Boros - Legionaire War: Reflections of War

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Boros - Legionaire War: Reflections of War
Location: Log_Location::Boros IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2540/07/11 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2017/04/05
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Tara O'Keith, Has Characters in Scene::Kyoshiro, Has Characters in Scene::Jia
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::Tara and Kyo share a moment at the Jia crash-site
Log_Characters::Tara O'Keith, Kyoshiro, Jia

Fao is likely in the ship trying to fix the engine with the help of Abigail and Sarah Jade, not to be confused with Abbey the sniper and Lieutenant of the Second Division who happened to be stuck here with the ship as well. Kyo on the other hand is working on building a fire hot enough to cook over. There was no power to the ship currently, no hot water... few amenities. <English>

Tara is trying to do what she can, which is she would of made sure everyone is okay, any injuries she can tend to treated, and people helped. Chewie is with her, like always. She is a little scuffed up, but not to bad, minor cosmetic things at most. <English>

Kyoshiro looks over to Tara as he notices her, "You picked a hell of a time to come with us on Fao's wild goose chase for Lilith..." He puts some more wood on the fire and reaches into his greatcoat for a cigar. "But he was right, his guess about where was wrong, but it happened. They lead us right to Legion." He lights the cigar now between his teeth, "Right into the gorram lions den." <English>

Tara stands from picking some items off the ground and tossing them into a garbage. She brushes some of that red hair away, her ivory skin a bit dirty from the work. Still, the woman keeps her grace and poise, that gentleness and all. "I - I think I picked well," Counters the red head, moving lightly to go stand by Kyo, and bring her hands up to warm on the fire. Chewie, he moves to stand by his master. "No better place than the spot to help end a problem, right?" <English>

Kyoshiro pauses, placing his hands on his hips as he watches the fire. Then after a moment he looks over to Tara and nods. "Yes well... You and Willow seem to think the same. There is only so much our small unit can do and we can't do much with the Jia broke down like she is." He looks up, "Or with that fleet in the sky." He grumbles. <English>

Tara is quiet, in her thoughtful sort of way. Her eyes look up to the sky, lingering there. "Then we - we die heroes?" She asks, looking to him, and smirking very faintly. "The - the night angel is near by, right?" <English>

Kyoshiro nods, "She's on the planet. Closest we've been since we started this." He turns towards her and shakes his head. "I'm not going to let anyone die as far as I can help it. Not you, not the girls. Not Fao. I'll cut them all down myself before I let that happen." <English>

Tara looks to Kyo, and then the fire. She would, if allowed, go to loop her arm around his, and rest her head against his shoulder, in the same manner a sister would her brother. "I - I know." She says softly, because it's true, he would do anything before that happened. "But, you're one man, and there would be - be no blame on you, you got a family to live for, two adorable children who need you." <English>

Kyoshiro doesn't protest to her touch or affections. He smiles as she does so and chuckles as she speaks of the twins. "Five children, and one grandchild." He corrects but she was used to taking care of his and Vanessa's children. "I am one man... who has taken on an entire army before. I'm contemplating staying once the Jia gets operational. With Willow. Run a harassment Campaign like I did on Shadow during my first tour." His eyes seem to grow hollow as he remembers his past. <English>

There is a soft, sweet laugh, and Tara nods her head, ever so slightly, as it rests on his shoulder. "Then you need to - to think of all of them." She remarks. Chewie stands beside her, just, there, almost guarding and keeping aware. "You sure you want to do that? Are you not taking on to much?" <English>

"It's just a thought right now..." Kyoshiro says to Tara. "It's going to depend on a lot of prerequisites in order to happen. We'll see. First we have to get the Jia working. That's the first priority." <English>

"I - I wish I could be of more help." Tara says, because she can't fix an engine, or fight all that well. Sure she can medic, but what they need is not that. She sighs, just a little, and moves some hair from her face, a streak of dirt on her face from that. "What's the step after that, then? Are we going to hunt for Lilith? And Amen finally have his battle?" The idea of this, makes her sad. <English>

"There is plenty you can do. You have a whole troop of young girls to look after here in a dire situation. They're going to need guidance, and lessons, and someone to listen to them." He puts an arm around her shoulders and pulls her in for a nice squeeze. "And unfortunately... that looks like the way it's going." <English>

"That's true, I do like helping the - the girls." Tara says, with a small smile, that doesn't last long. Amen fighting isn't something she wants to think about, and there is a question to that, that is nagging at her too. Something she doesn't want to ask, but feels like it may need to be. "And -- and, if he fails?" It's a hard thought, to think of him failing, because she knows what that means. <English>

"He won't... and you shouldn't think he should." Kyoshiro says, turning towards Tara now. He places both his hand on the her arms and lowers himself to her level. "You need to understand something Tara... He may seem like a normal man, act like one, be one through and through. Except he was created to be a killer and specifically to fight Legion and their hordes. As horrible as it is to think about. The people that made him, intended him to be a tool... It's the same with the people who created the gene within' me and some of my family. We can overcome. We have to, but we also must accept that part of our selves... and so do those who love us." <English>

Tara lifts her head, and looks up to Kyo. "I know," She begins, nodding a little. "I'm - I'm fully aware of what he was made for, an' destined ta do, as you said, we can be more, and I believe that. But I know full well he intends to follow his destiny through, and I will not stop him from that. Did - did you forget who I was once married to?" She asks, with a touch of humor. <English>

Kyoshiro chuckles, "Yeah I know who you were married to." He stands back up to his full height and looks back to the fire. He moves over to put a few more sticks or logs on it. It's almost ready to put a grate on so he can cook. "Last time I saw him, he was half the man he was. Withering away and a recluse." <English>

Tara watches him, and the discussion of her ex does make her frown a little. "It's what it is. I do - do feel bad for him, and wish him well." Even if she can't be there, and is now moved on from feeling like she needs to be there. "Last I saw him was when Brohain came by, higher than high." She sighs, and shakes her head a little, recalling that. "In a strange way, even though we - we are here, on this planet, with the Night Angel, and the danger, I feel more free here than I did there, you know? Strange, I guess." <English>

"Because we're not going to shield you from reality..." Kyoshiro says with a nod. He doesn't comment on wishing Axel well. "We're not going to lock you in an Ivory tower or lie to you. That's never how we roll." <English>

"That's true." Tara says, nodding slowly. "You don't. I - I have learned more here, with all of you, than I ever have on my own." A hand moves up to her heart, simply feeling her heartbeat, remembering how close it was that it nearly stopped. "No secret, or lies, that's a nice feeling." <English>