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news Difficulties

Difficulties are up to the judge judging the scene. These are up to interpretation. However, here is a good idea of some difficulties. These are just general base levels for these skills. If these are used under pressure, the difficulties become harder, and a greater risk of failure. (See 'news time mods' for more information)

Difficulty Example
0-9 Breath, think... Simplistic tasks.
10-19 Conscious thought, general motion (walk), basic speech
20-29 Basic object interface, average conscious decision
30-39 Hand-eye coordination, basic piloting, jumping high
40-49 Fixing an average compound object, maneuvers
50-59 Quick-thinking, accurate movement
60-69 Complex moves, tight formation moves, black-belt moves

Anything above essentially is for multiple actions at the same time, or other extremely difficult actions, such as beating a group of Reavers with a battle axe and long sword.

Basically you take a look at the skill levels (news skills), and figure out what level that a person can do a certain task naturally when not under pressure. IE:- a pilot could do complex formation movements as an Ace of a Flight Academy (Master's), without trying hard. That relative span would be the difficulty under pressure beyond 'normal' or 'regular' actions.

Generally, you can only attempt something in difficulty that is up to two levels higher than your current skill, however, using time mods, it is possible to go further, depending on the situation.

Note: Judges have complete discretion when assigning difficulty levels to a player. The above is a guideline only.

See Also