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Ikarys Lancaster


Ikarys isn't extraordinary in anyway, physically. He seems to be an average man in his late teens or early twenties. Standing at 5 feet 10 inches he is only average in height. Combined with being a mere 165lbs his stature is slender and non imposing. His hair is a jet black and he often maintains it by slicking it back. His eyes are a dark brown, though they always to seem cheerful as they are set in a young, unassuming face. He has a natural smirk, thus it is easy to tell when his mood is anything other than good. His skin is fair and reflects his youthful nature.

Full name Ikarys Kolan Lancaster
Date of Birth 01/20/2506
Spouse None
Children None
Assignment Executive Officer, Valiant
Gender Male
Eyes and Hair Brown, Black
Education Information

No Formal Education


Being young and somewhat naive, Ikarys tends to be outgoing and cheerful - when he is in familiar places or with familiar friends. However, alone, he is timid and perhaps even somewhat intimidated. He tends to be over analytical when given opportunity to think about decisions, however when the pressure is on, he is quick to make decisions and execute.

He has several superstitions when it comes to the 'verse and flying. His father, his father's crew of spacers, and the other various spacers he met while growing up have told him dozens of tales regarding how the verse came about and other such things. He often re-tells these stories, though not scientific in nature, they do paint beautiful pictures and give character to the 'verse itself. These tales are similiar to the tales seafarers told in those old seafaring days of that far, distant home now lost.

Personal History

Ikarys Lancaster was born on Freeport, 30 Jan 2506, to Jeremiah and Eris Lancaster. The family maintained a home on Freeport during Ikarys' first six years of life, while his father ran short cargo runs aboard his own transport. Later they would sell their home on Freeport and live aboard the transport, which is were Ikarys spent most of his life. As a result of environment or perhaps a natural occurance, he developed a love and fascination of space and of all it's wonders. At the age of 13 his dad let him fly their ship once, and since then he has developed a passion for flight which he has to this day.

Jeremiah had hoped Ikarys would not become a pilot when he became older, naming him after a character in greek mythology who's flight resulted in disaster. So when his son first sat at a flight console he was reluctant to teach him. However Jeremiah was supportive and taught him how to fly, which quickly became Ikarys' passion.

Recent Events

Ikarys set out at the age of 22 from his home to see and explore the Universe. Hoping there was more to his life than shipping cargo around the same bright star, he would head to Persephone to find work. Needless to say after a few weeks he began to loose hope of finding a job. Perhaps to a twist of fate, he ran into Brandy Drift who had just been made Captain of The Valiant. She gave him his first break and made him head pilot of the aging transport.

RP Hooks

  • Ikarys can often be found at the helm of the Valiant.
  • Ikarys can otherwise be found in his room aboard the Valiant.
  • When off ship he accompanies the Valiant's Captain, Brandy Drift


Valiant - "A fine ship, from the moment I saw her, I knew I had to fly her. I stepped onto the loading ramps with my eyes on the flight controls. I haven't looked back since."
Brandy Drift - "Captain Drift is our Captain, If she says it. It goes. And its my job to make sure to goes."
Bradley Cymbeline - "Brad's the chief of security on this bird. I feel safer planet side when he's by mine."
Stanislav - "Stan's old man used to be my old man's Engineer. So we're old child hood friends. Its a great thing when a ship's pilot and engineer know eachother so well."
Kiera Black - "Kiera's the ships' doctor, and is eerily calm collective. Which I guess is a good thing if I ever end up in a hitch."
Violet Taylor - "The new Ship's engineer. She know's what she's talking about, that's for dammed sure."