Beylix Slaver Takedown Pt. 1

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Beylix Slaver Takedown Pt. 1
Location: Log_Location::Beylix IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2537/08/10 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2015/10/06
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Ansiel, Has Characters in Scene::Kyoshiro, Has Characters in Scene::Faoite McGuire
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::Dissidence Consortium declares a war on slaver scum which leads them to a haven of slave activity upon Beylix.
Log_Characters::Ansiel, Kyoshiro, Faoite McGuire

An old beggar looking man comes out of shuttle platform. Hunched over, big old dark brown hat with a wide brim. Hair tucked into the collar of the worn black wool coat. His steps are short and shuffling, moving out into the busy docks.

The engines of the Star whir up as the reactor starts to reach full capacity and the radiation from the engines begin to warp the air around them. The small squadron of Churara that had previously been at the forward operating base setup by the Dissidence Consortium have already secured themselves on board the in the cargo bay and workers are scrambling all over to make sure everything is in order as the mission is a just moments from being a go. Several seemingly abandoned outposts have been infiltrated and destroyed, but not before the dead were removed, their tags saved upon the Churara Commander's request.
A crack ringing out into the sky overhead tells of the Nirvana's break past the sound barrier as the ship is being utilized for air support should the need arise. And at that Ansiel is bringing up a check list, going over the last bits before the green light is given. "Sat-nav linked affirmative?" a voice from the CIC centre chirps back a '10-4.' "Radar and tracking links?" that same voice, '10-4.' "Weapons and ammunition?" '10-4' "Systems diagnostics complete?" '10-4'. At that a breath and she is turning to walk the length of the Corvette, towards the shuttle platform. Everything is in place. There is a glance from those blue eyes to the shambling beggar that is making his way onto the tarmac, though she doesn't say anything to him right away. There are still guards in place and he isn't close enough to raise any alarm which would mostly be to afford him safety from the takeoff.

"Christ man, you're on Beylix... Folk look the other way, you gorram showoff." Kyoshiro says under his breath towards the beggar. Unlike his traveling partner, the Churara Commander wasn't in any kind of disguise. He was still working on his skills and if someone wanted to challenge his authority, he damn well wasn't about to go hide from a fight. It just wasn't in his genome. Cold crimson eyes glance to the Star, a single eyebrow raising as he watches Ani start down the ramp towards the tarmac. His hair is back in a ponytail, great coat whipping around behind him as backwash from other ships taking off. He turns and walks in that direction, his tall and large build taking up a good amount of space. Reaching into the part in his Kosode, he pulls out a cigarillo and lights it.

McGuire's face is unseen for the most part, the whisper out is in Romani, "Gotta get here son, Alliance still on the look you know." He follows along with Kyo, a sudden lift of the brim at Ani and a wide smile, "Here to help. Point us where." He says in his even tone to her.

Ansiel smiles a bit amused as she sees that it's McGuire under that wool coat. "On board, will brief ya enroute. An'.. good ta see ya better ol' man." She smirks and then looks to Kyoshiro with an extended hand. "Glad ya could make it Commander. Already 'ave a small amount of your guys on the Star, we are 'bout ready to burn sky." She waves both of them over towards the cargo ramp and leads the way. There is a cold steely nod over to those that have stood up from their posts to give her a farewell salute to which she obliges and keeps walking until she is back at the end of the ramp again, waiting on her esteemed party guests. It seems that a few of the Churara are following suit with Kyo as he walks by as well, but slowly all of the personnel do the same. Some of them might not know who he is exactly, but they are respectful towards him none the less. The hoveled old man? less so.

Kyoshiro raises an eyebrow as he notices the others following suit behind him. Some saluting him. Well that was odd, gadje didn't much approve of his so called authority and with the Alliance enroute he didn't think they cared about Roma sovereignty in the slightest. A simple nod is given to Fao before he starts up the ramp behind Ansiel. "So there are two compounds that need to be infiltrated as you said in your WAVE... what are their defenses like?" To his own men he speaks a Romani. Ninth Division member, not necessarily native of Beylic but with a more police/SWAT type training then the other more militarily driven Divisions. Kyo drags lightly on his cigarillo as he looks around the Star coldly.

McGuire shuffles along up the ramp until he reaches the top. There, he straightens up and removes his hat. The coat is shucked off his shoulder to reveal his backpack was his hump and the low slung rifle made shuffling necessary. He readjusts, the Churara aboard suddenly giving him a fist to their chest, a sign of respect to the prince of Deadwood. Fao turns to Ani, "Two places, do both have the slaves housed?" He looks to Kyo, "I'd rather take the one that has the slaves." He arms the coat and hat, falling into line with the others.

As Ansiel reaches the top of the ramp and takes a few steps into the ship's innards, her gear is presented by one of the DC personnel and she begins to get fitted for battle and as both Fao and Kyo each the top of the ramp it begins to lift to a close. "Yes two compounds. They do na' seem ta 'ave any anti-air defenses though... what is hidden on the ground, unknown. Blasted sat-imagery is only good for so much, although thermals were ran an' they turned up nothing except heavy congregations of humans." She continues as she clicks her gear into place, "They are both equally populated with what we believe ta be captives from this planet and the other worlds from the system." She slings a rifle into a climber's position upon her back and then an SMG at the off-side position where it straddles her left so that her right is unimpeded due to there being a kydex holster strapped to her right thigh, carrying her pistol. "The bunkers 'ave been designated sites A an' B. We will be hitting A while the rest of our forces are on standby at site B, making sure there will be no attempt to elude us. The Nirvana is on overwatch in the sky an' will be in a holding pattern until further notice." The ship lurches and the large engines begin to roar as they rise into the sky and shift forward with the thrust. "First objective for my team is to secure the control an'/or comm room in the bunker an' then begin ta eliminate resistance. We will be tryin' ta use non-lethal force until the situation dictates otherwise. Since it seems the Alliance has decided to butt their noses in, we'll need some folks to hand over, na' just a load of bodies." She grins and looks between them both. "However Commander, how ya proceed is entirely up ta ya."

Kyoshiro chews on his cigarillo a bit, letting the smoke cloud around his face just a bit before taking a long drag. The end cherries as air passes through it. "The support bunker, the one with the soldiers... you took that out already, yes? If you don't, they'll call for reinforcements." He lets the smoke escape his lips, an idle hand reaches up to scratch his salt and pepper beard. Kyo came as he always did, ready to fight. Armor already on beneath his clothes, the Daisho that never left his side as if it were he's oldest and dearest companion. That large fucking handcannon named Junior, and his CQC knife. "Are you going to push your way into the command center or drop onto it? IF that's the case, eliminating resistance might be hard. At any rate... I can at least secure the hostages." He shrugs, "And make sure some of the men are tied up... though some of these men... the Roma have courts as well... and the clan wish to try someone..."

Ansiel shakes her head. "Ya would think tha' they are organized but in our findings from infiltrating their operations, they aren't at all." She shrugs, "So long as the men stick ta their training, resistance shouldn't be much of a problem." She points towards a cargo locker which is left open and brimmed with ammunition as she looks to Fao, "Feel free to use some of ours unless ya feel an overwhelming desire to splatter some slavers." A smirk then back to everyone as a whole, "All of the other bunkers were cleared with small teams of four or less an' these seem ta be the final two tha' 'ave been located in the region. Tha' doesn't mean there isn't additional support somewhere, but if there is, they will be at least 30 minutes to an hour out if ya count the scramble and flight time." She is handed a pda with the sat-nav images and she scrolls through them on last time. One of the personnel do the same for Kyo and Fao since they have been designated as leaders for the mission. "Check over the imagery, but rest assured we 'ave done everythin' within our power ta make sure this goes as smoothly as possible, mishaps do 'appen though." A final affirming nod as the thrusters are cut and there is a sinking feeling as the ship is beginning it's descent towards the site A LP, "Aniways. We will be setting down just to the south of site A, at which time the Star will begin strafe runs as well. We will be takin' a direct approach using long range as cover."

Kyoshiro looks up after studying the PDA a moment. He raises a single brow at the mention of a strait on assault. "Capture the flag... wonderfull." He looks over to the Churara here and says something to them in Romani. "Then let's give them more than one direction to shoot at. You can lead the team up the middle, Fao and I will take some men and come around the sides and clear out buildings and the like. Best I can offer you with what you plan on doing." He shrugs and scrolls through the information.

McGuire nods and turns to the exit ramp, pulling his rifle off his shoulder and says, "They took Romany. That's war where I come from. But I'll aim for knees, just for you." He checks the chamber and slaps it back into position. At the ready.

Ansiel smiles at the blend of seriousness and sarcasm in Kyoshiro's tone before turning so that she can also address those that are assembling at her back. The orders are brought forth in a strong firm tone, "Touch down: Snipers move inta overwatch positions, change ta defensive positions once the breach is made. Nirvana will provide suppressive fire. Red team 1 with me. We are going righ' up the middle, riots at the ready. Red team 2 with Commander Mibu an' Captain Fao. Ya will approach from the sides an' sweep the outlying structures. Once inside, the teams will split briefly per priority. Team 1, secure the CIC and establish and uplink with the FOB so tha' we can dragnet their network. Team 2, locate the prisoners and eliminate all opposition with extreme prejudice. Remember ta try ta use non-lethal ammunition or takedown shots. We need ta 'ave someone ta turn over ta the Alliance an' ta be 'eld accountable under Roma law." She looks over to Kyo and Fao. "Is there anithin' ya would like to add Commander? Captain?" The ship is decreasing output and they will be touching down soon.

"I get to cook you Dinner when we're done, that's about all I can think of..." Kyoshiro says to Ani with a bit of a smirk. He still owed her that. The Commander hands over the pad after loading the Data onto his smartcomm. Then he turns on his heel towards the opening ramp, letting out a long drag of cigarillo smoke. The orders he had given his Roma before were to load their Zeus' with stun rounds which they all carry for such policing purposes. Kyo himself hasn't take out any weapon just yet. Once they touch down he steps out onto the LZ and his men follow in suit, spreading out in a advancing position.

McGuire starts up the lowering ramp, toes treading up as the ramp becomes level before starting down to the ground. He says in a firm voice in his rich even tone, "Let's go get our people."

The ship touches down and after Kyoshiro and Fao have disembarked, the sniper team is the next to follow, moving swiftly to their positions along a ridge not far away to provide overwatch and await the breath, at which time they will relocate to the bunker and take up defensive posts against those that might be arriving etc. Ansiel then moves down the ramp with Team 1 on her heels and takes up position by a small rock formation where the green light is given to the Nirvana to make that sweeping pass with those kinetic autocannons. "Red lead to overlord, begin deforestation, over." The Hummingbird's growing visage first appears on the horizon and the growl of it's approach grows louder and sends some of the Slaver's on patrol looking about the sky distractedly just as the first rounds begin to rain down up on them. A signal is given to move and the approach has started. A hundred yards to close the gap and most of the guards are cowering as the Nirvana comes back for a second pass, this time upon the main structure, shedding concrete and slavers upon each hit.

Kyoshiro and his team keep crouched with weapons drawn as they make haste towards a thicket of trees and bushes on the east side of the compound. They crouch and draw their weapons on a building directly in front of them. Kyoshiro tells them to cover him and not to fire unless he says so in Romani... He stands to a crouch and moves slowly during the strafing chaos, the guards not exactly looking towards his position. He stays low and slow, quietly moving towards one of the guards the the entrance. He draws his knife and keeps it in his hand. He's superbly quiet in this, but if a guard in a tower or the one he was after turned just a bit they could clearly see him, not exactly dressed or the appropriate time of day for a sneaking operation. He grabs the guard from behind, disarming him with a simple CQC maneuver. The edge of his blade goes to his neck and he drags the bastard behind the edge of the building facing away from all the action... "Where are the hostages..." He commands in a stern monotone, deep core accented with a masculine burr. "Tell me an you'll live..."

McGuire grins, "No time for stealth." He says to himself mostly. Rifle raises and fires, the guard at the door falls. "Oops." comes out of his lips. He keeps back of Kyo, matching his pace on approach.

Shots are ringing out left and right as Team 1 fans across that median towards the bunker. The two farthest on the right and left are strafing more so towards the buildings to lay down fire in hopes of pushing any opposing force inside the structures to the rear where the other team can quickly dispatch them. Those that are heading up the middle of Team 1 focus on the concrete bunker ahead of them, laying down three round burst-fire until they hit the wall that makes up the front side. The sounds of the snipers shots cracking off and whizzing past them overhead leads to bodies dropping off the top of the building, one of which nearly lands right on Ansiel, lucky she had just stepped aside. "Gorramit, tha' was close!" No sooner than the words are out of her mouth the bunker door is slid open and three men and two women spill out with guns at the ready, screaming their war cries. A beat. Ansiel draws her pistol and the first two out that door and drawn down upon and they fall upon the bullet strikes, convulsing out a frothy foam from their mouths upon the ground. The other three stop and hesitate as they look at their fallen comrades and then follow suit as the rest of the team takes out two and a sniper on overwatch picks off the last one. "Red Lead, Commander. Destination reached, holding until rendezvous." They take up defensive positions towards the doorway and the those structures as well. They are pretty much sitting ducks until the other team joins back up with them.

The man struggling to move in Kyoshiro's hands answers. It's a building not too far from here. There are guards inside. Already Kyo is putting a sleeper lock on the man and he passes out. Kyo hog tied the guy with some rope from his musette bag as his team rushes past to secure the building the guard was overseeing. There are few shouts and some gun shots before it's quiet. "Clear!" Is yelled and that's when Kyo stands and gets on the comm. "Located the hostages... in route now... building on the east side..." He presses a few buttons on his smartcomm and then transmits the coordinates to make sure the sky teams don't blow it all to hell. The team moves out of the cleared building and towards where the hostages are kept.

McGuire sees two groups of good guys about to split up. He stands for a moment to think. He says to Kyo, "You got this Mibu, I'm sticking with Ani." He waits for her and her team, fairly close to the open door. He tries to look inside, looking big and burly to anyone in there thinking of hurting them.

Upon Captain McGuire's approach and after a peek inside there is an understanding nod from Ansiel, "Topside clear. Moving into the bunker. Stay alert, thermals and lights at the ready." She holsters her pistol and brings up the 'Hades' SMG, switching the tac-lite and laser on before being the first to disappear into the abysmal darkness that is obviously intentional. There is a quick scan, "Clear! On me." And they are making quick pace down that corridor. The passageway is wide and tall enough that a vehicle could easily fit inside and drive into the bunker, "What the bloody 'ell was this place.." As there is no way that this disorganized mess simply built this themselves. There is a halt upon the first off-shoot from that main corridor as there is a much narrower passage going to the left, leading to the unknown. To the field tech, "Place a scanner upon that wall and bring up a visual on the ping." The man places a small device on the wall opposite that opening and then pushes a few commands into his arm unit. "Seems like to goes on for about 200 feet before rising up." He looks back to Ansiel as she retorts with a head shake. "Let's continue on, that's just a separate exit." The others move forward and she pauses to relay the intel. "Red Lead, Commander. Seems there is another tunnel leading off ta the west side. An escape route if ya please. Do ya wanna investigate or do ya want the Star ta burn it out? Over."
After that message is sent shots begin to ring out from just down the main corridor, reinforcements just making their way up from the belly of the bunker. The men manage to pick one off but they are mostly sent scampering for cover. Ansiel does so as well, diving towards the off-shoot tunnel and taking up cover just around that corner will peeking the corner to return fire.

The team busts into the building that the guard had designated, his pistol comes up and as him and his team clear the room of the slavers, he blasts one in the knee with a large and loud report. Safe to say he won't ever be using that leg again. There are indeed some Rom prisoners her, starved and beaten. He frowns as he looks over them. Then to his men he orders them to stay with the prisoners and evac the hostages back to the LZ. His finger goes to his com, "Sending the team with some hostages and prisoners back to the LZ to get them safe... I'll go check it out for you." Departing from his group and on his own he starts to make his way towards the west side to check out this 'exit'.

McGuire steps inside and watches the men do their thing to get the info Ani shares with the battling Kyo. He studies the building a bit and steps up to the opposite wall and begins to feel around the support posts and any nick or groove. He pauses, hand in between the beam and wall and smiles. His fingers feel the switch and he flips it. The hatch for the tunnel opens and Fao touches his iComm in his ear, "Tunnel is open. Awaiting your support." He steps up to the opening and looks down into it.

Ansiel comms out as bullets ricochet and gunshots blast out in the background, "Copy tha' Commander, ran inta a bit of resistance. We'll 'ave the main tunnel cleared out in no time though. No tellin' how many of them made their way out tha' way though..." There is a bit of fuzz in the comm as gunshots happen right next to the mic as Ansiel rounds the corner and unleashes spray down the corridor into the advancing forces that are now either suppressed or doubled over in pain. "Be careful right?" Is comm'd out after she returns to the mic, towards Kyo. She then screams out to her own men and Fao as well, "Move up! Push them back!" She rounds the corner to bolster the morale and leads the advance, laying waste to those that tried to hunch down long the tunnel walls and pressing the team further into the bunker's depths, sending those that lack organization back peddling in a panic as they no longer have the advantage of surprise on their side. Those that were felled convulse in agony much like those from the topside and they emit a frothy foam from their mouths. Some a bit a blood from chomping down on their own tongues.

Kyoshiro slows his approach as he approaches the west side exit... There are two goons coming out from that and he's swift to put two rounds in their ass cheeks. Elephant rounds they may be, sitting may be a bit of a bother... or walking... or whatever for the rest of their lives. But they're alive and in too much pain to do much of anything about the Churara Commander. He rounds the corner to look down into the entrance, his muzzle and tac light searching with the iron sights and the laser dot for assistance. He narrows his brows in concentration, his CQC knife resting comfortable in his pistol grip with him so he can switch out at any time.

McGuire steps out of the building, letting the troops do the dirty work. He eye's the area, keeping watch as the mission continues. He stays alert, taking in the air and the view from the area.

It should be noted that the echos of shooting ringing out will be faintly coming from that west entrance as it links back up with the main corridor, but there are more slaver forces that have made it out and are now sloshing out of the tree line towards Kyoshiro. "Hey! That's the head Churucharo guy. Get'em!" A total of six slavers shift around in a circling pattern and demand that he drops his weapons or they will shoot. They all look a bit fidgety and nervous, obviously not very well trained, or confident, although props have to be given out for the size of their balls in this instance.
Meanwhile back in the main corridor, Ansiel is once again straddling a wall as bullets bounce around, projected misses that chirp off the concrete walls all around them. A wince as that last one was a bit too close for comfort. "Flash!" She calls out as the grenade is chucked out into the darkness which is only cut through by the enemies muzzle flash, tac-lights, and now a resounding pop with brings an ear ring along with it. The cover from her eyes is removed and almost all shooting towards the team has ceased for the moment, giving them the chance to move forward and pick them off while they are dazed. "Move up while we 'ave the chance!" Just then, a large woman pops around a corner as Ansiel moves in closer and attempts to hit her with the butt of her rifle, but it's easily avoided as she can't see much of anything. A simple trip and palm strike to the face has the woman down for the count and spewing forth blood before an electrical round is launched into her chest. They are almost there.

Kyoshiro's eyes dart to the side from behind him and the tree line, voices of those who had previously escaped the tunnel. He can hear the gunfire tunneling through the exit and echoing. He turns around and looks over the six slavers with his red eyes. A single brow raises. He holsters his gun and his knife and puts up his hands as if surrendering. Though the Slavers may be tricked by this, he drawing them in. If one comes he disarms him or her with lightning speed, his CQC hand erupting in a flash of movement. suddenly enough he's being slammed to the ground into unconsciousness. His eyes dart to the others as if saying, "Who's next." To try and apprehend him.

McGuire hears the distant voices and gunfire and explosions, his head turns to each one. His friend off in the distance sounds so familiar to him and he grins, pitying the poor soul that crosses him. The ship off the way back from where they came still there, exit plan set, no sign of Alliance. So far, it's been a good day.

Those other five watch as their buddy is slammed into the ground into a heaping mess and give a pause as those red eyes dart about the rest of them. "Fuck this asshole!" Seems that one of them has lost his patience with the capturing game and has begun shooting erratically in the Commander's general direction, while another is trying to get through to him that Kyo is worth a hell of a lot more alive than dead. "Stop shooting you gorram idiot! This guy could be our meal ticket!" Their united pause in the matter has only presented more opportunity to the Churara however as they continue to bicker about the issue, the crazed one even going so far as to turn his gun on his own comrades.
Ansiel and the rest of Red Team 1 have now arrived at the end of that oh so long main tunnel and are presented with a large blast door which has been locked down from the inside. There are faint moans and screams coming from the other side of the door, some in Romany and others in Chinese or English. It's extremely difficult to get a grasp as to what is happening in the room beyond the door due to all of the commotion. It is, however, eerily quiet on team's side. Scorch and bullet marks litter the walls and ceiling of the tunnel now that there is actually enough time to look around. Ansiel drags a hand across the door and then over to the wall, searching for anything that might be able to override the door's locking mechanism. She looks to her field tech, "Look for a way to get this ruttin door open, a panel, anithin'" The search continues but the pressure is building because there is only the unknown on the other side of that door and the safety of those captives is the high, while they also haven't found the command center either. "We have to get through here.."

Kyoshiro side steps, crouch a bit as the bullets whiz by him wildly. It wasn't so hard seeing as the women was inexperienced. The commander spots the one moving towards him and grabs the muzzle of the rifle. Twisting to the inside his arm moves to strike at the goons throat harshly which leaves him choking. Then with a twist, he uses the but of the rifle to flip the guy onto his back. Then possessing the weapon now, swiftly aims it towards the women shooting at him and puts a round right through her head. It explodes into guts and bone fragments and she instantly goes limp dead. He aims the rifle at the three left, a serious look to him. "Put your guns down and get on the ground... now..."