Summary of Events

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In the fall and winter of 2535, political parties and citizens on Bernadette began pushing the Separatist agenda more aggressively on their planet, suggesting that some planets would be better off governing themselves.

The war started at the beginning of 2336 technically with a major security breach on Londinium that leaked quite a bit of sensitive information onto the public cortex. The first official battle was led by Rodney Kilbride on Persephone with sad death tolls on both sides on Valentines Day.

The Rebel/Separatist Movement became a better blend of Independents, Political Rebels, and Teenagers without a clue both socially and militarily leading to an increase of Core security, stricter enforcement of law, and many skirmishes. Alliance support however remained decently strong from loyal supporters. Those who were not Anti-Alliance but Anti-What the Alliance Has Become yet did not approve of some of the more bloody Rebel tactics take a firm stand against all atrocities committed in the verse by Rebel and Alliance forces.

Legion remains a horrible and deadly terrorist organization, helping to divide the attention of both the independents and the Alliance as they both are negatively affected by the evil organization.

The Planet of Deadwood publically announces their decision to secede from the Alliance as the Alliance Carrier the Temperance, that was stationed out on the Rim to help protect planets like Deadwood, was stolen somehow by rebels. This helped to cast suspicion on the nobles and representatives of Deadwood and vilify the Rebels in the eyes of some undecided individuals when rumors about certain Alliance personnel being left as Reaver fodder in life pods and others just simply spaced during the 'get away'.

Aftermath of the Temperance theft was chaotic as not long after the Deadwood incident and the stealing of the massive ship, the Alliance had to focus its attention on an actual Reaver fleet larger than they'd ever seen before starting to make its way towards the Blue Sun system. In the midst of the fleet, was a ship the size and model of an ancient Ark like those that came from Earth that Was many years ago.

Many charitable organizations worked to help evacuate citizens living in the Blue Sun system as well as produce and goods from Lilac in a race against the clock.

Due to an insensitive remark by an Alliance Admiral, military supporters and service members began to publically disrespect, aggress towards and show open disdain for those of 'Noble' status. Certain political figures began to be reported as dead, family members missing for periods of time, and after a public remark made by a Rebel leader there are quite a few in the Rebel/Independent movements as well showing this level of disdain.

The Alliance nuke the Ark in the heart of the Reaver Fleet, uncovering more horrors than they expected to and in the explosion knocking out the Cortex access of Meridian's moon Burnet. Rumors of Sabotage and Inside Knowledge begin circling and the Deputy Secretary of Defense begins to be called upon more and more.

A rogue female assassin begins taking out some more key Political figures causing doubts and fears about the actual safety of the core and several new bills go before Parliament involving further restrictions.

Bernadette remains a mess, but due to the presence of the Hope House and the Companion Temples, its not a complete mess.

Pirates begin charging Independent/Separatist individuals who are hiding out or need sanctuary tolls so to speak to pass through their space and while they have not been overtly active in the current war, there is something definitely being planned by them as they have been too quiet.

The Reavers did not eat everybody on Deadwood. Alliance is working on doing something there as other Alliance are working on making sure they get all their POWs back from the Rebels who stole the Temperance.

The Temperance is officially sold to Blue Sun and now Blue Sun representatives are searching for 'their ship' and rumor has it, they are willing to do anything to get it back.

Some more people died.

The Cargo Economy Sucks for far border planets and the Rim.

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