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RP Log posted by Player Itzal's request. Will replace with more pertinent Medical Wellness Clinic RP Logs at a later date. - LEE

The lobby is in a state of organized chaos, with packing boxes laying off to the side, and decorations still in the process of going up for the holiday event. <English>

About a dozen kids are clustered near the reception desk, hooting and carrying on while Dale and Lee sort of reel drunkenly into a tumble, apparently inescapably lassoed together by a delicate chain of paper snowflakes. Eugene wins at combat origami! <English>

Dale manages to assist in the avoidance of getting injured by any tots still waiting for guardians and/or parents but he can't avoid the tumble to the floor! It happens gracefully and he goes "Ugh!" making a comical face as Lee falls on him. Eugene has apparently rustled up a couple of Lambs for dinner with a string of snowflakes. See, that is why some kids pretend to be sick just to come to the MWC on certain days since these two are yes, better than a pair of clowns. "Gene I approve" oof, Dale wheezes, "of guarding the hair." <English>

From the Patient wing the door slowly opened, Itzal's eyes searching the area as he peeked into the main room before he began to attempt his ohh so sneaky escape through the MWC main room. His right hand moving down to rest against his stomach where he had recently been patched. A faint grimace forming across his features as he followed the wall and attmpted to circumvent the main group and the reception desk. <English>

And what's Christmas time without scrooge, stopping dead in his tracks as he enters the clinic to contort his features. "Begorramn..." Marc mumbles...close enough to bahhumbug? He tightens the lease on his AR as he attempts to step over and around the pack of children as if they were bouncing betty landmines. Dale, Lee, and Genie all get a face in passing as he makes his way for the security booth. <English>

Eugene laughs, though she tries to stifle it with a hand, her twinkling eyes watching the children's faces as Dale and Lee lay trapped in her snowflakes of dooooom. Maybe next time she shouldn't use fishing line to tie them together. "Aww, you guys look so pretty." she says softly, standing over the pair, hands on her hips and just shaking her head in dismay. Then she crouches down, looking for a way to untangle them. Itzal's sneaking is successful for the moment, for the front door opens just in time. "Heya Marc, we're decoratin'. Wanna help?" she adds brightly, the oversized Santa hat falling just a little farther down over her ears as she looks up at the grumpy merc. <English>

IC Time: Dec 17, 2524 - 16:23:08

Rose doesn't mind the kids and the hijinx at all, carrying on with her business at the com station with a judicious smile - she's still ahead of her requisitioning work, which means she might knock off early to get her pineapple upside-down cake started! /Some/ folks here are in need of good tasty Yule treats that /don't/ come from a tube. The receptionist nurse extraordinaire glances at Marc's entrance with a smirk - she's onto yoouuu. "Afternoon, Jolly Old Nick," she quips, fully aware of the missing 'Saint'. Then her gaze slides to take note of Itzal sidling out, and leans back to check on the patient records and doctor's 'orders'. At the Clinic, no one is held against their wishes, however, and all the man need do is sign himself out, fully recovered or not. <English>

That the snowflake chain doesn't break even from the impact of fallage, is a clue to Lee that either he has finally reached the ultimate heights of pansitude, or Eugene has inadvertently invented Ye Olde Christmas Garotte Wire and should not be allowed to hang them in the doorways. Squirming around on Dale to be able to turn in the restraint and face Gene, he glances over to spot Marc coming in and coughs. This is obviously just what it looks like, Marc! You cannot avooooiiid it! "Uhhh, we can hop the next outbound transport within the hour," Lee tells Gene, before stopping to consider that it's probably not proper to suggest that a respectable company owner and married woman besides, should hop a cargo rail with him like a common hobo. Then, "Oh er, or, I know of a private MULE we can borrow for the trip... oh! And you could let me drive once we've reached the outskirts," he points out with a hopeful smile, possibly still tethered to Dale, but now relaxing comfortably on the tougher man like he's a bobsled or something. Yes, this is yards more appropriate. <English>

Itzal didnt really know the rules of the hospital, that much was obvious. Though after a moment he did stop and look around noting that none were chasing him. A bit odd for him and a definate change but he didnt seem to mind. His eyes moving to the snowflake chain of doom that had already apparently trapped 2 and very well could go for the small group of children next. "Any of you folk's doctors?" His eyes moving over the group before focusing upon the man with the AR. <English>

Marc mumbles a bit as he's pestered by none other than Rose the receptionist...Old Nick ain't jolly and if he was it would only stem from copious amounts of alcohol...and maybe from Missus Claus baking him a pie. "I'll pass." Marc offers over to Eugene as he gets settled into the security booth. Placing his ass in a chair as he scans over the feeds from all over the hospital, Itzal gets an eye as he pipes up Marc giving a shake of his head to his question. <English>

Busy with the detangling of Lee and Dale, Eugene sighs, "Ah well, nothin' for it." Taking ahold of the string between two snowflakes, she twists it around her fingers and pulls, snapping the chain neatly. It's amazing it held this long. "There, be freeee!" Standing, she offers a hand to whoever wants to get up first. "I'll go with ya Lee, it'll be fun. Oh, and that reminds me, talked Leu into going to get a tree for the lobby. Just gotta figure a way to get it back here." Marc gets a 'No fun' pout and as Itzal makes himself known, she glances his way, pom-pom a'bouncing over her shoulder. "Oh, ah.. not me. Could rustle one up for you fast enough though." <English>

"I am not pretty, Lee is pretty!" Dale retorts with a chuckle as he tries to get them out of the predicament before any of the delicate decoration is ruined. At Iztal's question he raises an eyebrow. There are doctors always moving about in the MWC, just not always hanging about. "You can sign out with Rose if you need to." He gradually manages to pick himself up and help Lee up as he laughs at the Children's requests of "Again ! Again!" <English>

Dale also notes to Marc, "Good job yesterday!" and thumbs up <English>

Itzal blinks a few times hearing the words from Dale, His head shaking some as he continued towards the door. A slight pause given as he looked back over his shoulder towards Dale, "Wonderful way of doing things..Instead of asking what someone needs when they ask if any of you are doctors its talk to her to check out..." His head shaking once more. "Honestly, Ya should work on that one...Since I was only goin for a smoke and then remembered something I was supposed to ask..But apparently this is just the drive through doctoring clinic...Not a wellness clinic..." Yeah the man did have a certain way of doing things and well currently he was a bit frustrated and well growing angry. <English>

Dale says, good-natured and impossible to irritate, "You came from the patients wing. You did not come in the front door. My apologies, when someone is heading towards the door, I assume they wish to leave. I have to wheel these boxes to the Children's ward." He straightens and moves the dolly towards that direction with a chuckle. "Merry Christmas, everyone." <English>

Lee takes Gene's hand readily, even if just so Dale doesn't get some jackassery into his head to pull her down as the garnishing on a hearty Lee Sammich on Wry, for the entertainment of the over-excited kidlets. Their parents and keepers have begun to show up, however, clearing out the front lobby noticeably within several minutes, during which time the chatter level becomes almost relatively frenzied. Helping or helped by Dale, they are both upright quickly enough, and gathering up the rest of the snapped cord for the woman to dispose of or fix as she sees fit. Lee looks around and monitors the negative commentary coming from Itzal, frowning. The officer obviously hadn't heard Eugene, so Lee offers in a pleasant tone, "We can have a Doc paged in a jiff. What's the question - mebbe it's somethin' I could answer." <English>

Marc it appears is thoroughly out scrooged by Itzal, causing make to cock a brow and shake his head. "No problem, Dale." Marc shoots back, retrieving his commlink and muttering into it. "Elias...get your ass up here." Tucking the unit away as he goes about switching through the various security feeds. <English>

Ariana is headed into the Clinci, an armful of toys, as she peeks around the jumbled boxes. "Deliver from the Alliance Military," she says as she tries to get a peek at who is there, but, really its impossible around the almost massive pile of boxes she is bringing. <English>

Itzal's form comes to a halt hearing the words Deliver/alliance/ and military/ his brow furrowing some as his eyes closed, Several deep breaths taken as he stood there and heard the words of the others finally allowing them to be mulled over before his eyes opened. "Needed to know about what treatment services this place offers but apparently the managment here is only interested in getting their donations and as soon as patients are up and moving rushin them out the door even if there are other issues that the person may need to tend to.." His head shaking some as he looked at Lee before glancing to Ariana, The tension in his look given to her and the air around him near thick enough to cut with a knife. Yeah something deffinatly bothered the man. <English>

Hoisting Lee up off the floor, Eugene grins at the young man, and lets him go about the patient part of things. "Dale, I'll come help yah in a minute." she calls after the man's retreating form. She'll help match up kids and parents for a bit, making sure everyone is collected by the proper guardians. Just as she's waving goodbye to yet another pair, Ariana walks past. "Oh, hey. Wow. Need a hand with that?" Rushing to the woman's side, she looks eager to claim one of the boxes off the top of the stack. <English>

<OOC> Lee says, "Rolling for reaction to Itzal's snark."

You test your Willpower against a 80 difficulty. The result is successful (43).

You test your Perception against a 75 difficulty. The result is successful (33).

Marc gives Itzal another look as his rant continues, shifting his gaze onto Ariana as toy donations are delivered...from the alliance non-the-less. Finding it as best a time as any to withdraw a cigarette and let it dangle between his lips unlit, before he throws his arms over his head and leans back in his chair. Content to see just where this situation is going to lead itself. <English>

The diplomatic look fades from Lee's expression halfway through Itzal's response, his jaw firming up behind compressing lips. Criticizing the Lambseys? His teeth ache, and it's not from the chocolate-covered candy canes or the recent dental surgery. Deeeeep breath, however, and the Public Relations fella appears to relax again, nodding faintly as the officer's attention wanders back to Ariana. "No offense was intended," he assures evenly, with a step over to the side so Itzal doesn't have to keep turning his head between himself and the lady officer. "Are you in pain?" He glances at Ariana himself, curiously, and her armload, offers a nod. <English>

Ariana smiles at Eugene as she says, "Please... some help would be nice." She grins, and then winks at Eugene as she says, "And don't worry about claiming any as your own... we've got plenty more where this came from. Daddy was quite keen on helping us out when I suggested it to him." She then looks at Itzal, and sense the tension, however, the young disowned noble-turned-Alliance, can't help but quip, "How's retirement treatin' yea, Itz?" <English>

Itzal's hand moves down to lift his shirt revealing the recently patched gash across his stomach. "Besides the fact that some lying little cock sucking body guard of a pansie fucking noble decided to take things and get my fiance's ship to turn against me...causing her to send my fucking kids away I am a ray of god damn sunshine..." Yeah so maybe at times sarcasm was one of itzal's finer points. His eyes drifting back to look at Lee, "Maybe after I have had a smoke..I hate hospitals but need to tend to a few matters before I can have my family back..." And thus the reason behind the short temper was revealed. His footsteps carrying him quickly towards the door. <English>

Eugene chuckles at the Alliance woman, "Nah, got enough of my own toys. But this was generous of yah. Daddy? These ain't from the military then?" She asks with casual curiousity, relieving the woman of the top tier of boxes. Carefully. "Wow, the kids are gonna be thrill...." Itzal's response to things causes Gene to trail off, her eyes now fixed on the man instead of the totally gifts in her arms. As he heads out the front doors, she glances between the others. "That's awful." is all she can manage in response, then looks to Lee, still a bit stunned. "Where should we bring these? Lounge?" <English>

Lee gazes back at Itzal, his eyes a little wider now due to the relayed news about the Guan-Yin II's being influenced by nobility, just a bit of shock there. "Uhh. Awrigh'," he tells the man's back, before standing there a moment with his gaze trained somewhere a few tiles ahead. "Uh..? What issit?" he asks the women, presently cluing in to the question, and moving to peer at the boxes himself. "Party stuff? That goes to the Patient Lounge.. lemme get the side door open," he offers, pulling his ID tag up from his breast pocket underneath the vest. <English>

Ariana smiles faintly as she looks at Eugene and says, "No, these are from the Alliance, I assure." She grins while she stands there, before she looks back at Itzal. "Better watch what you talk about around here. Just because you got fired from the Alliance for playing Hanky-panky with a noble /man/ that didn't want your attentions, doesn't meant that you need to be bitter about it," she says as she stands there, her arms still full of presents as she looks to Lee, "Patient Lounge? Which way?" <English>

Eugene chews on her lower lip, suddenly very eager to drop off these toys. "Oh, it's ah..this way." she responds instead, canting her head toward the doors leading to the patient wing. Then she shuffles off that way, "Thanks Lee." for the young man as he offers to get the door for the two of them. "I just hope we can keep 'em all from tearin' into them before 'Santa' arrives. You figure we should hide 'em in a storage closet or something?" <English>

At Ariana's coy remarks, Lee's eyes go wider still, and he looks a bit dizzy as he approaches the secure side door that bypasses much of the East Wing for a direct route into the pleasantly-sized cafeteria/lounge. "Patience.. Patience Lounge, thaddis," he murmurs, with a cut of his eyes sidelong towards the front entrance. Y'know, just in case the officer... EX-officer, even... had decided his smoke could wait and was back, in that Terminator 'I Be Back' kind of way. "It's a play on words, not dedicated.. that I know of any rate.. to the ah, Lady Mayor of Lunar Whitehall.." Ramble ramble! He stays by the door, keeping an eye on the lobby. "Ah... yehh, you can stash 'em behind the lunch counter, Genie." <English>

Itzal's form paused at the doorway, His body quickly pivoting around to face her. "Ahh yes I forgot about those allegations, I love how just because you try to help a noble and they are sore because they can't handle a simple full contact sport..Also I would like to meet with you later since I will be seeing to his body guard's honor and challenging him to a test of martial prowess since they wish to continue slandering me..." His lips curling into a smile, "And if you had seen the actual incident you would say much diffrent..His guard attacked me while I was checking on the man's leg since that is where I slid..These allegations not only cost me my fucking commision but they also cost me my place aboard my fiance's ship...All forgiving godess my ass..more like so long as it is convienient..." His head shaking some, "Fuckin hippies owe me over 3 thousand credits still for all the medsupplies I bought since they were I may see you about that as well if the chance is given..Is there anything else you wish to say to me?" His brow lifting slightly as his gaze focused upon Ariana. <English>

Ariana looks at Itzal sweetly as she says, "Thats not quite how I heard it went down... from the mouth of the nobles no less." She grins as she stands, there before she nods her head to Lee and heads through the door with her presents. <English>

Itzal smirks some, "Nobles have a habit of seeing things only the way they wish to and avoiding any actual common sense in the majority of matters beyond grand balls and forced marriages.." His shoulders shrugging slightly, "But I really do wish to have my smoke..If you wish to, send me a wave and we can discuss this further..But I am gonna go now before I end up aggitated.." With that Itzal's form turned and he grabbed the handle to the door pulling it open as he made ready to leave before he did something that would only land him in more trouble. <English>

Eugene gives Lee a 'look' as she passes him and into the lounge. One that says 'I'll be RIGHT back', and then she's gone, to stash gifts behind the lunch counter as instructed. <English>

Lee says... pretty much nada, just letting the stream of caustic conversation wash over his dumb presence, although he looks progressively agitated by the rising tension. Where'd Marc go? Lee would lean through the doorway to check on the security station if that didn't clearly broadcast his suspicion over the potential for violence in the clinic. If he had looked, he'd see only Elias monitoring the situation - the other senior consultant having scootled off for a smoke break himself at some point. He keeps the door open for the ladies, returning Eugene's look with a slow blink. <English>

Ariana watches as Itzal turns to leave, but the young woman is never one to let somebody else have the last word. "Really, I'd love to discuss it as much as we can right here and now? All of this repressed gay must really be bursting to be let out. If you want, I can really work to help you bring this out. I've some fingernail polish and lipstick at home, and, I knwo this one guy, he'll be so happy to meet you. I think you'll both just get along peeeeeeeeerfect." <English>

Itzal smirks slightly hearing the words from Ariana, His form remaining in the doorway for a moment. His head turning over his shoulder to look at the federal. "Thank you Ariana, I really appreciate you saying that..I will be sure to inform your commanding officer of your sexual harrasment and conduct unbecoming against me and while on official business so much the better...Also I will be sure to inform others of your little habits of sitting on your gorram ass instead of doing anything that actually fucking benefits the alliance or the 'verse itself. You would be much better suited for a single woman station on Three Hills..atleast then you would be of some fucking use.." With that the man turned and quickly moved through the door. <English> <English>

Ariana watches as he heads out, and she manages to say, "Not on Alliance Business, bub, personal business, that I'm attributing to the Alliance. A little bit of good Pee-Arr, ya know? And its not harassment in giving a hand to help some repressed part of your personality." She shrugs her shoulders a little, before she turns and smiles at Lee, "Lets get these boxes put up, huh?" <English>

Oooookay then, doesn't look like Eugene is making it anywhere. She comes to a screeching halt just inside the lounge, setting the gifts carefully to the side of the doorway, she steps back to offer to take Lee's place holding the door. "Much obliged for the generous donations, can just leave 'em on the floor there. I'll take care of stashin' them later." There is something dark in her brown eyes, and the smile she flashes doesn't -quite- reach them. <English>