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The Gifts of the Romany

Studies show that per capital the Romany people tend to have a higher Psychic ability than the general public. The general public has a rate of measurable psychic phenomena of 1 per every 300 thousand people. The Romany test at 1 per 100 thousand people. A number of reasons have been given to explain this phenomena. The most likely is the small genetic base. Romany are notorious for not marrying outside their own culture. So the genetic tag for this ability stays with in the small group. Another reason may be the cultural acceptance and in some cases embracement of such abilities.

* This information is the In Character explanation, the scientific explanation and does not necessarily explain why some Romany have the gifts they have. One would also discover that it is said if a member of said Pacifists should commit an act of violence they would suddenly lose they're abilities for a length of time dependant on the act. This may be an old wives tale but most Romany believe it.