Boros - Legionaire War: Secondary Targets & Attrition

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Boros - Legionaire War: Secondary Targets & Attrition
Location: Log_Location::Boros IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2540/07/23 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2017/05/24
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Kyoshiro, Has Characters in Scene::Zank, Has Characters in Scene::Abbey, Has Characters in Scene::Esther, Has Characters in Scene::Churara
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::The gang takes out an Anti-Air Emplacement.
Log_Characters::Kyoshiro, Zank, Abbey, Esther, Churara

The night sky shines dim over the city. The center of the city is still light in this darkness with a few dots of light spreading out from there. The rest of the city lay in darkness. On this side of the city, one of the soft spots sits at the edge of the darkness beyond. This light shines on the three men walking a beat around this end of towns anti-air gun. The small building next to it a guard house for the six guards stationed there. Slowly the three men pace around the outter wire fence that surrounds the gun. A gated walkway from the gun to the guard house. The gun was placed in the center of a cross street, with houses and business buildings all around. <English>

Zank has had a very long....actually he's not even sure how long it's been now. From the first engagements over Boros to being shot out of a Rail gun at said mentioned planet in a ship to put a communication satellite in orbit, to crashing and burning through the atmosphere, starting his own little gorilla war against the legion forces in the city, finding an unlikely friend and a allie, and of course to blowing a rather larger crater in what used to be a legion hub. Zank now finds himself inside another building watching through the lense of his rifle. his eyes scanning the darkness for targets. <English>

Kyoshiro is back at headquarters waiting to get on the horn with Heather. He notices a few blips on his active holo screen and speaks over the comm. "Vardos Actual calling Twilight Unit and Wagon Wheel. You have a go to strike. I'll be watching from back here." He wanted in on the action but he was stuck doing commandery things because he was speacial and important (yeah right). <English>

The shadows have been her friend. Division zero (which doesn't exist! Shhh!) stalks about to their pre-determined places. Esther slips up next to one of her men, pausing to press at the little communication bud in her ear. "Got it." She motions with her fingers and several of her men begin to move. <English>

Abbey is settled upon one of the roofs, rifle in hand and she is looking down the scope towards possible targets at the moment. She tends to be the lone sniper person, with another around she won't complainin the least better to take out the badies after all. He comm unit is settled in her ear and she is able to hear the others rather easily. "Set up and ready." Is offered to the others via said comms. <English>

There is no pattern to these three guards path. They pause and even turn around in places that make no sense. Between the three, the do cover the fence line around the large gun. A light in the guard house can be seen through the drawn curtains of the only window next to the closed main door. <English>

Kyo crosses his arms over his chest and watches the live feed from the helms of the men who are watching in reserve and those who have gone in with Esther. He smokes a cigar which hangs between his lips. <English>

Zank is nearby watching through his rifle scope. His com unit sitting next to him as he looks down the rifle scope. "wagon wheel is set...Vardos, I don't have the best angle here. Bastards moving erratic like." he says "only got eyes on one lone soul" <English>

Esther slinks in the shadows around the perimeter, others doing the same. If they have no predictable pattern, she will simply lie in wait as will the men. When the men finally draw close enough, Esther waits for them to pass by before stepping out with a swift assassination strike. <English>

Abbey lets her face follow after the men that move back and forth, she can see two clearly from her spot at one sid eof the guard house. "I got two near the guard house... They be moving about quick like, not sticking to one spot for long." This is murmured into the comms. <English>

The guard on the farthest side away from the guard house, reaches the center of this side of the fence. From the darkness comes death up behind the guard. The blade quicker and any grunt or gasp. The guard's legs give out and the dark figure lowers the body to the ground. Two other guards, nearer to the guard house begin to split off from each other, one to take one side and the other the other. The two guards see through the fence and gun, a shadowy figure they believe is the other guard. <English>

Kyoshiro watches Esther's deadly strike, not even giving it a twitch or second glance at the LEgionaires brutal death. "Take 'em out Leitenant..." He tells Abbey, "Might want to get a better Vantage Wagon Wheel." He suggests though, it's up to Zank. <English>

Zank nods to no one. "wagon wheel is moving to a better spot" he says picking up quickly and moving into the building. He comes out onto the street and moves quietly into another structure be it closer but more visible to there intended target. Zank slips into the building pistol draw rifle slung. He clears each room as quietly as he can moving upwards. <English>

Esther watches as the man falls and she motions to her companion to retreat back into the shadows. The division zero group retreats back so the gunmen can handle the rest. <English>

Abbey nods slightly at the report to take out the guards or guard that she can see. She takes another moment and then the sot is taken. Her rifle is set with a sliencer so it is quiet at least, as for the guard he doesn't know what hits him. The man slumps downwards and is kissing the ground rather dead it would seem. <English>

The last guard stops, seeing his companion across on the other side, fall. "Sam?" He says, then panic sets in. Turning to the guard house, "SAM!" He starts to run, "Sam's down! MAN DOWN!"

The door to the guard house opens. A heavy set man step into the frame and says, "What is going on?" The shadows from the room inside the guard house begin to grow. <English>

Esther watches as the man falls, no emotion on her features. It is war. War is something she knows all too well. She is patient and she waits for the gunfire to die down. Meanwhile, she has instructed her people to encircle the area, slowly approaching the fence at a shadowy place. Tools are extracted to begin to snip at the chained links, creating a hole for entry. <English>

Zank clears through the first two floors and makes his way to the third. He slowly comes into a room overlooking the small set up as he hears the commotion outside. He comes to the window and peaks out to see what he can. The large heavy set man and the other guard running for his fallen friend. These guys seem far less disciplined than the other legion Solider's something is off. "got a new player.." he keys into his com. "might have to go load" <English>

"At your descretion Wagon Wheel..." Kyoshiro says over the comm still calmly watching the screens in front of him. <English>

Abbey doesn't need to hear the one guard speaking to his buddy to seewhat is wrong, she is able to see enough in her scope to tell things are about to get to heck in a hand basket. Another shot is made ready and she zero's in on the guard that is coming out from the guard house. The new guard slups back into the doorway and falls to the floor. "Take 'em out... There may be more in the guard house so it is about ta get messy down thar." <English>

The heavy set man in the doorway falls back, leaving the third guard in shock. The guard steps back and from inside the guard house comes a shout, "Call it in, call it in!"

The five troopes follow orders, moving out into the street and along the fenceline towards the guard house.

Two more figures appear in the doorway, armed and ready for action. <English>

Shadowy figures begin to filter in through the gate, various weapons drawn. One has a pair of knives, another a hand axe. The other three have a variety of guns with suppressors attached to the ends. Last comes Esther with her blade drawn and blood dripping from the blade. They do not go around to the front of the house, leaving the area clear for the snipers. Instead, they go for a window on the side. The glass is smashed in and a smoke omb filled with eye burning and lung hacking fumes is tossed inside before the men retreat back once more. It's an attempt to flesh out whoever might be inside. <English>

Zank opens the window of room he's in over looking the area. "yea well silence was boring me anyway" he mutters setting the rifle up. He quickly takes aim and send a round down range. His target is the guard shacks window and keeping anyone's head from popping out. "they sqwak we're gonna have a whole lotta hurt coming our way" he says <English>

There is a shadow inside the shack, two guards in the door way, and the shocked guard who is left from the first three. That guard drops his weapon and looks stunned at the guard house. Esther sees through the window a figure over what looks like radio set up. Three soldiers from Esthers team step around the house and up to the door. The weapson spirt a spray of bullets in the house, the smoke rolling off the ceiling. The two guards fell quick, the man at the radio slumps over, the only guard left still in shock by the fence looking at the house. He suddenly drops to his knees and falls forward, dead.

The two men on the fence cut through, demolitions placed on the gun, and retreated out to the house. "Charges set, on your word." One of the men say to Esther. <English>

Esther watches as the men perform an excellent bit of work. "Good. Let's go." She gestures for people to retreat now as she pulls out a detonator device from her pocket. She does not set it off immediately, instead waits until they are at a safe distance. The glowing red button is pushed and a smirk spreads over Esther's face as the satisfying ka-boom echoes through the city. A plume of fire and smoke rise up into the air. <English>

Zank is already pulling back as the charges are set. He's well down the block he feels and hears the boom. He keys his com "Vardous, wagon wheel is free an clear an going quiet...good job an good huntin, see ya on the far side" he says as he moves into the alleyways heading for his Temporary HQ in the city <English>

"Good work..." Kyoshiro says over the comm, "I'll hear you when you are ready to hit the next target." <English>