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Jericho Bennett

They always run...

Full name Jericho Bennett
Date of Birth December 21, 2504
Parents Cassie Bennett & Unknown Father
Assignment Guan-Yin II
Specialization Security/Pilot


This raven-haired woman is tall and thin. She carries herself with confidence, her posture straight and shoulders square. Her lithe frame is long and lean, with the subtly toned musculature and slightly broad shoulders of a classic swimmer's build. Hazel eyes rimmed in kohl are set beneath delicately arched black brows and frame a long nose and thin lips beneath. Her complexion is pale, but bears a healthy flush of color. Inky black hair hangs down just past her shoulders. A few thin braids hang amongst the otherwise loose flowing locks, and a few tiny silver charms have been tied into the braids with thin red string. Both ears are pierced numerous times, featuring a seemingly random combination of hoops, studs and barbells. Two barbells also pierce her left eyebrow, while her right nostril sports a small stud. Centered beneath her lower lip can be seen a small silver labret piercing.


Jericho was born and raised in the slums of Persephone, the only child of an addict mother and an unknown father. She was pretty much destined for trouble, and it found her. She joined a gang at 9. She dropped out of school at 10. Her mother died of a drug overdose when she was 15. By age 17, she was well on her way to being a proper street punk when a chance encounter at The Dregs turned her whole world upside down and, she remains convinced, saved her life.

That fateful night, she met Gabriel Kane, a man who would become her teacher, her mentor, a father figure, a tormentor and (ultimately) her salvation. In ten years with him, she never once saw him lose his temper--and she surely went out of her way to push it early on. In time, he tempered her, honed her, healed her. Taught her to read. Taught her to fly. Taught her to play the guitar, to channel emotion into music. Taught her the value of charity, honesty, and hard work. They were hard lessons, and sometimes they hurt, but in the end they made her who and what she is today.

Recent Events

Jericho parted ways with her mentor in January of 2532, to strike out on her own. Intending to follow in his footsteps, she applied to the Bounty Hunter's Guild and her name has been added to the rolls. She also signed on with the Mustang as a security hand and part-time pilot, but with the ship being sold a few months later she made a new home on the Wulver with her boyfriend (and Mustang's former XO), Casey Garnet. In December 2532, she transferred over to the Ugly Duckling Corporation and is currently assigned to Security/Piloting on the Guan-Yin II.


Jericho is...

  • Independent
  • Bold
  • Daring
  • Strong Willed
  • Friendly, but can be Intimidating

RP Hooks

  • Allergic to cats.
  • Body art enthusiast.
  • Wears a lot of black.
  • Plays the guitar.
  • Zero tolerance for domestic violence.
  • Bounty Hunter.
