Cavern of Doom

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Cavern of Doom
Location: Log_Location::Paquin (cavern in the middle of no where) IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2535/05/12 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2014/08/21
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Jisae, Has Characters in Scene::Reno, Has Characters in Scene::Esther, Has Characters in Scene::Kyoshiro, Has Characters in Scene::Zank, Has Characters in Scene::Covis, Has Characters in Scene::Conoger, Has Characters in Scene::Riley, Has Characters in Scene::Helena, Has Characters in Scene::Arraner, Has Characters in Scene::Jia, Has Characters in Scene::Ran by Lenore
Summary: [[Log_Short_Summary::Conoger had been at a local bar and upon hearing some local legend about ghosts and monsters, he got real interesting. Upon hearing more, he found out people had actually disappeared and not seen again. So after gathering some friends they go and find the so called cavern. The adventure takes the group deep into the cavern, where strange and unexpected situations arise.]]
[[Log_Characters::Jisae, Reno, Esther, Kyoshiro, Zank, Covis, Conoger, Riley, Helena, Arraner, Jia,

Ran by Lenore]]

This cave has seen a lot of traffic. Trash is littered around as well as broken Stalactites, ribbons, and other cavern rocks. There appears to be a small path that has been cleared over and around the mess. The ceiling feels close but without huge lights there is no way to be sure. It smells damp and dirty.

Conoger packed accordingly, seeking out this cavern and knowing it's location was easy enough but trekking through it may be something they all may lack in. So Conoger like always is wearing his helm and armor as well needed weapons.

Kyoshiro, old man that he is, is well prepared. He's abandoned his frock and vest in fear of getting