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Revision as of 07:55, 14 January 2013 by Ellis (talk | contribs)
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Full name Ellis Lee "Sparks" Foster
Date of Birth 10 Feb 2509
Birthplace The Black
Parents Peter & Allison Foster and Richard Newman
Spouse None
Children None
Specialization Engineer
Gender Male
Height and Weight 6'4" 195lbs
Status Single
Employment History

Crew member on the Mustang


You're looking at a six foot four athletic looking male with very short and brown colored hair. His hair is kept short enough to be easy to keep clean, so easy in fact he shouldn't need a comb for several weeks to come. His skin seems to be a little weathered but not overall unattractive. He has blue eyes and a thick nose. He also wears a pair of faded light brown/gray-ish glasses that seem to have seen better days in the past, the lenses being an oval shape, not much bigger than his eyes. The frames are also thin and slightly bent, and fragile even. His cheeks are framed with a five o' clock shadow, adding to his overall rugged look. He has thick lips and a low chin line to frame his face. His ears seem proportionate to his face. His neck is broad as are his shoulders, but not to the point that it looks brute-ish.

His clothes primarily consists of brown tones, the most dominant being his dark brown duster that he wears that's the length of his knees. Just a simple brown coat. Underneath, across his chest he wears a dark gray vest that seems to cling to his form along with a dark blue button up shirt tucked under a pair of dark brown trousers with the usual number of pockets. Loosely wrapped around his neck, tucked under the coat is a dark blue scarf, with an almost grayish tint to them. Worn around his feet are weathered brown boots stained with dirt and dust as if they had carried him around for a long time.