Kiera/RP logs/2529-11-30 A Birth on Persephone

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Kiera runs out of the shuttle platform, weaving through the crowd as she heads for the city commons. <English>

 Maternity Ward - Derrial Book Memorial Hospital               =>Persephone<=

Grace smiles warmly, the word not seeming to borther her, she takes the offered hand and gently squeezes it for now and winces as she has another contraction "I wish they would come out already" she says as she squeezes Mati's hand a bit hard, an iv of blood/plasma hook up to her. <English>

The hand isn't smooth, it's a bit rough and shows sighs that Mati happens to be hands on engineer with many years of experience. She listens to Grace as she looks around and sees the blood. She remembers what's she's read. "Oh I think they are gunna come out shortly Frau Carson. I think they might be havin' a tussle in there on vho vill come out first." <English>

Kiera comes into the maternity ward, obviously in a rush, and still in civilian clothes. Seeing Matitie, she nods greetings and says, "Sorry about the delay, I just got the page a few minutes ago". Turning to Grace she speaks, "Hello, I'm Doctor Black. I guess that you are the lucky mother to be" <English>

Grace nods to Kiera "Yes Dr. Black... I am Dr. Grace Carson... expecting twins... one boy... one girl... husband is away... setting up the house..." she says as she wince and screams softly as she legs tense up "I think they stopped fighting" she says as she squeezes Mati's hand tight "I'm a hemophiliac.... by the way..." <English>

Nodding happily, Mati smiles. "Oh danke, Dr. Black. I managed to get her here from her ship so ..." She looks to Grace and nods her head. "Okay, vell breath now, just breath und ve can try to focus on something vhen the pain comes." She says and holds onto Grace's hand. Looking around she asks or a nurse for a cool cloth to pat Grace's forehead with. "Ah..." Takes Mati a moment to research the word and she ohs deeply. "... oh! no plugger ja. Vell hum ve are gunna chant for the best!" It's now that Mati puts on what looks like a bracelet with wooden beads on it. <English>

Kiera nods as she shrugs into a white doctor's coat and disinfects her hands. <English>

Grace winces and cries out as boy decides he has to be first out, squeezing onto Mati's hand, she starts trying the breathing exercises as her other hand squeezes tightly onto the bed. <English>

In helping Grace through this, Mati tries to breath with the delivering woman while looking to the doctor. "Come on in und out in und out. Just focus on mein vords und give mein hand the best tug ya can." She says while looking to Kiera. "Are ya comin'?" She asks as she bites her lip. <English>

Moving over to the bedside Kiera assesses the labouring doctor quickly as she checks the dialation and the woman's general condition. <English>

The labouring doctor gets ready to carefully assist the child out as he tells Grace to push, and she does, pulling on Mati's arm as she does, trying to keep the breathing technique, she pushes again wincing heavily as her baby boy's cry is heard, the doctor telling her only two more pushes should do it. <English>

Looking between Kiera and Grace, she winces herself when her arm is pulled. After getting a cloth she tries to dab Grace's forehead. "That's it breath in und out, in und out. Ah Doctor Black how ... ah ... (owch) is she doin'?" She asks while dabbing more onto Grace's forehead. <English>

Seeing the baby crowning, Dr. Black prepares to catch the child even as she watches for signs of bleeding or hemorraging. <English>

Kiera's focus is almost completely on the pregnant woman as she responds to Matitie's query, "She's doing well", then turning her full attention back to Grace, she speaks softly, "No rush, here. Just breath and let it happen at it's own pace" <English>

Grace starts pushing again wincing heavily as she sweats, whimpers a bit, the baby almost all the way out, she rests for a moment and starts pushing again and soon her son is in the world, she rests for a while before her daughter comes into the world "How... How is he...." <English>

Watching, Mati nods her head to Kiera and smiles. "Okay .." She turns to listen to Grace. "He? Ya mean he came out first?" She looks to Kiera and says. "Couldn't ve kind of svitch them so the girl comes out first?" She makes a light joke while everything is going slightly nuts. "I mean a girl should go first sometime." <English>

Catching the baby boy as he slides out, Kiera wipes him briefly and places him against his mothes chest where he can hear her heartbeat. "He's doing well. Rest and resume when you're ready" <English>

Grace smiles happily as she sees him, she hold him briefly and looks down at her little bundle of joy before she feels the next contract and winces <English>

Matitie blinks. "Good catch." She says to Kiera before looking to Grace. "Ah, hold onto mein hand come on und breath. I think she's jealous the tike came out before she did." <English>

With the little tyke quiet and warm resting against his mother's breast, Kiera checks on both the mother and the daughter still within. <English>

Grace whimpers as she starts to push as she girl starts crowning, breathing to the best of her ability, her hand squeezing Mati's <English>

It's a good thing Mati works her hands out a bit while working on engines and with blow torches. The squeezing though is going to make her rethink working out even more so. Biting her lip she holds onto Grace's hand. "Breath breath ..." It's like she's reminding herself as well to do it too. <English>

Standing ready for the daughters arrival, Kiera seems completely calm and ready. <English>

Grace continues pushing and the little girl comes into the world after three pushes, Grace laying back completely exhausted from all the pushing, her cry comes out and Grace smiles softly, her eyes half lidded considering she had no sedative at all. <English>

Watching MAti looks to Kiera and bites her lip. "Hum, should ve give her something for the pain now?" She asks while slowly moving to get some things from the nurse to start cleaning Grace up a bit while the nurses clean up the boy as the girl is being born. <English>

Catching the baby girl, Kiera gets a funny expression on her face as she carefully wipes her down and places her next to her brother on her mothers breast, where she too can hear her mothers heartbeat. With a blink and stroking the tiny girls head once she turns to the mother and says "Congratulations ... mum"

Kiera then looks to Grace and asks, "Only the afterbirth left now. Do you need something, or will you manage the rest too?" <English>

Grace breathing slows "I think perhaps some water?" she asks kindly as she holds her two children <English>

Kiera nods to a nurse to get some water as she continues to watch over the new mother. <English>

Matitie smiles as she tilts her head watching before looking to Kiera. "Ah vill all this bleeding close up like normal or ah does she need more blood?" She asks knowing that if you don't get the leaking plugged up there will be a bigger mess. <English>

Grace winces slightly as the afterbirth comes out, Grace gently caressing her children, sipping the water the nurse brings to her, she smiles warmly the looks down to her lovely children "Born a month early, guess they were impatient" <English>

Kiera concentrates as she watches over Grace, "So far there hasn't been more blood than I would ordinarily expect. She hasn't torn or hemorraged, and there is only the afterbirth to come."

Kiera is constantly checking Grace's color and eyes to ensure that there's no internal bleeding. <English>

Grace's color is luckily fine and her eyes are fine, she successfully delivered the children without any internal bleeding <English>

The head bobs as the engineer watches on, she does ask for the usual baby beds and all be brought in. Mati smiles to hear Kiera's words and nods. "Sehr Gott, danke. I vas vorried might get a leak or something like that. Dank very much Dr. Black, vhat ship are ya on?" <English>

Grace smiles as the babies are put into their beds and are taken to make sure they are healthy, she just lays back and rests, panting softly <English>

As the new mother rests after the successful delivery of her children, Kiera seems to relax as the nurses take over the cleaning up. <English>

Matitie helps with clean up though isn't a nurse herself. She smiles letting her question go unanswered. "Anyvone on ya ship that can come und sit vith ya Frau Carson?" She asks while she looks to Kiera. "Ya okay?" <English>

Finally responding to Matitie's question, Dr. Black responds, "I'm on the Valiant with Captain Brandy, but I had some business here on Persephone so I happened to be here when I got paged" <English>

Grace shrugs softly "Not sure who all is on the ship at the moment" she says with a weak smile "Chovian is away and everyone else is sleeping or off doing other things I am afraid" she says with a smile "But I will send them a message through the organization" she says with a soft smile "Once I have more strength <English>

The Ahs come in as Mati smiles to Kiera "Danka for coming so quickly Frau Dr Black. I don't know much about this so .. oh Ja! The Valiant the is a nice ship. Danke ya Captain for me, very nice to meet another of the crew." She says happily before looking at the two women. "Vell I'll get something to eat for us anything ya two vant? I'll get a cortex thing in here und ve get Frau Grace looking spiffy und she can send a vave to others und I can sit vith her until others come." <English>

Kiera responds to Matitie, "It was a pleasure, I'm glad I could help out." She looks almost wistful as she watches the little girl being placed in her own cot. "I would love a decent cup of coffee if you have one" she answers <English>

Grace shakes her head softly "I think I just need a nap honestly" she says with a warm smile <English>

Matitie nodding her head a bit. "Coffee comin' right up." Smile goes to Grace. "I'll get'cha some vater und something to nibble on after ya nap ya are gunna be hungry I bet!" <English>

Kiera washes her hands and then checks Graces blood pressure and vitals before she fills in the womans chart <English>

Grace smiles as she drifts off to sleep and rests after the delivery, her vitals have returned to normal <English>

It takes Mati just a bit to come back with two coffees, milk, juice and what looks like a small spread of things to nibble on when not able to have a full meal. <English>