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news Sex


Serenity MUSH is listed as a Sexually-Oriented Material Game, when you think of the show and movie, Joss didn't really leave a whole lot to the imagination when showing us what Inara did for a living. Both a Whore House as well as the infamous Companions Guild meaning that there is always at some point the chance of a sexual type of encounter.

Because of this the following rules have been put in place and are NOT negotiable.

One : If your IC age is under 18, or you as a player are not an adult, then TS RP should not happen. End of discussion PERIOD. Once you and/or your character have an 18th birthday you can do as you like, but not till that time, for we at this mush do have limits on the type of interaction we think is proper for the player base at large.

Now you may ask yourself, does underage sex happen? Of course it does in real life, just not on this server. Breaking either of these rules leaves such options as introducing you to the @siteban code.

Now going along with this, there are other such things you should think about as a player. If you are finding that perfect moment with your partner obviously there are some places that some things are just not kosher to be done in.

One : Don't have sex outside in public areas. If you can see Sky its probably better to assume no unless YOU personally own the property and you have a lock. As with anything we enjoy there are limits, and for everyones enjoyment factor, this is one of them. And again its non-negotiable.


The policy on this particular concept is simple. Though we as a staff base try to strive to have some things as realistic as possible, this is not one of them.

The use of Rape as a story telling tool is to be removed from any and all thought on this game what so ever. Meaning if you as a player wish to run a TP for bringing in a lil excitement to the rp. Thats fine! Go for it! But rape of ANY kind is not an option.

Having Rape in your background, is grounds of almost instant denial of your background. Again there is no room for argument on this subject.

Talking about Rape in any way ICly is grounds for being immediately @sitelocked from the game.

Now you may point out that in RL Rape does happen, and it does. However, in no way shape form or hinting will it happen on this mush.

See Also