Ship help

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Below are the ship commands as they are listed with the command ship/help (available on board any ship), grouped by category.

 Ship Help
  ship/setup                    - Views setup documentation
  ship/motd <text>              - Sets MOTD. If no text given, views MOTD

  ship/locate <person>          - Attempts to locate person on the ship
  ship/scan                     - Shows all players and intruders on ship
  ship/roster                   - Views the ship roster
  ship/add <person>             - Adds a person to the ship roster
  ship/remove <person>          - Removes a person from the ship roster
  ship/authorize <person>=<#>   - Gives indicated authorization to person
  ship/position <person>=<text> - Sets a person's position on the ship

  ship/rooms                    - Views the rooms attached to the ship
  ship/attach <roomDB#>=<alias> - Attaches a room to the ship with 'alias'
  ship/detach <roomDB#>         - Detaches a room from the ship

  ship/logs                     - Views a list of current ship logs
  ship/log <subj>=<text>        - Creates a log with subject and body-text
  ship/clear <log#>             - Clears the indicated log
  ship/view <log#>              - Views the indicated log
  ship/comlist                  - Lists all rooms with an Intercom
  ship/com <number>=<message>   - Sends a message to a room
  ship/icom <text>              - Broadcasts a ship-wide message
  ship/mail <subj>=<body>       - Mails crew with specified subject and text

  ship/lockdown                 - Locks all exits on the ENTIRE ship
  ship/secure <room alias>      - Locks all exits of the specified room
  ship/release <room alias>     - Unlocks all exits of the specified room
  ship/releaseall               - Unlocks all exits on the ship.
  ship/lock <exit>              - Locks specified exit
  ship/unlock <exit>            - Unlocks specified exit

  ship/alerts                   - Views a list of valid ship alerts
  ship/alert <type>=<desc>      - Adds the alert-type with given description
  ship/alert -<type>            - Removes the specified type of alert
  ship/alert <type>             - Issues the specified type of alert

  ship/where                    - Displays the current location of the ship

  ship/copyright                - Displays copyright information

Commands By Level

The ship commands are listed again below, organized by the authorization level at which they are first available.

Level 0

This level also applies to anyone who is not on the ship/roster (ie, you can run these commands if you are a guest aboard someone else's ship).

 ship/help                     - Views the list of commands
 ship/roster                   - Views the ship roster
 ship/comlist                  - Lists all rooms with an Intercom
 ship/com <number>=<message>   - Sends a message to a room
 ship/where                    - Displays the current location of the ship
 ship/copyright                - Displays copyright information

Level 1

 ship/motd                     - views MOTD
 ship/scan                     - Shows all players and intruders on ship
 ship/alerts                   - Views a list of valid ship alerts

Level 2

 ship/locate <person>          - Attempts to locate person on the ship
 ship/rooms                    - Views the rooms attached to the ship
 ship/logs                     - Views a list of current ship logs
 ship/view <log#>              - Views the indicated log

Level 3

 ship/attach <roomDB#>=<alias> - Attaches a room to the ship with 'alias'
 ship/detach <roomDB#>         - Detaches a room from the ship
 ship/icom <text>              - Broadcasts a ship-wide message

Level 4

 ship/motd <text>              - Sets MOTD. If no text given, views MOTD
 ship/add <person>             - Adds a person to the ship roster
 ship/remove <person>          - Removes a person from the ship roster
 ship/log <subj>=<text>        - Creates a log with subject and body-text
 ship/clear <log#>             - Clears the indicated log (You must be the log-author or have higher authorization than them to clear it.)
 ship/mail <subj>=<body>       - Mails crew with specified subject and text
 ship/secure <room alias>      - Locks all exits of the specified room
 ship/release <room alias>     - Unlocks all exits of the specified room
 ship/releaseall               - Unlocks all exits on the ship.
 ship/lock <exit>              - Locks specified exit
 ship/unlock <exit>            - Unlocks specified exit
 ship/alert <type>=<desc>      - Adds the alert-type with given description
 ship/alert -<type>            - Removes the specified type of alert
 ship/alert <type>             - Issues the specified type of alert

Level 5

To avoid code conflicts, only one person on the ship/roster should be set at authorization level 5.

 ship/authorize <person>=<#>   - Gives indicated authorization to person
 ship/position <person>=<text> - Sets a person's position on the ship
 ship/lockdown                 - Locks all exits on the ENTIRE ship