Zora/Logs/Vampire in the Bay

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IC Time: May 12, 2522

Redemption - Infirmary - A Deck

The ship's Medical Ward is rather large. Two sickbeds have been placed at one side of the room and on a small table between them. Prepared instruments are still sealed in a sterile packets. The cabinets seem to hold a good bit of equipment and pharmaceuticals. Behind a screen is the Doctor's Desk, a comfortable chair before it.

On the other side of the room is a large self contained Medical Diagnostic Doctor Bed. While not quite on par with the full Imaging Suite that you'd fine in hospitals in the Core, this Doctor's Bed does allow three dimensional holo-imaging of the patient's bone structure, and computed axial tomography of the soft tissue as well. There is a dedicated high power computer attached to the bed that controls the holo imaging and maintains a constant readout of the patient's vitals.

Andie is just puttering around the infirmary, looking in lockers and drawers, moving a packet of wipes here and turning around a vial there so the label is facing outward. Just tidying, really, and figuring out what system Syna has used to order things in here. <English>

Passe and Kit come walking slowly into the infirmary, the mechanic with her wounded leg, the pilot offering his support with an arm around her and she is leaning against him as they walk. Seems like a cheerful sort, smiles and chuckles abound.

"Unless you /paid/ him to rig the deck, is all I'm saying," Passe says to the girl as they enter the room. He looks around and spots Doc Two and calls out to her, "Andie, bonjour. How is your day going? Got time for a couple invalids?" <English>

Kitty looks over to Passe quickly, curious as to just what is making him an invalid, a critical sweeping of her gaze over his body before she shakes her head, sighing slightly if she does. "If Ah was wantin' that Ah'd jus' get you alone and turn up the charm," she utters towards the man before she casts a smile towards Andie herself "Howdy, Doc." <English>

Hearing voices, Andie turns and closes the door of a cabinet and lifts a brow ever so slightly, then gives a nod and smiles. "Of course," she says and looks from one to the other. "So, who's going to tell me what happened?" she asks and heads off to a nearby box stuffed with latex gloves. A pair is removed and pulled onto her fingers and then she returns her attention to the two of them. <English>

Passe raises a brow and says with a hint of nervousness, "Uh, I don't think we need that kind of exam." He gestures with his head at Kitty. "Katherine ici, she needs her leg bandages um, updated. Me, just look at my stitches, make sure I'm healing fine." <English>

"Changed. The' need changed," Kitty offers while looking at Andie, the girl slipping away from Passe although not before mouthing a worried 'what happened to you' towards him. "Ah think Ah need to stop walkin' 'round so much. Mah leg still hurts.." She pauses and looks at the doctor before explaining quickly, "Ah got shot." <English>

"Well, you could have called me for that," Andie says with a smile and gives a faint puzzled look at Passe's first comment. "Oh. The gloves. Simple matter of procedure, you understand." She nods toward the beds and adds a gesture with her hand to that as well. "Please. Have a seat and I'll have a look. Has Syna given you any precausion you need to take? Like keeping stitches clean and..." As Kitty gives the suggestion herself, she nods and chuckles. "And keeping still?" <English>

Passe moves over to a chair, and silently gives Kitty a look of, 'I'm okay' before sitting down. He cranes his head to the right, exposing a bandage at the base of his neck on the left side. Pointing to it, he explains, "Oh, Syna didn't stitch this up. Happened off boat. But it's been a while, wanted to get it double checked, maybe see how soon before they can be taken out." <English>

Zora appears at the door of the Infirmary, her face a bit pale. She appears to be shaking, in spite of the thick dark green sweater she's wearing, and her right hand is clutching a group of papers. Her hair is wild around her face, and the black eye she earned herself previous has finally begun to fade into a nasty yellowish green. "Uhh...hi," she stammers, realizing there are people in here after all. Her eyes shift to Passe and she takes on a guilty expression. "I was just...that is...Did I leave my coat in here?" She makes a big show of looking around for the coat - which is, of course, nowhere to be seen. <English>

Kitty gets up onto one of the exam beds and then, with a sigh as she shimmies out of her sweat pants enough to let Andie get to her bandages easily, those being the kind that has gauze held into place by rolled gauze which is then taped tightly into place rather than just gauze taped over the wound itself. "Ah was told not to get mah wound wet but let me tell ya, Doc. Ah'm dying for a shower." Passe is then stared at and she shakes her head. "If you're so a'ight then why do ya have stitch..." Zora comes in and she falls quiet but she does look at the nurse, oddly. <English>

Andie gives a look from one patient to the other, then decides to help Kitty out first, since she's literally dropped her pants. She looks back over her shoulder as Zora comes in, watching her for a long few moments. "What have you all been up to?" she asks and heads for a drawer to pull out a pair of stubnosed scissors before she returns to Kitty. She starts to cut off the bandages and looks toward Zora again. "You okay, Zora?" <English>

Passe becomes distracted quite easily by pretty ladies, and a very curious one just entered the room. Before he is able to respond to Kitty, he turns his head and echoes Andie, "Dimples? You okay?" <English>

"I'm fine," Zora says between gritted teeth. "I just need to find my gorram coat, which apparently isn't here." She glances down to the papers in her hand, glaring at them as though they'd spoken words. "What planet are we on?" she asks quickly, trying to angle her face away from Passe. "And what's the local time?" The fact that Kitty and Passe are here for medical treatment and not idle chitchat seems to have gone straight over her head. <English>

Kitty bites her lower lip as the bandage is removed, exposing a lovely example of Syna's doctoring skills, the flesh healing nicely with no sign of infection. She gives Passe a look that just screams that she will be getting an explination from him later but she's too busy playing good patient to do more than look from face to face with a wrinkled nose, Kitty already resigning herself to the idea that she's going to be the last to know. <English>

Bandages cut open and removed Andie puts the scissors to the side and leans a little closer to inspect the wound itself. "Well, the good news is, it looks to be healing nicely. The bad news is, it'll be a couple of days more before you can take a shower," she says and straightens to give Kitty a smile, then pulls off her gloves to go put them in a disposal bin made for just that purpose. She finds a fresh sets of bandages, some sterile cleaning fluid and a new pair of gloves. She gives a look over to Zora, then nods to Passe. "Well, I don't know where your coat is or where we are currently, but could you have a look at those stitches on Passe's neck for me?" <English>

"Ah think we're still on Erza, Zora," Kitty says with a shrug. "Yew'll have to stick yer head out and look. Think it's evenin' time..." Kitty mutters as she looks at Andie, disgruntled over her announcement that a shower will have to wait, still. Nodding, she folds her arms over her stomach and simply waits for the changing of her bandages to be finished. <English>

Zora stops her paper-glaring to shoot a sharp look at the pilot, previous motives of hiding her face gone entirely. "How the fuck did you manage that?" she asks harshly, striding over fast to reach out and cup his chin in her hand. "What did you do?" Zora gives Kitty's wound a quick glance, but for her, that one's old news. <English>

"Just a couple of days, Kitty. Three at the most," Andie assure the woman and brings a wipe across the wounded leg to clean it, not even bothering to give the 'this might sting' warning before she does so. Then she unpacks the sterile bandage and folds it over the wound before wrapping gauze around it to secure it. "Alright. You're done. You ought to come in again at least twice a day to get those changed. And please try to keep walking to a minimum?" <English>

Passe blinks at the reaction from the nurse. He reaches up and warmly pulls her hand off his chin. "Zora," he says, discarding her nickname, "Cherie, what is going on? What has you so... derange?" He says the last word in French (pronounced day-rawnj-ay), unable to think of the proper English term. He ignores the small patch at the base of his neck where he claimed earlier had stitches. Holding her hand lightly, he stands to better look at the disturbed doctor. <English>

"Deranged? I'm not deranged, Passe, but thank you very much for suggesting so." She flops down the papers on the counter with a sigh, and begins to survey his neck, eventually finding the small bandage on his neck, and peeling it back. Slowly. With her tongue sticking out between her lips in concentration. <English>

Kitty slips onto her feet after scooting off the edge of the exam table and she sighs. "Thanks, Doc. Zora, see ya later." She pauses on her way out to look at Passe, her eyes holding to that spot on his neck before she shrugs and exits the infirmary. "We'll talk later, Mister Passe," she calls out over her shoulder just before she's gone, only the sound of grumpy grumbling to be heard as she takes off. <English>

Kitty heads through the exit labeled <Port> Crew Commons. Kitty has left.

Done with Kitty's wound maintenance, Andie slips off her gloves with the characteristic sound that sound makes. She gives a wave to Kitty as she heads off, then joins Zora by Passe's side. "So what do we have here, Zora?" she asks and tilts her head to look at Passe's neck, pulling on yet another pair of fresh gloves produces in route. <English>

Passe smirks. "Derange, means disturbed, not deranged." He winces as the bandage tugs on the skin. Beneath the pad is a set of stitches covering a semi circle cut about 2 inches wide. Looking closely at the wound, the cut is not smooth, very jagged. In fact, if it weren't for the stiches, one could easily mistake it for a bit wound. "Juliet, on the Tienlong, stitched them up for me," he says, craning his neck again sideways so Zora can see better. "I just figured I should have it double checked here. Plus, it's itching, hoping to get the stitches out soon." <English>

You test your Perception against a 55 difficulty. The result is successful (15).

"What the fuck?" Zora asks as she peers closer. "Who the fuck bit you? And how would that even happen? If you were having crazy sex, I could get that, but on the back of your /neck/?" Zora pulls back and narrows her eyes at him, replying to Andie, "Well, Doctor, it appears the idiot patient allowed someone to chew on his flesh recently. And then had it stitched up, which seems to be keeping it from being infected. I'd suggest keeping the stitches in for a few more days, and dosing the patient with a bit of common sense." She reaches out for the papers she slapped down, pulling them close to her, either finding comfort in them, or simply not wanting others to see them. <English>

Andie gives a nod to Zora and ignores whatever undercurrents are passing between the nurse and the pilot. "Well, I agree, Zora. Needs a few more days to heal and.." she looks at Passe with a raised brow and a tilted head. "Have you been prescribed any antibiotics? Human bites are awfully infectious." <English>

"No, but I get these headaches from bright lights, particularly the sun," Passe replies to the doctor with a sly grin. The image of the nurse in front of him slaps the smartass out of him and he frowns. "I may be the idiot patient," he says, cocking his head with concern towards the nurse, "But I'm smart enough to see that there is something wrong. Are you going to let it simmer and fester or share with us and let us help?" <English>

Vivian arrives from Redemption - Crew Commons - A Deck. Vivian has arrived.

Zora tries really, really hard not to look at Andie when Passe asks if she's going to share. She really does. But despite her best efforts, her eyes do twitch in the other woman's direction, even if just for a millisecond. "I have to get out of here right now," she explains quickly. "But if you can stand the sunlight without bursting into flames," she tells Passe with a wry tone, "Call me on the iComm and maybe we'll talk then. Or if you end up flying us, I'll come up to the bridge when I get back." She looks around one more time for her phantom coat and then nods to Andie, sidestepping towards the door. "I'll see you later, Doc Two. Let me know if there's anything you need done, I'll have my iComm and PDA with me." And with that, she's out the door, and down the hall. Barring an attack from a velociraptor getting in her way. <English>

Andie tests her Medicine against a 45 difficulty. The result is successful (29).

"Take care, Zora," Andie says softly to the nurse as she runs off, then turns back to Passe to look at his injury again. "Alright then. Let's see what we have here? You say you have trouble with light?" That brings out a penlight to be shone in the pilot's eyes. She gives a light shake of her head and then finds a thermometer to stick in the man's ear. "You're pupils are reacting normally and the bite seems to be healing nicely. Let's see if you have any fever..." She pulls the thermometer from his ear to look at the read-out. "No. No fever." <English>

Passe watches the nurse leave the room and is quite visably concerned. If it weren't for the threat of a velociraptor, he would have chased after her. That, and he hasn't gotten leave from Doc Two to go. He turns to Adila and shrugs. "What's gotten her buns in a knot?" he asks her, and then gets a thurough inspection. "Well. That's good," he grumbles. "So, no infections?" <English>

Vivian is quite curious after she see's Zora fly so quickly out of the infirmary that she can't help but walk over and peer inside. You see her brown curly haired head peek around the corner to observe the situation. Once she see's who is in the room she snorts and comes all the way in. "I should have known that it was Passe that caused her to fly so fast away" <English>