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Piloting Guide in .PDF

Complete Steps To Piloting

Man a console

Man a console of choice (i.e. man CONSOLE), which is typically Flight Console or Captain’s Chair. If, when you look at the console, it doesn't offer flight help, then you can't use it to fly.

Check sysrep

Type sysrep to display the System’s Report, and notice the damage (if any), and be sure to check the amount of fuel remaining.

  | Engineering Systems Report                        SHIP NAME HERE   |
  | System               Status    Power      Stress      Damage       |
  | Engines              Offline     0 (7)    0%            LIGHT      |
  | Internal Computer    Offline     0 (7)    0%            HEAVY      |
  | Sensor Array         Offline     0 (10)   0%            MEDIUM     |
  | Maneuv. Thrusters    Offline     0 (10)   0%          None         |
  | Comm. Array          Offline     0 (10)   0%            MEDIUM     |
  |                        +- Computer Status -+                       |
  | Power Usage: 0/0                       Surplus: 0                  |
  | Consoles   : 1                         Powered: 0                  |
  |                        +- Reactor Status -+                        |
  | Type  : Reactor                        Output: 0/0(0/60)           |
  | Stress: 0%                             Damage:   LIGHT             |
  |                          +- Fuel Status -+                         |
  | Storage Level:        99%                                          |

Power Up Reactor

After examining the systems, look at the needed power for each system to perform optimally (the number in the parenthesis), mentally or using a calculator add them up, or just estimate, and look at the Reactor Status section at the last number within the parenthesis, which is the maximum output for that ship’s reactor (you want to use the least percentage possible to conserve fuel, and prevent stress), then estimate what percentage of that maximum will be needed to power on all systems, or use a calculator to divide the systems power total by the reactor total, and then type sysperc reactor = PERCENTAGE

sysperc reactor=74

  - Desired reactor output level now set to 44 MW.

Note! The command sysperc can be used to power up any system to less then full power. This way, sensors and life support can be run, whilst using less power and less fuel.

sysperc sensors=50

  - Sensor Array power now set to 10 MW.

Power Up Systems

Check sysrep every 20 – 30 seconds and look at the first number in the parenthesis within the Reactor Status section, as this is the power available for systems, and once you have enough to power on the Internal Computer system, type computer and it will automatically power it to 100%


  Terminals all around you power up as the computer systems are powered.

Do this for every system listed under sysrep, once the reactor has reached the power required to turn on all the other systems. Those can be done via engine, thrust (Maneuvering Thrusters), comm (Communications Array), sensor (Sensors Array), life (life support where applicable).

Note! - Not all ships have a life support system, however if your ship does, you must turn it on, or you will kill the crew. If your ship doesn't have life support, it is assumed to be a part of another system.

Power Up Console

Next type cpower on, as this will power on the console that you manned in step 1.

cpower on

  - Captains Chair now online.


Next you can type launch or undock if you are docked or landed, and you will be presented with a message as follows…


  - Commencing lift off procedures ...
    - Testing lift rockets ...
  - Lift off procedures complete .. 60 seconds to orbit.
  The ship sways and bumps as it lifts from the surface of the ground.
  - Orbit in 30 seconds ...
  - Ship is now in orbit above the celestial surface.

For those in a hurry, only the systems; Engines, Life Support and Internal Computer as well as the flight console, need to be powered up in order to launch. Other systems and consoles can be powered up while lifting off, and once in orbit.

Plotting A Course

Now once in “orbit” as the message states, you can do the following to “Plot” a course.

Linking Console

Link the navsat to the console you manned in step 1, via link CONSOLE, where console is the name you used to man it.

link capt

  Link with Captains Chair Successful.
Set Start Coordinates

Type start here to set your current coordinates to your current location in space.

start here

  The current location is now set as the point of origin.
List Possible Destinations

Type plot all courses to list all waypoints you have on the “Galactic map” (for more info on plotting ,type astrohelp all)

Set Destination

Type stop at WAYPOINT, where waypoint is the name of a location from the listing shown in plot all courses.

stop at LOCATION

  Waypoint LOCATION is now set as the destination.

Engage Engines

If you are ready to start your journey then type ss 9999 this will display an error that will tell you the maximum speed of your ship. Using this number retype ss MAXSPEED, and you are now on your way. If you wish the proper E.T.A. to be shown in the plot course command then you will have to type set speed MAXSPEED as well.

ss 9999

  - Specified velocity must range from -330 to 660.

For THIS particular ship you would use, and see…

ss 660

  - Desired velocity now set to 660 lph.
  You feel a sudden jerk as the ship speeds up.

Using the set speed command will show

set speed 660

  The speed setting has been changed to 660 Mm/hr.
  The speed setting has been changed to 660 Mm/hr.

Finally, you should issue the afterburn command, which engages the pulse drive, and accelerates your ship to twice the speed setting (so from 660 to 1320). To get an accurate estimate of your speed after engaging afterburners, you should re-issue the 'set speed' command to the new correct speed which you can find with the 'stat' command.

Checking Heading

Check the course bearings via the previously mentioned plot course command and the stat command. This will show the actual bearing you are on, example output is as following. The current bearing is in the Course section, labeled with C:, and if you are changing course, or it is automatically changing course for a set waypoint the D: will represent the destination bearing.

plot course

  |         ORIGIN         |      DESTINATION       |      COURSE DATA       |
  |   (Current Position)   |          Ezra          |  Bearing: 104/87       |
  |    X:          3166    |    X:          3170    | Distance: 79           |
  |    Y:          6431    |    Y:          6430    |    Speed: 660          |
  |    Z:           -79    |    Z:             0    |      ETA:  7m 11s      |


  | SHIP NAME   (--)              |                          SHIP TYPE HERE   |
   >---Navigation Status Report---+------------------------------------------<
  |                   94         105        114     | X:       3166           |
  |   91__             |____._____|_____.____|      | Y:       6431           |
  |       |                    > 105 <              | Z:        -79           |
  |      -|          ___________________________    | +- Course -+            |
  |   81--> 81     /                             \  | C: 105/81   D: 105/81   |
  |      -|      /                                 \| V: 660/660 (660)        |
  |     __|     |                                   |                         |
  |   71        |                                   | Shields    0%           |
  |             |                 +                 |            |            |
  | HP: 100%    |                                   |         * -+- *         |
  | MR: 1000    |                                   |            |            |
  |              \                                 /             0%           |

Correcting Course

If the bearing shown under D in stat does not match the one in plot course you will need to type head # mark # where the first number represents the number before the slash / and the second number is placed after the word mark. This will alter your course, and is guaranteed to be needed the closer to destination you are.

head 104 mark 87

  - Course heading changed to 104 mark 87.

alternately you can use the sh command.

sh 104 87

  - Course heading changed to 104 mark 87.

Both head and sh do the same thing, so it's up to you which format is more comfortable for you.

Sensors, and Their Usage

As for sensors, there are a few command that you will need to know, srep (sensors report), will present you with a listing of all objects on sensors, whether identified, or unidentified, their distance, the XYZ POS, and their bearing

When a NEW contact comes within Sensors range you will see some messages as follow, and the #### will be random ALWAYS.

  [3897] - Unidentified contact has appeared on sensors.
  [5752] - Unidentified contact has appeared on sensors.
  [5514] - Unidentified contact has appeared on sensors.
  [6903] - Unidentified contact has appeared on sensors.

You can then look at the srep command, which is laid out as follows.


  Contacts: #
  C   ####  Name                     Bearing Range      Heading Speed  Type      
  -  ------ ------------------------ --- --- ---------- --- --- ------ ----------
  J  [7303] Ezra                     112 -21   103.9854  --  -- 0      Planet    
  L  [3111] Niska's Skyplex          112  23   105.3510   0   0 0      Base      
  J  [6903] Unknown                  302  13   509.1387  --  -- 0      Planet    
  J  [2270] Unknown                  334   6   561.0836  --  -- 0      Planet    
  J  [5752] Unknown                  358  10   754.6024  --  -- 0      Planet    
  J  [3897] Unknown                   65   2   793.3531  --  -- 0      Planet    
  J  [5514] Unknown                   89   0   799.6754  --  -- 0      Planet    

You can then use the four digit number for the particular contact with the scan #### command, an example of that is

scan 7303

  | Scan Report                      CONTACT NAME  |
  | X:      3170                   Size: 10        |
  | Y:      6430                                   |
  | Z:       -79                                   |
  |                                                |
  | Landing Locations: 1                           |
  | [##] Name                     Active  Code     |
  |   1  NAME – LOCATION            Yes    No      |


Now you see where you're going, and you know where you want to land. The first thing you have to do is slow down, so if you've engaged afterburn when you got going earlier, you should use the command noburn to turn off the afterburners, then slow down to land using ss ## where ## is your new speed. Be careful to watch stat and srep to make sure you don't overshoot, and to keep an eye on your speed.

There are two different tolerances for landing; planetary, and station (for skyplexes and ships). For planetary landing, you must get within 10 units of the planet, and be traveling less than speed 300. For station landing, you must be stopped, and within 4 units of the landing bay you're entering. This is where srep and head commands come in handy to maneuver into position.

Once you're in landing position, according to 'plot course' or 'srep', you will need to use the land ####/# command to begin your landing sequence. The four digit number is the sensor contact ID from ‘srep’, and the single digit is from a scan #### of the destination planet. Once you give this command to land at a selected port, you will see output similar to the following.

land 7303/1

  - Beginning descent to the surface of Ezra ...
  The ship shudders as the drop rockets engage and the ship begins its descent.
  - Surface contact in 30 seconds ...
  The ship sways and bumps as it makes contact with the ground surface.

The last thing to do, is to man the console of your choice, usually an Engine Room console, and shut down the reactors using sysperc reac=0. Once this is done, you should see something like this.

sysperc reac=0

- Desired reactor output level now set to 0 MW.
- A warning light flashes, indicating that the Engines system has lost power.
- Flight Controls powered down.

Failure to shut down the reactor after landing has been the cause of many an empty fuel tank when someone finally realizes they left everything turned on, so once you're down, shut it down, unless you're planning on leaving again immediately.


This Guide Has Been Written By: JiShu

YIM: Onoitsu2
AIM: Onoitsu2
MSN: Onoitsu@msn.com

Contributions by: Laurent McCain, Tayen