Boros - Legionaire War: Let's Go To War I

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Boros - Legionaire War: Let's Go To War I
Location: Log_Location::Boros IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2540/07/16 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2017/05/03
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Kyoshiro, Has Characters in Scene::Zank, Has Characters in Scene::Willow Merryweather, Has Characters in Scene::Jia
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::The Jia has found a new hiding place in the wake of the attack. Zank wants to get in close.
Log_Characters::Kyoshiro, Zank, Willow Merryweather, Jia

Zank looks through the ship a small duffle and scoped rifle on his sholder. "kyo you around?" <English>

Kyoshiro is working on making sure his weapons are clean and ready for anything that comes. He's been concerned, mostly about Llewelyn and hasn't strayed far from the ship seince she's been knocked out. He looks up and over to Zank, "Herm? Yeah..." <English>

Zank nods "any change to the girls?" he asks simply shifting the bag on his sholder <English>

Kyoshiro shakes his head, "Not that I've seen..." He heaves a heavy sigh, putting the slide back on Junior, pressing the action causing it to slide back into a 'loaded' position. "Seems the place we're at is pretty out of the way. Got a good view of a couple of the major hubs from here and we can only hope they don't know where we are..." <English>

Zank nods "which actually brings me to why im looking for ya." he says "im wanna head into the city...see what incam stur up...cause some hell for legions occupation...figure do enough might lessen there search for the girls and the Jia..." he pauses "I have no idea if the underground had operations here but if they did i might be able to leverage some resoruces help cause some more chaos" <English>

Kyoshiro raises an eyebrow and reguards Zank a moment, "I can't spare any of the men we have. It's a good idea, Willow and I were thinking of something similar..." He pauses a moment, "Why don't you take Willow with you, she's good with that kind of thing." Her being an operative and all. "Make sure you check in with me every few hours and give me an update." He really wishes he could go, but he has an invasion to corrdinate with a certain Alliance Commander. <English>

Zank nods "Wasn't gonna ask for no one but me..." He says "you sure you can spare her?" he asks <English>

"We're likely boring her around here by now..." Kyoshiro says in reguards to Willow. "I think you'll need her more than us. Fao and I are enough Bad-ass to take care of out little ship." <English>

Zank chuckles "Oh sure like yall were when ya crashed her" he says teaseing the man. <English>

"You can blame Fao and Legion for that." Kyoshiro says, "He was all gung ho about following the girls when they caught something via their abilites. Every time it ended in a gorram tuffle with those ruttin' black harpoons." <English>

Zank grins "think ill just blame you both" he says chuckling. "know were i can find Williow....?he asks <English>

Kyoshiro shrugs, "Around..." It's almost ominious the way he says that, "In the ship somewhere or out in the wild patroling or scavanging around..." He smirks to himself. <English>

Zank blinks "She likley to kill me with her mind an what not?" <English>

"Nah, she ant that scarry... Scarry, but not that scarry." Kyoshiro mentions. <English>

Zank blinks "that is in no way comforting" <English>

"Good..." Kyoshiro says holstering his lightfoot. He starts to head up towards the Common Area, "I need to see who I can get a hold of. Satalite should be comming around soon." <English>

A redheaded woman with bright green eyes happens to be who Willow is. As to what she is... well... she's a high level operative. Appearing from out of the shadows, her gaze turns towards Zank, a flicker of amusement in her features. "And what would offer you comfort, hmm?" she asks, an English accent touching her words. <English>

"Ah... there she is..." Kyoshiro says as if it was completely normal that she would just suddenly appear. He disappears upstares. <English>

Zank blinks and suddenly feels abandoned by Kyo. He studies her a moument looking her over. Not apariseing her or anything of the like. More like analyzing. "I take it you 'overheard' my idea?" he says dryly not sure what to make of the women just yet. <English>

A glance is cast towards Kyoshiro, and she inclines her head towards him, a smile touching at the corners of his lips. Shifting her weight, she steps out of the shadows and into the light. Her body is lean, agile, supple. And at her back she wears a pair of katanas. "You want to be a thorn in the side to the Legion forces. And you think I can kill you with my brain," Willow comments, a flicker of amusement in her voice. <English>

Zank smirks "never know who can do what now adays...." he says with no hint of sarcasum. "any good with those" he asks nodding to the swords on her back. Seeing what kind of rise he can draw out of the women. <English>

"Well," she begins, lifting one of her shoulders in a faint shrug. "A Reader, I'm not. But I know a lot of ways to be able to kill a man," Willow says, a smile turning at the corners of her lips. She tilts her head slightly to one side, emotions entirely under control, and she crosses the room to stand before him. Just a hair shy of being in his personal space. "Let's just put it this way, shall we? I know what to do with the pointy end," she adds, inclining her head a touch towards him. <English>

Zank tilts his head ever so slightly as she moves. Her attractiveness does not escape him as she moves gracefully, but he dosnt let it distract him. When she stops before him his eyes narrow slightly. He grins "good enough for me" he says <English>

At his words, she raises an eyebrow slightly before giving a small nod. "Good. When the time comes for them to be used, you'll just have to judge for yourself," she comments, a smile touching at the corners of her lips. She takes a moment to look him over, then. "What sort of chaos did you have in mind?" she asks, a flicker of curiosity in her voice. <English>

Zank 's face turns into a slightly sinister grin but it quickly passes. "Start small...basic disorganization, kill some Soldiers and officer see what kinda response that provokes...we'll escalate as appropriate from there..." he says simply "I'm sure your familiar with the tactic." <English>

The redheaded woman listens, and then she gives a nod to him. "Starting small is good. I trust you know how to identify Legion forces from the innocents?" she asks, a flicker of curiosity in her voice. She knows well enough, for she's gone on some assassination missions. "I am familiar with the tactic," Willow adds, inclining her head towards him. <English>

Zank smirks "That's why they created you learn who to shoot at." he says "unless your already privy t' that knowledge an care to share with the rest of the class" he says. "I only landed here a day or so ago an all iv seen is black clad wanna be soldiers." <English>