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Person Relationship Description
Aiden Friend Although Terra once said that Aiden had the personality of a piece of Swiss cheese, she was soon proved incredibly wrong. The two aren't quite yet as thick as thieves, but they've become friends in a short period of time, against all odds. There are people who disapprove of their friendship, which makes it all the more fun for Terra and possibly Aiden as well.
Aisha Business rival?, friend Just like Terra, Aisha was someone's personal assistant. The two would frequently communicate to one another on behalf of their bosses, which often had amusing results. Terra isn't sure of Aisha's job title anymore, but Aisha has begun to see herself more as a friend than anything. And that's just fine with Terra. Aisha is a breath of fresh air for Terra.
Amakaze Boyfriend Wow, that was fast. Right after being dumped by baseball player Holden, Terra found herself in Amakaze's arms. Despite what people may say or think, the two seem well-suited to one another. Plus, Amakaze is an AMAZING cook. Huge, huge bonus for Terra, the bottomless pit. People are still wondering how a geek got with a model though. The world may never know. After a rocky break up and some time apart, the two have reconciled as of July 2526.
Amar Rendolin Love/hate Terra can be joking with the man one minute and glaring daggers at him the next. The two certainly seem to have a way of pushing each others buttons. One of the few people that Terra can stay mad at for days on end.
Angela Acquaintance Despite the fact that Terra traveled with Red Lion before she worked for them, she doesn't know some of her co-workers even now. Angela is no exception in this, but Terra quite enjoys the other woman's spunk and attitude.
Anise Seymour Close Friends/Doctor Whom Terra really considers her personal physician, Doctor Anise Seymour is someone that the young woman worked with briefly before she left Crimson Shield. She misses Anise quite frequently. If there's something wrong with Terra, she self-treats. And if that fails... Anise is given a hasty call. Anise affectionately refers to Terra as mei-mei, and Anise is always Terra's jie-jie.
Ariana ..Friend? Largely recognized as the reason that Terra bunked down with David during her stint on the Bachelor, it's needless to say that the disowned noble isn't Terra's favorite person. The two can be civil to each other -- but usually their civility is just a mask for their cattiness towards one another. They've recently decided to be friends, though Terra's not entirely convinced that this will play out very well.
Bastien Boss/Confidante In November of 2524, Terra decided to try to form a band. Bastien was the first and ONLY person who auditioned, but in the end, it seemed to work out. Terra and Bastien's former business relationship has developed into a friendship after discovering that they have much more in common other than their love of music. Bast is now the person that Terra trusts with a great deal of her secrets and generally the first person she runs to when she needs advice. ...Then their relationship went BACK to professional when Bastien randomly hired Terra as his personal assistant. The two are still tight, though they've tried to pull their relationship into some semblance of professionalism when appropriate. It never lasts long. Despite others' accusations that Bastien is a bad influence on her and has only corrupted her, Terra couldn't think more of Bastien. He is a large part of her world and she frequently shows this in her interactions about and with him.
Damian Carmichael Psychiatrist/friend? Until recently, Terra has been a small blip on Carmichael's radar. Dealing with several mental disorders, a full plate, and a few life changing experiences has left Terra in Duke Carmichael's care though -- at least mentally, sometimes. Their first therapy session left Terra and Carmichael each with a better understanding of each other, and Terra barely even dislikes him anymore, knowing they're alike in ways she never dreamed possible.
David Crazy Friend The two became close over the course of the Bachelor, and David says that Terra is the only person he's 'consistently nice to'. Since the Bachelor, the two have become a bit symbiotic. Where there's a David, there's usually a Terra not too far behind. Now that she's seen him at decidedly his worst (in her mind), she's no longer afraid. In some bizarre way, David is becoming her mentor.
Heather Islip Half-sister This one is actually Terra's sister. The two share the same biological father, a subject which Terra isn't willing to divulge at any one time. However, she's fairly happy with the fact that she has a sister. She and Heather seem to get along well enough and are on a mission to drudge up information about their real father.
Iorwerth Jones Friendlyish Another love-hate relationship. Terra trusts him more than most doctors, but that's not really saying a lot. The two got off to a rocky start, Iorwerth being so prickly to Terra that she curled up into the fetal position a few times in his presence. After a few attempts at being civil, the two seem more accepting of each others existences. At any rate, Terra calls Ior her personal doctor. Sometimes. Usually when she can't get meds from anyone else.
Karolina Friends (deceased) The first friend of Terra's whose life was claimed due to the Commonwealth bombing Paquin. Terra went to school with Karolina in Paquin and still speaks of her fondly. Karolina was one of the very few people who was ever nice to Terra in school.
Liliya Friends When Liliya was first hired at Red Lion, Terra wasn't sure how to feel about her. Now that the two have spent some time together, Terra is much more comfortable and is happy to call the woman a friend. Liliya seems to need some help loosening up though.
Lucas Magley Friend Through a chance encounter on the Docks and Luke nearly taking a bullet for Terra, they have become fast friends. She's often spotted around the Redemption now and has only nice things to say about the ship's pilot. They went on a few dates together and that didn't work out, but Terra has learned that she'll always have a friend in Lucas Magley.
Nicholas Drake  ??? Terra hates him less than she used to. Maybe. He's pretty cute. Totally still wants to punch his face in though.
Nika Cafferty Friend Nika and Terra both used to work for Morgan Kendrick, though after Terra parted ways with the company, the two remained friends. Nika is one of Terra's favorite drinking buddies, but moreso, Terra has the itsy bitsiest crush on the other violet-eyed girl. Hmm! She doesn't see Nika near as often as she'd like, but that doesn't stop her from finding excuses to go visit Nika wherever she happens to be.
Pali Friend Cultural differences aside, Terra is honored to call Pali a friend. While he's intent on learning more about gadje culture, Terra is rather set on learning more about the Romany culture -- especially more about their arts. Terra hasn't spoken to him in some time but has heard that he's gotten quite important in some circles.
Roxana Delos Good friend Terra was introduced to Roxana almost immediately after getting her first job. The two became fast friends and started to spend more time together. Although Terra was dating Holden at the time, Roxana kept pushing a certain stuttering chef in her direction. After her abrupt break up with Holden, Rox's wish came true and Ama and Terra were together. Sometimes Terra feels like the odd woman out when Roxana and Amakaze get together, but it usually passes. Terra tends to get very very jealous of Roxana's suitors, doing everything in her power to push them away if she doesn't approve. Which she rarely does.
Samus Friends Samus is like a great big pitbull who likes to cuddle and have her nails painted. Although she'd never admit it in a million years. Terra is fond of Samus but doesn't see her nearly enough. Due to a few unique circumstances, it doesn't look like they're going to see each other any time soon.
Sev Friend When Terra first got out of school, she saw Sev a few times around. He gave her a sparkly card once. The man was nothing more than a passing thought to Terra sometimes before she realized that the Dochasan Lasair has a contract with Red Lion Industries and he handles their cargo. Now when the Dochasan is landed, Terra can be found in Sev's company. He doesn't talk much, but he's a good cook and he seems to accept Terra's eccentricities without many questions. And unbeknown to most, he has a keen fashion sense.
Shaardul Singhji Dear friend There's no denying it for Terra. At one point, she was utterly smitten with Shaardul. They spent many hours in one another's company -- until Temperance got a little bit jealous, broke into Shaardul's, and got an ass whipping. After that, things seemed to go downhill. As painful as it is for her, Terra still holds a special place in her heart for this man, even when his womanizing ways tend to grate her nerves. In 2526, they made a reconnection after having not spoken to or seen one another. Terra will always regard Shaardul as a friend, one of the first she ever made.
Temperance Best friend (deceased) Terra met this girl at the Medical Wellness Clinic one fateful night in Persephone, and even almost got her ass kicked because of Temperance. However, the two became fast friends. The two had had a very hot and cold relationship, often fighting, then making up soon after. Their tempers seemed to flare around each other, but they just couldn't stay away from one another, for better or for worse. Some time ago Temperance decided to go on some half-cocked adventure somewhere in the Black where waves can't be reached. Terra worried often about her friend and hopes to see her someday soon. In 2526, Terra received a package from the cyborg. It contained Temperance's voice box along with a note saying that she was alright. There was no return address, and perhaps disconcertingly, Terra put Temperance's electronic voice box to good use. For a while, anyway. Too many people found it freakish and she had it taken out. Sometime later, Terra found out that Temperance had been killed in the bombings caused by the Commonwealth in Paquin. Not only was Terra left with a dead best friend, but custody of her child too. Terra's grief has been insurmountable thus far and not something she's willing to speak about. She is currently in the planning stage of a memorial for Temperance.
Templeton Torres Good friend/worst enemy Terra and Temperance once had a half-baked idea about opening a floating space orphanage. Templeton answered their want ads for a pilot and the singer interviewed him. Whoa. She was really intimidated by this guy at first and their dinner interview was so ill-fated that she left embarrassed, thinking Templeton hated her. She's not sure he doesn't hate her after all. Takamoto will always have a soft spot for him (not something she'll willingly admit) and especially for his young daughter Cassandra.