Kiera/RP logs/2529-11-30 Returning to the Valiant

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 Valiant - Cargo Bay                                              =>Valiant<=

Kiera boards the Valiant carrying her medical bags, and looking rather tired. <English>

Bradley is seated on a crate, running a whetstone along his sword. He looks up as he spots Kiera, raising an eyebrow up, "Long night, I take it?" <English>

Kiera nods "Just made a side trip to Persephone and back to birth twins for a friend of the captain's. It's been a long night." <English>

"Hurrah! I played Donkey Kong and ate pizza pockets." Bradley gives Kiera a thumbs up, followed by a wide grin, "Anyone I know, or was it a family friend or something?" <English>

Whether the night be long or short, Skylar is bored out of her mind while waiting for the senior officers to authenticate her access codes to things like medical lockers and pilot consoles. As a result, she is perched atop a crane, lying down upon the crane's neck like a lazy tiger with its paws dangling off the edges of the machine. Half-lidded eyes shifting beneath their lids towards that annoying noise produced by Bradley, the entrance of a new variable causes her expression to brighten, albeit briefly, before she decides to hold her tongue. Lollipop betwixt her lips, she continues her sugar intake while eavesdropping on the proceedings below. "Babies... donkey kong..." Then her mouth begins to water. "... pizza pocketttttssss." She slumps involuntarily, forehead smacking against the cool metal of the crane. <English>

Kiera tilts her head at Bradley, "I don't know if you know her, but the lady in question was Dr. Grace Carson. I hadn't met her myself, but I had met Matitie a couple of times previously." At the sound of a forehead smacking against metal, Kiera looks up and then looks to Bradley with a questioning expression on her face. <English>

Bradley shrugs his shoulder a bit, "Uhh, never heard of her...wait, maybe I have. Does she work at DBM?" He scratches his chin a bit, before following Kiera's look upwards towards Skylar, who's dangling from a crane. "Oh man, if she doesn't have a safety harness, we'll get sued." He pauses for a moment and then shrugs again, "I'm alright with that." <English>

Kiera shrugs, "I'm not sure. I know Matitie does, and she's obviously good friends with Matitie."

Kiera's eyes continues to follow the young woman on the crane. <English>

"Oh, no one will get -sued- Mister..." Skylar realizes she hasn't a clue as to who he might be and brushes off the name, hand twitching in a minimalistic 'who the hell cares'-wave while continuing with, "I think Shiv would have my skin, especially since we just got the cap'n to agree to some crazy shite, brah~." The accent is low-class Londinium for the moment as she shifts up there, a groan coming from her as she feels obligated to sit upright on the crane. Her balance kept by straddling the neck, she quirks a brow at Kiera, her vision coming into focus soon enough and causing her to snap her fingers, "Ah, it's you. Doc Black, ja? Shiv said I was supposed ta meet ya." Squeaking ensues as she begins to slide down the crane like a child might do at the playground. "I'm licensed, but haven't proceeded to do my internship yet." Once she hits business mode, the accent clicks back into the proper Cambridge-tongue. "I was wondering if I could be authed to access the medical cabinets and introduced to the ship protocols...?" <English>

Brad's hand moves down to the grip of his glock. He had no idea who this woman was, or what she was doing...or where the crane came from..."Are you trying to speak english or are you having a stroke?" Brad's accent is more upper class londinium, and he seems a little perplexed at what she's trying to say. "I can't authorize you," He wouldn't even if he could, "You'll have to ask the Captain or the XO." <English>

If Kiera is surprised at the young woman's approach or tone, it doesn't show on her face as she assimilates what was said, before replying "I'm Doctor Black, but I'm afraid any authorizations for access onboard ship need to be run past the Capt'n", she inclines her head towards Bradley agreeing with his earlier point, "... or the XO". Kiera tired face then turns back to the young woman as she asks, "So you're medically trained miss ...?" <English>

Skylar notes the response from Bradley, taking a moment to digest his dialect before regurgitating it back at him with a surprising proficiency, "Better? I apologize. Forgot that some people are not as familiar with various twists present among the socially stratified classes of English speakers." As she reaches the base of the crane, she then switches to the ladder so she might ease her way down to the floor of the cargo bay, the young woman dusting off her hands as she begins to approach the two, eyes switching to Kiera and widening slightly. "Yes, I am. I spoke with the captain earlier. She just hired us--" she pauses, head waggling to the right then left before she decides to elaborate, "--a friend and myself-- the other day. She said I should speak the head doctor, due to position on the 'ladder of doctoring', so to speak." Gradually coming to a halt a few meters from them both, she takes her time in examining them from head to toe, like a mechanic might view a computer before getting to work on it. "Graduated Ariel. Just wanted to get out from the core for a bit." <English>

Kiera nods, "In that case welcome to the Valiant. I'm afraid I'm going to have to get some sleep myself, but perhaps we can discuss matters in the morning?" <English>

Bradley ndos his head slowly, and then slides his katana back into his sheath. He tucks the whetstone away into one of the pouches. His hand stays hovering over his gun, still giving Skylar an off look. There's a small beeping from his belt, and he peers down at his icomm, "Hrmm, I have to take this. If you'd both excuse me." <English>