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The APKC is a Bounty Hunting License, separate to the license required for certain Weapons.

To get a license, submit a +areq with appropriate background info (such as if you have any criminal convictions etc in your background).

The following additional information comes from Simon

The APKC is separate to the weapon license, which expands level 3 and 4 weapons licenses to the populace. HOWEVER in the core, only level 1 and 2 weapons are allowed unless a hunter is on a hunt (And has notified alliance command) or alliance command has issued special dispensation. In the border, levels 1-3 are permitted to be carried. In the rim, level 1-4 can be carried. Any weapons that aren't permitted in that area of space must be kept in a secured locker.
The costs (in credits) are as following:
Level 1: 200
Level 2: 500
Level 3: 1000
Level 4: 2500
Licenses are issued for 12 months, with a month leeway being given at the end for the renewal. Anyone who currently has an APKC that is valid, please contact me and I will transfer it over. By contact me, I mean page me while I am active, don't mail me. Mailing will create stupid amounts of spam for me and I'll hurt you. For now, +areq for new licenses, with appropriate background info (Let us know if you have any criminal convictions etc in your background) as before. We will likely set up a system with the PCs so you guys can get some RP out of it soon.

See also: weapon licenses