Boros - Legionaire War: Getting a Bead II

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Boros - Legionaire War: Getting a Bead II
Location: Log_Location::Paquin IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2540/06/30 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2017/03/16
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Zank, Has Characters in Scene::Vanessa Kaeriani
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::Vanessa and Zank meet at the Shipyard regarding the Jia missing and the Intel on Boros..
Log_Characters::Zank, Vanessa Kaeriani

Standing at a table is where the redheaded woman can be found. A map of the Georgia system is spread out over the table, pinned down on four corners. She has her arms crossed in front of her, and there's a furrow to her brow as she looks over it with a significant amount of scrutiny. There are other maps sitting near, though they're not open at this point in time. Vanessa doesn't seem very happy at all. And she rather looks as though she hasn't slept for a while. <English>

Zank has much the same look on his face. One of 20 minuets power naps and maybe a caffeine stim every now and again. Zank's ship landed less then 10 minutes ago and hes quickly made his way to Vanessa's office. Hes not alone, hes flank by a older looking gentleman who stays near the door leaning against the door frame. Zank scans the room looking at the all too familiar sight of the Georgia system. "Vanessa" he says simply trying to get the woman's attention. <English>

Lifting her gaze away from the maps, she looks to the men who have entered her office. Her brow still has a furrow to it, though she does lift one of her hands to brush a bit of hair from her face. She exhales a soft sigh, trying to let go of the rampant anger brewing within herself. "Please, come in. Has there been any word yet?" Vanessa asks. <English>

Zank shakes his head and holds up a data file "Beyond from what my scout ships have brought in, not much. I've called a meeting of the Division Captains, but until it happens all the divisions are acting independently. Came here to give you what iv got. An iv got an idea on maybe gettin' more on whats happening on Boros..but i need some help." He holds up a data file and offers it to her. "Space station over Boros is gone nothin' but debris. The Harbinger is still in orbit, and the black ships ant no were to be found...a lot of troops in the spaceports planet side..occupying the city." <English>

Vanessa takes a moment to look over to Zank, her brow furrowing a little bit as he speaks and she listens. And she gives a small nod, though what he's shared doesn't give her any reason for her current mood to change. "Well, I presume the divisions have their orders," she muses, a thoughtful note to her voice. "A meeting of the Division Captains is a good idea," she adds, frowning a moment. She tilts her head a little to one side, then reaches out to accept the data file to be able to look at it. "Aye, I saw some of the news blurbs about it. Communications are still out, I gather?" she asks, looking to him for a moment. <English>

Zank nods "As far as I know they are. I still have a ship sitting cold doing passive scans from what I'm hoping is a safe distance." he frowns "The elders have to appoint a leader for the Churara, until then we can't just stand stagnate." he says "Anythin' on your end my LT said your the R&D department?" he says trying to sound hopeful. <English>

Vanessa gives a small nod at his words, frowning a little bit and looking to the data file. "I believe you mean a temporary leader," she offers, raising an eyebrow slightly and looking to him. Then she frowns a bit more, lifting one of her shoulders in a bit of a shrug. "We're working on trying to find either a comm signal that will get through, or building a communication satellite that can be deployed distant enough from where the Legion people are that it won't get blown up again," she says, uncertain of that feasibility. "Establishing communication is important, the challenge is in the method of doing that," she adds. <English>

Zank nods "Yea that's what i meant..." he says correcting himself and quickly moving on. "Were on the same page then." he says "Iv been thinking maybe distance wont be an issue." he turns to look at the map. "That space station through a ton of debrie into orbit. It's gonna be hell to track anything in orbit right now." he says running his finger around the planet. "they probably knocked out a ton of the local sat network, are blocking it or took them over." he stops "But with all that crap in orbit like I said its going to make tracking almost impossible. I'm thinkin' we can introduce our own little piece of debris into the network. We slip it in in the upper layer of the debris field, so as to mitigate chances if it getting knocked out." <English>

Vanessa gives a nod of agreement, and a faint smile finds her features but doesn't linger. "Aye, we're on the same page," she agrees. Tilting her head to one side, she studies him for a lingering moment. "You think that if we hide it among the debris, that Legion won't bother to pay it any mind? Especially if we can someone hide that it's receiving and transmitting information. That could work well," she says, a thoughtful note to her voice. "My guess would be that they've either hijacked the local comm sat, or they blew it up. Probably the latter, considering that this is Legion we're dealing with," she adds, wrinkling her nose. <English>

Zank nods "they probably did blow up the net work, but if they didn't we can piggy back off the local sat network, if we can get that little thing in orbit, we can run it silent and just have it search for signal's, would be risky to transmit but we could do it when its least likley to get intercepted." <English>

"Well, I should be able to get it to be encrypted. So that it can't be intercepted or hijacked," Vanessa comments, her brow furrowing a bit. "Let me get a few drafts done up, see what I can get made up here in a hurry, and then we'll have a bit of a mission to get it out there and launched, activated for use," she says, giving a nod to him. "It'll be able to receive and broadcast signals it picks up, but it won't put any signals of its own out. It'll be dormant except when it's in use. I might be able to make that work," she says. <English>

Zank nods and thumbs over his shoulder to the man at the door. "This is Braxton, long time friend of mine saved my life more than once..." he says. Braxton cuts him off, a old Core accent piercing the air. "ay more..." he says. Zank smirks and shakes his head "Yes way more...any way, he can be trusted, if ya need anything outside of the access of the Churara let him know, he will get what ya need..." <English>

Vanessa looks past him to the man in the doorway, and one of her eyebrows quirks up a touch. Then she gives a nod, lifting a hand to offer a wave to him. Then her attention comes back to Zank, and she smiles at him a little bit. "Thank you for that, I appreciate it," she says softly, sounding a little bit relieved. "I'll get some drafts of the satellite done, see what parts we have and what parts we need, and then I'll know what needs to be sent for. I'll likely have a wishlist for him, though," she says, a bit of amusement coming to her voice. <English>

Zank nods and smirks "Ya get him the list...he'll find it." he says with a rather certainty to his voice. As if nothing else was truer. he pauses "I know we never talked much, but i know now cant be easy, How ya holdin' up?" he asks shifting the subject. <English>

Vanessa quirks a bit of a smile, and then she gives a nod. "I'll be sure to do that," she says, lifting a hand to push a bit of hair from her face, tucking it behind one of her ears. Since Zank has faith in the man, she chooses to put faith in him as well. Then she rubs one of her cheeks before giving a quiet sniff. "It's... it's difficult," she says softly, looking to him through her lashes. Trying to bottle up emotions and keep them from spilling out is challenging, too. "I'm managing to hold it together, but... it isn't easy. And I lay awake when I should be sleeping, unable to keep my mind from going over... well... everything," she says softly. <English>

Zank nods "Yea me too, blame myself for not being there, had to move my family to safety before i could commit to this myself..its why I wasn't with em when they took The Jia to Boros, was gonna meet em there..." He pauses. "But trust me if there is one mistake they made it's stranding Kyo, not to mention Fao, on a planet in a war Zone." his chuckle seem genuine. "I almost pity the legion soldiers." he says "Kyo and Fao both survived The Valley, at one point of which Kyo was actively shooting at me, which im pretty sure he still wont admit." He grins "the man you married is a devil incarnate..." he says "He'll get back to ya." he says <English>

Lifting her right hand, she rubs a little bit at her nose, and she looks over to Zank, managing a little smile. "It's not your fault. All that would have happened had you been there, is that you would now be down there with them," she says softly, ducking her chin a bit. "Moving your family is important. Making sure they're safe is important," she adds, giving a small nod to him. "I just keep hoping that they made it safe to the planet. That they're okay," she admits. She's worried, reasonably enough. "Oh, I know he can be. And he'd better, or I'll hunt him down and kick his ass myself," she says, managing a little smile. "I should get to work, though. But I'll let you know when I've got something worked up," she offers, giving a nod to him. <English>

Zank nods and finds a pen "Use this Wave address to contact me or go through my Division rep..." he says. "Good luck" he says turning to head to the door. <English>