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"No, I think it taught me to be independent and never expect a handout and never wait for anybody to hand you anything in any aspect of life." ~ the Original Jesse Woodson James

'"My pistols, however, I always kept by me." ~ the Original Jesse Woodson James

"Whoever said you can't find a good woman by stealing her at gunpoint?" ~ this Jesse Woodson James

Full name
  • Jesse Woodson James
Date of Birth
  • Sept. 5, 2521
  • Father: Garland James
  • Mother: Mary James
  • O.O No way!
  • None?
  • Jack of All Trades
  • Male
Eyes and Hair
  • Brown, Dark Brown
Education Information

Shadow Clan University with a degree in Criminal Engineering


Jesse was born on Ezra to an ex-Browncoat turned rancher. Garland James always had an infatuation with tales from the Wild Wild West of Earth that Was. He liked to fancy himself a direct descendant of the Outlaws Frank and Jesse James despite having no proof of the fact. His poor sons paid for their father's fancies. Despite their unfortunate names, the James brothers grew up knowing they were wanted and loved. Things might have been tough, but where things might have been lacking, love never was.

Life changed for the James family when Jesse was just barely twelve years old. His father may have turned mild-mannered rancher when it was time to settle down, but the man was still a member in good standing with the Shadow Clan. When another member and old friend of Garland's crossed Adelai Niska, Garland couldn't turn him away. He paid dearly for his loyalty. When his betrayal to Niska was found out, men came for his true love, wife, and the mother of his children, Mary James. Garland took to the bottle and the children? Well, they were pretty much left to fend for themselves.

Recent Events

Recent event info goes here.


Personality info goes here.


  • Jesse actually shares a birthday with his namesake.

The People

RP Hooks

  • List hooks here.
  • Another hook here.



"Just Like Jesse James" by Cher

A picture is worth a thousand words.