Boros - Legionaire War: Prelude to Agony

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Boros - Legionaire War: Prelude to Agony
Location: Log_Location::Boros IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2540/08/01 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2017/06/01
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Faoite McGuire, Has Characters in Scene::Kyoshiro
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::The strange calm before the storm.
Log_Characters::Faoite McGuire, Kyoshiro,

McGuire walks to the command tent, lifting the flap and walking in. He's impressed at the set up as he lingers there a moment taking it all in. His voice is steady and calm as he askes, "How we holding up Mibu?" <English>

Kyoshiro is looking over some status reports and updates on the holo map projected above the table in the tent. As always he has a cigar between his lips which he lets smolder and smoke, only taking a drag lightly here and there. A single red eye glances to Fao as he enters. "Almost there I think... on the cusp of making a move... I'm just trying to get all these ducks in a row." <English>

McGuire nods his understanding of the assesment. Curious, he askes, "What about the Alliance? Are they coming in to assist or can we count on them to come in after it's all over to take credit for it all?" Sarcasm runs deep in his tones, even if he truely believes the lather. He does have trust issues from his past dealings with them. <English>

"We have to seccure them a landing zone first before they can do that." Kyoshiro says, "THat means getting as much info and causing as much attrition as we can. If they lack support units then the marines will have an easier time moving through the city and setting up their own logistics." <English>

McGuire nods again. "So that's a yes, if we give them a clear way in. And like you said, we're almost there, on the cusp." Once again, he nods. Pulling out his tobacco pouch, he begins to roll a cigarette. "The girls are relitively calm for what's coming up. Not sure how any of this is going down, but when their ready to move, no matter where we are in our plan, I'm going with them." He licks the rolled stick closed and puts the pouch away as he lits the cigarette. "I'm ready, no matter how we get there." <English>

"Good... it'll happen. I'm sure we'll know it when it comes." Kyoshiro says, "I don't think they'll be too many red harrings during this engagement. All their cards are being played." <English>

McGuire pulls a drag, blowing it up out of the way. Turning to the tent flap, he starts out. "It'll all come together." Raising the flap, he steps out and looks back to Kyo, "Keep us informed Mibu. Even the girls say it will be soon." He walks out completely to return to the ship. <English>

McGuire has been working the girls on a physical training program for the past few days. Anything to keep him involved in someting during this fight against Legion. Amen gets the majority of the training, because he knows what the girls need, and allows Fao to do this little thing to make Fao feel like he belongs. Excersise and body building in small amounts is what he teaches. Calistenitcs in the morning, a mile run along the mountain edges and the little things to keep the body sound. Finishing off the latest routine, Fao dismisses the group and goes to take a shower for dinner. <English>

Kyoshiro is cooking dinner for the Ship's crew and girls, letting the Battalion cooks do their own thing for the men that are comming back from patrols/missions/running drills for the day. They've been causing havoc here on the ground for Legion and getting the Marines landed was something that helped them in their push. A cigar between his lips, he moves chicken dumsticks around on a grill wearing a kiss the cook apron because the War Horse at least had a sense of humor. <English>

McGuire dried most of his body, his hair still damp with little dripping on his duster as he comes out, refreshed and feeling useful for a moment. Taking a plate, he fills it with whats being surved, then walks over to Kyo and plants a kiss on his cheek. Turning to the girls and says, "Each of you do that when you get served." Taking his plate to the eating area. <English>

Kyoshiro looks at Fao with an odd sort of long strange look like he had not expected such a thing from him. He blinks, pushing a wing around on the grill idley. <English>