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Revision as of 18:16, 22 September 2013 by Dhamon (talk | contribs)
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Full name Dhamon Washington
Date of Birth August 3rd 2499
Parents John Washington (Deceased) and Christina Washington
Spouse Unwed
Assignment Praemia
Gender Male
Eyes and Hair Blue eyes and brown hair
Height and Weight 5'8" 175lbs


Dhamon is about 5 feet 8 tall with an average build. He does not look like an athlete but you can still see that he keeps himself in shape since he must be weighting about 170 lbs. His hairs are dark brown, short, nearly black when there is not much light and they are well kept. This contrasts with his pale skin. He does not look very old, probably somewhere in his 30's but his deep brown eye sometimes make him look older.

Dhamon is wearing some fine clothes but they have obviously seen better days. His wearing a pair of very comfortable black boots and it's obvious they've served him well. His pants are black and tightly fits his legs while his shirt his of a pale shade of grey. He always has a medical kit hooked on his belt but it is usually hidden under the black leather trench coat he's almost always wearing.


