Boros - Legionaire War: Out of The Woods

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Boros - Legionaire War: Out of The Woods
Location: Log_Location::Boros IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2540/07/12 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2017/04/01
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Kyoshiro, Has Characters in Scene::Faoite McGuire, Has Characters in Scene::Jia
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::The first space battle above Boros is happening as night falls over the side of the planet Jia has crashed on. While Fao waits for the Jiro to return he watches the chaos in the sky until there is a commotion in the tree line.
Log_Characters::Kyoshiro, Faoite McGuire, Jia

McGuire was told by the girls that there was trouble with in the getting of the engine, but not to worry because they were on the way back. He knows to trust them at their work, but Fao will always be Fao and worry. Rifle in hand, he walks off the ship in the direction the Tank left and begins to pace a bit. A rolled cigarette unlit in his lips, and worry on his brow, he walks the path out, side to side, and back more times than not. His back hurts slightly from all the bending over to weld and lifting plate steel up to fasten into place. The work has been easy, but there has been so much of it in such a short time, it is beginning to wear on him a bit. The girls comfort his mind, trying to get him to relax without be obtrusive. He knows they care and that they love him, as he cares and loves each of them, but they also know that when crew is out on such an excursion, he worries. His nature. <English>

Above Fao as the day turns to night there appears to be a space battle going far away. Its quieted down a bit as if it moved away from the planet or was coming to an end. A smoking fight roared earlier right over their heads at the start of the conflict but crashed far off to the north east. <English>

McGuire kept an eye on the lights in the sky, knowing what those light mean, concerned that Legion is getting a stronger foothold on this rock. The grip around the rifle tightens and his pace becomes a march for a brief moment. When the lights fade, he lights his cigarette and breathes it in deeply as he ponders the sky-scape and world that he's on. The Jia still has a hole in it's side, although it has been half covered from the top down with what steel and plating that could be scavenged. The activity inside is kept to a minimum so as not to draw attention to itself. Fao had rigged a few batteries for inner lights and the hot water heater, the extensive damage causing internal functions to stop. No computer, no life support for air conditioning, nothing really works except for what Fao has already worked on. What would take months, has been done in two days. No one has seen McGuire sleep yet, and even the girls know he can only keep this up for two more days before he falls down. The night air blows his hair to one side, the end of his cigarette glows bright for a moment. Fao knows the guards are at station and he's protected, but his old fashion captain ways keep him alert and on guard for his family, for his crew. He mutters, "They've been gone longer than I like." continuing his pacing along the path they should return from. <English>

The Jiro still isn't back yet. From the north east where the ship had crashed in the woods just beyond the perimeter an explosion sounds and flashes. One of the Clay-mores gone off. As the echo of the blast stills screams of pain can be heard coming from that direction. It's agonizing and digs deep into the psyche of anyone who hears it. Some of the forest starts to burn from the blast and the smell of burnt flesh makes it's way towards the Jia's camp along with that of the cloud from the explosives. <English>

McGuire moves to the closest tree, rifle barrel up and finger on the trigger. His back hit the tree and he leans to his left to gander what he can see. He glances the ship, the guards in the area taking note. Fao points to two guards with a grunt to get their attention and then directs them to either side of himself. He turns back to where the screams are and begins a slow, as stealthy approach as possible, remembering where the map drawn out of the clay-more setting. Nothing between him and the noise. His mind tells the girls to stay in the ship in a very concerned manner. He advances forward, guard on each side with a touch of distance away. His see in the dark glasses are in the ship, mentally he kicks himself as Sarah Jade comes running out holding the NV IR Thermal Goggles, "PA!" Which she had started to call him in just the past day. Fao freezes and looks behind him. <English>

The painful scream continues and even seems to grow and get closer. There's a few crunches of branches as what ever or who ever it is gets closer. It sounds as if someone is dragging something through the woods and brush. Something heavy, much like the sound Willow was making as she drug the Stag to the ship a few days ago. From out of the tree line comes the back of a male. He seems to be wearing a jump suit, side arm at his hip, survival pack on his back. He's dragging women who's own jumpsuit is covered in blood, her legs a mangled mess of bone, flesh, and muscle. Obviously she's the one screaming. <English>

McGuire quickly tells Sarah to stop and not move in his mind. The look on his face tells her she better mind. He rushes to the side, putting himself between them and his little girl, rifle up and aimed forward at the couple. Stepping forward, he aims the rifle at the mans head and says in a determined tone, "Lay her down and slowly turn around with his hands up. Do it now." He cocks the rifle as hard as he can to increase the sound of the whine as it activates. He is still stepping forward, his aim true. <English>

As Fao gets closer he can see that the flight suits are purple and likely a lot like the ones he used to wear back in his hay day. As Fao states his demands and racks the proverbial slide of his guas enhanced lever gun the man dragging the women stops in his tracks and freezes. Slowly he straightens up, his hands raising before slowly turning around to reveal himself as well as the Alliance patch on his left breast. The pilot grinds his teeth not happy with the current situation.

The roar of Jiro can now be heard coming down the recently cleared pathway, it's head lights splitting through the forest as it rambles towards the clearing casting shadow over Fao and the Churara guarding the Jia. <English>

McGuire lowers his weapon, his voice with concern, "I thought I saw something come down." He motions to the guards to take the girl, "Get her to the medbay and bring all the candles the ship has." He turns to the man and says, "I'm McGuire, my ship crashed her at Legions hand and we're trying to get repaired and off this flea infested rock ASAP. You wounded, can you handle a torch?" He reaches out a hand to shake, pausing to let this guy catch up a moment. The two guards rush to the woman's sides and cradles her up, moving her towards the ship. <English>

The pilot blinks then lowers his hands a moment, looking to Fao's hand in confusion. The Churara move over to help the combat medic of the unit look over the women. They say something about getting her to the medbay as quick as possible in Romani and proceed to do just that. "Right... I..." The pilot takes a deep breath, looking to the 'Jiro as it comes to a halt next to the Jia, dragging a big old engine on a trailer hitched to it. The pilot shakes Fao's hand, "Captain Mathews, that's Lieutenant Azra... Shot down on a bombing run of the Harbinger." He looks up to the sky, "Destiny wasn't doing so good last I checked." He frowns as now the battle is pretty much over with. Occasionally debris can be seen falling into the atmosphere and burning up. A stray and distant explosion here and there. Silent even. "I'm fine. Azra though... I wad wondering what the hell clay-mores were doing out in the middle of nowhere."

The Jiro's ramp comes down and Kyoshiro exits then, raising a brow as he looks to his men carrying an injured alliance pilot into the ship. Then looking to Fao and his new friend he strikes up a cigar and heads that way. <English>

McGuire turns and begins to walk towards the Jiro as he says in his even tone, "We're surrounded by Legion Captain. I've a complement aboard my ship that needs protecting." As he moves Sarah Jade step up to him, raising her hand to hold his. He takes it, continuing to walk to the tank. "The Lieutenant is being taken care of by our medic. She's in good hands." Inside his mind, he urges the girls to keep out of these peoples minds. Sarah looks back at the man, "Come along." Her little girl voice so odd after all the explosion and rumbling of the tank and this McGuire's tone. Fao yells at the Jiro in a triumphant tone, "We got one. We can get off this rock." Looking the engine over. <English>

The pilot blinks still at a loss for words. The little girl with Fao causing him to blink even more. He may know Jacy but he was not briefed about all the details involving the Legion situation. To him, this was some random ship that got shot down. Though, the Churara raise question... and was that their High Commander coming out of the Jiro. He'll be even more surprised once he gets in the ship... and it's for sure to be a long report if they do ever get off this rock.

Kyoshiro stops as Fao meets him. He chuckles and nods, "Aye we got one. Almost didn't..." He looks over to the burning area of the woods. He orders the resting group of the platoon to go out and put out the fire and reset the clay-mores in Romani. "That guy who had this engine... he was watching us. Leader of some survivalist group. He wanted the girls in trade. Wanted to sell them to Legion or the Highest Bidder, keep a few for himself if you know what I mean." He shakes his head, "We were able to convince him otherwise... But. Legion is pushing out into the rural areas now. A patrol came by before seeing a fighter crash out this way..." He watches the pilot board the Jia, "I'm guessing this is them, yeah?" He grimaces at that. "Which means that patrol will end up in this area eventually. They'll track them from the wreck." <English>

McGuire nods, turning to face the pilot. "This is Captain Mathews. The injured woman is Lieutenant Azra. I'm trying to see if the Captain and work a weld." He grins and Sarah laughs in a giddy manner. "He can't." She says and laughs again. Fao frowns and furrows is brow as he looks down at her. "I asked you not to do that." The little girl suddenly look innocent up at Fao and say, "He's confused, it of take hours to get it out of him. He needs a drink." Fao sighs and turns to Mathews, "Come aboard, we've food and drink, and I do happen to have whiskey and rum if you really need it." Still holding Sarah's hand, he turns to the ship and continues to speak with Kyo, "I'll start setting up the space we'll need to mount this engine. I need it up and level to start diagnostics. She looks old, so this may take a little longer." <English>

Mathews does as asked and of course will take a drink. Kyo on the other hand nods to the Pilot but gets back to business with Fao. He inspects the man for a long moment before asking, "When is the last time you slept?" He pauses looking to the Engine, "Why don't you let Willow and I do it while you get some rest." <English>

McGuire walking back to the Jia, holding Sarah's hand as he dances the night goggles in her other hand and says before Fao can speak, "Time enough for sleep in the grave." Which is what he was going to say. Sarah begins to skip along side Fao as they continue towards the ship. <English>

McGuire shows Mathews to the Jia's ramp where they too Azza to doctor her up. Fao turns to the the closest Romani guard and tells them in Romani to set an extra mortar where those two set off the last one, because he knows that is where Legion would look if they are going to come looking at all. The guard addresses Fao with great respect and rushes off to do his bidding. Turning back to Mathews, Fao says in his even tone, "Would you care to eat before that drink or is your mind set on the drink first?"

Atop the ramp of the Jia, three girls can be seen looking out to get gander the new guy. They all look like Sarah Jade who stands beside Fao holding his hand and have the same features of short girlish figures, long white hair, and the same eye's that are filled with wonderment. Two guards stand at the top with protective stances, aware of what is around them and seemingly ready for anything. Fao turns to Kyo, "We've a meal set, but perhaps you could preform some of your magic and gets him something else that isn't a small portion." <English>

"Aye I can get something going..." Kyoshiro says to Fao, moving over to the fire they have going since the stove wasn't working at the moment. He would have to do things old school and that wasn't so bad. "I'll see what I can scrounge up..." They would have eaten and smoked all the frozen stuff at the beginning of this ordeal.

Abbey has been around, quiet and keeping an eye on things mind you. After the fruit-loop said he had been keeping a closer watch on the place and what is or is not around them. A burning cigarette rests between her lips as the sniper moves on towards the others, her hat rests upon her head and rifle is with her. "Hey." <English>

McGuire looks to Abbey with a greeting nod. His voice is even and calm, "If we get discovered, I'll need you on top of the Jia taking out the bad guys. There are two ways up. One over there at the side of the ship, and the shuttle bay hatch up. Either or, depending where you are when the alarm goes off." He grins and glances Mathews, "Alarm or loud explosion, that's the signal." He is worried about Mathews partner being fixed up inside the ship. He just wants Mathews to relax enough to let the medics do their jobs. <English>

Kyoshiro looks over to Abigail after Fao speaks, "Those downed pilots... I think that Legion patrol will be looking for them. Only a matter of time before they head this way. Hopefully we can take care of them before they can radio back." He goes back to setting up the fire spit. <English>

Abbey glances up to the Jia as she hears McGuire and nods. "No problem there... Glad I don't mind heights." She is joking, what sniper would have a issue with it? She frowns slightly hearing Kyo and a faint breath escapes her while she takes the cigarette and gives it a flick. "Not surprised. I'll do my best ta stop 'em of course." Another reason she has taken to carrying the rifle with he. <English>

McGuire turns to Mathews as one of the girls brings a folding chair down out of the ship to unfold for Mathews to sit. Fao is not surprised that the girls know and didn't follow his urging to stay out of new peoples minds. He motions to the chair with the smiling girl beside who set it up, and says, "Get comfortable for now, you are in good company. When you've wrapped your head around this and have had something to eat, you can ask us your questions that seem to be bothering you." He's not one to mince words in obvious situations. He looks at the girl and doesn't say a work, however the girl turns back to the ship and says aloud, "Oh right, whiskey. He like whiskey." Trundling up the ramp to fetch the bottle and a glass. <English>

Abbey glances over to Mathews and then back to the others thinking she may have missed something while she was out and about. She takes another drag from her cigarette with her pale gaze turning to look back over the area then to the sky. <English>

Kyoshiro finishes cooking up a stew of some of the preserved deer meat that Willow got a while back and starts to dish it out to the girls. "Here we go. Empty stomachs are no good to work on." He himself hasn't seemed to be eating overly too much. Probably just enough to maintain a good distance from hunger pains through out the day. Small portions here and there. He looks around to see where perhaps Willow is, that Legion patrol was on his mind. <English>

McGuire had taken Captain Mathews to the cooking fire just outside the Jia's ramp. The girls brought down a folding chair for him to sit as Kyo was cooking him food. Fao asked for the bottle of whiskey and a glass to be offered to Mathews who wanted a drink. Fao, after getting Mathews mind off of Azra, who was taken into the ship's medbay to be stabilized, spoke with Abbey about using the roof of the Jia when the alarms go off so she can have a high vantage with her skills. McGuire takes the bottle from the girl who brings it down, and pours Mathews a shot of whiskey. Placing the cap back on the bottle, he looks out over the area, up and down before turning back to the group. "If we can't get the patrol before they call it in, we don't stand a chance against a full attack from Legion." His voice is stern and holds his firm standing on command, knowing it wont be his show when all hell breaks loose. "That explosion is going to bring it down on us, you know." <English>

Kyoshiro nods, "We should use it to our advantage. Get them before they even see the Jia... or us for that matter. Ambush them on the way here." <English>

McGuire glances Kyo, "From which way Mibu?" <English>

"Assuming they come from the direction of the wreckage and towards the blast of the clay-mores..." Kyoshiro points to the North East, "Over that way." <English>

McGuire's perfect sense of direction has him pointing, "City is that way, settlements surround us." He lowers his hand holding the bottle and cracks it back open, taking a swig and passing it to Kyo. "Four man spread that way, with two man scouts surrounding? Jamming effects are still on so we can't signal silently. Flares or a runner to get info out." <English>

Kyoshiro nods, "We've had good luck with short range and low frequencies. They're really troublesome but at close range they work under the effects of the jam and we can speak as long as we're in at least four kilometers of each other." He pauses and thinks, "I don't know if I want to spare the troops for just four Legionaires... Maybe just have Willow, me, and Abbey go see what we can trap." <English>

Though she's spent a fair amount of time around those from the ship, Willow hasn't really been very forthcoming about various information in regards to her life. But then, she's often kept herself a bit apart from the others. Making her way up to the fire, she's dressed all in black, a piece of the night that enters the circle of firelight. She's done little in the way of sleeping or eating, and she's kept herself occupied with patrolling around the forest near to the ship, as well as gathering food and water when she can. "It's likely they'll stick together, or divide into pairs. My understanding is that they tend not to venture solo very often," she says softly, her brow furrowing a touch. <English>

McGuire nods his understanding, "This is your department Mibu. I'm here for the girls and their protection." He looks to Willow with a nod of greeting. "I need to get that engine inside and hooked up and running. I can have it done in two days if I start now." It is very clear to most of the people around that Fao hasn't slept since this started. He seems to be holding up well at the moment, his determination outreaching his fatigue. <English>

Kyoshiro nods to Fao, then looks over to Willow who is nonchalantly patrolling the tree line. "What do you think Willow... get at them, at least try before they get any sight of our little camp here. Dead before they knew what happened." He's talking about silently killing, suppressed weapons and melee if need be. <English>

Abbey had been out keeping an eye on things once more, something she's good at after all. She makes her way on towards the others with a glance towars Willow as she moves closer to the ship. Her rifle in hand, along with a unlit cigarette between her lips as she goes. <English>

McGuire keeps the bottle, walking over to the engine, mentally measuring it to fit in the ship. He's already worked up the plans to get it inside shortly and the hard part is adapting it to the modified Jia. But he's already worked that out in his head. <English>

A small smile touches at the corners of her lips, and she offers a nod of greeting to Fao. "Even if we can get the engine fixed to get off the planet, Legion deserves to be harassed a time longer, if we can manage it. The more we can kill of them, the better it is for the locals," she says quietly, her brow furrowing a little bit. Her gaze turns to Kyoshiro, and then she gives a small nod. "If we can find them, then assassinating them is a good option," she says softly, studying him for a long moment. <English>

Kyoshiro looks over Willow a moment and wants to say something inappropriate. Like Damn women, you is fine as shit and sexy because you talk my talk... But he's a married man and must keep all such things to himself. FOR SHAME! At any rate, he snaps out of his gaze, "Well food is going to be an issue. We'll hang out as long as Fao thinks it's safe... or I think it's safe... or someone comes to rescue us. So... let's go hunting then." He looks over to Abbey, "Wana kill some Legion?" He asks her with a chuckle. <English>

Abbey settles upon a seat once near the fire and takes a slow drag from the now light smoke as her rifle is set dwn next to her. A glance is sent to Kyo while she listens in and she just grins. "As if ye need ta ask me that question." She is good at a few things, and taking out bad guys, well she is good at that. <English>

Willow tilts her head slightly to one side as she studies Kyoshiro for a long moment, her green eyes bright in the reflected firelight. "Food might not be an issue. It all depends on what game is here to be found. I haven't ranged too far afield, but... I've found things without needing to," she muses, a thoughtful tone to her voice. "When we leave is up to you and he -- I'm just along for the ride, so to speak. And the killing of Legion," she comments, a hint of a smile touching at the corners of her lips. "Have we any idea as to where they are, in the forest?" she asks, a flicker of curiosity in her voice. <English>

Kyoshiro chuckles and smirks to Abbey, dragging on the cigar between his lips. He pulls off his greatcoat and places it on a crate. He's wearing Jungle Camo BDU's underneath. Reaching into his bag he pulls out some gloves and puts them on. He's ready to do now. "We need to head out now if we're going to catch them. They're probably finishing up looking over the wreck and are heading this way. They should be between us and the north east." He points. <English>

Abbey nods slightly at this while shifting to stand up once more. "Let me grab a few things on the ship." This said while she is moving to the Jia to get said thing it seems. <English>

Lifting a hand, Willow lightly draws her fingers through her hair. Then she gives a small nod to Kyoshiro, her brow furrowed slightly. She's wearing her paired katanas at her back, as often seems the case, and so she's as ready as what she's likely to be. <English>

Kyoshiro nods to Abbey and begins to start towards Willow and wait with the Sniper together. However, the beep of a notification of a message on his smartcomm causes him to pause and blink. What the hell... how in the heck. Communications to the outside worlds had been completely shut off but now he was getting something. He reads the message and frowns, "That's disturbing..." He types a message back, asking who it is. <English>

Abbey makes her way out from the ship, her duster on along with her hat and she is putting a few hings into her pocket. Her rifle is picked up and she checks to make sure it is ready before glancing over to Kyoshiro. "What is?" <English>

Willow perks her attention towards Kyoshiro, and she tilts her head a touch to one side. "Disturbing...?" she inquires, her brow furrowing a bit. Shifting her weight, she moves around the fire to start to head towards them. <English>

Kyoshiro looks to Willow and Abbey both as they inquire. Then another message comes in with an attachment. "Oh well... Looks Like Abigail figured out how to do a peer to peer with my Smartcomm. Frequency change or something..." He opens up the attachment which shows a map. He shows the others. "This should help us." <English>

Abbey tilts her head as he glances between Willow and Kyoshiro. "Who?" Is questioned with a urious tone before she looks to the map in question. <English>

Kyoshiro looks to Abbey, "Sorry... one of the girls my old friends adopted. They named her Abigail. She's good with Electronics and Computers and such." He points two two pairs of red dots, "Look looks like she's located them and is relaying us the position or assumed position... we better get moving." <English>