Actions & Consequences XII

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Actions & Consequences XII
Location: Log_Location::'''The House Complex - Londinium''' IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2541/07/08 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2017/09/18
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Faoite McGuire, Has Characters in Scene::Kyoshiro, Has Characters in Scene::Jacob Storn, Has Characters in Scene::Helena, Has Characters in Scene::Cal, Has Characters in Scene::Willow Merryweather
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::Fao's sentencing and a dive down the rabbit hole.
Log_Characters::Faoite McGuire, Kyoshiro, Jacob Storn, Helena, Cal, Willow Merryweather

It actually was a full couple of days before those on trial or witnessing the trial were asked to meet as another secret location, escorted of course by armed guards and many of which seem upset and a few look like they've been crying but they lead them to a non-descript office location as usual, and leave them in the waiting room where the familiar aides are bustling around with trays of coffee, tea, and water and others bustles around with napkins and sandwich trays. Everyone seems to be in quite the dour mood. <English>

Kyoshiro looks around as he enters the building, noticing the mood of everyone around them. "Well either this is a good thing... or we're doomed. I can't tell the differance..." He's got an unlit cigar between his lips. He takes a seat with an old man grunt, noting his surroundings and taking note of guards and escape routes. Not that he'll need it. Though, it was always good to know where an exit was. <English>

McGuire accepts a coffee black from the aides. He finds a fairly comfortable seat to sit on and crosses his leg over the other to sit back and try to relax. "Non smoking room, right?" He askes as he pulls out his tobacco pouch to roll a cigarette. He looks to Kyo, "We wont know for sure untill the Senator gives us the news. She's the only one I kind of trust here." He quickly rolls the cigarette. <English>

Storn's cane taps along the floor as he is escorted into the room and nods his thanks to them. A roll of the big engineer's eyes can be seen as he waves to his friends who are already seated. The veteran takes off his hat and sits it on the back of a chair near them. "As anyone heard from the Senator? Don't tell my wife, but that woman is still easy on the eyes." Jacob smiles as he says this and eases himself down into a chair and leaning his cane against his leg. <English>

Helena has tried to attend each day, but perhaps missed a few hours here or there to rest. Still this is the day to attend and once again she is dressed all in black. She looks a touch paler than usual and may seem to need more help to settle into a seat this time. She looks up to Kyoshiro and McGuire then around around the new venue and back, "I wonder why the change.." Then as both men threaten to smoke she arches a brow at them. <English>

"I'm not sure about this no smoking nonsense," Cal remarks after she's done a tour of the room and ambled around to say hello to Storn and Helena then takes a seat alongside Fao. "After all, smoking takes ten years or so off of the average life span. But it's the last ten years. Who wants those years anyway?" <English>

Kyoshiro looks to Fao, then over to Storn. Then to Helena, "Well it seems after the Marquessa outed her self as being in league with the Freedom Movement. One of it's founders even things seems to have soured around here. The Senator hasn't kept in touch or sent over any of her usual pleasantries." He looks over to Cal, "I'm just doing out of respect for others at the moment. THey don't need to second hand. I've already been a dick as it is." <English>

Zank was never part of the plan when it came to this trial his role was to remain else were far from here in case things went bad. The pilot/ admiral/ captain/ division captain/ who knows what else has been quiet these last few weeks leading up to it all. Though not present something in the air suggests his presence isn't as far off as one might think. Well to those that know him atleast. <English>

McGuire says to Helena, "The crowd outside have been protesting ever since I arrived on the Core planet. Protesting the killings aboard the Temperest when it was stolen. Cal here made a confetion when she witnessed for me. A confetion that alines her with those murders. For our protection, we've been shuffled from different places to keep us safe. This is the last place for me, and perhaps Mibu. But Cal has got to answer for herself and that has tossed a wrench in the mix. So here we are, awaiting our fate." He takes a sip of coffee and lites the newly rolled cigarette. <English>

One of the Aides, a slender young man with shocking red hair yet tanned skin and freckles, glasses stands there with his tray of sandwiches trembling slightly as he just glares at those gathered, especially the comments made about the Senator and he takes a deep breath and then another before shoving his tray at a guards and throwing his hands up. "I-I can't do this...I just can't...they..." And he goes storming off with another aide running after him calling 'Marcus, Marcus wait...'

Finally there are three officials who arrive, all clad in black suits and all with questionable gender, despite their age and they regards everyone quietly before they make their way into a secondary room following by guards and guards gesture for the those waiting to follow them.

In the secondary room, there are chairs set up and of course the desk and the three officials sit down. No sign of the Senator but one of her loyal attendants, a young woman known as 'Spring' is present, clad all in white and holding a datapad demurely in her lap as she keeps her red rimmed eyes lowered. <English>

"This is one helluva mess we are likely to face, but you know we are with you." Jacob says both to Fao and Kyo. "I'm sure there is an emergency plan always." The big man winks while pushing his glasses further up his nose. "I just hope we don't have to break that glass any time soon. Unfortunately we know that the government won't admit publicly they are in the wrong. I jus thope that it doesn't come at our cost." <English>

Kyoshiro stands and walks into the Room with Fao. He looks to Spring and silently raises an eyebrow. He dosn't speak. He is silent even with the questions he has he isn't speaking or asking them aloud. He'll decide if it's even worth his time to ask soon enough. <English>

"Oh alright, I won't smoke in public," Cal replies as she smooths her tailored jacket with one hand then lifts the same hand to smooth the long drape of braided hair over one shoulder, the wide ribbons of silver hair standing out against the almost blue-black shade that still is her predominant color. "I do miss my paint set, though. I should've brought something with me to keep myself occupied," her remarks are quiet but lightly intended. "What is, is. What is not, will not be. What comes to pass, is what may be or may not. Accordingly." <English>

McGuire says as he finds a new chair to sit, "No plan. We hear the verdic, get our sentence and deal with it. We're on a Core world and all those guards for the first time today have lethal weapons, so they aren't playing around. So now we wait for sentencing." He takes a drag, glancing at Cal, then large swallow of coffee before placing the cigarette into the cup to put it out. He blows out the smoke towards the celling and sits back to wait a bit more. <English>

The officials gesture towards Spring and Spring gets to her feet, making her way to the front of the room and turning to face those gathered. "I am here on behalf of Senator Rochelle Ramirez, to take notes and to inform all of her removal from this case. Senator Ramirez was found unconcious in her shower 2 days ago..." The young woman takes a deep breath. "With severe head wounds, she was unresponsive when her body was discovered and she had inhaled quite a bit of water but they were able to get her heart started again." The young girl wipes at her eyes and takes a deep breath. "In the ongoing investigation, it has been ruled an accident. It is believed that she slipped and fell and hit her head." The classically trained and ever so graceful woman. "There also was a high level of narcotics and alcohol..." The attendant frowns and scowls a bit at the datapad and shakes her head. "That claim has not been proven yet. She is now on life support at a secure hospital location and doctors are uncertain if she'll survive the week. In her current condition, she is unable to weigh in on the final verdict in terms of asking more questions but her prepared notes have been shared." Spring is trembling slightly as she speaks. <English>

McGuire's brow furrows at this news, thoughts of how this might have happened race through his mind. His lips tighten and he remains composed. He want to go see her, but knows he is stuck here till reliesed, and even then he'd have to be snuck out to avoid the protesters outside. There is no winning on this core planet it would seem. <English>

Kyoshiro looks over towards the men in black, who he didn't recognize as he listens to Spring describe what happened to the Senator. He stares at them for a long moment as if guaging who they are before looking back to Spring. "If there is anything we can do. Please let me know. We hve many Doctors at our disposal." He glances over to Fao, then to Cal. There is a hint of worry in that single crimson eye of his. He didn't believe for a second that it was an accident. Then, seriousness returns as he looks back to those in the suits. "And who are these men here?" <English>

Calira's expression turns to one of somber regret at the news that the classically trained and ever so graceful young woman shares. A slight grimace is followed by a brief, silent, prayer, her eyes closed for a moment as she breathes deeply then opens her eyes again and waits. <English>

Storn frowns at the story about the Senator and arches that brow at Kyo and Fao and then shakes his head. He mutters beneath his breath, "Typical.." Of course the lone browncoat in the area would think the worse of Alliance agents. Storn reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pepper mint and tosses it into his mouth to keep from saying something else. <English>

The news has Helena looking up as Spring makes her announcement and looks around to check their reaction. Her hand goes to take Storn's as she hears his reaction. Whether to calm him or to calm herself? Perhaps a bit of both. <English>

Spring turns to the officials seated at the desk and the one of the officials speaks up. "Unfortunately, the other two judges who accompanied Senator Ramirez were assasinated by protestors. The shooter was one of the guards who claims that the Marquess's speech moved him to take actiono and be brave enough to 'do what he believes in' before he died." They look detached from the entire thing. "This is...a delicate situation." They gesture back to Spring who takes a deep breath and starts to read. " the statement from my employer. The Senator."

"A criminal, is someone who commits a crime. A crime is something that occurs when a law is broken. There are different degrees of crime, from stealing a piece of candy to murdering millions. A child who lies, is not treated the same as a man who murders. There is no moral equivalency between every type of crime and that makes Treason, the ultimate crime of betrayal, such a challenging case to try. Some people commit Treason, and put people's lives in danger and others commit Treason and are the danger to people's lives. Sometimes, people follow their hearts and make a decision to break the law because they feel it is the best thing to do. However, just because we feel something doesn't mean that we are exempt from consequences. I accepted the consequences of taking the case and speaking up on the behalf of those who's voices have been quiet while still holding them accountable for their actions. This may cost me my life, but I accept that. I know that Fao McGuire is guilty. That was never in question, but he is guilty of the equivalent of a child lying...not of murder. So now, we decide the concequences. Because I could not consider myself a woman of honor, if I did not require that even the most kind hearted and heroic of us held accountable for their actions." Spring takes a moment to flip to the next page, pausing to take a deep breath, reading the words written by the Senator. <English>

Kyoshiro who would normally debate every premise of what the Senator had written decides it's probably best for him to stay quiet out of respect for both the senator and to those here who may have better words for Spring. He however. He just wanted to know one thing. What are they going to do about this situation and how will it effect him and those he's been charged to protect. <English>

McGuire listens and keeps his cool as the words of the woman who wrote them is holding on for dear life in some secret place where others can not get at her. For the first time in this proccedings, he feels responcible. Responcible for her getting hurt as she was. He sits silently, waiting to hear it all. <English> Storn winces at hearing the judges were assassinated. He reaches down to pat Helena's hand, "We need to get out of here and get you back to the children. This place is like a powder keg." The engineer whispers to the former companion. <English>

Helena looks to Storn as he speaks then over to Kyoshiro and McGuire and leans to murmur to him. "Not without them." She says and returns the squeeze of his hand but still her gaze shifts around the room as Conoger taught her. Check for threat, check the exits. <English>

Letting out a slow breath, Calira glances sidelong at Fao and Kyoshiro, then around to Helen and Storn before she folds her hands in her lap again. <English>

There is a bit of a hubbub near the doors as they open and close without ceremony. Then there is a bit of whispering and people moving out of the way. To the newcomers -- latecomers -- enter. The first to enter is a woman, interestingly enough. Slender, fit and athletic, and weaponless. Though never truly without a weapon, all things considered. Her hair is shoulder length, a natural bright red, in tight ringlets of curls. Her eyes are bright green, and there's a sprinkle of freckles to her features. What she wears is tailored to fit her, to hug her curves -- a crimson long-sleeved shirt that buttons up the front, and a pair of black pants, both of which show signs of neat creases and tidy keeping. Black leather steel-toed boots that shine. Willow Merryweather, an operative whose rank is unknown to most. And behind her follows an elderly gentleman -- in his sixties or so, and dressed in noble finery in red and blacks. He's handsome and fit as well, though older, with salt and pepper black hair that's neat and tidy, and he has a groomed moustache. Lord Michael Abernathy Sr, of the House of Lords. Neither of them offer names, nor put people out of their seats in order to claim them for themselves, though they do have a certain amount of presence. Instead, they simply enter and find a place to stand. Bearing witness to what is being said. <English>

"Death finds us all in the end, and some of us sooner than others. But again, we are back to a lie versus a murder, a piece of candy versus a genocide. Will they ever understand that if someone is charged with Treason and then allowed to walk free, that we set a precedent to create anarchy? If I know the chef amongst them, he'd argue with me yet be polite about it. But even without full understanding, they know that I make my recommendation without any malice in my heart. Fao Mcguire is old. Very old. Death will come for him one day, possibly sooner at the rate his smokes. I also know that his health is not at its optimal state and to imprison him without a facility that is not able to care for someone of his senior years would be...not ideal. An execution would be swift but it would make a martyr out of someone who would probably roll in his grave at the notion of violent movements popping up in his memory." Spring's jaw sets as she gathers her nerve to continue. "So the recommendation that I am making, if my collegues agree will give you a sentence that will allow you to be with those you love. If the verdict is agreed upon, I hope you will not spit upon this sacrifice I make today by violating its conditions...but if you do. I understand. And at least I tried." Spring bows her head and moves to her seat, having given the Senator's statement.

The officials at the desk take a moment of silence before one speaks up. "Does anyone have anything they wish to say before we move forward with today's proceedings?" A respectful nod going towards the newcomers/latecomers and a couple of guards and aides approach to offer to show them to seats. <English>

McGuire stands at the entrance of Willow, for whom he knows, and Lord Michael Abernathy Sr, for whom he knows of. Respectful, he bows to both, remaining standing and silent for the moment. <English>

Calira rises to her feet alongside Fao, though her hands are clasped behind her back in a gesture and posture that is as much trained instinct as muscle memory. Old dogs. <English> Storn moves to stand in mimic of McGuire to nod to the powerful Lord and also the agent, Willow, he met once before. He bows slightly to them and moves to sit back down to wait on the proceedings to continue. <English>

Kyoshiro had been standing. He wasn't about to sit during all this, he'd just end up tapping his feet and causing annoyance for others. His head turns to reguard Willow and Abernathy as they enter, a brow raising but a slight bow of his head given in greeting. Then he looks back to Spring, his silence an indicator that he had no questions at the moment or anything to add. <English>

Willow offers a slight nod of the head towards those who give gesture towards the entrance that she and the Lord both made. A hint of a smile touches at the corners of her lips, perhaps a further testament to the fair humour that she has come here with today. Yet her gaze turns towards the guards and aides who approach, and she gracefully bows to them before her attention shifts to Lord Abernathy Sr. She lifts her right hand, giving a slight gesture, and he inclines his head to her. Then he takes a moment to look over the room, giving a deep nod of his head to acknowledge the respectful gestures offered before he moves to follow the aides. And Willow follows the Lord closely, in a definite protective stance and position. They will, it seems, take seats. <English>

Helena rises to her feet as well. Words are spoken and the tension is palpable. She continues to look around one hand remaining on Storn's arm. Words are spoken, but will the remaining adjuticors in the case take head of them or will the possibly last words of the Senator fall on deaf ears. <English>

McGuire takes his seat again after they sit. He remains quiet and declines to say anything on his behalf, wanting to know what the verdict is. <English>

"Fao McGuire, you have been found guilty of Treason. If this was a time of war, you'd be branded a war criminal but as it is...we cannot give you that official title as much as it would fit. You have also been found guilty of associating with terrorists without doing your duty and reporting it to officials. This may be because even you yourself were unaware. You have been charged with both civil disobedience and disturbing the peace, as well as incitement of treason." Official 1 begins. Official 2 continues for him "Taking in consideration your military records and your most recent contributions towards Alliance efforts in actually taking /down/ a very dangerous terrorist recommendation, as well as the testimony to confirm this from high ranking Alliance officials and the House of Lords, you will not face execution."

Official 3 picsk up. "In the eyes of the Alliance, you will hearby be stripped of all your posessions and properties, and they will pass to your next of kin. You will also be responsible for a fine of 3 million credits, the debt of which can be paid off over the years. As Deadwood is adopted as a new Protectorate of the Alliance and a new Spacestation is being designed and built out there, your insight into your people and your culture will still be needed. As such, you are responsible for 9000 hours of community service to be served at the Monastery mentioned by one of your character witnesses, Paquin, or Deadwood. This will be a monitored life sentence and you will be legally required to receive a tracker. Travel between planets must be announced and approved by your assigned government sponsor and only may take place with a guard at your side. You may, due to your age and need for special care select your guard and a rotation may be put into place as only those with the highest of clearance will be allowed to serve in this capacity. Perhaps someone trained in our new agreement with the Rom." <English>

Kyoshiro looks to Fao and says, "They really want that bible of yours huh? Such a dangerous book to these people." He looks back to the bench where the judges are, "Sure glad all your weapons are on deadwood and you don't own anything anymore." He then looks over to Abernathy and Willow. <Romani>

McGuire rises and nods to his sentence. "I will serve my time on Deadwood, with visits to the Paquin's monistary. As for the money, I have no way of making said payments without a ship to make said cargo runs. I know the trade, but with my restrictions, I will not be able to amass the fee. So, as for my properties, I have none. The Jia was sold to Lines (Zank) years ago, and I don't own the land or house I live in on Deadwood. It is, as most of Deadwood, the peoples. I will not cause a fuss, or rise up against you in any way. I will, instead, fade into obscurity in the the 'verse." He looks to Kyo, "That is all I own it would seem." He pulls his bible out and holds it out, "This and the clothes on my back are all that I own." <English>

"If I had three million, you know I'd hand over a credit slip on the spot," Calira says in a quiet voice as she studies the faces of the officials doing the speaking. "Once I retired formally I signed over any claim to pension as well, there wasn't really a need for it as I didn't plan to do much with the rest of my years anyway. How much do they need down, now, to give you some breathing room while the rest is sorted?" <English>

Kyoshiro adds, "Perhaps a Factory And Warehouse that could bring commerce to the Blue Sun system as the Station is Built. Fao could runs it and his profit goes right into your pocket. Shouldn't take too long to make up." <English>

Though she had only just barely sat herself down next to Lord Abernathy, Willow faintly tilts her head to one side at the words spoken by the officials. Shifting her weight, she makes a smooth motion to rise to her feet, her hands moving to rest at her back in a slightly casual at-ease sort of positioning. "Let the record show that I, Willow Siobhan Merryweather, do hereby volunteer to take the position of guard to Faoite Jianagos McGuire," states the redheaded woman, her voice clear. At the statement, there is a twitch of a smile that comes to Lord Abernathy's features. He is... amused. A moment later, Lord Abernathy Sr rises to his feet. "If the position of government sponsor is not thus claimed, then I will claim it if it is permitted," he adds. A knowing glance is given towards Fao, for he owes the man -- and his companions -- a debt. <English>

Storn frowns as he does the math on the community service and arches a brow, leaning over to whisper to his crewmate, "So.. over twenty years of community service and probably more money than we can hope to help trade before the Aces' reactor is replaced three times over." He shakes his head, "But at least there is his life.. all in all.. merciful, if not making him a slave to their whims." <English>

The officials just shake their heads a bit. "Please do not leave the planet for a week while we formalize this. I highly recommend you find someone to contract your former work to (OOC: You can still fly, but icly it will be someone else) or utilize the shipping routes between your pre-approved planets, or work something out with your government sponsor for permission." Official 2 just arches an eyebrow at the offer of the bible. "Assets, not posessions, assets...there was apparently a typo in the memo. You have the Senator, the House of Lords and even the Department of Defense to thank for our leniency in this matter. We do not wish for your obscurity, but we do wish for your assistance in helping to make this universe a better place." <English>

Helena nods to Storn's words, "At least...he is allowed to keep much a semblence of his life. He will live." And those words seem to finally take the wind out of Helena's sails that has been her bulwark through the trial and she sags in the chair. <English>

Kyoshiro adds, "Perhaps a Factory And Warehouse that could bring commerce to the Blue Sun system as the Station is Built. Fao could runs it and his profit goes right into your pocket. Shouldn't take too long to make up." <English>

McGuire narrows his eye's a moment, looking at the officals. "I'd like to request the Jia take me home." He turns to the Lord and Willow, "I look forward to you assisting in these endevers, and Willow, if there are no objections, I accept your presance as leagle guardian. I'm sure it will all work out in the end." <English>

Calira clears her throat softly, "I would like to offer up my residence on Londinium as a safe house that would facilitate ease of access to Londinium both for Fao himself and those who may have need to speak with him without necessitating a trip off planet for all." <English>

"Very well, After your week is up, you may return home. You will be sent the necessary details to make your medical appointments for the safe insertion of your tracking chip." The Officials looks from person to person, and just nod. "All details will be finalized by end of week." They then all stand up, turning to the House of Lords member and Willow, bowing deeply. "Court dismissed." Spring receives a message on her datapad that makes her pale a bit as she gets to her feet, shifting weight from foot to foot as she waits for the higher ranking people to exit first. Fao has been sentenced. <English>

McGuire looks to Spring and askes, "Is there any way I could go see the Senator?" He looks to the others, "It's the least I can do." <English>