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news Rating

We, the admin, have decided to rate this MUSH as PG-13 rating, however some scenes may be rated R. The admin do not screen players and it is the player’s responsibility to know what is appropriate for your own age. The official ratings can be viewed at

What does that mean to you?

If you are under the age of 13 you shouldn’t play here. We are trying to build a story to show a more realistic side of Firefly and story development. Bad things happen in the real world, people say bad things, do bad things and the like. If you're over 13 what does that mean to you? If you're over 13 and would like to play here and the RP turns to a more adult theme it is your responsibility to bow out of the RP. Because the admin has no way of confirming a player's age, if you choose to participate in an RP scene that you know would be rated R, and/or inappropriate for your age you waive all our liability for any adult content that may be contained in said RP.

See Also