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Romany Society

Basic Organization

The basic unit of Romani society is the Familia (fa-MEEL-yah). It is made up of an older married couple, their unmarried sons and daughters, their married sons and their wives and children (in most Romani groups a woman joins the familia of her husband when she marries). Individual households within the familia are called Tsera (SAIR-ah), literally "tent".

Several closely related familii make up the Vitsa (VEET-sah), or "Clan." Vitsi (pl.) vary greatly in size and traditions, but one's connection to the vitsa (literally "vine" in Romanes) is the most important social tie a Rom has. Most traveling vitsi follow a circuit from town to town that may take a year or more to complete, and almost all stop traveling for the winter, whiling away the time by building and repairing vardos, making crafts to sell to the Gaje, etc.

Several vitsi in turn form the Kumpania (koom-pa-NEE-yah), or "Tribe", a loose federation of related vitsi that coexist within a region. The relationship one has to it is mostly a social and political one. The whole kumpania often winters together when times are good and during the rest of the year convenes when necessary, usually for a kris (Romani law court).

Finally, several kumpanii together compose the Natsia (nat-SEE-ah), or "Nation", which is made up of several thousand Rom who derive (supposedly) from a common ancestor.

Romani Congress

The Interstellar Romani Congress began hundreds of years ago as a series of forums for discussion of issues relating to Roma people around the world. Among the chief goals of these congresses have been the standardization of the Romany language, improvements in civil rights and education, and preservation of the Roma culture. Over the years, the influence of the Congress has expanded to a true governing body for the Roma, and a public face to present to the interstellar organization of the Alliance. While autonomy is still maintained in the smaller familia, kumpania, and natsia organizations, the Congress provides a forum to discuss disputes greater than is typically handled in kris, as well as organizing the Roma against the increasing influence of the gaje.

The first World Romani Congress was organized in 1971 near London, England on Earth-that-was, funded in part by the World Council of Churches and the Government of India. It was attended by 23 representatives from nine nations (Czechoslovakia, Finland, France, Great Britain, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Spain and Yugoslavia) and observers from Belgium, Canada, India and the United States.[1] Five sub-commissions were created to examine social affairs, education, war crimes, language, and culture. At the congress, the green and blue flag from the 1933 conference of the General Association of the Gypsies of Romania, embellished with the red, sixteen-spoked chakra, was reaffirmed as the national emblem of the Roma people, and the song "Gelem, Gelem" was adopted as the Roma anthem. Usage of the word "Roma" (rather than variants of "gypsy") was also accepted by a majority of attendees; as a result, the International Gypsy Committee (founded in 1965) was renamed the Komiteto Lumniako Romano (International Rom Committee).

While Komiteto Lumniako Romano has long since disbanded, the new Interstellar Romani Congress(IRC) was reformed from the World Romani Congress with the first kumpania of Roma to arrive in the Verse. The IRC now represents hundreds of kumpanias, and dozens of natsia from more than ten worlds, and fifty ships that travel the black. The representatives meet several times annually at a time and place determined by the body of members, to discuss issues and conduct the business of the Roma society. Every five years, a conclave is called, of all the Congress representatives, to select the president of the Congress, who will essentially lead all the Roma during his tenure.

Participation in the IRC is not manditory, nor are the decisions made by that body considered binding upon individuals, familia, kumpania, or natsia. However, the Romany are a close knit people, and failing to abide by the decisions of the group may end in being cast out, or excluded. Since much of the Congress' business has to do with dealing with the gaje, and regulating Roma business, no one thus far has really chosen to not participate, or abide by the decisions of the Congress. Representation in the Congress is decided by the groups, whether they be large familia, or kumpania, individuals are selected and serve at the pleasure of that organization.

Being chosen as a representative is considered an honour, though it does not confer any special privileges beyond what are granted by the individual's sponsor. In session, all representatives are considered equals, save for the president, who exists to maintain order and direction.

This organization and composition might make the Romani Congress seem haphazard and chaotic to gaje, but in matter of fact, it provides extremely direct representation and involvement for the larger Romany society's decision making processes.