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Characters: Rodney, Kell, Cody, Frobisher, Cecilia, Cameron, and Amaya Location: UDC Rec and Pool Room, Silverhold.

Well, Wulver is down and not moving anywhere in the next few hours, so Bish is at the bar. It'd been a toss up between the rec room and the inn in town, but in the end the closer had won, mostly on the grounds of being, well, closer. It's beer for now, although things might get harder as the night progresses, who knows? <English>

Grinning, Kell shakes his head, "At the time, customers were the last thing on my mind. I was just helping out a group of people were getting shot by the Alliance. Enemy of my enemy is my friend, or something like that." Kell says as he leans back on the incline bench to get ready to do a second set. "I did end up visiting Captain McGuire though after the battle was over and before we received word about the slavers. Don't think there were any hard feelings..." <English>

Cody grins briefly, glad to hear there's no hard feelings. "Well, maybe Rodney's," she says, before she takes that one more step and is suddenly in the water over her head, floating. "The water is nice," she says, using her arms to keep herself from sinking with a slow easy motion. "That must have been kind of like being back in the war, sounds like. Was it hard to go back?" <English> <English>

Cecilia wanders into the Rec Room, cautiously peeking in before fully entering. Since she doesn't immediately see Amaya, it's probably safe. The teen has her hands shoved into her pockets, but looks around with high interest, because pools are fun!

Frobisher is mostly waiting for Eva. They're supposed to be downing vast quantiites of booze together at some point, but for now th egunhand is busy elsewhere. Her bottle is tipped back and she sets the empty back down on the bar, only keeping half an ear on te conversations going on around. <English>

Kell was lifting weights, having finished the bench presses he was doing earlier and working on the incline presses though he has just finished that. He has been chatting with Cody while lifting, the latter playing with the water in the pool. "Hey, no deep end!" The gunhand speaks up, giving Cody another warning about going too deep in the water, "Go back? Into the fighting? Nah, it actually felt... right." <English>

Cody makes a face at Kell as he tells her to stay out of the deep end. Oh, c'mon. How is that supposed to get her exercising? She hads over to the side though, so she can grab hold if she gets tired, and continues deeper along in, swimming a lazy sidestroke. "Right, huh? Does that mean -- everything else is wrong?" she asks, sounding slightly perturbed. Huh. Maybe everyone is going quietly crazy? In which case, some psychiatrist is going to make a mint off this crew. <English>

The sound of heavy striding, and somewhat uneven bootsteps announces the coming of the great destroyer, or as he's known to his friends and family, Rodney the Kilbride. His clothes are torn, and dusty, and he's bellowing at the top of his lungs, mid-song..."Bad mistakes, I've made a few..." He throws a right cross, rather un-sloppy for someone who reeks of whiskey, and then follows with a left jab at an unseen opponent..."Had my share of sand kicked in my face..." A jaunty little kick of his left foot.

His accent isn't quite so thick when he sings, even when he loses words, and when he's shouting it to the heavens...."la la words words..." This is slightly muffled and muttered, as he's clearly forgotten a verse or two. Both hands go over his head, and he hops up and down like a prize fighter who's just prevailed against Apollo Creed, Mr-T, or that russian dude..."I am the champion. I AM THE CHAMPION..." His outside voice suddenly turns into his battlefield voice..."No time for losers! 'cause I'm the motherfuckin' CHAMPION." Oh shit. Here comes the air guitar. Kilbride gets down with his bad self, using his left hand to make invisible frets, while his right falls into some heavy strumming. Oh hell. Now he's playing with his butt.

"I've taken my bows, and m'curtain calls..." His axe has been turned in, as he staggers blindly toward the pool, still seemingly unaware of his crew..."You brought me fame and fortune!" He closes his eyes, as he stops on the bare edge of the pool, almost falling in. A slight bend in his knees, as he stoops to lift an invisible lid..."I thank you ALL!" And, continuing to hum some more awesome chords, he unzips...hangs dong, and starts to empty whiskey bladder into the pool. <English>

"Not wrong... just, when Rodney and I were back in the trenches, it felt like we've never left." Kell says with a slight shrug as he leaves the lifting machines and heads towards the pool where Cody is idly swimming. With the heavy thumping of boots and the singing, the gunhand smirks and looks to the new arrival, "And speaking of the devil." <English>

Cecilia scrambles out of the way of the door at the incoming captain, staring at him with eyes wide for a moment. Then the girl starts snickering until he ... pees in the pool!? The teen's face wrinkles up into disgust and she slinks over to where Bish is drinking instead of her earlier intent of swimming in the pool.

Frobisher glances briefly over her shoulder as Kell calls out his dmonishment, but seeing that there is nothing actually going wrong she stands to grab herself another beer, rather than go lend a helping hand. She gets the beer, but doesn't get time to open it before the Captain arrives and somewhat diverts her attention. Until he reaches the pool that is, at that point she turns back to the bar and grabs something stronger, brandy by the looks of it. "Not my problem," she mutters to herself before downing a mouthful and wincing slightly. THat done she turns back to survey the damage so far, thankful Rodney's back is to her and passing the bottle to Cecilia as she does so. <English>

Cody pauses, listening to the incomming singing, and the steps. It's obviously Rodney and that brings a smile to her face. The crazy singing - that gets a bit of a laugh. She glances Kell's way as he answers, just giving him a little nod. And as Rodney arrives all the way into the room and decides to make misuse of the pool, she closes her eyes. "Rodney Kilbride, there's a washroom 5 feet away, you jerk!" Both hands go up to the side of the pool, and then she very slowly and shakily pulls herself up and out of the pool. And we do mean slowly and shakily, cause she's not anywhere near the stairs or the ladder. Once out of the pool, she sits there at the side for a bit, quietly. <English>

As Rodney begins to pee in the pool, Kell widens his eyes slightly before barking out a loud laugh, shaking his head, "Oh boy..." He knows Cody will be scrambling to get out though and moves to help her out, not wanting her to exhaust herself midway and fall back in because he will not be jumping into piss water to save anyone.

"No time for lo..." Rodney begins to bellow out, still with his eyes closed...until he hear's his name being shouted, and so inappropiately besmirched. "Jerk? Guppy, what in the blue fucks are you doin' in my goddamned WC?" He's not the one sneakin' into other people's bathrooms. "I mean hell, ain't that young buck o' yours enough?" And then, he deings to open his eyes, and blink. Once, twice. Thrice. "Oh." He finishes, of course...shakes it off, and begins to stuff it away..."Uh. Well. Piss." He doesn't apologize, or even look all that sheepish. He just offers a bow, tips his hat, and saunters over toward the bar..."WHISKEY MADAM." A shout, and he points at Bish, designating her a bartender. "Whiskey for the conquerin' hero o' Silverhold." He lists forward, as he stops at that bar, and must place both hands firmly on it's surface. <English>

"That is so disgusting." Cecilia says quietly, still wearing a grossed out expression on her face as Rodney packs little Rod away again. The girl takes the brandy bottle that Bish offers and has a swig. "Thanks." The teen says after swallowing hard. She shrinks away from the large, bellowing drunk captain, watching him with cautious attention.

Before Kell could say anything to poke fun at Rodney, the alarm message is sent to his iComm, letting him know that an unannounced visitor has arrived. Taking a look at the message, the gunhand sighs and looks up, "I'm gonna go take a look, to make sure it was just someone take a wrong turn." As he goes to leave though, Kell shoots Rodney another grin, "Boss, you really are getting old, aren't you. Forgeting where you are and not shooting straight when we were going to rescue Cody and Cecilia, the first time?" He does head for the exit before Rodney could give a response though, knowing that the Captain won't let it sit when he gets back. <English>

Frobisher is not a whisky drinker so just picks one of the relevent bottles at random and sets it down infront of Rodney. Then, thinking better of the move she grabs a glass from a handy stash and pours him a measure instead, slipping the bottle back away once she's done. "You Conqured Silverhold hey Boss? Must have been a hell of a fight." <English>

"Jerk," Cody says quite clearly. "People like to swim in that pool, it's not your private washroom. Now we have to get that all cleaned up, and it's money that will come out of the booze budget." Rodney's booze budget at that. "And it just got ready to swim in today." Sigh. "Oh, puckernuts, Rodney, swimming pools are for swimming in, didn't your mama teach you better manners?" Grumble, grumble. As Kell comes ove to give her a hand, she gives him a smile, and accepts his help to stand up, still glaring at Rodney though. Big Galoot. Hrmph. "If I wasn't still recovering, you'd be swimming right now." Then as Kell heads off, she takes a breath, shaking it off, and goes to the table where her Icomm is sitting, along with her drink and dinner. She wrinkles her nose, but calls for someone to come clean up the pool since she'd like to be able to swim again one of these days. <English>

"Oh for the love of christ. It is just a little piss." Rodney declares, giving Cody a look that states quite clearly that he think she's overreacting, something hardcore. He pulls off his hat, and settles it to his bar, and then yanks of his jacket, and slings it over a chair. "I done drunk piss on more'n a few desperate occasions...it ain't never hurt no one." He looks at Bish, and rolls his eyes, as if she would have some sympathy. "Aye, lassie. It was a great victory over the gyps. They was a whole gaggle o' the buggers down to the tavern...buskin' and makin' a distraction..." He staggers downward, untying his boots, still conversing. "So as the other skulkers could get to the stealin' o' the babes..." Boots are kicked off, and, then his gunbelt is unbuckled, and joins his coat. "It's fuckin' hot in here." His t-shirt is removed, revealing that his stitches are gone, whee. "So...I wade in amongst the fucks...y'know...on account of no one stealin' the wee buggers on my new planet...had to have seven or eight men that needed their teeth kicked in, yeah?" So, like two or three, more'n'like. "Well. Silverhold won't be havin' no infants goin' missin' this day, my friends. Let me 'ssure you. Not even a wee bairn like yerrself..." A smile, and a nod to Cecilia...then he reaches for his drink, knocks it back, and while the beverage is burning down his throat, off come his trousers. "I AM THE CHAMPION OF THIS WORLD!" Glass is thrown hard to the floor, and he streaks/staggers across the room, showing that he's still speedy for an old fart...and then with a leap, he is cannonballing into into the pool. "Don't mind if I do take a swim!" This shouted mid-air at Cody. <English>

Somewhere in there, Rod gave the finger to a departing Kell. <English>

Frobisher almost considers hiding the whisky, but there are other place the Captain can get some, let alone the private stash bhe must have. She holds her hand out for the brandy bottle back, feeling the need for another slug before resting her elbows on the bar and watching Rodney make a splash. "Ever get teh feeling it's going to be a long night?" she mutters quietly to Cecilia, "might go find myself somewhere less incident prone to get hammered." <English>

Cecilia takes another swig while Rodney lays out his productive day, then passes the bottle of brandy back to Bish. She climbs onto a stool, leaning against the bar and slowly shrugging off her own sweatshirt as the heat of the gym settles in. There's a little smile in return when the captain looks her way and though she might not admit it, it does make her feel a bit safer. Then... then the pants come off. The teen's face burns red and she clamps a hand over her eyes with a groan. "Ughh.. It's like watching my grandpa."

"Your grandpa is like Rodney?" Cody says, sounding startled. She just ignores the big lummox now, not at all impressed with him. Hey, if he wants to go swim in his own urine, that's his call. She doesn't have to. She settles into her seat, near the bar, with a view of the pool and the gym, and finds her terry-cloth coverup, so she can stop shivering. "Someone remind me - whenever Rodney is here, have the pool extra cleaned, cause he's probably going to be a jerk about this ongoing now," she murmurs. She watches Rodney as he divebombs into the pool, and really hopes she doesn't have to try to rescue him, because that will get ugly fast. Especially right now.

Frobisher takes the bottle back gladly, continuing to work her way through it. Glancing over to Cody as she heads over, the pilot asks, "You want anything while I'm here?" Kell, isn't her, so nows probably the time really. To Cecilia she just shrugs slightly "You watched you're Grandad do that?" <English>

"No.. he's just.. old... and .. wrinkly." The teen mutters, pulling her legs up to fold beneath her on the bar stool, balling up her hoodie and setting it in her lap.

Rod's butt is not wrinkly! He's very fit. And totally awesome, obviously. "OH NO I CAN'T SWIM!" is bellowed from the pool, as his head breaks the surface, and then ducks back under. The man making a big show of thrashing about like a fool, and spitting water everywhere on intermittent surfacings. A few moments later, he rolls over, and appears doing the backstroke. "It's ok. I remembered how!" Splash splash splash, he starts a circuit of the pool. Maybe this will sober him up. His head is above water, atleast on one side at all times now, and when he hear's Cecilia's comment...there is an audible gasp. A moment later, and he's sprung to his feet in the shallowest of the shallow end. He stands there, water streaming off of him, and starts flexing in the general direction of the bar. "I am not old. I am -not- wrinkly." Well. Scars don't count as wrinkles! Kilbride makes a particularly triumphant pose, with both arms curled up, displaying his mighty guns..."I AM ADONIS." <English>

"Now see what you've done," Bish mutters to Cecilia, a faint hint of amusement in her voice. The brandy is knocked back again and then the bottle set down, won't do to get too plastered right now. "Please take that back, or he'll be utterly unlivable with." <English>

Cody sips her tea, but at Bish's question, she grins. "Sure, why not a shot of whatever you're having. Just a little bit though. And thank you, Bish." Cause she's not sick, dang it, she's just starved. And recovering. then she has to laugh at Ceci's comments before she turns back to look at Rodney in time to see his manly man pose. Her cheeks don't even go pink, she just glances, wrinkles her nose and then keeps her eyes on his face calmly. "Glad you remembered how to swim, cause none of us are going in that pool to rescue you, Rodney." Well, since it's not an issue, it should be an okay thing to say. Though then she chuckles softly. "You're something alright. Where is Roxie to appreciate that posturing?" <English>

Cecilia drops her hand back to her lap, but her cheeks are still red from earlier embarrassment and horror. "How old are you? Fifty? My grandpa is in his fifties." The teen replies with a little shrug. When he strikes that pose, she just looks confused. "You're who?"

"Who am I? I'm fuckin' Adonis!" Rodney replies again, and then squints at Cecilia. "I'm the goddamned god of sexy, an' hunky!" He stares at her, not flexing now..."What they be teachin' ye wee ones, these days. Hell." A sad shake of his head, and then he answers her first question..."I am forty-three. I ain't in my fifties. I ain't an old man...barely even middle fuckin' aged." A pause, and he heads for the pool's depths, once again. "Could whip an' younger man that you can name, too. Why d'ya think I got such a hot little piece, eh? A -young-, hot little piece." Hmph. He disappears under the water, now. <English>

Frobisher pours Cody a shot of Brandy and hands the glass over before glancing back to Cecilia. "I would ask if they actually teach you kids anything in school these days, but fucked if I can remember anything of use from my brief time there." She shakes her head slightly, keeping her eyes away from Killbride for now. <English>

Cody takes her brandy and sips at it, since there's nobody here to stop her. Rodney's swimming - well, he's a big boy. By now the couple of folks who've been called to clean the pool have arrived, and they give it a glance. Course, there's not much to see, but they do start by measuring the chemicals in the water at the edge far away from Rodney. Cody keeps an eye on them, but does try not to watch Rodney, if she can manage it. Far as the school conversation goes, she ignores it. She does however enjoy her brandy, taking advantage of her moment of freedom, while Kell checks out the landing pad. "I foresee needing to have the pool checked out every two hours when Wulver is landed here," she says with a slight shake of her head. <English>

Cecilia makes a face when Rodney criticizes her schooling. "Forty-three is pretty old..." The teen says bluntly. "I'm just saying. I bet Billy could take you." She adds, grinning. There's a glance between Cody and Bish, "Who's Adonis, anyway?"

Frobisher chuckles faintly to Cecilia, "Look it up on the Cortex kid, I wouldn't want to ruin your suspense." That said she stands straight again and slips a couple of beer bottles into her pockets. "I'm just going to go see how Kell is getting on," she says, addressing no one in particualr, "than maybe see if Eva is free yet. You guys do try not to have too much fun without me won't you." That said she heads for the door, giving the cleanup crew a sympathetic look. <English>

Cody is seated at the table, a coverup thrown over top of her so she doesn't freeze. She's got whatever the doctor ordered for her to eat and drink, as well as a shot of brandy that she's currently enjoying. Dripping wet, she looks even more pathetically anorexic. Rodney - naked in the pool - is now swimming or something in the deep end. The cleanup crew is checking all the chemical levels at the shallow end, so they can make sure the water is safe for swimming in. Bish just started off, looking to give Kell a hand. And Ceci is telling Rodney he is old. Cody at this point has gone quiet, as she enjoys her brandy, hoping to not get caught.

With the security business taken care of now, Kell makes his way back to the Recreational Center but it seems like he had taken a detour on the way since in his hand is a bottle of beer which he is enjoying. Stepping into the Rec Center, the gunhand heads towards the table Cody is at and glances to the pool to see if it is all yellow yet only to see Rodney, who is probably without clothes. "Is he..." There is a pause as a second glance is given before Kell sighs and shakes his head, "Yes he is."

After Bish leaves, and Cody doesn't offer any easy explanation on who Adonis is, Cecilia reaches to pull out her PDA. It's an old one she dug up on the Hachidori, but when she spies Kell returning, she lowers it. "Kell! Do you know who Adonis is?" The teen asks from where she's perched on a stool at the bar.

Cody rolls her eyes. "Of course he is," she says, still not looking at Rodney. Hey, she didn't faint, but that doesn't mean she wants to watch the guy! Her cheeks do go a bit pink, and she concentrates on the tea. It actually only now clues in that Ceci had asked a question, when she asks Kell. "Oops, sorry, Ceci," she says, a little chagrined. But she waits to see what Kell answers, before she adds in anything more. <English>

"Adonis? That would be me, why do you ask?" Kell says as he gives the young girl with psychological problems a grin, "Where did you hear that name from? You're a little too young to know of it, plus, it's from the Earth That Was." He does give Cody a second glance though, "Looks like you have gotten a bit stronger, I expected to see you passed out on the ground or in a chair after seeing the Captain the way he is." <English>

"I AM ADONIS." Is the bellow, as drunk Rodney leaps out of the pool is a ball of water, and naked Scotsman. It's an impressive feat. One minute he is submerged, and the next he is flinging water all over the recreation facility, as he charges on wet feet toward Kell. "There can be only one!" The Captain is still all fired up over his epic win over the marauding gypsies, is drunk off his arse, and there might be something stronger than whiskey involved, here. Whatever it is...he is amped the fuck up. And is in the process of landing a solid shoulder into his Second Mate, for a bout of naked grapplin'. It just got all Greco-Roman up in here. Or homoerotic. Either or.

"You?..." Cecilia asks skeptically, scowling now. And when he says she's too young? That earns him a scowl. "What does -that- mean?" The teen retorts, looking back down at the PDA, trying to get a search on the topic. "Damnit.. I can't get a signal on this old piece of junk." The girl complains, then glances up, "You know, this is why I don't know what things are.. people always lie to me." She points out with a dramatic eyeroll. Then her jaw drops open when Rodney makes his naked bullrush into Kell. Her PDA drops from her fingers and hits the floor with a clatter.

OH PUCKERNUTS - that's gone and done it. Cody stays where she is, her gaze now on the bullrushing Rodney as he finally gets insane enough to tackle the second mate. She mumbles something under her breath, and then she does yell, "Take it to the sparring mats, dang it!" Not like Rodney will listen, jerk that he is when he's totally off his rocker, but well, she can try. And Kell is usually a lot more reasonable. She does have a gun to hand, as she has had since the rescue, but heck if she's going to shoot either one! "Oh man, Cecilia, this is about to get ugly," she says. And then, "Adonis was supposed to be a really good looking god back on Earth that was."

As the water pretty much explodes out of the pool in a ball, Kell's eyes widen and before he is able to react, probably stunned at the horrible image coming at him, the gunhand gets shoulder tackled. It's pretty damn hard to get a firm grip on the wet and naked Rondey, especially when Kell doesn't want to grab the wrong thing so his first attempt is to knee the guy in the stomach to flip him off of him. It fails though as the Captain is just too slippery right now. <English>

"Who's old an' slow now?!" A bellow that is almost directly in Kell's ear, as Rodney continues to grapple with the younger, drier, and more clothed man. There's a quick punch to his kidneys, and the Scotsman continues to hang on for dear life, showing that he's perfectly capable of fighting down on the mat, as well as on his feet. His eyes do take a moment to lift up, and look at Cody, and CeCe. "Apologize, ladies. Know this be titilating as all hell, but this boy-o's had a pummelin' comin' for a while, yet." Gaze drops back to the man with which he struggles. "No homo, though, Princess." Just to be clear. <English>

The old man is quick, Kell will give Rodney that as the fist manages to connect at his kidney area though he was almost able to twist out of the way to make it a glancing blow. Air escapes the gunhand in a woosh but this isn't close to getting him knocked out as he has gotten into plenty of fights in his history, just none as crazy as the naked Captain right now. "Fuck! Get the fuck off of me you old, naked, perverted bastard!" There isn't that much venom in his words, but more of a 'Dude, this is very homo whether you call no-homo or not' tone. However, on the second attempt to get Rodney off of him, Kell seems to make some headway as he goes for another knee at Rodney's midsection, this time landing solidly. <English>

Cody is just as happy if the boys sort this out with fists and not guns. So she doesn't say much at the moment, just finishing off her brandy, and then drinking her tea, as she watches. She's still not happy about them fighting, but well, there are worse things. "I might need more brandy for this," she murmurs with a shake of her head. <English>

Cecilia is still staring in complete shock, because she actually hasn't seen a drunk, naked, wet scotsman brawl before. She slips down off the stool and snatches up the fallen PDA, then hurries over to stand behind Cody, watching in horrified facination. "There's something really wrong going on here." The teen says quietly, one hand on the back of Cody's chair. "This does not make me think of good-looking gods."

Kilbride is staggered, and knocked backward onto his not-wrinkled arse. "I ain't perverted, or old. Just naked..." Rodney protests, breathing a bit heavily, as he tries to regain his wind lost, courtesy of Kell's knee to his midsection. He makes it to his knees, and then performs an awkward half-kick toward the man does nothing but miss, and give the spectators an awkward view of the Scotsman. He makes it to his feet, and brings up both hands. "C'mon. You can't fight a naked man? Bein' naked s'posed to be the hard part." <English>

Kell is quick on his feet once he is out of the clutches of the dirty old man as he jumps back a couple of steps, taking him out of the half-kick's range as Rodney misses. A scowl appears on the Second Mate's face as he sees that the Captain is not going to be reasonable about this, well, he is naked and drunk so reasonability is most likely out the window. "Rodney, every second I am looking at you right now, I'm trying not to puke. How the fuck can I fight like this." However, despite his words, Kell steels himself and balls his hands into fists and advances on the old man, "But if you insist." He comes forward and feints a left jab before letting a right hook fly but it's a swing and a miss for him too. <English>

Cody just shakes her head, watching the train wreck. At Ceci's comment though, she has to chuckle softly. "Well, I guess. I really could live without seeing this myself, honestly. I mean, I tend to consider Rodney to be my big brother." And she's not going anywhere near little Rod (to steal Ceci's line from earlier) ... no way, no how. "This is just way too much information." As for the pool cleaning staff, they are manfully going about decontaminating the pool that Rodney peed in, as quickly as they can, before they run for the hills. <English>

"Well, shit." Rodney replies to Kell's words, the feral grin beneath the 'stache turning into a sad frown. "Kell. Your words hurt more'n yer fists. Puke?" The Captain's frown remains, as he's settled in place, after swinging around the other man's right hook, and swinging a fist hard at Draygo's side, again. The nice strike has him breaking into a little dance that involves an Elvis-esque pelvic jam, followed by a full-on thrust. It's...bouncy. "I'm a -beast-. You can't beat me. I'm a -BEAST-." He keeps his hands up, though, as he continues his swaying shuck and jive..."I'm a sexy beast. You can't deny it." Yep. He has had more than just whiskey, tonight.

The missed right hook puts Kell in a bad position and he pays for it, it seems like even while drunk, Rodney can fight as he capitalizes on the Second Mate's mistake. His side is hit once more, certainly bruised now as Kell winces at the impact before trying to throw out a combination of left and right jab, but it appears that the man is still recovering from the hit, or he is focused more on not puking at the pelvic thrusts than anything else. <English>

Cecilia makes a little whining sound of protest at Rodney's beast comment. "He's not sexy... I'm not seeing sexy at all." She says, trying not to look, but there's that bizarre facination that keeps her watching because... well... she's never seen a forty-year-old man, or his little man, in a brawl quite like this. "Can't you set pool rules or something?" The girl shifts uncomfortably, then calls, "Can't you put on a towel or something??"

Kilbride dances backward out of Kell's range, but whiffs on his own counter-punch, in the process. It was really close though! Rod has drunken Scotsman power, obviously. "A towel? Ye want me to hinder my range of movement with a FUCKING towel? I bloody well don't think so." He glances toward CeCe as she makes this suggestions. "'sides, I'd hate to deprive y'of this show, yeah? Tips will be accepted." He blinks, and realizes what he said, looking back at Kell. "No homo, again."

Finally able to take a break and a bit of time to explore what Cody has done with UDC, Evangeline wanders into the Rec Room just as Rodney declares 'I'm a sexy beast' and continues a series of jiggling pelvic thrusts. "OH MON DIEU MARY MOTHER OF GOD!" the cajun swears, "*WHAT* in de name of all dat's holy *ARE* ya doin?! And in front a ma petite Ceci too!" Turning her head slightly, she just grimaces, "Mah Gawd man put on some pants!" Striding forward, clearly intent on stopping Rodney because OMG someone has got to, the gunslinger calls out, "Kell, what in de hell are yall doin?? And must ya do it in public??!!?"

By now, Kell has more or less tuned the drunken Scotsman out and focuses on the fight since he has been getting a thrashing so far. But as the Captain is distracted by talking to Cecilia and apparently wanting money from the poor girl who has already been traumatized from being kidnapped, the Second Mate surges forward and goes for a straight punch right at Rodney's jaw. He manages to land the hit just in time, almost missing yet again. <English>

"I don't think they'd help," Cody tells Cecilia. Though she'd try it if she thought Rodney would pay them any attention. She winces when blows are struck, and kind of smiles when they miss. Though that little dance of Rodney's has Cody's eyes widen and she just ducks her head down on the table, hiding her face as she cannot handle that show. When Eva comes in - Cody manages to look up. Yes she's blushing, but she can't help that. "Eva, apparently Rodney thinks he's Adonis, and so does Kell. And Rodney believes there can only be one Adonis. Oh, and Rodney peed in the pool." So don't go swimming. Sigh. The cleanup guys get the new chemicals into the pool and they head off. Doing their best not to stare. Though the second guy kind of misses the door and hits the wall on the way out. <English>

Rodney shakes his head, trying to clear out the cobwebs that magically appeared, courtesy of that shot to his jaw. "FUCK." Another shake of his head, and he takes another step backward, throwing a very desultory shot at the other man, more in an attempt to gain some space to recover. He's not talking now, beyond..."Stay the fuck back, frenchie. Ye try to stop us, yer fired!" He squares his shoulders, and stretches his neck, testing his capabilities. He seems to be mostly okay(aside from the drunken mania). <English>

Kell presses on with the attack as the man has gone silent now against the superior opponent, knowing he will need his full focus to defeat a drunken Rodney. No more comments are made about the Captain being old, slow, or perverted as a direct attack is made, a step forward before Kell's right leg snaps out with a low kick, attempting to sweep his opponent. <English>

"You're older than my dad!..." Cecilia protests weakly. "This is so wrong. So very wrong." Now she does look away, "I'll give you money if you put clothes back ON. Augh." As Eve arrives, the teen gives the woman a wary look, torn between the horror of what's going on with Rodney and Kell, and the horror of the torture that Evangeline forced on her when she last saw the woman.

Kilbride's left arm shoots out, and tries to grab the leg that swept toward him, and would totally have done something awesome in the event that he caught it. But, he whiffs, and simply jabs his right fist straight forward toward Kell's nose, landing a solid strike, from the look of it. He doesn't speak to Draygo, as he struggles to maintain his balance, through the whiskey, and failed grapple. But, it wasn't a critical failure, or anything. "Meh. Yer younger'n my ma'. What's yer point, bairn?" Drunk, remember? <English>

"Mon ami, Ah was at your side durin de last attack by dose tings Ah won't talk 'bout, you and Ah been through a lot...but boss, Ah swear ta you...if ya wanna keep your knackers ya put on a towel and stop peein in de pool like a dog." Evangeline continues forward but stops, just waiting to see what Rodney will do, "Kell, you as drunk as he is and pissin in the pool too or are you tryin to stop him?" Tilting her head she watches, her dainty nose crinkled in an expression of distaste.

As the jab connects with Kell's nose, there's a stab of numbing pain as he stumbles back a few steps and grabs his face, "Ahh, fuck! That fucking hurt!" His nose isn't broken as it's a jab but the man is stunned for a second. At Eva's question, the Second Mate does grumble, "He came at me naked, what the hell am I suppose to do. And better stay away, who knows what he'll do to you right now." Kell isn't one to give up, especially in a fist fight, even if his opponent is a crazy naked man. He closes in on Rodney again and fires off another couple of punches at the Captain's face but they are defended easily. <English>

Cody takes a breath, watching as the fight seems to be relatively close. In fact, she's not exactly sure who is winning or losing, but she's pretty sure only egos will get damaged out of this, mostly. So, it's not the end of the 'Verse, so long as Rodney puts some clothing back on. Soon. She skips the res of her meal, moving to her chocolae pudding, since it's there. And better than peed in pool. "Oh, ow," she says as Rodney hits Kell's nose, with a wince. Not trying to stop them, but - "maybe we need to keep spare swim trunks for moments like this?" <English>

Kilbride parries the punches, and tries to counter-punch with his right, but fails miserably. He falls forward, and steps around Kell, half-turning to face him. Mercifully, his junk might be obscured from the two women at the bar, for a moment or two. Having whiffed yet again, he looks over to Evangaline for a -very- brief moment. "I ain't old, an' I ain't slow...an' he needs a thrashin' so he can shut his stupid face about it." Paragon of maturity, Rodney Bertram Kilbride, Esq. Esquire? What the fuck does that even mean? "You stay out of this. Pants come after violence." Being able to fight naked is a SKILL. <English>

Kell easily obliges the side step after the counter-punch fails but seems to have regained his senses from the punch as he shakes the cobwebs clear from inside his head. As the Captain is busy explaining things to the women, the Second Mate sure isn't going to give Rodney the time to finish and right when his words about pants coming back on is finished, a right straight punch connects with Rodney's cheek. It's a committed attack though, as Kell isn't worried about defending from a counter punch at this point. <English>

"Ah dunno dat he would use 'em at dis point cherie" Evangeline tosses over her shoulder to Cody, "Ah could care less if he peed behind a tree, but peein in de pool's just wrong." Scowling, the cajun turns back to Rodney and gives a snort commenting drily "Trust me cher, Ah *really* tink ya should be wearin de pants afore violence....and if Kell *really tought you were old an slow, he wouldn't be teasin ya 'bout it. Ah tink dat Roxie needs ta be de one you're provin you're manhood to...sureashell not Cody, Ceci, or moi." Five strides takes her to a pile of clean, white beachtowells. One is grabbed up, "Mon Dieu, Ah swear dat Ah will push ya in da pool and fight ya mahself if ya don't put on some Gorram pants! And Ah can promise ya dat Ah won't be as sweet to your nekkid bits as Kell is...dat'll be de first ting ta get kicked...now put on de pants...*DEN* fight."

"My point is that you're -old-!" Cecilia counters, even as Rodney declares that he's not. "You're like... some ... something.. I dunno... so gross.. " She struggles for words, but fails at finding any. "This is one of those mid-life crisis things, isn't it?" She sinks down into a chair, burying her face in her arms.

"FUCK." Kilbride explains, as his head is rocked hard backward, and a bit of blood spews out of his mouth. He shakes his head, glares at Evangeline, and then CeCe, while he works to make some space between the other man andhimself. "I ALREADY HAD A MID-LIFE CRISIS. IT WAS AWESOME. AND YOU FRENCHIE BACK OFF. WE WILL FIGHT LATER, IF WE MUST." Yes. He is bellowing. Yes, he is angry. But mostly at the talk-alots in the audience, instead of the man that ends up paying for it. All of that frustration, and energy is piled into his right fist, which is swung in a haymaker square at Kell's eye. It is a nasty connection, for sure. <English>

The haymaker connects rather prettily and the fury behind the punch is felt as Kell falls backwards a few steps but doesn't fall down, though he almost does. A hand goes up to his eye socket which may be fractured, if not, it is definitely bruised as it is angry and red already, "Fuck, where the fuck did that come from." Kell shakes his head again but now there is a dull throbbing pain in his head as he is definitely a bit stunned, however the fight must go on. The gunhand approaches warily and it is obvious he is favoring his right side vision with the area around the left eye swelling up nicely. A left jab followed up by a right punch is thrown but right now, Kell is a bit off, needing to adapting to his new vision. <English>

Well, at least Rodney is not shooting Kell. Cody is grateful for that, cause she would get in the middle of a gun fight. At the moment, she's with Ceci, trying to watch to make sure they don't hurt each other, and at the same time trying to not watch naked Rodney strutting his stuff. "Well, no, not now," she agrees with Eva. "But maybe next time." Sigh. Yes, she's sure there will be a next time. She gives Ceci a sympathetic look, and then just ducks her head again, glancing up as Kell hits Rodney and then Rodney fires back. "Ow. Puckernuts," she murmurs as she has to watch but really, she's not happy. <English>

From the direction of the kitchen, the limping form of Cameron Dasari enters, mid conversation with another figure. A tall, thin, and currently mousy-looking brown haired girl, no more than 22, follows behind him with a PDA in her hand, taking notes. She looks like she's been pulled in right off of the street, likely the most attractive thing for miles, wearing a simple pair of jeans and a jacket with her hair tied back in a loose ponytail. "I'm in the process of preparing what I'll have for my office, so when that comes through I'll order you a desk. As far as hours are considered, really, just...I don't know I'll call you first when that comes along." He glances back to her, limping heavily with his arm still in a sling. "Any questions so far, Carissa?"

"Kell, ya want me ta step in? Cause de man *REALLY* needs ta put on some damn pants!" Evangeline warily steps forward. One shoulder shrugs and then the other as she lets the long duster slip to the pool deck. Bare arms flex as she prepares to follow through on her threat. One of the white towells is draped over her shoulder, "Bossman, Ah love ya like a father so let me tell ya dat if Ah have to, Ah will do dis for your own good."

"Sorry, Princess. Women be pissin' me right off." Rodney apologizes, sort of....for that haymaker out of nowhere. The naked Scotsman doesn't hesitate in using his blind-side as an advantage though. With much flippin' and floppin' he dances around to Kell's left side, and throws a jab at the Second Mate's swelling eye. "You want to quit, Draygo?" He follows up Evangeline's question, even. He doesn't particularly want to beat the man to a pulp. <English>

When Rodney howls at her in that bellow, Ceci jumps, fear on her face. That shuts the girl up soundly enough. She wraps her arms around her knees, chewing on her lower lip while she continues watching the fight. She murmurs quietly, "Maybe... someone should stop them." Someone else to help, since Evangeline seems to be having limited success."

The second jab connects and pain stabs into Kell's head as it connects with the already injured and swelling left side of his ace but the question about quitting only brings a smirk to the gunhand's face, "No, but put some pants on, and we can finish on the sparring mats. Cuz I sure as hell ain't stopping now." There is a pause as the Second Mate begins to head towards the mats, obviously walking a little bit gingerly since he is favoring some of the bruised part of his body but he is focused on continuing the fight, "Just catching my second wind." <English>

Sigh. Just - ow. Double ow. Triple ow. Cody gets to her feet as that haymaker hits, more than a little bit worried about Kell. It gets her an unintended view of Rodney, but the first mate seems to just ignore it, unlike her previous exposure. "Dang it, you two. Don't break each other!" She is at least glad that Kell is finally taking this to the sparring mats, though now she's kind of worried that Kell might have some permanent damage. <English>

Thowing the balled up towel at Rodney, the cajun says "By de way sugah, Ah'm cajun not French...put de damn pants on den beat Kell up, no one here wants ta see your junk and did ya ever tink whether dis little charade mighta done more damage ta de girls who we just rescused from dat sick monster?" That Evangeline is slightly annoyed is obvious. Hands go on hips and she gives a dark scowl, "Ah always thought ya had more sense. Put dat towel on."

There is an exasperated roll of his eyes, and Rodney sighs. "FINE. I will put on pants. I'm sorry for intimidatin' ye in front of the lasses." The Captain -slowly- stalks across the room, still dripping wet, and picks up his nut-hugger jeans. He stuffs himself into the oft-patched denim, and glares at Evangeline. "Don't y'think I'm afraid of ye. Jus' didn't want to beat the shit outta two gunhands in one day." Kilbride reaches behind the bar, where Bish stuck the whiskey, knocks back a big slug, and then walks back toward the mats. He manages to avoid all that broken glass from when he trashed his shotglass, earlier. That'd suck to step in, on bare feet. He takes note of Cameron, and the new girl that he seems to be interviewing, and offers them both a nod. His left hand falls to cup now-clothed junk, and grab it. "Pretty bird, cufflinks." He smiles ferally beneath his 'stach toward her. "Sorry, lass. Equipment's off-limits. I'm taken." He reaches the mats, and puts up his dukes, swaying a bit, and bleeding from the mouth. "Bring it, Princess." <English>

Slowing, Cameron holds up a hand, motioning for the mousey girl behind him to slow. She doesn't notice, she's too busy gawking at the men that are sparring. She steps right into Cameron, dropping her PDA to the floor with a rubberized and plasticized clattering noise accompanied by rushed apologies. Judging the situation, Cameron frowns towards Rodney and Kell, and reaches for his wallet. Pulling out a handful of credits, he waits until his new impromptu 'staff' gets her bearings. "Here, love, take some credits, go in town, treat yourself nice like and use that PDA to order some nice clothes for work. Whatever fits your fancy, but we may have nobles coming through the gate. Half fun, half business, right?" He smiles, motioning for her to head out. "No telling if anyone's going to pull a grenade out their arse, so take the rest of the day off and have a good time of it."With that, the girl takes one more jaw-dropped look towards the fight and then speeds off, leaving Cameron with enough room to step around the pool towards Cody's position. He nods upwards to Rodney as he nears."How long 'as this been about, Cody?"

Kell seems to be busy trying to prepare himself, somehow, for the second round as he uses the time for a breather though his vision is obviously impaired now, only able to see out of one eye so his depth perception is a little off. He shakes his head a couple of times, as if that would get rid of the throbbing pain in his head and then begins to kick off his boots as this is the sparring mats. Once his feet finds familiar purchase on the padded mats, Kell waits for Rodney to be ready and the fight continues. Slowly, the gunhand approaches the drunken Scotsman and then seems to throw a couple of test punches out, one jab high, a right straight punch low at the midsection, not too much power behind those two hits. <English>

Cecilia seems particularly relieved when Rodney pulls his pants back on, sighing audibly. The teen looks towards Cameron now, offering him a very weak smile in way of greeting as the man approaches the table her and Cody are at.

Kilbride isn't fooled by those test punches, but then...the kick that he throws in response is less than ideal. Maybe its the jeans, but Rodney just doesn't seem to get the power behind his leg that'd be required to do any damage, even if he is able to hit the other man. "Little concerned 'bout somethin..." The Captain muses, while he waits for for another attack from his Second Mate, or an opening of his own..."Enjoyed this more withou' m'pants." <English>

"Yeah... well, I think you're the only one who enjoyed it. The girls are either looking on in horror or running away scared, like Cufflink's girl, she just took off." Kell says with a smirk as the leg is easily batted away without a problem and then he strikes out with his own kick, a roundhouse aimed at Rodney's side midsection which doesn't hit as intended but the Captain can tell there is a bit more power behind this kick. <English>

Cody finally notices Cameron, thanks both to Rodney's obnoxiousness and Cameron's mentioning her name. "Hey, Cameron," she says, her cheeks just a touch pink. She's in a bathing suit, the straps tied, as it seems to be somewhat overlarge, with a terry cloth coverup over top of it. "Oh, a few minutes now, but not overly long. So long as they don't kill each other, I won't have to shoot them. But a little fist fight - well, hopefully they'll get it out of their systems." She hopes. She murmurs, "Thank the stars," as Rodney puts his pants back on, even if he's still rather coarse and obnoxious about it. "Also, the pool is offlimits for the next couple hours, while the chemicals clean up the mess Rodney made in it." At least there's still the hot tub and the steam bath. <English>

"Merci Rodney..." Now that the jeans are on...really it is amazing that he didn't accidently zipper himself all wet like that, Evangeline moves towards the table and settles down into a chair beside Cody. "Mon Dieu, whats he been drinkin t'day?" Glancing up, Evangeline quirks a warm grin at Cameron, "Heya Softie.."

Rodney avoids the roundhouse with a quick side-step, and uses his big left fist to clout Kell upside the uninjured portion of his face, and sighs. "Aye. But I don't blame 'er. I'm a beast. Like we discussed." His pants being on seem to keep him from anymore pelvic thrusts, or hip-shaking dance moves....he's actually seemed to sobered up, a little. Well, he's not -insane- as he was. Pants'll do that to a man. It doesn't keep him from calling out, toward an overheard conversation..."Goddamnit, Guppy. A little piss ain't a mess. It's just pee." <English>

"Cecilia, well hello." Cameron replies, nodding his head in a slight bow towards the younger girl. Still with a heavy limp to his leg, the Londinian plants a hand down on the table to steady himself, balance apparently not his forte at the moment. "I smelled violence, apparently I'm half-bat or something or I came in with my nose upturned, following the fumes like I'm in some bloody cartoon. Are we sufficiently outside of the 'splash' zone, here?" Blinking towards the fight, he chews on his lip and slides a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. Digging back into his pocket for a second attempt, he pulls out a brass, jacketed lighter. Quietly 'hrm'ing towards Cody as he slips a cigarette from the pack one-handedly, his sudden outburst seems to come from out of nowhere. "Oh bloody piss did I get the nickname Cufflinks?" He asks, glancing around the room. "Cuff...links? Softie? Fuck me when I'm at one-hundred percent I'm gonna have to pick a fight."

No no, the truth is that Rodney's pants are so tight that it's cutting off some of the bloodflow to vital areas that were inspiring the pelvic thrusting. He's still drunk, surely. Cecilia jumps at Cameron's outburst, looking at him in startlement. Then the girl just starts laughing openly. "Oh... it could be worse..." She says between bouts of laughter, "it's not that bad.. Cufflinks..."

Now it is Kell's uninjured side that is getting hit and his head does turn with the punch followed by a wince, but either he is really stubborn or just one who doesn't want to lose and the gunhand returns the attack rather quickly. A straight punch again, this time aimed at the Captain's chest, avoiding his opponent's face for the time being. <English>

"Bebe, ya been wearin cufflinks. Ah can't says Ah ever known a man ta wear cufflinks dat wasn't hoitytoity.." Evangeline turns her head up at Cameron and flashes a dimple teasing grin, "'sides Softie...Ah told ya dat Ah'd spar ya...see whatcha got...den take ya to de range." Eve stretches out a leg and pushes an empty chair towards Cameron with the toe of a boot, "Sit a spell sugah."

Kilbride doesn't have any trouble using his forearm to turn away that straight jab, but his follow-up opened palmed Worf-patented strike at Kell's nose isn't anything to write home about. Stupid movies, they don't know shit about fighting. Next thing you know, he is going to break out the double-handed axe-punch. That fucker always works. He squares himself, having left himself open for a monster counter-attack, with that lame-ass move, too. <English>

Kell is definitely taking a pounding, for sure. He's going to be the one needing TLC after this, no doubt. And poor Cody still weak enough she could barely get herself out of the swimming pool on her own. She wrinkles her nose and frowns at Rodney as he whines about pee not being a mess. "It's a mess, cause I was in the dang pool." That's it, that's all. "Should be okay here, for the most part," she says to Cameron, and then, "At least you don't get called Guppy." Grumble. <English>

The whatever strike that Rodney throws at Kell is pretty bad as the latter doesn't even know what it is but bats the attack away and returns with another midsection attack, this one a punch at the Captain's right midsection though either due to lack of endurance or from the gunhand's current shape, the punch lacks damaging power. He seems to be willing to stay in and fight though, knowing that he is slow and sluggish at this point. <English>

"You need to lay-down arms, Corporal..." Rod replies, as the punch to his midsection is clearly not Kell's best work. He's still moving backward, as his left fist is swung to connect with the other man's bruised side, yet again. He too isn't appearing to strike with the same sort of force as before, but he's clearly still in the fight, and not hurting all that much, save for a puffy cheek, and a bit of blood running out of his mouth. "Jus' admit that I'm tougher an' better 'an you in a burly, an' we'll get ye all fixed up, Mate." <English>

Cameron's jaw tucks to the side a little as he lights his cigarette. After the first drag is taken of one of the last few remaining cigarettes of the 'recovery pack', he puts on a mock accent of a rim-born browncoat. He sounds exactly like a Londinian doing a horrible cowboy. It's bad. "Lady I dun' worn cufflinks every day when I was shootin' outlaws and ropin goats. A man this good lookin don't let no dirt scare off lookin good. Ah reckon I made dirt look prettuh." He snorts a small cloud of smoke, reaching out for one of the chairs. He makes like a sitting man should...and sits. "Cufflinks is better than Guppy. You've got me there." He sidelongs to his boss, reaching out to tap the ashes of his cigarette into an ashtray. "Cufflinks, Softie, new guy, call me whatever you will and do your worst to me, but there will be times when all of you will need to cling to a shred of sanity amongst you lot. When you come to me for that, I'll simply laugh and tell you no."

Cecilia's face starts to grow seriously concerned as Kell and Rodney keep at it. The girl falls silent, just watching as Kell takes the beating with a worried expression on her face, arms wrapped tightly around her knees.

The grin that is returned to Rodney is rather grim looking, with the damage that has been inflicted on Kell so far but the ex-Browncoat Corporal doesn't look like he's willing to back down, "No way, sir, when I'm in a fight, whether I start it or not, I don't stop until I'm down for the count or the other guy begs for mercy." There is a brief wince as even talking seems to be painful but another grim grin is given, "Don't tell me you're the one that wants to give up?" With the words being exchanged, it seems like Kell has found his third wind, or is it fourth, but atleast the man is in good spirits and it shows in his next punch as he goes from attacking Rodney's midsection back to Rodney's face as he lets loose a left jab, followed up by the combo of right hook again. <English>

"Oh, as Rodney's already said...Ah'm de Engineer on de crazy train...Maddock's de only one dat keeps me sane." Her comment is absent as she turns her attention to the fight. Watching the action on the mat intently, Evangeline pushes up from her chair and begins to stride towards thhe mat. "Bossman, ya don't want ta damage Kell so bad he's no use. If ya gotta keep punchin on tings, den lets you and Ah go three rounds...loser buys de drinks. Ah tink ya made yer point dat you still got what it takes so stop dis." A fist balls up as she reaches the edge of the mat, and continues drily, about fed up with this mess "Kell, Ah will drag ya off dis mat...someone's gotta be able ta take care a Cody while she's healin...and if ya keep dis up, it sure as hell won't be yaself."

"Goddamnit, Guppy. You teach that frenchie 'bout not gettin' 'volved in my personal violence, please." A lesson that the crew has to learn, sooner or later. Rodney throws this over his shoulder, just about the time that he is rocked by Kell's combination of punches. Rather than taking the time to regroup, he lunches forward with both hands raised, and wades into the onslaught. His right swings hard at Kell's stomach, and his left is thrust forward in a jab at the man's face, square-on again. "Fuck no, I don't wanna quit, Princess. Jus' didn't want t'murderize ye is all." <English>

Kell's body jolts slightly at the blow to his stomach and good thing the gunhand didn't eat recently or he'd be spewing on Rodney. The face is hit again and it will be a few days before he is looking handsome again, atleast with Amaya's tender care. "Good, and don't fucking call me Princess, Gramps." The verbal retort is given and the physical answer is even harder as Kell shows no sign of backing off, in fact he is accepting the fact that this has now turned into a very nasty brawl as he launches another left jab that hits Rodney on the nose, followed up by an uppercut this time that connects solidly to the other man's chin. <English>

Cody manages a little grin to Cameron, but she turns her attention back to the fight pretty quickly. She in fact gets to her feet, as she heads towards the mat, intending to break the fight up. Rodney's words have her pause a moment and then she says, "If you two don't kill each other, I might finish the job for you both." That's it. That's all she says, her tone a bit grim. She's so not up to getting in the middle of this fight, but she's now standing at the edge, worry on her face. But as Kell gets back into things, she just stands there. "Eva, they're not rational any more. Just let them kill each other and we can finish up afterwards. I'm sure I have a great spot to bury the bodies out in the back 40." <English>

On the sparring match, Rodney...clad only in now-damp jeans is brawling with Kell. There is broken glass by the bar, and the Captain's clothes are spread all over the bar area. It looks like chaos has broken out in the rec room. The two men are both very battered and bruised, and blood is in evidence. Whatever it is, it seems like they might be winding down, slowly. They can't keep up this violence forever.

Kilbride stumbles backward, as his nose is cracked a good one, and the uppercut that rattles his teeth, and ejects yet more blood from his lips doesn't help matters. But he's not out, by any means. A shake of his head, and he staggers forward, throwing a blow at Kell's left eye again, though it is not nearly as hard as earlier strikes have been, through this fight. He's winded, and recovering from the badass combo, a moment ago. But he's clearly intent on wading forward, and finishing the contest, one way or another. <English>

Cameron glances around the table to the concerned faces. Sitting at the table with Cecilia and Cody, he leans to the side and reaches behind his back. The kaffiyeh scarf around his neck reaches over the edge of his chair as he grabs his pistol from the back of his belt and sets it down on the table in front of Cody. "Frankly I'm not so concerned. At the very least I stand for a promotion if this keeps going as it is. Though, if you decide to ring the bell for them." He nods to the gun. Sighing, he taps the ashes of his cigarette into the tray, leveling his gaze back at the two hair sons of bitches that are beating themselves into puffy-faced monstrocities. "Shouldn't someone call the medical crew, just in case?" He motions towards Kell. "Man over there's looking a quart low."

The tiny petite Japanese woman makes her way into the rec room she is dressed in yukata, which is a type of kimono, made of linen. Around her waist as is proper is a obi made of silk and linen and it stands out against the dark grey of the Yukata. She smiles softly but those grey eyes of her catch sight of the scene she frowns. "What the bloodly hell is going on here?" She asks. <English>

"Marde!" Evangeline just snorts with a delicate flare of her nostrils as Kell takes another punch and while he delivers on in kind...he looks like he is about to go down for the count, "Cody, Ah tink dat we need ta keep de Wulver grounded for awhile here...Ah don't want ta take dem flyin, dey'd be damn useless in a fight." She shakes her head, "Ah hope ya weren't needin any supplies for a couple weeks. Ah 'magine Kell's got a concussion and some broken ribs at de very least and de other stupid ass." With a shake of her head, she mutters, "'nuff is 'nuff." and stalks forward onto the mat intent on wading into the middle to stop it before Rodney ends up killing Kell.

Kell has atleast a moment to look triumphant as his latest combination of hits seems to have done pretty good damage but with his impaired vision with one eye swollen shut and sluggish movement from his body not wanting to respond quick enough, along with the throbbing pain in the back of his head, the gunhand is unable to stop the next hit that hits his swollen eye, even if it wasn't as strong as the hits from earlier. After impact, Kell is stumbling back a few feet and he is unable to maintain balance and falls onto his back. Rolling over, the Second Mate seems to attempt to get back to his feet but it looks like a pretty poor attempt, but one can see that the man is trying very damn hard to get back up. "No... not yet... can still fight." He manages to grumble out at Evangeline though his vision isn't focused right now, driven more by will than sense. <English>

All the blood and fighting and ongoing violence seems to be getting the better of Cecilia. The nakedness was bad enough, this is just heaping onto it. The teen stands, her face a bit pale, but she seems to have a grip on things. "I'm going to head back to check on Alana." The teen murmurs, edging in the direction of the door then, hands stuffed into her pockets. She notices Amaya on the way and that motivates her to pick up the pace a bit.

"And here we have the medical crew," Cody says a little dryly, though she flashes Cameron a grin at his loaning her the gun. "Thanks." She ignores the gun though, not wanting to figure out how to keep Rodney sane. Though as Kell hits the ground, she moves into the ring to his side, her hand finding his shoulder. "No more fighting, Kell. It's over," she says. "And Amaya, you have perfect timing. I think you have a new patient. Or two." She stops to look up at the arriving Cecilia and nods. "Stay safe, Cecilia. And let Alana know we're thinking of her." Then her attention is back to Kell, totally ignoring Rodney for the moment. <English>

When Draygo falls, Rod can't help but put both arms, and shout..."Told ya. There can be only one. I am the Adonis." And then, Kilbride holds up his left hand toward Evageline, as if cautioning her not to get involved, as she approaches. "This ain't over 'till he admits that my old, slow arse beat the shit out of 'im." His voice is quiet. But Cody bursting onto the mat sort of disrupts any further fighting, for the moment. "Not sayin' ye didn't put up a fight, yerself. Just that you can't handle the best, jus' yet, Kell." There, he didn't call him Princess. He's not in nearly as bad a shape as his Second Mate, and now he rounds on Evangeline, and holds up both fists. "Let's roll, Frenchie. I ain't down 'an out, yet. An' the Doc'll need a while to fix up the Corporal. So what d'ya say to a round or two? You seemed bloody well intent on takin' a tumble, since you walked in, full on wad o' panties up yer arse. My sparrin' partner done fell over on me." An absent, if sort of woozy wipe at the blood on his chin. <English>

"You down for de count" Evangeline replies sharply to Kell, "Ah'm not a doc but even Ah can see ya done some shite damage to yaself. Did ya ever tink dat other folk dependin on ya was more important den your ego? Now sit back and let Doc May take care a you." The tiny cajun's attention turns towards Rodney and she continues to stalk forward, a finger jabbing the air "And *you*! What did you tink you were gonna 'complish? Now we are down a man for weeks...yer second mate at dat and a good gunslinger when push comes ta shove." the woman says sharply,"And all for what? For your damn ego because he was teasin like guys do. Do ya *honestly* tink dat you are slow? After what we all just went through not two months 'go?" She doesn't say any more about that incident, working hard to not even let her mind brush on that incident. "Ah could care less 'bout sparrin ya, but Ah had hoped ta stop ya 'afore ya beat Kell to a pulp...seems Ah was a bit too slow 'bout it. But ya wanna kick mah ass...just try it. Ya probably will..ya seen more'n me but Ah'll consider dis a lesson."

"I would appear." From Amaya's voice she is not too keen on what she is seeing. Her grey eyes reflect that. "Enough is enough. You know by taking blows like that to head like that you can addle your wits." She frowns at them both. "Enough, I know what you pay me for, also you both really should listen to Evangeline." The woman stares at them both and there is an edge to her voice and to her gaze. <English>

The words that are spoken near Kell seems to be dull and distant and the man is in no shape to confirm or deny that Rodney's old, slow ass beat the shit out of him, but the physical results are clear. Rodney's old, slow ass did beat the shit out of the Second Mate. With Cody at his side though, Kell seems to have subdued in his struggling to get back up to fight as he more or less succumbs to the thrashing he has received. It'll take a little bit before he is able to respond to help as he will need help to be moved to the medical bay, unless the others want to watch Kell play bumper cars with his body against the various halls and corridors of the estate.

There is a blowing of air out from beneath his mustache that sounds like PFFFT, as Evangeline starts to lecture him, and Rodney just shakes his head. "Don't even fuckin' bother." Once she's finally done, the man adds..."Roxie's been lecturin' me for years, an' I'm fuckin' her. Plus the whole love thing..." The last part sounds a bit like an afterthought from the drunken Skipper, and he heads toward the bar, brushing past Eva, and the rest of them, en route for his whiskey. He knows Amaya can do a sight more for Kell than he can, and at the moment, he needs something to start work on the throbbing in his brain. He does look back at his Senior Guhand for a moment, though. "Basic rule o' my boat...if I'm doin' violence, an' I ain't outnumbered, you stay the fuck out of it. Men got their own ways o' solvin' disagreements." A scowl, as he slides onto a chair, and reaches for the bottle, muttering. <English>

Well, Cody will try to help Kell, but she's not exactly at her best. She is however not an imbecile. "Hold up a sec, Rodney. Let us get Kell out of the ring first. Cameron's got a bum leg, Eva's busy with Rodney. And that only leaves Cody and Amaya. "Kell, are you up to leaning on me enough to get out of the ring?" That'll let Rodney and Eva have the ring, and give Amaya a chance to look at Kell. Though as Rodney just blows past to go to the bar, Cody fingers her icomm and calls for help again. Those same two pool keepers no doubt, though the one who hit the wall now has a big bump on his forehead. She also asks for a stretcher so they can get Kell to medbay without such idiocy as bumper cars. "And while you're at it, if you can send someone to clean up the glass on the deck, thanks." A pause. "Yeah, I know we're going to have to pay them more money. I'll see what I can do." <English>

Well, Cody will try to help Kell, but she's not exactly at her best. She is however not an imbecile. "Hold up a sec, Rodney. Let us get Kell out of the ring first." Cameron's got a bum leg, Eva's busy with Rodney. And that only leaves Cody and Amaya. "Kell, are you up to leaning on me enough to get out of the ring?" That'll let Rodney and Eva have the ring, and give Amaya a chance to look at Kell. Though as Rodney just blows past to go to the bar, Cody fingers her icomm and calls for help again. Those same two pool keepers no doubt, though the one who hit the wall now has a big bump on his forehead. She also asks for a stretcher so they can get Kell to medbay without such idiocy as bumper cars. "And while you're at it, if you can send someone to clean up the glass on the deck, thanks." A pause. "Yeah, I know we're going to have to pay them more money. I'll see what I can do." <English>

"You sober and doin de violence, den Ah'd stay out...but you damn drunk runnin round wit your knackers flyin in de wind, sorry bossman...Ah step in 'cause your judgement impaired. Ah was serious...Ah respect ya more'n anyone and love ya like a father...Ah'd do 'lot for ya bossman but did ya see what ya just did ta Kell? Ah get yall got stuff ta settle, but damn sugah." Shaking her head she adds, "Ah'm gonna go see if Doc May needs help wit Kell. Cody's in no condition." Sighing, Evangeline turns and goes over to Amaya "Doc, whatcha need me ta do? He a bit lanky for me ta carry, but Ah tink Cody's got a stretcher comin."

Bum leg and all, Cameron rises from the table and slips the pistol back into its holster at the small of his back. Stepping aside, he pushes the chair back in and takes a slow drag off of his cigarette. Glancing in the direction that Cecilia went, having that 'we've got business' look in his eye, he ashes the cigarette and takes a step back. "Yeah, tell me where you need me to go, really." Cameron tells them, hesitant to step near Rodney with all of the blood, piss, sweat, and chlorine that's made the man who he is today. "Say...how long till the pool's clean? I was thinking of getting in later and would rather not..." He looks to the pool, trying to find the right word. "...get sick."

"Thank you Cody." Amaya moves to help. "Rodney if you want to fight afterwards, come and find me." She says as she looks over her shoulder. She moving to help get Kell out there once the stretcher arrives. <English>