The Misadventures of Riley & Kit: Anniversary

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The Misadventures of Riley & Kit: Anniversary
Location: Log_Location::Persephone IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2535/07/31 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2014/09/30
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Riley, Has Characters in Scene::Kit
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::Riley goes a little over the top to celebrate the anniversary of he and Kit's complicated nuptials
Log_Characters::Riley, Kit

 Aces - Cargo Bay =>Aces & Eights<=
        Encompassing the entire lower section of the ship, the cargo bay soars nearly twenty feet overhead. The entire aft section of the hull lowers, creating a wide loading ramp and allowing access to this cavernous space. Awaiting cargo is a bright yellow, two-axis crane assembly. Low steel hand railings create a walkway around the perimeter of the bay. Across the walkway to the fore of the bay, steel panels attach to the railing at regular intervals, each pierced with a darker grey decorative cross. In the forward port corner is a wide spiral staircase and a small lift, leading to the crew deck.
        The steel deck plating and bulkheads are painted a dark blue. Around the drop hatch to the fore of the bay, bright yellow and black safety lines delineate walkways, as well as areas for cargo and MULE parking. Recessed cargo tie-downs are fitted to the deck and bulkhead. Overhead, lights are secured behind safety glass. Spotlight assemblies, along with red emergency lighting, can be seen at regular intervals along the curved walls of the bay. The air intake vents are screened to filter out foreign particles. An environment analyzer is near the ramp which, along with carefully placed security cameras, monitors access to the ship.
=[ Disembark Point: Open ]====================================================

After a long day of really dull repairs, because the fancy stuff is being done by Sink, Kit is sat on the opened ramp drinking beer. Her head tilts back as the bottle tilts up and she drinks from it. It's otherwise empty in the cargo bay. <English>

        A strange character weaves his way through the shipyard and approaches the aces. He's dressed to the nines in one of those suits that they fancy in the more central core planets. Ash grey slim fit three piece, with no lapels on the coat. Theres something familiar about the way he carries himself. Speaking of carrying, in his arms is a large brown parcel and something else. <English>
Kit picks at the label on her beer as she leans against the bulwark. Her head lifts and follows the movements of the man, expecting he will venture off somewhere else but as he continues his trajectory her brows lift. The familiar sense niggles and has her peering at her beer, wondering if it were a lot stronger than she thought. <English>
         When the stranger closes the distance, it's clear that his suit is fancy indeed. The suit is perfectly tailored, a silver silk tie is tucked into the indigo waistcoat, a matching square peeks out of his breast pocket, and the black loafers shine like a mirror. The familiarity is still there, and with good reason. As unfamiliar as the rest of him is, the beard gives him away. It's Riley. Lord only knows where he came across that getup, but he looks damn good.
A broad smile spreads across the quite dapper pilots face as he approaches. "Evening darling. Guess what today is?" From behind the parcel, he pulls out a large bouquet of assorted flowers. Every color you can think of. He holds out the bouquet and the brown package. "These are a hint." <English>
Kit gapes. There is no other word for it. She gapes. It has been a long time since she saw a somewhat awkward Riley in the suit her wore for their wedding and the man standing before her exudes a lot more confidence than his younger self did. Perhaps it's the confidence, or the suit or just the man but the open-mouthed fish impersonation is swiftly replaced by equally obvious predatory interest. The flowers however give Kit pause and she blinks. It's not her birthday or his..."Uhm...our anniversary?" The word sounds rusty, unused and unfamiliar. <English>

Riley smiles dashingly. "A prize for the pretty lady." He hands off the flowers. "I know things have been a bit complicated since you came on board, and I wasn't sure if this was a good idea, but well..." He shrugs a bit and that old familiar maverick, I don't really give a damn expression takes over for the dashing smile. "So...I don't know if this is our first anniversary or our sixteenth, but I've got reservations in an hour and a half. You should probably put this on." The parcel is held out now. <English>

Neccessity means she has to swap, so Kit takes the flowers and hands over the beer then rising to her feet she takes the parcel too. Her expression is quite the picture of girlish delight. Their relationship in the past didn't really require woo'ing, they knew they were going to be married and her life since has held little in the way of romantic gestures or overtones - heck even undertones. "I think it's a great idea, Ri." Leaning over, as the ramp makes her even that bit more taller, she presses a kiss to his mouth then heads off to get cleaned up. <English>

"Wait a second missy." Riley calls as she starts to head off. "You don't think I'm gonna let you open that where I can't see you're face do you?" <English>
Kit pauses then and looks over her shoulder, grinning at Riley. "Are you sure this isn't some ploy to see me in the shower?" <English>
Riley smiles warmly "Not a bad idea, but there's more of time for that later. Just open the package, silly girl" <English>

"Okay, okay," says Kit with a laugh. She moves over to a crate and sets the flowers and the package atop it. With careful hands she opens up the package, sneaking a glance at Riley. <English>
When the paper is pulled back it reveals a shimmering black fabric folded neatly, with two white elbow length gloves laid across the top and a pair of elegant heels. The contents unfold into a stunning, form fitting floor length dress with a slit up the left leg. It appears to hang from two intertwined straps across the left shoulder, and snugs up under the breasts to accentuate a woman's natural curves. It also appears to be a perfect fit.
        Riley smiles smoothly as he watches the girlish expression on his wife's face. <English>

Twice in a short span of time he has her looking dumbfounded. "It's beautiful," says Kit as she reaches out towards the fabric then pulls her hands back, looking first to see how dirty they are. Carefully she refolds the packaging. "I need to scrub all this grease off first but I promise I'll be ready to go in plenty of time." Gathering up the parcel and the flowers she grins at Riley, "You're full of surprises, aren't you?" <English>

"I have my moments." He's enjoying this thoroughly. Everything is going quite smoothly. Riley walks his shell shocked wife to her bunk to get cleaned up, and finds a seat in the common area while he waits for her to get ready. <English>

  Aces - Common Area =>Aces & Eights<=
        The common area is a large, open expanse. The floor is covered in wooden paneling that looks to be of the cherry wood species, the wooden panels polished to a smooth finish and a slight shine. The walls done with a dark blue base coat. Fastened to the floor, a dining table dominates the center of the room, its polished wooden surface virtually unbelmished. An eclectic selection of chairs has been gathered around it. For reasons of safety, the chairs have powerful ball magnets to affix them to the floor so they may roll around but not be lifted. Each chair can be safety latched to the table underneath.
        An open galley kitchen is located against the portside wall between the pantry and the Captain's cabin. Complete with faux granite countertops and modern appliances, the kitchen is lined with wooden cabinets above and below. To the starboard against the hull is the lounge, seperated from the rest of the commons by a waist high bookcase. The bookcase contains a collection of real books as well as electronic books, games, and a small diorama of the verse kept in stasis in the center of a glass case by some form of gel. Keeping everything in place ON the bookshelf is a set of sliding doors made of light blue safety glass. To either side along the outer bulkheads of the ship run two hallways, one to port, one to starboard.
        Inside the lounge is a set of plush black love seats and a pair of matching black chairs, which hunker around a laquered coffee table. Beneath the coffee table are four square hassocks, tucked in and latched into place. The hassocks serve as extra seating or footrests, and are also on magnetic rollers. A dark blue plush carpet serves to cover the floor in the lounge area. The furnishings, those not on magnetic rollers, are bolted down through it, further securing it in place. A cortex vid screen hangs on the fore wall, surrounded by several smaller vid screens that are made to appear as picture frames, the images changing every few minutes to reveal life and culture in a diffrent place in the verse.
       Teetering footsteps hint at Kit's arrival before she is visible. Her dark head is down as she looks at her feet encased in the high heels. Heels and metal plated flooring are tricky companions, but she's doing her best. When she steps into the common area she releases the fabric of her dress and lets it fall down to the floor. She nervously wipes her hands over her hips, brushing them against the material. "I'm ready," she calls over to Riley. <English>

Riley stands as she enters. It's his turn to be dumbstruck. He's never seen Kit looking so gorgeous. Her height and strong features make her look like a runway model in that number. His mouth gapes and he just stares. Speechless. <English>

Kit self consciously covers the inside of one of her elbows, the act of bending one arm to obscure the other ends up obscuring them both and the faded track marks that marr them. "Thank you for the dress and the shoes. And the flowers," she says to Riley, smiling with an uncharacteristic nervousness. <English>

Riley walks to her slowly, careful not to break his stunning view. When he gets close enough he leans up considerably and kisses her. Heels on the verses tallest woman may have been a bit of an oversight. "Shall we?" he says, and offers his arm. <English>

It's okay, she can see danger coming this way. Kit takes the offered arm with a nod, tucking her other arm behind her back. "Is it far to go?" <English>

"Not at all" he says and leads her out. The couple look like a few well monied celebrities out on the town. It's anybodies guess how Riley has pulled this off so far. <English>

  The Helios Grand Dining Room - Persephone =>Persephone<=
        The floor of the dining room is golden-hued slate tile with Oriental rugs running between the tables. The dining sets have been crafted from golden oak, with the tables squared and the backs of the chairs slatted. Some of the tables are more intimate, only seating two to three people at the time, while some of them are large enough to seat parties up to twenty. The tablecloths and napkins are both made from maroon fabric with a gold-embroidered trim. The room's lighting is subdued, warm pools of illumination beckoning from oil lamps mounted on the walls. Quiet classical music is filtered in through unseen speakers to add to the ambience of the dining room. The wait staff is almost always on hand, ready to meet guests every need.
        A set of oak and polished brass double doors stands usually open to the Foyer of the hotel, while on the far side of the large dining hall a less grand pair of swinging doors provides entrance to the kitchen. A uniformed matre d'hotel stands by at all times to direct guests and other non-employees away from the less glamorous parts of the hotel infrastructure. On a third wall is another open doorway, this one leading to the hotel's Lounge. The fourth and final wall is home to the hotel's famous buffet.

As he guides her here Kit looks around, she's never known this kind of wealth before or this kind of treatment and with his obvious appreciation of her form she is starting to relax and feel like a bit of a minor celebrity. "Riley, you amaze me, truly you do," she says quietly to him. <English>
The couple arrive a few minutes early for their reservation, but the staff here is on their game. A gracious well dressed host leads them through the dining area to a small candle lit table in a private corner. On the trip there they are met with sidelong glances and outright stares. One couple even seems to be quietly arguing about who these obviously important people could be.
When they are seated two waiters arrive, the first fills their water classes, while the second pours a small splash of red wine into Riley's glass, turns the label to face him and glances at him inquisitively. Riley, in turn, swirls the liquid in his glass and sniffs it gently before downing the sip. He nods to the waiter, and two full glasses of 2505 Borosian Malbec are poured; Ladies first, then Riley's glass. The waiters vacate and let them enjoy the wine. There are no menus on the table. It appears the entire meal has been arranged.
Riley is all smiles tonight. He raises his glass to Kit, "Too the first of many more." <English>

It was one thing to walk in another to have this private table and some waiter lay a cloth napkin over her lap after pushing in her chair. Kit's mind is boggling over it all so it is no wonder that the hand holding up her wineglass is trembling slightly or that she is actually blushing as she nods silently in agreement to the toast. A small tentative sip of the wine tells her of the expensiveness of the bottle it came from. "How did you do all of this? I've never been anywhere so fancy. Never owned clothes so fancy." She cannot stop herself from caressing the fabric again. <English>

Riley 's only answer is a sly grin. This is worlds away from anything he's ever done too. This night cost enough to put a sizable downpayment on a firefly. There's no way in the verse Riley's ever had that much cash. Whatever his methods, he's not talking about them tonight. Tonight they live like royalty. He sips his wine as the first round arrives; a small bowl of some kind of rich bisque topped with a dollop of sour cream, and a fancifully arranged and garnished bruschetta. And the waiters leave them again. "I'm glad you like it" <English>

"I do, though I'd have been happy with flowers, beer and burgers though this is..." Kit's dark head shakes, "Unbelivable. Like nothing I've ever done before." She reaches over and squeezes his hand, his ring pressing into his skin from where it sits loosely on her finger. "I'm glad I get to experience it with you." Pulling back she picks up her soup spoon after seeing a woman at a nearby table using one and begins to eat. <English>
Riley waits until Kit eats to start on his soup. More from not knowing which spoon to use also than manners, but he pulls it off as chivalry. "I just thought with everything you've gone through, you ought to be treated like a princess at least once." <English>
Beneath the table she slips off one of her shoes and lets her bare foot glide along the inside of one of his legs as she eats her soup, pausing every so often to sip her water. Kit looks over at Riley and smiles sweetly with false innocence. <English>

Riley smiles as well when he feels her rubbing his leg. Normally that would be the signal to find a room with a lock on it. Right now he just tries to keep it from shaking. For all his coolness and ease, he's actually nervous as hell. Things seem to be going off without a hitch, but his legs are still shaking.
They finish their soup and an appetizer of of some exotic, nearly uncooked dish which neither of them knew the name of. Light conversation flows between them while the night progresses; mostly about how unbelievable this is. When the servers arrive again they empty the wine bottle in their glasses, clear the empty dishes and set out the main course. Steam rises off a small cut of veal seated on a bed of a colorful starch, the consistency of mashed potatoes. The dish is framed by a few spears of asparagus, grilled to perfection. A sweet brown sauce is drizzled lightly across the top of it all in an intricate pattern and a lone mint leaf sticks out like a feather in a hat. <English>

"I don't think even Kyoshiro can make anything this fancy," murmurs Kit as she looks down at her food. By process of elimination she knows which knife and fork to use and so picks them up. "I feel like I'm some kind of nobility," she says with a quiet giggle. "Don't eat too much though," says Kit. "You don't want to be too full for later." <English>

The good thing about fancy restaurants is the tiny portions. No worries about getting too full. Riley cuts into his first bite, and savors it for a solid minute before continuing the conversation. "Don't you worry about later. Can't have the dinner overshadow the important part of this unforgettable evening." He grins wickedly. "I have a few more things up my sleeve." <English>

Kit grins in return. "Whereas I have nothing up my sleeves or under my dress." She lets that hang there between them as she eats quietly for several minutes, sipping her wine from time to time. <English>

"I'd expect nothing less." The lecherous grin fades quickly though. Between the wine, the amazing food, the gorgeous view, and the naughty conversation, you'd think Riley's nerves would be starting to quiet. Instead it seems the further this meal gets, the more nervous he gets. Even his hands are shaking now. He tries to hide it as he works on his entree. "You know ever since you've been back in my life, I've been afraid you would disappear again. It's made me a little timid when it comes to our relationship. Sure we jumped right back into things in some ways, but theres been a good bit of reservation on both our parts." <English>

Kit sets her cutlery aside and wipes her mouth with her napkin as she listens to Riley, nodding in agreement. "I think we were both frightened of what it might mean and how we would get along, if we even would." <English>
With the entree's finished the servers quickly and quietly clear away the plates. Two glasses of Champaign (or what passes for Champaign now that France doesn't actually exist any more.) are brought to the table.

"I think your right." Riley says with a little shake in his voice as the plates are cleared. He takes a deep breath to ease his nerves as he continues. "In these past few months though, I've met a woman who is stronger, smarter, and far more talented in countless areas, than the one I married." he laughs nervously and quickly adds "You.. I mean you of course. I'm not cheating on you or anything." He kills the last sip of his wine and servers arrive with small covered plates before he continues. "What I'm trying to say is... I guess... Your not the same girl that ran away from me. If I lose you now, it will certainly be my fault. And well.." He fidgets nervously with his napkin. "I don't want to leave things up in the air any more. I don't think I could take it if someone else came along, and snatched you away because I was too scared of commitment..."
The champaign was supposed to be to accompany desert, but Riley takes a big gulp. He climbs out of his chair, walks next to Kit's and drops to one knee. With his left hand he takes hers, with his right he lifts the lid off of the desert. Atop a chocolate pastry, dusted with a gold confectioners sugar sits two glimmering white gold rings, leaning against one another, and set all around with diamonds.
"Kitrina Wilson, even though we're already married, will you do me the honor of being my wife once again, with all that that entails?" <English>

Kit was with him, nodding along in understanding because really Riley wasn't saying anything she hadn't been thinking though in the opposite. She has felt more connected to him now than she did all those years ago when their destiny was decided for them. When he suddenly gets down on one knee she is stunned, having not at all expected it. "Riley," she breathes out and looks at the jewelry that costs more than she'd evern expect to have in all her life. "Yes, yes I'll marry you again. Properly. No running away. Not because of the fancy dinner or the clothes or the rings, but because I love you." She grins, "Though I do like the other stuff too."

Riley slides his old wedding band from her finger and places the other two in it's place. He stands enough to kiss her lovingly. When he pulls away, he's laughing to hide the fact that he's actually crying like a little girl. After a moment he leans in and whispers in her ear. "We don't have to have an actual ceremony...I'm kinda broke after tonight." <English>

Given their attire and the expense of the restaurant Riley's proposal doesn't go unnoticed and when he pulls back from the kiss there is a round of polite applause that has Kit blushing again. She slips her arms around him and hugs him tightly. "Want to get out of here, because I do. Iniana is going to sleep somewhere else tonight because that sock is totally going on the handle." <English>

"Absolutely." As he rises and helps her up, the server returns with the bill. Riley turns a whiter shade of pale when he sees it, and his shaking hand signs the check. It's a miracle he didn't pass out right there. He chugs the rest of the champaign, grins a little sheepishly, and offers Kit his arm to lead her out. <English>

Being a fine restaurant she doesn't see the bill but Kit is even more curious than before. Where did Riley get the money from? Taking his arm she leaves with him, dropping a kiss on his cheek. <English>