Zora/Logs/Stripping and Crying in the Med Bay

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IC Time: April 5, 2122

Redemption - Infirmary - A Deck

The ship's Medical Ward is rather large. Two sickbeds have been placed at one side of the room and on a small table between them. Prepared instruments are still sealed in a sterile packets. The cabinets seem to hold a good bit of equipment and pharmaceuticals. Behind a screen is the Doctor's Desk, a comfortable chair before it.

On the other side of the room is a large self contained Medical Diagnostic Doctor Bed. While not quite on par with the full Imaging Suite that you'd fine in hospitals in the Core, this Doctor's Bed does allow three dimensional holo-imaging of the patient's bone structure, and computed axial tomography of the soft tissue as well. There is a dedicated high power computer attached to the bed that controls the holo imaging and maintains a constant readout of the patient's vitals.

The room is sanitary, clean, and yet laying on top of the scene of perfection that is Syna's infirmary is a thick atmosphere of tension and unease. There is a solitary man in the room, laying down on the doctors bed, strapped in with restraints. He is one of the ship's pilots, a Frenchman known to most in these parts as Passe. He appears unconscious, but escaping from his lips is the occasional moan and groan. Whatever dreams he's having must be unsettling, and his cracky voice only adds to the overall gloomy atmosphere. <English>

Zora enters the room quickly, her PDA out in her hand and her eyebrows raised high. "He did /what/?" she squeaks in Syna's direction, though she cringes at seeing Passe mostly asleep on the medbed with restraints. Sighing, she slips her PDA into her pocket and tiptoes over towards Passe, hooking a stool with her foot and pulling it closer to sit down by the murmuring man. "You stupid idiot," she whispers, peering at his face with concern. <English>

The moaning momentarily stops, the head of the pilot turning at the whisper, and an eye cracks. "Dimples? Is that you?" a hoarse whisper escapes his lips, and even in his exhausted, restrained state, he still manages to crack a grin. <English>

"Yeah, sweetcheeks, it's me." Zora bites her cheeks hard, reaching out to hold his hand in her own. "You're not looking so hot, you know. How'd you get yourself in here? If you were missing me, you could have just asked me to hang out with you. Didn't have to go through all this trouble." Her voice, though there is a teasing quality to it, sounds strangled and choked. Her shoulders are tense, and her eyes are shining. "How do you feel?" <English>

Passe closes his eyes and responds with the obvious, "I've got a headache." A hand touches his own and his grin softens to a small but warm smile. He tries to pull his arm up but then realizes he's in restraints. Even though he's awoken earlier today and had the whole story explained to him, he's obviously forgotten it again, a common symptom of concussion patients. He frowns and rolls his head for a better look at Zora. Both eyes crack open and he says in a tired voice, "Why.. why am I tied down?" <English>

"Because that's how I like it," Zora laughs, louder than the comment merits. She snickers a few more nervous times, and then the laughter dies. "Yes, I'd imagine you would have a headache. You've hit your head pretty badly. And it caused you to become delirious. And since Syna and I both agree that you're just too sexy to let anything happen to you, you've got to play the part of the love slave for a little bit longer, okay?" Her eyes shift and stare somewhere, anywhere but at Passe. "Would you like anything?" <English>

Both brows go up, slowly but surly at the imagines induced by Zora into Passe's brain. "Some lotion and a cock ring?" he says, and then pulls his aching head up a couple inches to look down his body and then seeing that he's still fully clothed, he rolls his eyes and chuckles, which results in a tight cough and a wince. "Oh, cherie, as much as I'd appreciate it, I don't think Syna would be too willing," he whispers hoarsely after his cough, and tries to peer down at the busy doctor. He lowers his voice further and says with a wink, "I don't think she takes to French pilots very well." <English>

Zora fakeglares at Passe and pokes his side with her free finger. "I wasn't offering, hormone monster. It'll take a lot more than you trying to kill yourself to get me naked with you, some lotion, and a cock ring." She bites the insides of her cheeks once more, and all of the humor has gone from her face. She looks serious, somber, and perhaps even a little panicked. "Passe," she whispers quietly, moving her stool closer to his bed. "You said you were in the Alliance, and you said you bombed places and whatnot. But were you ever...I mean...tortured?" <English>

Passe starts to snicker, but cuts himself short and says, "What? Kill myself? What are you talking about?" He frowns, considering what Zora says and adds, "Tortured? Non, jamais. 'Course, I was never caught either. But..." he tries lifting his arms again but the restraints hold him in place. "Why am I being restrained?" he asks with a sudden calm. <English>

Zora's face crumples a bit, but she gets it under control at the last minute and says, her voice shaking, "Remember how I said you were delirious? You thought you were captured and you tried to k-k-kill..." The thoughts become too much for Zora, and the tears which have been gathering in her eyes begin to fall. "You tried to kill yourself, you stupid bastard. And until Syna is convinced you're not going to snap back, until she's convinced that your concussion is better, you'll have to be restrained so you don't try it again." <English>

Such news is never taken lightly, and when Passe gets grave news (no pun intended), he can't help himself but laugh. "What?" he says through his chuckle. "Kill myself? Ha! Why would I do that?" He tries sitting up but cannot, of course, and sighs and rolls his eyes. "You can't be serious? This is a joke right? I mean, delirious? I can see that, but bon Dieu, suicidal?" He tries to remember what happened and cannot for the life of him remember anything. <English>

Zora narrows her eyes at Passe and hisses, "How the fuck should I know? One moment you're perfectly fucking fine in the commons betting on darts, and the next I know, I've got a report from Syna saying that you hit your head, lost your memory, though you were captured by Browncoats, and are trying to slit your fucking throat!" She lets go of his hand and stands up with a quick motion. Viciously running her hands through her hair, she retorts snidely, "Yes, Passe, this is all just a gorram joke. Syna and I strapped you down and decided to tell you this story to scare you when you woke up. Any moment now, I'll start getting naked and Grey's going to come in and we're all going to have a fucking /orgy/." The last word is said with venom, and the tears are still rolling from her eyes. <English>

Passe's eyes widen a little, flickering around as he tries to form a picture of what Zora tells him exactly. All of it is plausible, and his eyes close, a terrible weight descending upon him. But as the nurse continues describing the situation, his lips tighten and he tries desparately not to snicker. "Now that... would be a sight." he says and then bites his lower lip to keep from laughing. <English>

Zora narrows her eyes once more, and watches Passe struggle not to laugh for a moment before yanking out of her med coat with jerky, angry motions. "Oh, so this is a game?" she hisses, flinging the coat onto the stool and going to work on the buttons of her shirt. "You think this is fucking funny, right? You want to see me naked? Okay, let's do that. I'll get naked and then we'll call the Captain down and tell him that last night you tried to kill yourself, but that this morning, you think it sounds like a great idea to have an orgy, the three of us, and then we'll see what he thinks of /that/." Her shirt's buttons are now completely undone, and it hangs open far enough for her full breasts to be seen in her lavender bra. She reaches down to her pants, shaking too much with tears and rage to work the buckle properly. "Is this what you want, Passe? Are you feeling better now?" <English>

"Zora!" Passe says, a burst of giggles leaving his mouth but eventually coming down. "Stop!" he says with more seriousness and takes a deep breath, but can't help but wear half a grin. "I'm sorry! No, stop, I'm sorry. It's just how I am, I guess, I make light of, well, everything. And just picturing Syna orchestrate an orgy is, well, funny. And Grey as the lead Tuba," he forces back a chuckle desparately wanted to escape. Calming his face with another breath, he says, "I'm sorry, really I am." He closes his eyes and tries to erase the the thought of a nake Zora playing a flute, nake Grey and his tuba, naked Passe beating the kettle drums, and a naked Syna at the conductor's stand, waving a baton to the beat of an orgy. <English>

"Well, I don't give a shit that you're sorry," Zora sobs out, giving up on stripping after her pants are undone. "I don't give a shit that you're sorry, or that you're in that bed, or that you nearly died or that you terrified Wren to the point where she had to be sedated. I don't care, Passe, so go fuck yourself!" Her emotions are in obvious contrast to her words, because tears are nonstop rolling now, and she stares at him with a wounded expression for a few moments before rushing out of the med bay, leaving her med coat behind on the floor. Since he's not supposed to be alone, she likely alerts Syna to the fact that Zora has to get out of there, because Syna enters the room fairly soon after Zora leaves. <English>

Smile, emotion and color all drain from the Frenchman's face, and it takes a moment for him to fully comprehend what the nurse is telling him. "Wren is sedated?" he finally asks in a whisper, but too late as Zora has already stormed out. He searches desperately for her, and cries out, "Zora!" He pulls at his restraints, but the exertion is too much on him, his head screaming at him in protest. He finally stops, laying his head back on the bed, his body quaking and shivering until the bliss of unconsciousness overtakes him. <English>