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news Death


PC death, though not pleasant to have to go through, is something that in time is inevitable. Whether by something of your own doing, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or simply the way things happened. When a player loses a character its very hard not to get emotionally responsive at times. However, when a player shows self-control and restraint to take things in stride, as well as being willing to accept what may come, there can be rewards for such behavior.

Now when rewards is mentioned, it isn't that you'll be given something for nothing. No, what it does mean is that you will be able to keep all of the XP that you have on that character and use it on your next. This means that though you may want to rant, rave and generally start griping, when you hold your emotions in check and vent them in a way thats much more beneficial, you're much more likely to be positively rewarded.

For explanation on what the consent ruling for PC deaths is please refer to '[consent]'


Note that PC death DOES happen sometimes, especially at times when you are purposely instigating a situation. Meaning simply, if you are 'Joe Schmoe' and you decide to go and throw beer in the face of the man with 5 different guns on him that looks like a reject from Down Town LA, then this might get you killed.

However, there are times when just the timing can be dangerous, during most of these types of situations either instigated or just plain timing can mean that you will see a warning come across your screen. (+help +warn to see the warning.) At times like these it is very important to remember that ANY and ALL fight scenes depending on the roll of the dice and the reactions you choose for your character could result in death, injury or some other harm.

The act of a +warn is not an automatic death sentence for your PC, in fact it is the opposite. It is the player (a human being) letting the opposing player (a human being) know that you can take corrective action, to avoid being killed. At that moment, you have a choice to make, do I want to continue down the path I am walking. This is the MOST important aspect of how we handle death on the game. If you choose to walk the path that led to a +warn, Read on.

During these times its merely important to remember the following order :

  1. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS follow the pose order, this is important to determine reactions not only of those PC's you are with but also any NPC's in the area as well.
  2. Remember the order of actions
    -Declare: Using ooc or page to say what your going to do.
    -Roll: Skill assigned my judge, IE: +taskroll <skill> at <number>
    -Judge tells you the result of your action.
    -Pose when it is YOUR turn to pose. Try and have at least part of the pose ready before your actual turn so that people are not waiting a long time for your action.

Note also that excessive OOC anger towards the actions that are happening will not change the situation any. It will only anger the staffer in whom you have judging your scene and is more likely to end up with a more negative reaction.

See Also