Beylix Slaver Takedown Pt. 2

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Beylix Slaver Takedown Pt. 2
Location: Log_Location::Beylix IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2537/08/10 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2015/10/07
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Ansiel, Has Characters in Scene::Kyoshiro, Has Characters in Scene::Faoite McGuire, Has Characters in Scene::Amelia Helling, Has Characters in Scene::Kirsten O'Dowd, Has Characters in Scene::Destari, Has Characters in Scene::Luna, Has Characters in Scene::Tizzy, Has Characters in Scene::Chovian, Has Characters in Scene::Jordan
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::Dissidence Consortium declares a war on slaver scum which leads them to a haven of slave activity upon Beylix.
Log_Characters::Ansiel, Kyoshiro, Faoite McGuire, Amelia Helling, Kirsten O'Dowd, Destari, Luna, Tizzy, Chovian, Jordan

When we last saw our group of intrepid come-uppets they were deep into the midst of 'Slaver Site A' upon Beylix, battling their way into the inner sanctum of the site's bunker or being held up by some wily opportunists. The slaver site is comprised of many outlying structures, all of which have been cleared and any hostages recovered sent to the Outlaw Star which idles at the ready upon the LZ, and one main structure, an abandoned bunker that seems as though it was for military use at one time or another. The primary structure is made up of one large corridor that is wide and tall enough for vehicles to move through yet it is basked in total darkness due to the opposing forces cutting the power. There is a single tunnel that branches off and heads towards the west not far into the main corridor that leads to an ulterior exit point.
Outside the bunker the Nirvana covers the sky while a sniper team as long since moved up from their outlined position to take up a defensive one upon the exposed bunker entrance, just in case there are roving forces that haven't returned or perhaps a few that might be trying to escape the fate they've brought upon themselves. They have already helped out immensely even if they are no longer of any use.
The Churara Commander Kyoshiro is being held up by a small group of the slavers after breaking away from Red Team 2 and moving to that west exit point after being asked to investigate, as they don't want any of them escaping to raise a flag. He has already taken out two of the fully armed hooligans that seem to be more interested in taking him alive than simply shooting to kill. Five of the hostiles still remain and Kyoshiro is currently in possession of the last kill's rifle and is bearing down upon those that remain.
Meanwhile, inside the bunker, Ansiel, Fao, and Red Team 1 have ran into a very large blast door which has been secured into place on the opposite side. They search for a way to infiltrate past the sealed door, looking a hidden switch or panel that might afford them the opportunity to do a bit of rigging to get it open. They fought long and hard down the expansive corridor to get this far and they aren't about to turn back. The team of combatants holds defensive positions as a plan is formulated.

Ansiel holds her SMG in one hand and brushes the walls with the other looking for anything that might help them out before finally realizing that there is nothing to be found. "Gorramit. I suppose even if we found'a panel it wouldn't matter.. no power an' all tha'." She peers a bit harder about the walls around the door and doesn't see anything of note due to the quick bypass but further down there is a grate upon the wall, up around eight feet, that do doubt leads to a large ventilation shaft. "Tha' shaft, maybe we can use it ta get ta the other side!" There is a hint of excitement to her tone as she sprints over to it and then looks back to the others. "I'll need'a boost.

McGuire steps up from the rear of the company, his head tilts as he runs schematics through his Total Recall mind. The obvious areas for a control panel would be to the side of the doors, but this isn't an obvious kind of group. Starting from the left of the door, he taps the wall at chest level. Moving slowly, he listens as he inspects the wall for seams or cracks.

Jordan frowns as she looks up at the 'Outlaw Star' nose art, folding her arms under the breasts of her black Ascension armor. She's got a smooth black plate over her face and a shiny matching dome over her head, as the armor suit is fully deployed with gloves, boots, flat backpack, and side arm. It's also got a cape. Because all armor suits should have a cape. As she stares up at the ship a moment later, Jordan comments, "I liked the old name better."
The curvy dockyard foreman and Starke R&D Scientist taps where her ear would be through the black helmet, "Ship Checks done. Um...should I be going somewhere?" Looking like an elite NPC in some Cortex game, the bodysuited woman looks around, a little lost in all the paramilitary action

Chovian is sitting in a chair at the data center watching the feeds, the overhead feeds of the team's position, the layout of the objective and all that. He holds his pda in hand and taps into it, having plugged it into a port so he can use the keyboard and one of the screens available. A glance around and he taps his com. "Come help me monitor if you want Jordan." It's as good a thing to do as any at the moment, if you aren't with the team of course.

Kyoshiro grumbles as he seems to be in a mexican standoff with the remaining slavers. He's got the gun up and raised at the rest. Moving over to the one whom he took the gun from, he places his boot on his throat. His voice grumbles and growls, "I... said... put... the... guns... down... Or else it's not going to end well you damn rookies..." He's not fucking around. His red eyes serious.

Luna can't shoot a gun without hurting herself or the people she is trying to help. So, for the safety of everyone, Luna has remained behind and avoided the combat scenario. So, she is behind setting up for casualties. People are bound to come in with holes, slashes, bruises, concussions, and whatever else you can think of. She stands there, tapping her chin for a moment as she goes over a mental list. finally satisfied with how things are set up, she just waits.

Jordan hops on a passing crew carrier and jumps off at the Data Center. Trotting inside, the mechanic/engineer pops off her Ascension helmet and shakes her bright red hair out, heading over to Chovian, "What's up? Something wrong with the feeds? Whoa!" She blinks and recoils back a touch at what Kyo does through the video feed. "I hope they know what they're doing out there..." Then she blinks down at Chovian, "Hey, what are you doing sitting here anyway? Shouldn't you be out there helping them?"

Chovian smiles a bit at Jordan as she enters the data center, which is in the Forward Operating Base, at the spaceport. "Hey, no not really but for now it's all we have to do, until we are called or something happens, which hopefully things will continue going to plan. Still, we have plan B and C, backup plans are more important than anything." A pause. "What would I be doing there?"

The Outlaw Star comes in for touchdown with another batch of freed hostages, all of which have something wrong with them as they were treated extremely poorly. The blips upon the tracking system for all the mission members are still good although if comm contact is attempted there would be nothing but silence for the time being as the Nirvana is jamming all radio traffic until one of the infiltration teams find the bunker's CIC and establishes a link up to the FOB. It seems the Star has taken just a bit of fire and the pilot has a few complaints about the port thruster having a slightly reduced power output than the starboard.
Those hooligans that are facing off with the Commander all slowly raise their hands up as they no longer really have the advantage in their number. Seems the opportunity they were after has long since passed and now they are staring down the barrel of a gun wielded by a pissed of Kyoshiro. The fellow beneath his boot gurgles out a cry in pain as his throat is once again assaulted, and he flails to get the heavy man off any way possible.

Back in the bunker, Ansiel is being lifted up to the ventilation grate by two of the team members that are with her. She gives a strong look to Fao before she begins the task of getting it open and after undoing some screws with the tip of her survival knife, it comes loose with a firm yank and she slips up inside. Her voice echos back out to the rest of the group. "I'm going ta try ta open the door from the other side, if possible. Take up positions on this side and await further instruction.." Her voice begins to fade as a shuffle is being made down that shaft.

McGuire knows there is wiring behind this steel plated wall and turns to see if he can find the soldier with the C4. He catches Ani's strong look and after she announces her intentions, gives up on the opening the door from this side. He steps to the vent access where Ani went and judges the width. He's a big man, 210 pounds of solid muscle and in great shape for his age. He turns to two soldiers and raises a foot, "Lift me." Hands rise up to the open vent and his head tilts upward as the soldiers heft him up. Taking hold of the vent, hand on each side, he lifts himself upward to stick his head in. "Bigger inside." He mutters, pulling himself into the shaft. "Lead on." He whispers to the woman before him.

Kyoshiro turns the fella who's throat he has pinned onto his stomach, his knee going down to dig into his back as he zipties the tool with some he's got in his musette bag. Then he proceeds onto the others, If one of them gets out of line he'll deal with them as such "See, isn't this a better option. You live... and you'll be even more lucky when the Alliance picks you up. You don't want to be one of the ones going to the Roma courts." He clicks his tongue against his cheek Then comms, "Prisoners on the west side, send in my detachment to pick them up..." That was to the operator on the Child. His team, after loading up some of the hostages responds after the hike over from the LZ. "This is Kyo, West Exit is clear... where to now?" He asks unsure if they want him to join them down below. He ditches the rifle he stole.

Jordan leans forward against the control panel, watching the feeds, "Well, you could be out there helping them shoot people, I guess. Or doing medical stuff in the...medical area." She shrugs, "I'm just here to keep the ship flying and the feeds live." She frowns, watching the violence--even just the implied violence. "Did Ansiel just go into a vent...? Followed by that huge guy? How is he even fitting in there? Who designed this place?" Her hips shift off to the side, and she frowns even harder, "That door is probably pretty easy to open... I'm just really allergic to bullets. And hornets. Which are like bullets."

Luna glances up to view the ship coming back in with the freed people. AAannnddd... Luna springs into action. she is guiding people to come in and getting them comfortable. There are blankets being offered to people and they are being triaged. Anything not life-threatening is put on hold as Luna is currently more concerned with such matters. She finds a woman with a broken arm. Her hand is even purple, indicating a cut off of blood supply. She guides the woman to settle down on the seat and she examines the arm. After a few moments, she tugs just right on the arm and the pressure against the artery is relieved, allowing the blood to flow again into the lower arm.

Chovian's eyebrows lift just a bit and he smirks at Jordan. "I am a pacifist, will not fight unless... special circumstances, also do not know how to fix people, just machines." he reaches out and pokes Jordan in the side with a little grin before looking back to the feeds. "Well, probably is a main vent, much bigger, probably supplies air to the facility.."

The tracking system that is keeping up with Ansiel and McGuire suddenly goes cold and loses them. Seems they have went dark as the bowels of the bunker have swallowed both of them up. Red Team 2 has finally cleaned up enough outside that they have entered into the bunker as well and are moving towards Red Team 1's holding position. The field tech from Team 1 receives the Commander's comm and reports back to him, "The boss and captain Fao have both entered a ventilation shaft to try to get around a blast door sir. Your presence would be appreciated down here if you're all clear outside."

While the ventilation shaft isn't small, and affords enough room for the large man at her heels, Ansiel is still having a bit of a hard time with those long legs in the tight space. She winds up just reaching forwards and using her arms to mostly just drag her body upon the slick surface of the sheet metal. Light from another grate flickers up ahead and she drags up to it. "Shite.. Fao, there are 'bout ten guys just hunched up righ' 'ere..." She grimaces and looks back to him, "Gon'a 'ave ta grenade them.. So much for a silent entrance but best ta be safe than sorry yeah?" A small smirk is growing upon her lips in his direction and she tries best she can to position herself in that shaft so that she can kick that grate from it's secure placement on the wall. "'ere, take this. I'll open this grate up an' ya chuck tha' gorram thing." her tones are soft as she doesn't want those goons that are only a few feet below to hear.

McGuire quirks a curious brow. He takes the grenade in hand and scoots closer to the vent while Ani opens it. He sizes it up and looks down to see the room and those inside. He looks to Ani and whispers, "This will hurt us as well my dear." He turns back to the opening and with a power pull, launches himself out of the vent into the room. He hits the ground and rolls to his feet, grenade held out with the pin already pulled on his other hand. "Hey." He says to the people inside, "Drop me and we all go. Put your weapons down and get up against the wall." He waves the bloody menace in the faces of everyone in the room. Then his voice goes from calm to booming command, "Now! UP AGAINST THE WALL!"

Jordan blinks and tilts upright at the request for others to join them inside, "D-did they just ask us to come inside? That means it's clear, right? No more bad guys with guns? They wouldn't call us in unless the shooting was done, right?" She picks up the black helmet of her Ascension suit and looks it over nervously, "Um, should I take tools? I should probably take tools. I'm wearing tools. I'm really nervous about this..." She very carefully gathers up her hair and pulls the helmet on.

Kyoshiro heads down into the west exit and towards the area where they are. He keeps his weapons holstered and scabbard. He moves quickly through the tunnel, keeping his wits about him just incase.

Luna places a hand on the woman's shoulder in comfort. Medication is given for pain of the woman and then she is moving off to the next person. It is busy work and she has very little time to tend to one person before going to the next person.

Everyone from the Star is seemingly unloaded and the pilot rushes the relaunch along and the ground shakes as the engines rumble out upon the take-off. The wounded are being funnel to the medical station by personnel that have stayed behind to look after the FOB and provide security.
Kyoshiro has rejoined the two teams that are now patiently waiting for that blast door to open, while Ansiel and Fao are just getting out of the ventilation shaft, Fao with a deftly roll and the threat of releasing a grenade if fired upon, and Ansiel still up in that shaft.
Ansiel takes advantage of the pause that is given to the man waving that grenade about and slips down, unleashing fire upon the slaver forces that have all huddled together, trying to step over each other to get away from the crazy grenadier. The bullets rip into the congregation of men and women in various places causing them to convulse and wreath in pain as that electrical pulses make their way across their bodies. She moves to take up cover and just hopes that Fao saved that damn pin because it will be one hell of a time getting around with a grenade on the brink of cook-off in hand. A few moments are taken to drop an empty magazine and place in a fresh one before launching more projectiles towards the few that remain. "We need to see if there is a power switch around here somewhere." The control for the blast door is located to its left side but it doesn't have any power. Upon further observation and peeking about the corner, there seems to be a way straight ahead of the doors and a flight of stairs that lead up to the right side.

McGuire jimmies the control panel open and begins searching for the voltage. He reaches to his utility belt storage on his back and retrieves the Electronic Picks in a slender black container. He opens it and brings out the power source, hooking it inside the control panel and turns to the door, flipping the switch to the door. He pulls a breath, hoping this works.

Kyoshiro looks over the door and tilts his head to the side. Then his red eyes look over each of the team members here with with and he blows out some air. He had put out that cigarillo of his, so he pulls the stub out and places it between his lips, lighting it and settles in for the wait.

Luna continues with her rounds. There is a young adolescent girl that is crying and Luna stops to kneel down beside the girl. When the adult kneels besides her, she actually jumps as if waiting for a blow. No blow comes. Luna instead reaches out and holds onto the girl's hand to give comfort. People's physical wounds can be healed. There are deeper wounds that require a much more delicate touch.

Chovian emits a mild grunt. "Well there is not much left to do here." Said as he watches the feeds, observing as the group enters the facility but there doesn't seem to be any feeds inside. "If you can find an access point and make an uplink I might be able to get into their network maybee find you a map." He calls over the comlink.

Kirsten is kitted up for war. The one-time Navy medic is in her pseudo-military fatigues, her precious Mossberg combat shotgun in a chest rig, and her expression is bleak, her eyes empty, her gaze flat. This is a stark change, and possibly not a welcome one to those that knew her cheerful self even as recently as a few months ago. She's pacing at the FOB, speaking in noncommittal grunts to few folk, waiting to be shuttled to the front line.

The Blue Nirvana banks hard and to the right, spiraling downwards in low, swooping arcs back towards the areas of operation after playing escort to the Outlaw Star at the site proper. The pilot, Amelia Helling, airily whistles casually under her breath with the maneuver and combats sitting her head forward as the momentum and gravity forces her backwards, body digging into the seat surrounding her. She eases on the atmospheric thrusters and shifts her weight to the ministrations of her handling the bird's side-stick controls. The Nirvana returns to a circular pattern overhead. "Still maintaining air superiority," the woman radios, as casual as ever.

It will be just a short while before the Outlaw Star brings back some more of those that have been rescued but so far the mission is going well, they've ran into some unexpected obstacles, but at least the slaver forces don't seem to be very organized at all. Mostly just patched together nefarious sorts with some guns and dollar signs for eyes.
As Fao tries to rig that door open and there is no doubt that it would work if the main power were turned back on, seems these try-hards actually did something right when they switched off the core reactor. Ansiel eyes the man who's deeply involved with that panel and then turns back towards those stair and begins to haul ass up them, "I'm gon'a see if this leads ta the CIC. Let me know if ya get it ta work righ'?" A few huffs and puffs later that transmission to Fao ends and she is working those stairs as best she can until she emerges up in a room that actually has a bit of daylight peeking in through narrow slots in very thick reinforced concrete. "Fao, I've found the CIC!" She seems extremely pleased, especially so because there is absolutely no one in there, it's completely abandoned. First stop, reactor power. She presses on a green button conveniently labeled 'Reactor On' a couple times, but nothing happens. She presses it again and holds it.. nothing. She turns and is about to call the man again but then the power slowly begins to flicker back on and that door that Fao is working at should now open. The corridors should be lit up now as well, washing out that darkness. The networking hub is placed upon the instrumentation cluster and after plugging in a few wires it should be ready to go. "Ansiel, Nirvana. Halt jamming. Do you copy? Halt jamming." Which should also be audible to the FOB as well. "System bypass is installed, ya should 'ave full access to the bunkers comm array an' computer systems."

McGuire only hears static from the jamming system going on in and around this building. It's not until it is off does he respond to the voice in his ear. "Roger that, nicely done." He returns to the console and tries it again, this time with proper power. He flips the switch. There is a creek and sudden loud snap. The sound of heavy gears and the blast door rises.

As the doors starts to open, Kyoshiro pushes through and into the corridor. His boots click on the concrete floors, long great coat flowing and swaying as he moves. Smoke whirls past him as he puffs lightly on the cigarillo between his lips. His red eyes look upon the the stunned slavers and he notions for the team to sip tie them and prepare them for extraction back to the LZ.

"Gorrammit, woman, save some of the fuckers for me," Kirsten mutters under her breath. It's not broadcast on comms, but it's an indication of her state of mind. She's impatient. Too impatient.

What in Mal's blue balls has she gotten herself into? Destari tenses when she steps off the shuttle and sees the chaotic disarray of things, worse than normal, or is this normal for Beylix? Surely to goodness, not. She blinks a little and spies out the conglomeration of medical stuffs and data stuffs and she ducks between a couple of crates, using a MULE for cover to walk in that direction. Without a comm or knowledge of whatever the hell is happening, she lacks the appropriate amount of concern for what she's walking into but perhaps it is what keeps her moving forward and into the area where Luna is tending and others are milling around doing what needs to be done. Exhale. Ok then, Des. Pitch in.

"That's a good copy, Ezikla," Amelia replies to the familiar and disembodied voice filling her ears, "Jamming cut in three- two- one- mark." There is no intricate process for Amelia to siphon her ship's systems away from electronic warfare, any rejection and jamming wreckers from the Nirvana's sensor suite fading away until there is nothing but free signal traffic. She flips a few more switches along a side panel and her gaze flicks askance to verify with the heads-up display. "All stations on net," she radios to everyone involved on the frequency preset, "This is Nirvana. Jamming has ceased, holding position. I say again, jamming has ceased, out."

Tizzy moves around, helping anyone who needs it. Treating those who are hurt or just needing a little hand holding before moving on to another. She gets lost in her work, not paying much attention to anything else around her.

The Outlaw Star finally returns from its very last trip and does a simple touch and go, those jumping aboard better be quick about it. Only about a dozen wounded are taken out from the cargo bay /very/ quickly and then the ship is burning sky again and settling back upon the Site A LZ in no time flat. Seems it takes longer to load and unload than anything else.
Ansiel appears from those stairs and smiles to the 2 teams which are not reunited again and then also to Kyoshiro and Fao, "Commander, Captain. Let's get these rutty bastards!" She states as she brings her gun up and at the ready. The screams from those that are in holding cells are becoming much clearer now that the blast door and gunfire are drowning them out and it seems that they are getting very close to their final destination, "Ezikla, Helling. Good work. Over. Proceeding ahead, all personnel accounted for. Over." Just a little status update for the woman watching their asses from the sky. She looks to the men as she moves towards the way onward, there will be more resistance but surely they've faced the brunt of it…

Cho is up on his feet again tapping on his pda for a few moments before he's typing away at the keyboard. "Okay excellent, I am getting the feed now." He responds over his com. He is at the FOB at the spaceport, inside a tent full of electronics and the like. "I have a map, feeding it to your helmet huds.. will see what I can do about manipulating doors and the like to disrupt resistance."

McGuire quirks a brow, "Helm huds?" He has no helmet. His ascension armor is under his clothes, he looks to Ani and chuckles. "Lead on." Pulling his rifle from his shoulder and checking to see if there is a round in it. They say the minds the first thing to go, but he's a man of habit.

Kyoshiro nods to Ani and takes out his knife and pistol again. He takes up Ani's back left and keeps his weapon forward, his knife tucked snugly against the grip. He moves slowly, carefully. Kyo doesn't have any silly spacesuit on either, like Fao, wears his ascension armor under his cloths. He never liked helmets... plus, getting shot in the head was painless...

Finally, Kirsten's on her way, ready to disembark and make a brisk pace down the ramp at the site of the slaver hideout. Those prisoners get a harsh look and no comment as she passes them by, making best efforts to catch up with Ansiel's teams up by the blast doors. "Ezikla, O'Dowd. I'm coming up your six." Well, that could have been phrased better. Or, at least, differently.

Destari steps into the tent and looks around then hears Chovian and looks his direction. Her head tilts and she hmms then steps to the side of woman who has dropped her coat and she eases the garment back up onto her shoulders, giving her a gentle touch on the arm and whispers a few quiet words.

The Nirvana readjusts its flight pattern so that it can soar over the Star as it comes in to land at the site. Amelia leans over in visually watching the larger vessel soon take off and begin its less-than-arduous trek back towards the spaceport and the people and personnel there. She then returns to monitoring the situation at hand, comfortable now. "And last lift is away. So we're all green so far, yay, go us," but there's little excitement, just deadpanning sarcasm for everyone after acknowledging Ansiel's message.

Ansiel holds a hand up to give pause, "Friendly inbound from our six. Dun get jumpy." She smirks to the fellas knowing that they heard the comm as well but just does it to give them a hard time, especially the one that likes to roll around and wave grenades. Yeah. That guy. She then waves them on slowly and her hud (yes she has a hud) begins to light up at it's retracted position off the left side of her face and it slid into place, "Copy that intel Chovian. Good link up." Her tone is more hushed now that they are moving deeper into that bunker and back into a bit of darkness. It's not a blanket like before when the power was off but it seems like someone has purposefully smashed a large majority of the lighting in this corridor on purpose. A cackling laugh of a male echos down towards them from the far end of the hall as well. "At the ready.."

Tizzy continues moving among the injured. She stops to put on some fresh gloves and then cleans and stitches up a wound before bandaging it. She smiles softly at the patient before moving on. She pulls off her gloves before putting on a new pair.

McGuire readies himself, taking the other side of Ani opposite Kyo. He tenses as the distant laughter comes from down the dark and eerie hall. "Great." He mutters.

Kyoshiro raises his weapon, tac light on and laser point searching the darkened corridor. His brow raises as he hears the laughter and he croaks in a gravelly, deep, and low voice, "Boss Battle..." He takes a long pull from his cigarillo, smoke swirling around him. He narrows his lids, crimson eyes going stone cold. He doesn't stop, but continues to advance slowly. He keeps to the side of the corridor, hunched over just a bit.

Kirsten catches up, taking the tail-end Charlie spot, staggered down from those up ahead as she unslings her Mossberg and advances. She keeps comms chatter to a minimum through her throat mic and earpiece. "I'll make them laugh on the other side of their face," she mutters to herself on hearing that eerie laughter.

The laughing does not stop, it only grows in depth until bouncing along the ribbed walls of the hall, into crates covered in a light film of dust, in such a rolling wave as to make it difficult to discern anything else. Then it abruptly stops. In the silence, something in the background of the structure creaks and gently groans under the weight of existence. Something else buckles and then pushes forward, a shadow of something up ahead in the corridor and then filling it. A green laser dot flicks to life and settles squarely on the ground and then begins to gently sway to the left, and then the right, and then rhythmically back and forth. A gentle whirring, a rush of mechanical wind and cylinders begin alongside the barking laughter, the cackling starts again and this time is joined by a hellish stream of bullets. Behind the constant, fiery muzzle flash is a behemoth of a man in plated armor collected and scarred over the years. His weapon of choice? A belt-fed chaingun.

McGuire ducks and does a quick duck walk to the first crate between him and the flying lead. The thing about such a weapon that spits lead like that, it is heavy and slow to aim. He brings his rifle to the side of the crate and waits for the bullets to lead off of him before he takes aim.

As soon as Kyoshiro hears the whine up, and sees the green laser... he knows what's about to happen. Not to mention his tac light illuminating the big bad for a split second. He bricks it behind one of those crates and then, once the fire is off him pops up slightly taking aim... and proceeds to empty his clip of 8 .585 hollow pointed rounds. The report is loud, almost as loud as that damn chain gun the bastard is firing.

Kirsten instinctively flings herself to the side, pressing herself into the wall as the bullets stitch a path across towards her hiding place. She's out of range, too far for the shotgun to be effective, way too far for her sidearm. She unleashes a torrent of invective in Mandarin at the barely-seen assailant as she regards her options. None are good.

The laughter joins alongside the barrage of fire that is being thrown the group's way. It seems one Team has retreated back out of the corridor while the other is desperately trying to cling to the walls to let the concrete walls absorb most of the spray. Those that are taking cover behind crates might be in for a startle as the whirr from the chaingun slows down and the telltale sound of a rocket being launched swooshes out and comes barreling down upon the ground right in front of one of the containers, which is filled with water. It sends a fiery mess of flames and hot water about the area and the whirr from belt-fed gun starts up again. A crack begins to form upon one of the corridor walls, making it's way up to the ceiling, sending a few crumbles down upon the vicinity. Obviously a last ditch effort, if not stopped soon, he will bring the whole bunker down upon them if he has too.

Ansiel rolls into one of the ribs in that wall as well and seemly covers up. There is nothing else for her to do at the moment while the monstrosity at the end of the hall is raining all hell down upon them. She tries to look for openings to bring the machined man into her sights but that's when the rocket slams into the ground not far from her, flinging her from her cover and across the watery floor.

McGuire covers as the explosion erupts. He then remembers the gift he used to scare a room full of bad guys. The grenade comes out, pin is pulled, and the brave man rises to his feet and lobs it full strength to the end of the hall. "Grenade!" He yells out over the rat-ta-tat-tat of the chaingun. Fully exposed at the moment, the act of tossing the grenade leaving him out there.

Safe-ish in the makeshift command center, Destari does all she can to help keep people calm and quiet, and that's no small order in this situation. At least there are simple things to be done, bandages, a few stitches, blankets, water, all keeping one busy and out of the way.

Kyoshiro ducks back behind the crate as the missile comes and slams across the way. He gets markes by shrapnel and wood, scratching his face and blood starts to cook his torn up coat and face. Then Fao is tossing a goddamn Grenade, "FAO YOU IDIOT! YOU'LL BRING THE WHOLE PLACE DOWN." Apparently the old bastard didn't get it when the wall started to CRACK. Once the Grenade leaves Fao's hand and then explodes. Kyo holsters his pistol and knife, instead pulling his Katana from it's fao with a simple shink. Then he's running towards the goon through the hail of bullets, Zigging and Zagging. A few hit his armor but he trudges through before striking out with the blade swiftly where the man in attached to the chain gun.

Kirsten darts forwards, dropping her Mossberg. It bounces around on the chest sling. She's after Anseil, running into the fire to drag her clear, or as clear as the pathetic corrugated walls allow. "Move! Get up, get up!" she yells as she skids down on one knee, scooping an arm around Ansiel's chest to grab the pudding of slack material underneath her armpit. It's an awkward, ugly half-carry, half-drag.

The grenade explodes just before that heavy armor and manages to singe the rider inside but to what cost? A heavy tremor takes hold of the entire structure which seems to hinge on this corridor as it is load bearing to the ground above. More fragments begin to fall as that creak tears across the ceiling now, breaking free large slabs of concrete, cascading them down upon the ground with deadly thuds and causing more trembles, more chaos. That armored suit hits the back wall as the rider is blinded and slightly scorched however and he is now also trying to actively dodge the falling ceiling while still spraying those belt-fed bullets wildly, as though to simply cover the passageway in lead.
A piece of hot metal strikes along the shoulder of the large man in his charged craze with enough intensity that it will most likely causes a good stutter in that step. That stream is swept towards the man as there is a noticeable hit and it moves back horizontally across the corridor with spurts now instead of consistent fire. The flashes of hell-fire give way to the sight of a belt of ammunition looping itself to some point at the armored behemoth's backside. The mad minute of firing is beginning to die down but this portion of the bunker is also becoming very unstable.

Ansiel is sloshing around on the floor trying to get some footing during the scramble to get the hell back to cover and when Kirsten knee slides up and wraps that arm into her pudding, the same kindness is done back to her and the girls scramble to one of the cut-outs in the wall, even as the tunnel seems to be ripping itself apart. "There!! Hit the ammunition.. Focus fire!! Now!!" Ansiel noticed that flash and is now frantically trying to get the disoriented group attention back on task.

McGuire remains motionless a tiny bit longer after the bullets toss him backwards to the ground. Not only did he get shot, but the exploding crate embedded long slivers of itself throughout his body. The rifle slips from his hand, it falls helplessly to the floor. There he lays, near the middle of the hall in the center of it all on the floor and motionless.

Kyoshiro growls as nothing but sparks are emitted from his blade strike. Whatever kind of armor this guy was wearing was above calibre. The falling piece of metal strikes him and he falls to his knees a moment. He can hear Ani shouting through the comm. So he grabs his pistol which he reloaded before his charge and points it towards the looping back ammunition... then fired would a loud crack as the corridor collapses around them

The bands of the ammunition belt come unraveled from their bindings, sending errant rounds upon the ground and causing them to fire off into the main cabin in which the armor operator is nestled. The rounds riddle his body and leaves the monstrous behemoth limp and lifeless, although the whirr from the chaingun still whines even though no bullets are firing out. The suit of heavy armor topples to one side and in a stroke of supreme luck for the group, wedges itself in that lean between a large piece of the ceiling and the floor. It would have otherwise been certain demise for them all if this hadn't of happened. There it sets now, nothing more than a glorious pillar that's given them access to the holding room, but it surely won't last long as the enormous weight of that concrete slab is already beginning to warp at the metal frame.

Ansiel kicks off that wall and runs out to Fao to start to try and slide the man back out of the corridor towards the way they came in. "Team 1 an' 2, get ya'r arses down there an' start getting the captives outta here before the place comes down on us!!" She screams out to those that are just gawking at all that has transpired. Two of them stop to get the captain's body slid out of there as Ansiel is having a hard time moving the dead weight by herself. She scans out and runs out to the Commander, coming upon him with a slide, checking over him, "Are ya okay? Commander! Are ya hurt?" There is worry in her gaze as he seems to be slumped just a tad, maybe exhausted, but as that armor groans under the weight of the ceiling her eyes go wide and she begins jerking at him to move. "We gotta get outta 'ere!"

"We need to get the hostages..." Kyoshiro growls in return to Ansiel and he steadies himself onto one knee. His left eye... is bleeding, swollen and shut tight. He rises to his feet, great coat tattered from bullets and his face scarred from shrapnel. Something must have hit his left eye, either a stray bullet or shrapnel. He looks to Ani, "We /need/ to get them out." Holstering his pistol, despite the wounds he suffered, and returning his Katana to his saya he makes his way to where the prisoners are being held. Fuck it all if he's damaged.

Regardless of the Commander's insistence on going after the captives himself, Kyoshiro is only getting in the way as the two teams combined are moving them along at a very quick pace, pushing them out of the holding area almost as the lingering threat of collapse is all too real. The Captain is already on his way back to the Outlaw Star on a stretcher and it seems that the sniper team has moved in to help as well. Superiority has been declared in the air and on the ground and the exfil doesn't take much longer even though there are nearly two hundred people that are being moved out of that bunker.

"Come on. Stop being a stubborn arse an' let's go. We got this." She can't help but notice that injured eye, "An' get ya eye looked at ta. It's bad.." They move and begin to exit that corridor as the last of the captives are moving out through the blast doors and up the long tunnel towards the glimmer of light coming from the outside. Slowly they make their way and just as they are about to the blast door themselves a horrendous crash echos out around them with a groan, telling of the armors failure to hold out any longer, allowing the bunker to press into itself. A plume of rock and dust follow them up the corridor and flows out into the open air just as they reach the light of day.

McGuire will live, he just looks like a pincushion.

"They... they need to see my face..." Kyoshiro says quietly and lets her keep him at the entrance so the Roma that are there can pass by and see him. To know that their Churara did come after them. Few words are spoken if they can be spoken. Then as Ani leads him out, he's not so keen on her helping him. He moves on his own two feet, even with a slight limp. He can see Fao on a Stretcher and frowns. Then, looking back as dusts puffs out from the bunker entrance, the entire thing collapsing in on itself. "Alliance is going to have a field day with this..." He touches a hand to his injured eye... "Herm..."

Ansiel just nods and stays with the Commander until her is waiting to venture off on his own with that limp and injured eye. She remains standing at the demolished entrance to that bunker and crosses her arms as it all unfolds, a smirk forming on her face at the mention of the Alliance having a field day. "Tis true." Is all that is replied and her own personnel are looking onwards towards her and what everyone came together to accomplish today. They beam out upon those that were recovered with pride and honor towards their deeds. A salute falls towards the cross-armed visage that is their boss and perhaps she'll take up a title among them herself, but for now, she is just glad that everyone made it out alive. "Ezikla, Nirvana. Objective achieved. Taker home. Over." She begins to make her way across that expanse that lies between the ruins of the bunker and the LZ, crew and everyone in tow, for exfil back to that FOB setup on the primary Beylix Spaceport.