Saint Patty's Duel

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It's a PARTY on Eavesdown Docks with lots of vendor having come out for the occassion. A few companies have supplied booze and liquor (FREEE). The general theme is a celebration of the most famous Irish holiday.. St. Patrick's Day.

Ohgods, Free-- and with an extra E! Which means it's either extra free, or extra entertaining-- and with alcohol involved, I'm betting the latter! With a spring in her step and an exuberance that can only be derived with an excess of e's, Epona fairly waltzes along the path, looking damn near ready to break into song, Disney-style. Through the magic of echolocation and erratic eyesight, the woman manages to find VonDye and Carina-- sneaking up none too subtly, a goofy grin on her face. "Didjya hear?" she asks, choosing this moment to pounce on Von's back. "Free shit!" <English>

Not one to pass up an opportunity, Carina offers a playful pinch to VonDye's arm as well. "Just cause I may be the last before you're greened out," she leans in to mutter to her companion. Her eyes seem to almost dance with amusement as she draws her hand back to finger at the cheesy shamrock necklace she has acquired. "So you /do/ work for the medical center. I thought so. Forgive me the other night. I was a bundle of nerves and have /yet/ to find my siblings. The joys of work." <English>

"Ow," Von says in mock pain at Carina's pinch, rubbing the spot, the grin getting wider. "Yeah, if ya wanna call it 'work'. Mostly it's just hangin'round the waiting room, is what I do. No forgiveness is needed, darlin'. Really, ya talkin' to the drunk, here. Ain't like I woulda noticed any nervousness or nothin'. Really, honestly." Von nods convincingly, and has already had quite a bit to drink. And exactly 1/4th of a cup of what appeared to have been engine fuel. So when Epona jumps on him in the middle of the conversation, his already unsteady frame nearly topples over. He lumbers forward, taking a few quick steps, crashing into several people and possibly nearly bowling over Carina. He hopes not. <English>

Carina tries to get out of the way. But, there is this thing called being inebriated and not a very good dancer. Put the two together and you have a domino affect. "Whoah there, tiger?" She stammers while trying to sidestep VonDye and Epona. The latter receiving a friend wave from the young doctor. "How's the view up there?" She calls as though the two were ten feet tall. <English>

Epona playfully winks at Carina as she grasps a nearby lightpost (or tries?), in some small effort to keep from /dropping/ Von. "Comfortable." She finally releases Von, hopping down, hands moving to grasp at her hips-- making the woman look almost like some sort of cheesy superhero. The effect would be heightened, of course, if only she'd look up and to the right in an epic and patriotic manner. "So." She idly pinches Von. "How you two holding up? If I went and got myself drinks, would you be able to follow, or you both too woozy to move more than a few inches?" she asks teasingly. <English>

"I aint a tiger," Von proclaims, trying to straighten up. He manages to regain some semblance of his full height. "I'ma...i'ma /irish/ tiger. Rowr." Sweet buddha, his mouth seems to have run off on its own and left his brain in the dust. The beer he had been holding is now shattered on the ground, and he looks down at it longingly, before the second pinch makes him turn his attention back to both Carina and Epona. "Yes, more drinks. I think I can do that. You?" The last is directed at Carina as he slips the shamrock necklace on that she gave him, and then he makes a beckoning gesture at both of them. "Come on, to the drink vendor. We need more booze" <English>

Carina rolls her eyes, and winks to Epona. "I think that I can hold up like the rest of them," she promises without slurring a single word. Well, there is the beer that she still holds, knocking it back with a practice that would make an older man flinch. The woman moving to hook an arm to VonDye's arm, and nodding to Epona. "Lead on, at least until this one falls down." The doctor is not above conscripting the man to be the leader, well in part. Her attentions to her new friends faltering only long enough to offer a curious look towards Slen. Bright blue eyes sharpening for a moment with a critical assessment, but well... he's walking. <English>

Epona lets out a little snicker, playfully sticking her tongue out at Von and repeating-- "Rwar indeed. So I don't fully understand this sorta thing," she admits, beginning to walk backwards in a manner that suggests she's one of few sober folks here, "but supposedly you pinch the non-green." She gestures to two hastily painted shamrocks on each cheek. "Famille wouldn't let me leave the house without 'protection.' It seems silly." The woman turns back around, agilely snatching up three glass bottles from some vaguely described table, only to offer up two of them to Carina and Von. "I say the game hasn't really started -until- he falls down, to be honest." <English>

VonDye tows Carina along by the arm, smirking at nothing imparticular, following Epona's path to the drinks. "Yes, well,ya family's got a good gorram point. One should always wear protection when goin' out for drunken shenanigans. Wouldn't want to get caught all drunk and fumbly without it. Ah, ya meant..." Von points at Epona's painted face, then turns to Carina, dumbfounded. "She meant the shamrocks, didn't she?" he asks, looking dumfounded a moment before giving a harsh, gurgling croak of a laugh. "Bloody 'ell...we ain't on the same page 'ere, are we?" Von snickers to himself,holding his hand out for the glass. <English>

"Famille?" Carina asks and looks up to VonDye. "Alright, but someone /else/ is carrying him. I think that I may be flattened." Her smile returns easily, and a slight skip to her steps. Not too far gone, but she does have a shine to her eyes, and flushed cheeks to state she's not fully sober either. "I think so. It's the only protection coming to mind for any shennigans I can think of." <English>

Epona gives Von a -look-, and snickers, as she mutters something /possibly/ lost in the crowd. To Carina, she sheepishly explains; "Sorry, family. Sometimes hard to stay in one 'voice' when you're distracted." Once the glass is out of her hands and into Von's, she shifts, twisting the cap to her drink hard enough to pop it off, so she might take a good swig. "Mrffle." Let's try swallowing, first? "Well, can get to a seat if he gets /that/ bad. Hullo, by the way;" Her other hand (Carina's drink still held in it) is offered to Carina. "I'm Epona. I'm pretty sure I've met you in the -clinique-, but I can't for the life of me /remember/. So might as well cover all my bases and re-intro myself." <English>

"Dr Carina Lambsey," she offers while accepting the drink. "I was a bit harangued when I arrived. I had to deal with a moron on the ship over." She fishes out a churchkey, and leverages the cap off. "You know the sort, those that think their invincible. This had shot himself. Truly, right in the hand." She lifts her hand from Von's arm to show off her palm before adding. "I did miss your name though. Remembered the face though." Again, she flashes that easy smile, finally taking a drink. <English>

VonDye palms his glass, sipping tentively at it. He looks between Epona and Carina, eyes glassy. "What kinda idiot shoots himself on purpose? Hell, i stabbed myself once. To prova point, of course. 18 bloody stitches. But shootin' yaself? Whole nother game, that is." Von drinks down some more liquor, then directs his attention to the docks. He scans the crowds, just idly watching them. <English>

Epona pauses for a moment, maybe two, as she stares suspiciously at Carina. "...Lambsey," she says slowly, looking more than a touch unsure of herself. "Like, related to Dale? Boss of the clinic?" The woman glances at VonDye warningly, as though mentally shouting 'don't do anything STUPID.' Though it was a bit late for that. "Well. Maybe he didn't think himself invincible, so much as l'avenement?" she offers up sheepishly, as she shakes Carina's hand. <English>

"Exactly," replies Carina nodding sagely. "He thought he could catch a speeding bullet. Guess that wasn't how it played out." She sighs heavily and looks up to VonDye with a small chuckle. "Stabbing yourself is something different. There is this game you can play with a knife and dodging your fingers. I've stitched that up a time or two when I was back on Paquin." Her cheeks finally gaining a bit more color at the mention of her brother. "Yes, in a sense." <English>

Epona eyes Carina. Moar. "In a sense?" she asks, danger-sense thrown to the side as sheer curiosity takes over. She slurps at the beer, swallows, asks; "How so?" Not that this is rude or anything. Von's words seem to temper the woman, though, and she smiles relaxedly. "Well, ok, is all cool than." Quick, distraction! To her male companion, she winks playfully, pointing out that, "Chick is much more fun with vehicles over sharp objects. You can't see the person in the other side, so you can't tell if they're bluffing or no. It's lots scarier, /lots/ more fun. Wanna try it with me sometime?" Somewhere, Darwin's turning in his grave. <English>

"You can't tell," Carina asks with a wry grin and playful nudge to Von. "Lets just say that their isn't a tree for the apple to fall from." She remarks and adds to Von. "Chicken is another drunk game that I know. I'd rather stick to something that isn't going to lop off a finger." She waggles her hand to him. "I need these. They pick up my stuff an' all."

VonDye's unfocused eyes take on a manic gleam at Epona's description of vhecile-centric chicken, as if taking the statement as a personal challenge. Swimming in the sewage of liquor, his brain dtermines answering, "Ya bet ya arse I do. And we'll do it for coin. Or drink. Either way, m'gonna win," is a good idea. Carina's nudge snaps him out of his alcoholic, testosterone-fueld need to prove himself. He drops his empty glass, kicking it away, and looks at the doctor. Apples, falling...he missed that part, still grinning as, from his drunken point of view, an eggeratedly large hand get wriggled around. "Pickin' stuff up's not /all/ that wonderful hand is used for, m'sure." <English>

Epona nods approvingly to Carina. "Than go driving with me when you got yourself a chance. 'cause it's win or lose; if the latter, you sure as hell won't have to worry about /fingers/." Her eyebrows stitch together, and her lips curl into an -evil- smirk. "Oh? Really? I got my next check coming up-- you provide your own car and bet, and we'll take each other on. Hopefully, you get hard 'nuff you'll lose the ability to talk about masturbation in public. And that'd be just a -shame-." <English>

Epona steps back in surprise, lifting a personal icomm to her ears, speaking rapidly into the thing in French <English>

Carina lifts a blonde eyebrow, and looks back over her shoulder. A nervous pluck offered up to her blouse. "I may have to just to see what you two may do with one another. You know, professional curiosity. That and it wouldn't help to have a doctor on hand, I think." She takes a sip to her drink and moves to hook her hand to Von's arm again. "Another time. When we're all sober." <English>

"I dunno. Drunk chicken-racin' sounds like it could be a rather good time." There's no humor in his voice as Von says it, instead his tone sounding dead seirous. He loops his arm around Carina's as well, which keeps him steady, as he'd been shifting his weight from foot to foot in an attempt to stop the planet from tilting. "But I don't have a car," he states, a look of concentration crossing his features, tongue protrusding slightly. "However, I do gots me a MULE." <English>

Epona slips the phone back into her pocket, muttering; "Gotta pick up drinks for bro," before she rolls her eyes at Von; "Car, MULE; the terms are interchangable. If you'd like to argue semantics, I've got a MULE too. It's not like they're all that different, lack of wheels notwithstanding. Let's schedule a playdate sometime? When you're sober?" Despite the humorous tone, Ep didn't seem the sort to joke about playing with mules, either! She nods happily to Carina, and sort of shrugs; "Well, /just/ in case." <English>

"I don't believe I've met him either," Carina replies and looks up to Von at feeling him sway. She puts a bit more of her weight into helping the man out and shakes her head to Epona. "I think that I will remain a spectator on that one. Never was one for kicking back on a MULE." <English>

VonDye shakes his head. "Nuh uh. Now. getcha MULE. I'll get mine. Right after another drink." Von reaches with his free hand for a beer, fumbling with the cap, then lifting the bottle to his mouth. He's thankful for Carina grounding him, for he's pretty much tanked to the point of blurred vision and permanent wobble. "Ya can patch us up, doc. Probably gonna need it after the bloodbath that ensues. Ya ever seen a body after a MULE..impa...impaccci...impaction accident? Gruesome." <English>

Epona watches Von for a moment or two or five...before grinning. "Fuckit," she says quickly-- seeming to ignore Carina's well-said advice. "I passed the review. They're not keeping -too- heavy a watch on me. Let's do this." Just to mirror VonDye; "After another drink." She slurps down the last of hers, reaching for some sort of cheapo, raspberry-flavored stuff mentioning a moon, high quality, and alcohol. "Ooh, it's insane. Like those adverts they got about drunk driving, where they show an egg being launched against a wall? It's remarkably accurate." <English>

Carina looks from Epona to Von, and groans inwardly. "Alright, but you may not want to play chicken. Possibly a race on speed," she suggests before looking around for a bit of help. It doesn't help she had one hand offered to Von for support. "Or even tomorrow. tomorrow would be good." <English>

VonDye tilts his head back, slopping more beer on to his already soiled collar as he drinks. He pulls the bottle awya form his mouth with a hiss, scrubbing his sleeve against his lips. "Tomorrow. But tomorrow is tomorrow. Gotta seize the moment." Von nods at Carina, eyes half closed, saluting her with his beer. "We must do this while the moment is ripe and the alcohol's givin' a heapin' of liquid courage." <English>

Epona sticks her tongue out at Carina, and shakes her head. "Pshah. Tomorrow it won't be fun-- whoever's facing the sun has a disadvantage. Hangover and all that. This is the prime time to do it. So whatchya say, Von? Gonna lose 'fore you even get behind the wheel?" she teases enticingly with a wink, before taking another drag from her drink. "C'mon. There's an old stretch of road a few blocks from the clinic. Loser has to raincheck winner drinks. Like, not more drinks tonight /after/ it all, but...whenever." <English>

Carina sighs resigned and offers a pat to the man's arm. "Alright. Let me get my bag." Oh she's tempted to get a bit more and it is evident to her face, but well... "Come on, shall we at least see to checking in first?" She offers, another effort to deter them from Carpe MULE. <English>

VonDye finishes the rest of his beer. "You're the one gonna be losin', my friend," he says to Epona, waggling his empty bottle at her before tossing it into a bin. "We're doin' this, and I ain't backin' down, or I ain't a Von Dyetrich." Cracking his knuckles, Von starts to move off, nearly tripping over himself, doing a 360 as Carina mentions checking in with the clinic. "Er, we on duty or somethin'? You on duty? Cos I don't think I am. Shame. Ya shouldn't be drinkin' and partyin' when ya supposed to be workin'" Von chuckles, starting to move away again. "This is gonna be...well, I dunno. Possibly bloody and insane. But a gorram halluva time, either way." <English>

"Nay! To the cars!" Epona lifts her drink as though commanding a herd of horses before her. "Carina's distractions are useless in this case, for thou hast insulted mine...thine? Mine honor!" She starts to march off, gripping VonDye by the shoulder as she pushes him off to wherever mayhem may be had. <English>

Carina rubs to her temples. "Let me get my bag," she mutters towards Epona and slips closer to hook an arm to Von. "Well, Mr. Dyetrich, I'm a bit more worried about the bloody side of that equation." She gives a nervous glance around, almost looking guilty that they're going to go race. <English>

Eavesdown Racetrack - Persephone

One of the more famous attractions to be found around Eavesdown, the racetrack grounds are surrounded by a tall, white wooden fence. Tiered seating descends toward the center on all sides save one that houses food and betting services, private boxes and meeting rooms, all settled at the upper end of the track. Long columns of stairs climb the stands with landings provided at each tier for access to restrooms. Along the lowest row of seats a security rail separates spectators from the action, although a spray of dirt whisks in the air from stampeding hooves isn't altogether uncommon.

Directly beside the the concession area a wide gate gives horse and rider egress to the stables and practice track. Directly across from the rider's gate on the opposite side of concessions is a row of gates stalls that open to the Eavesdown Docks to the East.

With the St Patty's party in full swing at the docks, and crowds milling about durnkedly in that direction, the Eacesdown racetrack is all but deserted. A perfect place to hold a race of the personal variety. Or a game of very drunk, very dangerous chicken. Coming through the gates is a banged up, hovering vehcile with a fading paint job and a dented from grill, clearly from previous harrowing escapes or dangerous mishaps. The logo on the side, however, seems freshly painted, scripted with the words 'Chong Sheng.' Von directs the vehicle to the middle of the racetrack, slowing until he comes to a stop and looking around for the others. <English>

It takes Epona a moment or a few-- but her own entrant is similar in quality, albeit with no markings to distinguish it as part of any sort of organization. It is, in so many words, a rustbucket, a deathtrap, a piece-of-shit-waiting-to-explode. But it seems to move OK! The woman leads her car up right alongside Von's, the gentle, repeating noise of its engine forcing the driver to shout; "How you wanna do this, than? And where's Carina, just in case?" <English>

Not far behind comes a rather out of breath, harried and very out of breath doctor. Curls press against her cheeks, and her eyes are a bit more clearer now. Things like this do have that sobering effect. She bounds after the mules and finds a place to sit and wait, should there be blood. <English>

VonDye takes a pair of aviation goggles from the indented front 'dashboard' and straps them around his head. "Ya gonna take me on in that ruttin'humpin' heap'a junk? Ha, gotta be pullin' my bits, here." It takes him a few discoordinated tries to get them seated on his face the right way. "There's Doc Lambsey, now." He waves to Carina. "So you wanna go fer speed? Do a speed run first, see if that hunk can take it? Or ya just wanna floor it and barrel headlong at each other? I'm preferin' the latter, while i sitll got the bollocks." <English>

Epona smirks, snorts, a proud, hubristic (sic) grin falling across her features. "She's held me alive through thick and thin," she says, affectionately patting the vehicle. "I'd be more than happy to do either-- just pull out to the far end of either side, floor it, and wait for you to puss out?" she taunts. Tauntingly! <English>

Carina returns the wave, leaning on a bit of railing as she listens to the ribbing. "Don't go getting yourself killed," she calls out to the contestants and rolls her eyes. This is going to be one for the annuals, most definitely. <English>

"She's barely alive 'erself!" Von taunts back, his shout garbled form the alcohol still in his system. "I told ya. Ain't losin' this. Now just sit back and submit before ya make a fool of yaself. Or don't. More fun that way." Von stands up, cupping his hands over his mouth. "Doc, ya give the go ahead, a'right? Counta three? Shiny." He grips a lever on the middle-panel and pushes it forward, jamming his foot down and aiming the mule towards the other end of the racetrack. When he's a good distance away, he spins it around so that he's facing Epona, the vehicle hovering in place. He waits for the doctor to count down.

Epona pushes into reverse, giving them a /little/ more distance...before switching to neutral. Not that she was planning to bum out on this, but things sounded so absolutely /badass/ when a car started revving. She waits for the inevitable countdown, for the perfect timing to throw into drive, and race towards...-destiny-. (And horrific dismemberment) <English>

Carina does her best not to gawk. Alright, she actually does. She starts to shake her head, and realizes they're going to go through with this with our without her help. "Alright," she calls back and lifts her free hand. She counts down with her fingers. The usual ONE, TWO... <English>

With goggles in place, hands on the steering column, Von revs his engine as well. The noise is deafening, and the track before him is wavering and swaying in front of his eyes. His grip tightens, knuckles whitening, his teeth clenched. He (barely) see Carina counting down, and only when her fingers mark the three does he realize things are underway. Swearing, he jams his foot down, the engine giving a metallic whine as he barrels forward. <English>

Epona pushes into gear, slams her foot down on the pedal, and narrows her eyes; nothing out there but Von's car and hers, two entities made of a bajillion tons of metallic /death/, hurtling towards each other. Her Frankenstein's Monster of a car leaps forwards as though hungering for the opposition-- or equally likely, desiring little more than to fuse, become a single entity of car-and-squishy-bits. <English>

Carina watches, not really wanting to look away now that things are underway. She tightens her grip to the trusty bag, hearing the leather creak in her hand as she skirts around the outside lip of the track and inching closer to be on hand. <English>

VonDye pushes the Mule as fast as it can go, the body meandering from side to side, as he's simply too drunk to keep the vehicle steady. Ep's vehicle gets closer and closer, dust from the track commonly designed for living, breathing vehicles of racing kicks up, making a rolling cloud that trails along with the Mules. Meters are seperating them, then feet. Von's eyes widen behind his googles. He jerks the steering column, but his Mule groans in protest and suddenly time's run out. The impact is surreal, the moment embodied by bright, flaring pain. The grind of metal clashing agaisnt metal pierces the air, the impact similiar to an engine exploding. It's extremely noisy, dust and debris flying everywhere, obscuring both Mules and their drivers. <English>

Epona isn't, admittedly, /entirely/ drunk-- but she's had enough that it takes a few moments for 'important information' to filter through the woman's mind. For example; chicken is a game of bluffing and willpower. Also for example; those too drunk to walk have infinitesimally high willpower, and no ability to bluff. "Oh, fu--" the woman starts to hiss as she twists her wheel to one side, before everything sort of...stops. For a moment, she's a half a foot away from Von's MULE, trying in vain to twist out of the way; in the next, she's slumped up against the steering wheel, face wait, eyes wide in shock, the dull march of her heartbeat filling every /tiny/ space in her body. Thump, thump, thump; she spits out a frantic word in French, still unable to parse the very idea that she crashed, that this /was/ fully possible. <English>

Carina finishes that expletive for Epona, dashing forward. She tries to gauge on the fly which is hurt worse before finally crawling up onto the MULE. "Can you speak?" She asks, and it may be a loaded question after watching the two Mules run up on top of one another. <English>

When the dust clears, Von's mule lays on the race track, having skittered some feet away after plowing into Ep's vehicle. Half of its front end and some of its side is ground into a twisted, broken, deformed piece of metal. Von is sprawled forward in the front seat, head resting on the steering column, his harness still firmly attached to his torso. A trickle of blood runs from his forehead and his nose. "Ah won," he mutters to himself, tasting blood and dirt in his mouth. "I'ma hero." He moves to sit upright, breath catching in his chest, coming out as a hiss between his teeth. His vision swirls, and he thinks he sees Carina, trying to give her a smile and a thumbs up. Both fail, and he clutches his side, groaning deeply. <English>

Epona mumbles a little, getting barely an audible english word out, eyes still staring at the steering wheel. Blood mats her face, from a pleasant little gash where forehead-kissed-wheel. It takes her a moment (or two or five) to sort of parse Carina's words, prompting her to lift her body up to stare at the woman in shock and surprise. More of that flower language spills out, only to be cut off by her own hiss of pain, as she leans further into the car, seeming to favor the idea of /not/ moving her right arm. Finally, a single (sorta) English word slips forth from her mouth, laden with surprise; "Whut." <English>

Carina perches on the edge of the Mule and offers a quick hiss. "Don't move," she directs to Epona and hops over to join the woman. "And that goes for you too." She calls out a bit louder and pitched towards Von. Without wasting another word, she gingerly reaches for Epona's arm, flipping the bag open with her other hand. "I think you may have broken in your arm, so try not to move it too much, alright?" <English>

VonDye's head rolls on his neck, eyes fluttering. "Don't...move. Don't move...she says." A laugh escapes, quickly turning into a cough, then a wince as pain flares up again. "Ah, buddha, somethin' went and got itself broke in my chest." Talking even hurts, so Von quiets, breathing shallowly. <English>

Epona squeaks. It's really less of a cute noise than it rightly /should/ be; something almost more like a mewling, than anything else. Betwixt that fluid speech of foreign-ness, that one recognizable word repeats a few times; "Whut? Whut. Whut?" Oh, wait, no, two more words! "Ow. Fuck. Ow. Ow. Est le mal de VonDye?" she whimpers out, craning her head towards the mass of the other car. Realization dawns upon her face, and she sort of tries to bat Carina away, looking down frantically. "Ma porte foutue est allee! Where the fuck is my door?!" Several feet the other way! <English>

"Epona, don't make me tie you down. We don't know one another well enough for that," quips Carina as she hears Vondye and offers one of her own curses into the mix. "Don't move," she says and tries to catch Epona's eyes. "We're going to need to get you both back to the clinic, and I've no idea how the in hell to do that." She moves to clamor out of the mule, snatching up her bag to dash over to VonDye. <English>

VonDye isn't very lucid, and now he seems to be disregarding the doctor's words and trying to unbuckle his harness. "It /hurts/" he exclaims to no one imparticular, fumbling with the mechanism to no avail. "Ah, shit, motherhumper. Won't come off." He gives up in frustation, eyes shifting underneath his heavy lids, catching sight of the other mule, but only barely. "Ep? Ep!" he calls out, voice a panicked gurgle of a shout. "Ya there, girl? Doc?" He /does/ see Carina, becoming a bit more frantic. <English>

Epona wiggles her jaw some, licks her lips, tastes blood. Bloody face, broken arm; whatever, it'll grow back eventually. "...but my door. Car. Whut. Ow. Fuck. Door? Ow." This was too difficult; she switches back to French, and lets loose a stream of words that seem to serve no purpose other than to lament over her MULE's condition. And, perhaps as though this were a universal reaction to getting in a carcrash, she starts to half-jerk, as though trying to escape this damned metal coffin. While at the same time, of course, crying that the metal coffin was scratched in all the wrong ways. <English>

Carina growls softly under her voice, looking back to Epona and then to VonDye. Frustration darkens her features for a moment before finally heading for the man. "Don't struggle. You will make it worse," she explains and drops down beside the man. "Epona is alright. She's probably gotten a broken arm. Alright? You can see her in a minute," she promises while reaching out to press to Von's ribs. "I gotta see what got shifted, alright?"

VonDye takes a deep breath, winces. He attempts to focus on Carina, and does so for several seconds. He then nods at her. "Alright, ok." He tries to twist his neck to look past her, but stops. "It's like I got stuck with a blade inna side and it ain't been takin' out yet," he says slowly about the pain, each word a gasp. "Think my nose is broke, too. Always breakin' the gorram thing." Von throws up a hand, then half-groans, half-chuckles. <English>

Epona wriggles. Like a fish! A sort of shell-shocked fish, admittedly. But said wriggling seems to do the trick; in a moment or two, the woman's managed to un-pin her hand, flopping out of the mule rather dangerously and onto the ground with a horrific coughing noise. "Ow." OK, one, two, three-- with a heaving noise, she gets to her feet, right arm dangling useless at her side, while the left gingerly holds it against her body, using her side as an impromptu splint. She woozily takes one step after the other, staggering towards Von's car, looking for all the world like an actress out of some cheezy zombie-flick. "Von?" she absentmindedly asks, staring at the man wide-eyed. "Etes-vous les maux?" <English>

Carina listens, bobbing her head while feeling along is ribs. "You may have cracked a rib," she explains and reaches for a bandage in her back. "We're going to need to bind it, alright. Then we can get you back to the clinic and I can fix you both up. Can you help me?" She asks and looks across to where Epona was. "Just lean up so I can get this around you. Then I can bind her arm, alright? I just don't want you hurting yourself. You can tear a lung with too much thrashing." She looks up again at hearing the approach of Epona. "Very good, hold it just like that until I can get the splint ready for you." <English>

"Ah, issat all? Seems like m'gettin' off easy, considerin'." Taking a deep breath, he does as the doctor instructs, shutting his eyes tightly as he moves. His fists clench at his sides, muscle straining with tension. "Just lemme know when ya done," he says between gritted teeth. Epona's approach isn't heard or acknowledged yet, as Von is too busy trying to manage the momentary pain. <English>

Epona shakes her head a little at Carina, gesturing with her head towards Von, seeming to have all the articulation, intelligence, and comprehension of a lobotomized monkey. More funky-sounding words, more staring in morbid fascination at Von! Also, semi-idle for food. <English>

"You're doing good, Von," replies Carina encouragingly. She works quickly, pulling the bandage around his ribs tightly that it forms a pressure against his ribs. Her gaze returns to Epona from time to time, taking into account the shock and stance. Once she finishes with the bandage, she slides her hand down to try the belt again while reaching for a pair of shears. "Alright. Do you think we can get back to the clinic?" <English>

Epona doesn't move a whole lot-- just keeps on jabbering uselessly in French. And this likely won't change things a whole great deal as she's led to the clinic, besides a little staggering, /maybe/ a few squeaks of pain, and other such things! <English>

"Give me two shakes to bind her arm." Carina pushes back to her feet quickly, drawing out a sling rather than another bandage. Hey, when you're in a hurry, you do what you can." She helps the woman get strap over her shoulder and tenderly helping to bend it into the sling. Then, it seems the doc is more than willing to help them back. <English>

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