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"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Stephen Hawking

This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.
Full name Dr. Jento Alexander Scelestus, Ph.D., D.Sc
Date of Birth July 28, 2503
Birthplace Ariel City, Ariel
Parents James Scelestus Jr. & Miranda Von Camp
Spouse None
Assignment CBO, Shu Chang
Specialization Advanced Computer Programming
Computer Use
Artificial Intelligence
Transport Pilot
Gender Male
Eyes and Hair Blue eyes / Short Auburn Hair
Height and Weight 5'8" / 145lbs
Status Active
Education Information

[All educational records have been concealed from normal searches]

Accelerated Abroad Educational Service - College Advance Program, BA Computer Sciences
University of Ariel, Remote Computer Sciences MA Enrichment Program
University of Ariel - College of Computer Sciences, PhD


  • English
  • Chinese

Employment History

Currently: Shu Chang, Pilot / Computer Tech


A smirk would probably be the first thing you'd notice as you glance across the features of the man called Jento. His smile is almost a permanent feature which has caused little fine lines to start to form on either side of his deep blue eyes. His face is rather oval shaped but symmetrical, none of his features being overly extreme. He has high but not overly sharp cheek bones contrasting his firm jaw line which leads out to his noble like chin, complete with a little dimple. Every other day you will find him clean shaven, but even on his off days you can tell he has bothered to trim his mild stubble. A neatly combed tuft of dark auburn hair adorns the top of his head, covering just the tops of his ears and coming down into some short sideburns on each side.

Unlike in the past his time aboard the Shu Chang has expanded his idea of fashion and comfortable work wear. Replacing his once utilitarian look he now wears a tight black tank top which modestly shows off his well toned upper body and abs. Over top of the tank top he wears a dark purple short sleeve button shirt, which he has left wide open. Below the belt line he has on a pair of very dark grey trousers which appear to be fairly new, possibly recently bought. A black belt is around his waist holding a holster on one side and a multi function utility pouch on the other which he uses to store various tools and devices he needs when doing delicate computer work inside the belly of the ship. On his feet he has a pair of black snub nose boots. They have a slight sheen, enough to tell they are cared for, but not so much as to look dressy rather than functional. There are a few scuff marks on the blunt toe of the boot suggesting it is most likely steel toed.

Jento is ambidextrous, equally able to use either hand to write or perform precision activities. However, he generally uses his right hand since most of the world is created to right-handers.


The Prophecy
Jame Scelestus' cargo vessel the Prophecy

Officially it says Jento was born on Ariel, and technically that is true, it is where the ship was landed at the time of his birth.. and the doctor did come from a hospital there, but if you asked anyone else, his first breath was aboard his father's ship the Prophecy. Life from that point was always on the move, like all crews they went where the work with and for Jento that ment his childhood did as well. He never had a teacher, well not a real flesh and blood one, but his dad made sure he had plenty of educational vids, and in the end he was the most educated one of the bunch. He also enjoyed the hands on learning of about star systems and how to plot and follow courses, which was an easy skill to trade since his dad was not only the Captain of the ship, but most of the time the pilot as well. Soon as Jento was old enough to see over the console his dad had him in the cockpit getting the basics down so that one day he could fly the ship on his on. Around fifteen he was trusted with nightwatch, usually up in the cockpit alone unless something went wrong. Jester, his father's first mate and security officer of the ship took Jento under his wing soon as he started taking the night shift and taught him to defend himself. They setup a makeshift firing range along the back of the cargo bay when it wasn't full and practiced small arms and some light martial arts. Though not an expert at either one by the time Jento moved on he could hold his own.

Family Life

Early Childhood

Jento's mother ran off, leaving the ship and his father when he was very young. No one ever really said why, and he never really thought to ask. Even though his dad was around all the time, Jento really had several father figures, since all the men of the ship had been together for twenty of more years and being the only child aboard they all took a liking to him, especially when he started learning to shoot. Each of the men sort of passed on a little something to him, rounding out his book education with some real world lessons from the school of hard knocks. Couple of them were kind of hard on Jento, not really to the point of being mean, but to toughen him up a bit, and this turned out to be a good life lesson for him to always watch his back and keep his money where he could reach it.


Along with his formal education and what he learned from the crew, Jento is no stranger to music becoming quite an accomplished singer at an early age. Several of the men aboard were skilled with the guitar or other various instruments and they formed a small band to pass the time and on occasion jam at a local dive where they happened to be landed at the time. Though not classically trained, he did take several music elective courses during his college studies and is classified as a tenor, though his range does extend into the bass range if required.

Leaving the Nest

Life changed the day Jento turned twenty two. His dad had prepped him up to that point that once he became a man, they'd set down on a core planet and he would leave the ship to make his own life for himself. Jento never really understood why he needed to leave in order to start a life, since he already had one as a part of his dad's ship, but soon he learned just how little about the Verse he really knew. He ended up just where he started.. literally, back on Ariel. Not sure if his father picked it on purpose or if it was just the best stop along their current job. After a few man hugs and handshakes he watched the Prophecy take off, and he was left with a few credits, his pistol and some directions to the nearest bar.


As a young boy growing up on a cargo vessel with a bunch of middle aged men who believed in a hard day's work, creates a less than ideal situation for most. James Scelestus had a different idea for his son's education. Although he never once said, he made plans for Jento to change his family tree.

Primary Schooling

Sparing no expense James made sure that Jento had all the latest educational tapes. A long career as a trader and cargo hauler has advantages and he had made some valuable contacts in this area, particularly at the University of Ariel with the dean of computer sciences. James had noticed even from an early age that Jento seemed to be drawn to the display screens and input panels aboard the ship. It wasn't long before he was spending a large majority of his day with a virtual teacher covering all the topics any child would learn in a planet bound school. The advantage was that since the programs were custom ordered, his test results would gear up the program, thus accelerating the curve in which he covered some topics and reinforced the ones he was struggling with.

College Advance Program

Due to his test scores and the rate in which he passed his primary schooling, Jento qualified to enter an experimental program offered by the University of Ariel. The program was designed to help further those who were not planet side, such as Jento, so they could advance in their field while gaining critical hands on knowledge putting that knowledge to work. Being a government funded experimental project, every course was hand designed for each of the 20 students who were selected to enter the program. The spectrum of the course load ranged from a simple associates degree on to a masters, if the subject had both the interest and the drive to meet the criteria. It was a brutal battery of subjects and work, fitting in five years what most average students would take seven or eight.

Although the program was hard and taxing. Jento passed with a 3.9 average being the top of his test group earning him special honors. Being that he had never visited the Ariel campus the president of the University personally paid for passage so that he could graduate with his classmates and be honored by the Alliance delegate who'd sponsored the program.


After the completion of his masters degree, Jento found himself with a sort of addiction to furthering his studied on advanced computer concepts and artificial intelligence. Keeping contact with the fellows on Ariel, the Dean being close friends with Jento's father James, sponsored a special exception if Jento wanted to go even further than he had. This only led to feed Jento's thirst for furthering his knowledge and expanding on the resources he had to explore ideas he'd developed while in going through his previous courses.

Jento completed the personalized program and became the first person to ever receive a Ph.D. from the University of Ariel without ever having set foot inside one of their classrooms.

Although he is very proud to have earned this honor, his fellow shipmates while still on the Prophecy did not think so kindly to his high and mighty educational status. It wasn't with malice intent but lead to a long standing joke and prodding, of which Jento developed an embarrassment. He thus normally hides the full extend of his educational progress and doesn't let on that he has any more knowledge about this than anyone else until he is comfortable with someone, or is directly asked. He has been known to use some of his computer experience to hide his educational records, short term, in the system on occasion.


Life as a Pilot

Although he holds a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences, Jento's second love is that of flying a ship among the stars. He inherited this passion honestly being the latest in a long line of pilots and ship captains and secretly he aspires to one day have his own ship and crew and wander the Verse under his own command.


The Prophecy
Jento's official birthplace, Ariel