Boros - Legionaire War: Getting a Bead

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Boros - Legionaire War: Getting a Bead
Location: Log_Location::New Melbourne IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2540/06/29 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2017/03/16
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Zank, Has Characters in Scene::Iroquois Pliskin
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::Captain Lines and his LT get a bead on the current situation.
Log_Characters::Zank, Iroquois Pliskin

The chaos of the Third Division ground center is hectic. People move around all over Romani of every rank. In the center of it all around a large flat barley working Holo table is Zank who looks like he hasn't slept in a few nights. <English>

Iroquois Pliskin had been with the Churara for a long time now. He was Jade's LT. Then served as Kyo's until he was chosen by Zank to be his. His reddish brown hair was going grey, including the stubble. He walks into the Third Division's main strut at Outer Heaven New Melbourne. He carries a holo folder with him, a report on things Zank had requested once the Jia had gone over Due and the Boros situation broke out. He places it in front of Zank on the table. "Hey, info is back. Unfortunately we aren't going to get much of anything from as far out as the ships are. We don't have Alliance sensors. They see the Harbinger and what's left of that Defense Fleet patrolling. That supposed black fleet can't be detected from that far either way too small and too good stealth. The Orbital platform is nothing but a ring of debris orbiting the planets now. We sent a ship in to see if we could get through. It's going to take some time to map out the patrol patterns. They made it briefly to the surface but things were pretty hot down there and they got chased on the way in and out. Ground forces were rather heavy in the main spaceport. We got nothing comm wise, nothing on standard, Churara, or the other Frequencies you gave us." He takes a few drags from the cigarette that perpetually seems to be between his lips. "As for who's in charge right now... The Kris must appoint a Provisional Commander. Right now, the Divisions are independent entities and can act according to the will of their Captains." <English>

Zank sighs and listens as he reads the reports at the Lt talks. "Yea didn't think we would at that range..but we don't know the range of the that Leviathan's weapons..." he thinks a second. "Contact the other Division captain's...sitreps if they're willing, weere stronger together than operating at random. I wanna set a meeting too" He pauses again "If the Alliance makes a move of anything bigger than bigger that a Destroyer i wanna know. Anything smaller is a scout ship or Special operation team." He pauses again looking at the orbital debris around the planet. "What do we have in the way of Drones? Orbital drones?" <English>

Iroquois blinks, "Orbital... what?" He looks confused. "What I do know is that the Commander was working with Alliance against Legion and if this is Legion which is seems to be it might be a good idea to reach out to them too but I'll relay any information and keep an eye on the system. Drones well, might be able to work something out. Talk with Captain Karieani... you know, the Commander's wife Vanessa. She's with the RnD department." He pulls out a PDA, "And you want to set up a meeting with the other Captains. Fine enough, I can get the word out about that." <English>

Zank nods and looks at the debris field surrounding the planet. "Ill contact Vanessa..." he says looking at the report again. "We can contact the Alliance. Jacy I trust on an off day so we can reach out to the commander..." he says seeming distracted. "That station threw a ton of crap into orbit...we real easy to hide a drone in it..." he says apparently doing a lot of orbital and such math in his head. <English>

Iroquois blinks and takes a drag from his cigarette, "If ya say so, Captain..." He makes a note in his PDA about arranging a meeting with the Alliance Commander as well in the near future. "Anything else while I'm here. A coffee, massage? Perhaps a ham sandwich from the galley." <English>

Zank blinks and looks at the man. "Ill..pass LT...thanks" he says chuckling a bit. "Its gonna be along couple of weeks...ya know what needs doin' an so do the other officers...but make sure they're restin' when they can. Don't need people over extendin' themselves." <English>

"Got you covered Captain." Pliskin says before turning and heading back out to do his CO's bidding. <English>