin. As you look father down his slightly over six foot(1.85m) frame, one may notice he's well built, not overly muscled it seems but athletic and fit, at around two hundred pounds (90kg) he carries it well, though it's covered a bit by the black attire.

A simple black pull over shirt is worn with a high neck collar, as well as black pants, which looks like they have some various pockets upon them. Some well worn combat boots upon his feet while looking like they've seen use appear to be kept in good condition. Black gloves are almost always worn, as well as a well made black trench coat, obscuring some of those finer features. He walks with an almost predatory grace about him, light of foot and each movement with control and purpose.

Jasmine nods to Nataliya, slowly shaking the feeling of apprehension that had stolen over her. "Right," she says softly, before looking down at her plate. She grabs a dog and raises it, then pauses, looking at her hand. Returning food to plate and plate to table, she tugs her gloves off and tucks them into her belt before moving to consume her dogs.

Sypher smiles and nods to Kyoshiro, then gives an almost evil grin before musing, "Also," then he hugs the man! and yes, he's more than a little wet still. When he lets go and steps back he snickers a little and muses, "Consider that payback for the other night." then he goes to get his food made. The little girl who was with him just stares at Kyoshiro for a moment, trying not to giggle.

Kyoshiro tenses as Sypher puts his arms around him, his eyes going wide. He remains motionless, red eyes shifting back and forth from left to right until Sypher runs off back towards the tend. Standing there, blinking, Kyo turns his head slowly, tilting it down to take in the visage of the little girl in the Blue One piece... he just stares at her.

McGuire swims out a good ten minutes before turning back for shore.

Nataliya nibbles on her plate of crisps and snacks, but her eyes keep wandering back to the little girl with the living neck wrap. Eventually, she wanders in that direction to ask, "What is this one's name?" She indicates the ferret, though from her curious look she might not even be sure just what the thing is.

Volley ball game breaks out on the beach, the band finishes a set and a new group starts to set up. The food line grows, the tables start to fill. Beach ball tossing, disc floating, sand games going on all around.

McGuire steps out of the water onto the sandy beach, making his way up to Kyo and the tables.

The little girl looks to Nataliya and smiles. "Her names Syn!" she chimes happily as she picks the ferret up and holds her out to the woman sort of weirdly. The critter looks annoyed, but otherwise doesn't seem too dangerous.

Jasmine smiles as Tali goes to speak with the young girl. She leans against the table, quietly eating.

A fellow wearing only a pair of swim trunks has been watching the woman with the dirty-blonde mane. He sees that her gaze is directed sea-ward, so he advances and takes a position next to her. "You look like you want to go for a swim," he says conversationally.

It seems difficult to track all the various people but Maxim seems to take note of each person slowly. Finally McGuire is noticed, yes a familiar face, if only briefly met before. With someone in mind he starts to make his way over toward him, the coin flipping over to his other hand to continue the traversing across those fingers now.

Jasmine blinks, slowly cluing in that the fellow is speaking to her. She turns to regard his muscular frame, before returning her gaze to Tali, and then directing it toward the waves. "I don't have a suit with me," she replies, being polite.

Nataliya glances back at Jasmine, almost giggling. "When has this ever stopped you, before, milaya moya? If you wish to swim, then swim!" Not that she seems at all inclined to follow suit, of course, but then she's back to looking at the girl with the strange tubular creature. "Syn? Is a nice name, though she looks as though she would rather be running then quite literally hanging around."

The sun isn't quite down yet, but it's almost there, the sky becoming a dark blue. The men who had built the bond fire have started it as well as lighted Chinese lanterns and tiki torches. Those with Children start to leave while the younger group stays to enjoy the more romantic atmosphere, drink, and dance to the music. As a more adult mood settles over the beach, a sudden flash happens, a blinding glare from the ocean. It's as bright as the sun, but the shocking part isn't the light. It's the gigantic boom that follows. A shock wave turns up waves in the ocean as it head towards the beach, causing people to duck and cover. There are screams and shouts and the band stops playing. If one was to look where the blockade of fireworks ship was is a small mushroom cloud of smoke and fire. The fleet had been obliterated by some type of massive explosion, the boats disintegrated, only driftwood floating and flaming in the water.

From the East, a team of five ATV's rush across the sands to the party. Two riders for each ATV weave through the crowd and pull around McGuire. Fao made it only twenty feet on sand when the back riders of each machine hope off, pulling batons as they approach McGuire. The drivers pull automatic weapons and aim them out towards the crowd.

The fellow grins, noting that Jasmine didn't deny it. And when her friend speaks up, he turns a raised eyebrow to Jasmine. "You know, there's a booth over on the boardwalk that sells suits. Why not go buy one?" His grin is almost a leer now, and he seems to be appraising Jasmine's form, perhaps estimating how she'd look in a bathing suit.

Jasmine gives Tali a brief look of betrayed trust, before returning her gaze to her food. To Swim trunks, she begins to say, "I don't -" And then the big boom happens, and she flinches, dropping her plate to the sand as she tries to get cover.

The little girl goes to say something but then the boom and she drops screaming, clutching Syn close and shivering. Sypher watches the blast, having gotten his food, then frowns and sets the plate aside before fairly quickly starting off towards the water. Well, someones got to see if there are survivors.

Kyoshiro is starting to walk back towards the Kitchen to pick up his spatula again when the explosion happens. The sound of the boom causes the stoic man to crouch and bring his hands up towards his head in a natural reaction. After a moment, he looks towards the explosion, standing up straight slowly. His eyes wide with memory, the mushroom cloud triggering his time on shadow. It may not have actually been a nuke, but the after math of the explosive smoke looked close enough to a tactical warhead. His ears perk as the quads loud engines roar from the east, turning sharply in that direction. "Giuseppe!" He yells, "Get away from the kitchen and get into the tent. Tell everyone to flip over the tables and get behind cover." Not that that would help them. He starts to walk, no, storm towards the group of men now circling Fao. He pulls out his Colt 1911 and cocks it.

VOS: Kyoshiro takes his Colt-1911-A19 out of hiding.

VOS: Kyoshiro draws his Colt-1911-A19.

The explosion makes Maxim crouch down, his eyes darting toward the explosion. It's the sound of the ATV's what he can make out from the aftermath of the explosion anyway, that causes him to react. He was already heading towards McGuire anyway, so when he sees the men jump off and head toward him with Baton's he starts moving. Fortunately it's darker out so his attire doesn't make him stick out as badly as it did during the middle of the day, but his eyes dart back and forth, tracking the men both on McGuire, and with guns toward the crowd. Seeing the ones with guns as the bigger threat to the greatest amount of people he focuses on them as he silently glides effortlessly across the sand toward his targets, hands fluidly reaching inside his coat, to draw what no one can see yet.

Nataliya flinches from the explosion, but doesn't seek cover like others. She does, on the other hand, cover Jasmine, especially when the team of armed people suddenly roar into the group. Shaking her head, she reaches down to tug on Jasmine's shoulder. "........................................................................................."

Jasmine watches as Swimtrunks runs for the boardwalk, a dark stain on the front of his pants. She looks up to see Tali looming over her, taking her shoulder. Nodding, understanding the woman's Russian speech, she nevertheless says in English, "Good plan. Glad I thought of it." Then, without any ceremony, or shame, she rises with the help of her partner and the two move away... but not before Jazz snags another hot dog from the table. <English>

Passing his towel, Sypher notices the armed men now and rolls down across his gear, coming back up with a pair of unique looking handguns in tow, both safeties flipped off now as he calls out, "....................................................................." The little girl at this point nods and rushes over (as fast as her shaking legs will take her) to one of the downed tables and curls up behind it, low to the ground. Sypher meanwhile spins away from the water and starts towards the armed men, guns training on two of them as he mutters, "..............................................................."

VOS: Sypher tries to hide his RA Custom AI2519 "Samael" but fails.

VOS: Sypher draws his RA Custom AI2519 "Samael".

VOS: Sypher disables the mod suppressor on his RA Custom AI2519 "Samael".

McGuire yells out in defiance, "What is the meaning of this?" The five men surround him with sticks raised, "This is from Cobra!" Then begin to wail on McGuire, driving him to the ground. The closer folks get the more nervious the drivers with the guns look.

VOS: Maxim takes his QDO Sig 220 Duty-Special out of hiding.

VOS: Maxim takes his Jufeng Special out of hiding.

You test your Firearms:sidearms against a 65 difficulty. The result is successful (55)

Kyoshiro has his weapon up by now and is advancing on the Armed main with an automatic weapon closest to him. His barrel makes a strait line with the head of the Cobra member. His steps kick up sand here and there, his long coat swaying ever so slightly in the breeze that his movement creates. He breaths in, then out, a flash sparking in his red eyes. Without flinching he squeezes the trigger of the 1911, the fat lead round escaping his weapon in a brilliant flash and a loud defining report. A .45 caliber grain hollow point bullet finds its target, penetrating the forehead of Kyo's target. The insertion hole in a normal size, like you would see at target practice. However, as the now deformed lump of lead that used to be a bullet exits the man's brain pan, it ejects an explosion of skin, bone, and blood. The red ooze and gray matter spray across white sand beach, staining it as if it were an artists canvas. The man's knees collapse from underneath him and he falls limp all motor function gone. Dead.

VOS: Maxim draws his QDO Sig 220 Duty-Special.

Maxim tests his Firearms:sidearms against a 65 difficulty. The result is successful (28).

Maxim tests his Firearms:sidearms against a 65 difficulty. The result is successful (5).

Movement. As Maxim hears the gunshot from another, it's the queue in his head to react. Springing forward, pistols emerge from his coat, each tracking on a gunman as he continues his approach of McGuire. He sights them effortlessly, his gaze moving just enough to get the pistols on target before two shots are squeezed off, hitting both as he seems to move even faster instead of slower, as he continues a seemingly straight approach to come to McGuire's aid.. at least until anything tracks on him. Still the pistols move toward two closer targets until such time as he closes range completely.

Sypher tests his Firearms:sidearms against a 75 difficulty. The result is successful (58).

Sypher tests his Firearms:sidearms against a 75 difficulty. The result is successful (52).

Sypher tests his Acrobatics against a 70 difficulty. The result is successful (39).

Sypher suddenly breaks into a run, snarling, "You snake-fucking bastards!" it almost looks like he's going to rush one of the men with the guns, but at the last second he leaps into the air, almost using the first man in front of him as a stepping stone to launch himself at the men fucking with McGuire. When he lands the first thing he does is slams the grip of his gun, extended mag and all, into some poor fools head and when the daze is evident he puts a barrel to the mans back and aims one down, blowing out the back of his knee, then pumps another shot through his chest, then another for good measure as his first gun comes up and goes against the falling mans head, the hollow points making mince meat out of a good portion of his face. Then the guns come out wide and he glares at whosever attention he's got who he doesn't recognize from the party, giving a wicked grin as he announces in an all too calm manner, "You're all... going to die, painfully."

McGuire tests his Willpower against a 80 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-6).

McGuire tests his Willpower against a 70 difficulty. The result is successful (1).

McGuire has drawn in, arms protecting his face, knees to chest, his head fuzzy from the first onslaught of batons against his skull. The men keep wailing against this man when the gunfire starts up. Three from the inner circle fall to the ground as three on the outer circle fall limp to the ground off the ATV's. The inner circle steps back, "COBRA!" is yelled out in an extended war cry, joined by those still alive. Running to the ATV's, the inner circle disperse. The two outer circle fire short bursts out over the sand, more for noise then aiming for anyone. A couple in the distance grabs their arms and fall to the ground. The ATV's rev the engines. An inner circle straddles the drive of an ATV and they start to pull away. The other one strides to reach the other driven machine.

You test your Firearms:sidearms against a 70 difficulty. The result is successful (28).

You test your Firearms:sidearms against a 65 difficulty. The result is successful (26).

Kyoshiro's sharp crimson eyes pick up on the two men trying to escape as they start the engine. He takes aim on the driver first, squeezing his trigger expertly. Shooting was too impersonal, the demon not being fed his fullest. A part of him wishes the men had kept beating Fao so he could have sliced one in half with his sword as he advanced. He would have to settle on hot lead for now. Two loud muzzle flashes and bangs in quick succession. One hit's the driver in the spine, blood spraying out from his body, his back arching, face contorting in pain as her falls off the running ATV. The next one hit's the largest mass of body on his passenger, through the chest or stomach causing just as much pain and gore. "Come on, fight like men!" He calls to the ones still with batons making sure they can see his sword. He pulls out Fao's Rapier and tosses it to him.

The crowd screams at the gun shots from the Cobras and Beach Defenders alike. Chaos, confusion, and fear grips the masses. Life guards are swimming out towards the wreckage of the boats as the fight continues. Sirens from the City to the east start to sound.

VOS: Maxim takes his Lefty out of hiding.

Maxim tests his Firearms:sidearms against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (33).

VOS: Maxim unequips his QDO Sig 220 Duty-Special

VOS: Maxim draws his Lefty.

Maxim tests his Melee_Attack against a 45 difficulty. The result is successful (21).

As Kyoshiro seems busy trying to kill the little wusses that are running for their lives, Maxim decides to keep the one running to the ATV from going anywhere. He shifts his movement instead of running to Fao he practically is striding in a sideways direction to the stationary ATV. He plants a bullet into it to try to keep it from being drivable while the other hand holsters the pistol and a scimitar flashes out of his coat, coming down on the last man's hand that is/was holding a baton, making any use of it for now... not bloody likely. The blade moves up to the man's throat and he says calmly, "Stay put if you want to live."

The ATV roars out and launches into a get-a-way attempt, pulling away from the party.

Sypher tests his Firearms:sidearms against a 70 difficulty. The result is successful (13).

Sypher tests his Firearms:sidearms against a 70 difficulty. The result is successful (18).

Sypher takes note of the death and the mayhem and actually smiles and when the ATV still operational tries to take off? he takes aim with one gun almost instinctively and without even really looking fires two bullets, the first punching through the mans arm to throw off his driving, the second piercing through his throat, through the spine and out the front, piercing his wind-pipe.. The man will die slowly, perhaps this is his punishment for being a fool.

McGuire lays still on the sand, curled up into a ball. The bodies of his assailants scattered around him. Three men just took out all ten men sent to leave this message. Three men change the meaning of that message. The waves crash and the people who had been enjoying the party at a far distance, no longer in a partying mood. The wind blows, and the grass grows, and the ocean keep sending it's waves against the blood ridden sand.

A Flash from a camera runs across Kyo's eyes and unbeknownst to him from earlier there was a reporting team here who seemed to have recorded the whole thing. He holsters his weapon looking at the news women and her camera boy, "Gosa..." He whispers before looking to Sypher for a long moment with his despondent gaze. He then glances to Maxim who holds the last remaining Cobra hostage. "You got him?" He asks even though he knows the man probably is capable of keeping the Cobra out of trouble. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before walking over to Fao and starting to help him up. "Get up, Fao... you don't want the camera's to see you on the ground."

Maxim sighs as the ATV had enough tire left to be drivable, ending of course in the man's death as Sypher takes him out. As the stillness sets in, he nods in response to the question posed to him, though he doesn't take his eyes off the guy before him. Hell he's probably busy making sure his forearm doesn't bleed but one doesn't take chances. He waits patiently for everyone to collect themselves and perhaps come tie this thug up.

McGuire is out cold. The batons did a number on him, breaking his right arm, and leg above the knee. Blood on his brow drips down his eyelid and cheek. He's not moving.

Sypher nods and sighs, shaking his head as he mutters, "Snake-fuckers are starting to get on my nerves..." before looking to McGuire. His eyes show a bit of worry, but beyond that he looks distant, even a little cold perhaps. It's at this point he walks back over, hoping some of the gore that managed to splatter across his face away, or trying to, but it only ends up smearing it across the skin. He tosses the guns he carries onto his towel once more and starts towards the water. "I'll leave him to you two.." he says with a little sigh.

You test your First_Aid against a 50 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-19).

Kyoshiro is kneeling down before Fao, looking him over. He knows field first aid but it's been years since he's even had to actively practice it. He grumbles not knowing where to start with all the fractures and bleeding. He glances over to Sypher who seems to have taken a disinterest in the goings ons and is off doing his own this. He then looks to Maxim, "Make sure the Cops get him when they get here. I'll make sure the EMT's take care of him." Response was fast from the Accendo City Police, Fire, and Rescue department. A few dozen Police hovers, a Sheriffs Deputy, a hover ambulance and the lone Romany Churara enforcer working the beat arrive. The EMT's pile out and head to the nearest shooting victim. "Hey ass hats... screw those guys... they're dead... Captain here is alive." The two EMT's look at each other and blink before rushing to Fao's side. The local Police start to secure the area while the Sheriff Deputy and Romany Enforcer stay back and chit chat, observing.

VOS: Kyoshiro unequips his Colt-1911-A19

VOS: Kyoshiro hides his Colt-1911-A19.