Zora/Logs/Dinner and a Rude Man

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IC Time: March 23, 2122

The Dregs Bar and Grill - Persephone

This bar makes /no/ claims that it will please an 'upper scale' clientele. This place is for real spacers that are looking for a drink, and a sandwich. In here you will find no pretensions of superiority at all. This is a simple place, where working folk gather, and the rough and tumble feel right at home.

There is a long bar adorned with pock marked brass that is very well worn from years and years of elbows and glasses, but the bar top is kept well waxed and polished. There are /no/ bar stools. The patrons are expected to belly up to the bar, and vie for position, something the patrons here are used too. There are several tables in the center of the room, and booths against the walls that afford a modicum of privacy for those that desire it.

Anyone putting on airs in here is often put in their place by the barkeep and proprietor Gus.

At a table near the rear of the bar is a couple sitting and enjoying a meal together, one a pilot the other a nurse. Much of the conversation has been rather casual, a story or two, comments about their crew mates, questions on how the nurse likes the ship, etc. The meal nearly done now, and the pilot's half eaten rare stake is resting near his fork, and he doubts he'll finish it. He is nursing a glass of wine to enhance the flavor of the food, and there is now a lull in the conversation. After a short pause, Passe asks Zora, "Desert?" <English>

Zora sets down her fork, glancing at the remainder of her pasta sadly. "I hate to take this back. Pasta is just never quite the same the second day around." She sighs and leans back, gesturing to the waiter to fill her own empty wine glass. Crossing her legs, she regards Passe with a knowing smile. "Well, we've managed to pass the evening quite nicely so far without bringing up the subject at hand. So, I tell you what. I'll pay for dessert, if you'll tell me what had you so spooked earlier before meeting with Grey." <English>

Passe considers that offer and would immediately reject it, since he always pays if women are involved, except that something keeps him from following his insticts. Perhaps he just has something he wants to get off his chest. Or maybe he's just taking time to decide if he actually wants to get something off his chest or keep it locked in. The captain did say he'd leave it to his discretion.

Passe sucks on a tooth, rather uncouth for the gentleman, and purses his lips. After a moments consideration, he starts, "Where are you from, originally? Tell me a little bit more about yourself." <English>

Zora just blinks at Passe for a moment before answering suspiciously, "I was born on the Border. I went to nursing school, went to gradutate school and got my Master's in Obstetrics, I worked on Bellerophon for about 2 years. There's really just not much to tell." She shifts in her seat, clearly uncomfortable, and gestures impatiently again for the waiter to refill her wine. "Why?" <English>

"Ai, over here," Passe says a little louder, catching the waiter's attention. He allows Zora's glass to be fill first, then has his own topped off. "Border," he repeats Zora's words after the waiter is gone, his habitual smile gone from his face. "Which planet?" He asks, his face sharp, as though someone used the Chisel of Seriousness to carve his features. <English>

Zora reaches out for her glass, gulping the alcohol down, half the glass at a go. "Santo," she replies as she sets the glass down hard. "I grew up on Santo. Yes, during the prime time of whores and hookerhouses and casinos. Anything else?" She eyes the rest of her wine as though she's dying of thirst and rationing it. <English>

Passe exhales and looks down for a moment, pondering his next words carefully. Santo was hit hard during the war, and the last thing Passe needs is another crewmate blaming him for their turbulent lives. "Your family from Santo?" he asks, and further clarifies, "During the War, I mean, they lived there before it started? And during?" <English>

Zora laughs bitterly. "My /family/...yes. My family lived there. I was ten when it started. Sixteen when it ended. I left at 18. No one I was related to fought, and we didn't really give a damn who won, either." She finally drains the last of the wine she was eyeing, setting down the empty glass once more. "What's this about, Passe? How much of my story do you need to know to tell me yours? How heavy is your side of the scale - how big is the pound of flesh I need to offer?" <English>

Passe looks over at the nurse, and while it seems rather obvious that pressing the matter is making her uncomfortable, he doesn't seem to care. He stares, hard and explains, "I need to know who you are, Zora. I like you, you're a good girl. And if the Captain hired you, you've shown some trustworthy qualities. Normally that would be enough, but I don't normally share this with anyone."

Passe glances briefly around the room to make sure no one is paying attention to them or within earshot. "Knowing how the War affected you help," he continues. "Some people around here take it quite personal if you were involved with the Alliance during the war." He bites his lower lip and decides to go out on a limb and trust the young medic. "Which I was. Invovled with the war. The Alliance. But *no one* knows this, and no one can. Well, except for the Captain. And Sam. And Monsieur Smith. Oh, and Lucas. *sigh* And I guess Syna will know too. The captain indicated he was going to tell the command staff." He scrunches his face, remembering how many now hold official positions on the Redemption. <English>

Zora snaps, "You want my pound of flesh, Passe? I was married before, how's that? When I was 21. Didn't quite work out, as you can see." She gestures to her ring finger, which is bare. "We made a deal. I'd put him through med school, he'd do the same for me when he graduated. That, as you can see, clearly didn't happen either." She reaches behind her chair to grab her sweater, which she proceeds to slip on with jerky, angry motions. "I don't care that you worked for the Alliance. I wouldn't care if you worked for the Bounty Hunters, or the dog pound. And I'm not going to say anything to anyone about it." She stands up and just looks at him, breathing hard. "Let's go. Get dessert, and you can tell me all about your horrible crime." <English>

Passe stands up and looks a little irritated at the way the nurse took his questioning, as well as the raise in her voice level. Dropping some credits on teh table, he grabs her hand and says, "Come on, let's get out of here." Leave he wants to before any attention is pulled their way, and he brokers no argument. He pulls her with him towards the door, firmly but not forcefully, and mutters behind him, "There's a good ice cream stand down the street. Frank should still be there at this hour." <English>

Passe heads through the exit labeled <O> Street. Passe has left. You follow Passe.


Persephone -- Spaceport

Located north of the City Commons, the Persephone Spaceport is a hustle and bustle of ships transporting people and cargo to and from a myriad of destinations. Not far into the distance, one can see the populated, cosmopolitan and imposing skyline of the city proper. Shuttles and elevator systems move people from building to building over the large city.

Just inside the spaceport are rows of buildings with bold and eyecatching signs. The most populated amongst them is probably the Cargo Office.

Zora and Passe come into sight, both holding ice cream cones and walking towards the port. Zora has a rather irritated expression on her face, and she looks over at Passe sharply. "I just don't understand. So, you made it worse than it was...but it seemed pretty goddamned bad from where I was sitting. And now you're telling me it was fine, and not to worry? You were freaking out! How's there no worry there?" <English>

Walking along side Zora is a man with curly hair and a red sweater. Apparently even spring is a little chilly for the man, though he is not wearing a jacket at least. He's a Frenchman known as Passe, and ironically enough, he too has an ice cream cone in his hand, plain vanilla. He's wearing a broad smile between licks, his dimples carving deeply into his cheeks. "You know how kids are always afraid of monsters under the bed, but when you turn on the lights, there's no monster there?" Passe says to Zora. "That's what this was like. Grey was the monster until I turned on the light, then no monster was there."

Passe grins at his own strange analogy and takes another lick from his cone, moving down the docks towards the various ships. Pointing at a docked Firefly, he says, "Now there's an interesting ship, old but solidly built. They don't build 'em like that anymore." <English>

Darion shakes his head slighty and is talking to noone in particular...maybe to anyone who will listen. "You know...job...Hello Lord...Darion..yeah I know we don't talk. But common...how hard is it for me to ask for a simple little job. I am a Doctor for Christ Sake. Yes i relaise the ramifications of cursing your name. <English>

Idris's eyes finally slide off the ships docked nearby to the people around him. "When'd it get all busy-like all of a sudden?" A rhetorical question. Though there might be more people around, there's no way of knowing if he's actually addressing his voiced question to anyone specific. For the time being anyways. His movement still remains lazy, not appearing as though he's in a terrible rush to get anywhere soon. His lazy dawdle around the spaceport comes to a sudden halt as he notices the man who stands by the shuttle departure workstation, "Hey man who thinks he's so cool by keeping one eye open and all - you know of anyone lookin' for someone to fly their birds?" Idris's nose wrinkles and specifies further in his typical unrefined speech, "Something that's not dead or lifeless. Need a bird that's got some life in her." He pauses at hearing Passe in passing. "They stutter in space though. Well, some can, anyways. Flying them is a manly job." Id snickers, adding boastfully, "Thankfully, I'm manly enough to fly anything." <English>

Durandal takes an opening and steps up the manifest, extending a finger as if it were a switchblade and stabbing it at the screen with such intensity that it's a wonder he doesn't crack the fragile display. He cycles through various screens, each successive screen displaying fewer and fewer entries. <English>

Danee arrives from City Commons - Persephone. Danee has arrived.

Darion is over at a terminal looking like he is giving a routine speech about a job application. He keeps talking to a lady about how the "phone booth" isnt her home as well... <English>

Syna arrives from City Commons - Persephone. Syna has arrived.

Danee moves into line at the "Phone Booth" waiting her turn at the terminal. She is patient and not in any hurry. She tugs at a long patch of hair just behind her ear. while looking around. <English>

Zora glares at Passe some more, adding, "I get that. You were afraid of Grey, I get that. We covered that. I want to know what the root issue was!" She stops to lick some ice cream which is about to drip down her hand, sighing. "Look. You don't know this about me, but...if anyone grasps the concept of avoidance, it's me. Alright? But I just really feel like...you need a friend. Someone to talk to. And I'm offering to be that person." She's silent for a few moments, watching him, before Idris begins to speak to them, and she turns with a raised eyebrow, just listening to him talk. <English>

Durandal continues jabbing the display, finally narrowing the results down to a single entry. He leans in to read the display, nods to himself, and stabs the button to return to the root menu. He turns away and moves back into the crowd, making his way towards the City Commons, the cigarette in his mouth puffing black smoke that gave him the appearence of a biological freight train... <English>

Darion turns around and walks out of the booth. As he does he looks at the lady who is screaminf at him "How did I steal your muffin?!! I sent a wave....wait..a wave is a muffin!?!?!?! Are you..!?!?!?!?! Wait...your living in a phone booth..." He throws his hands up into the air as if he is just done. He walks away from the booth but he is nice enough to tip his hat to the lady behind him. "Ma'am" he says. "Watch the lady there....shes a little out there..." he looks back at the booth "just step over the jars...trust me you will understand." He smiles again and walks over to an area where he just just look out into the open area <English>

Howl is loitering near a meat stand. He looks extremely frustrated with his commlink, until it slips from his hands. Picking it up, he presses a few buttons and smiles. Percussive maintenence, never fails. <English>

Slowly walking into the Spaceport, Syna has her thumbs in the straps of her backpack as she looks around. Her green eyes slide over things as she passes, and she pauses to look at the Angels Wings ship, tilting her head with a little smile, perhaps it looks similar to another ship she knows. Turning at the screaming, she blinks, her eyes widening as she stares in that direction. <English>

Danee smiles at the man and shakes her head, "I am not good in english. I need to post a need help add." she sighs and looks at he jars and stuff, "do you knwo where another terminal is? I'd rather not use this one if I can help it." <Chinese>

Passe forces a grin and says to Zora, "Maybe, someday," and glancing around the docks with all the ears present, he adds, "But not today." He looks over at Idris and says, "Well, as long as you have a good maintenance crew, and really only need one, a Firefly will last quite a while. Many light years past some of these newer boats." He licks up some ice cream and says, "The name is Passe, Laurent Passe. I take it you're a pilot?" <English>

Darion looks aroound "there is one in the southeast corner over there I think. Dare I ask what postion you might be hiring for?" <English>

Idris gives Zora a raised eyebrow back at her, or rather both, as he doesn't seem to be able to raise just the one. His face screws up in a brief scowl before telling the twentysomething woman, "What, it's not allowed that I talk?" Idris rolls his eyes before saying, "What with all these people, I kinda figured it'd be expected." He puts his hands in his jacket's pockets, muttering to himself, "Big city folk, they never know -which- way is up." He looks toward the screaming, eye brows raising in surprise. "See, that just doesn't make no sense to me. Screaming's for the bed, not public places." He shakes his head before returning his attention to Passe. "Laurent Passe, that's some name. Idris Gwynfryn." A beat passes before Id adds, "And yes, a pilot. You know of a crew that needs one in these here parts?" <English>

Durandal dissappears into the City Commons <English> Durandal heads through the exit labeled <South> Commons. Durandal has left.

Danee nods then she turns and looks the way he points, It takes her a moment to understand the english and even then she is not sure how much she actually understands. "doctor. we need a doctor." he seems to understand the Chinese. "My captain is wanting me to put an add in for a doctor." <Chinese>

Darion smiles some and speaks back in Chineese "yes I understand your language quite well. And I happen to be a Doctor with credentials and a resume. I am college educated and I am knowledageable in many fields including Psychology." <English>

Zora just blinks at the extremely rude response back from Idris, too surprised to notice the ice cream beginning to drip down her hand. "Jesus Christ," she remarks back, "Are you always this rude, or did I just catch you on a good day?" Scoffing, she turns away from him to glance at Passe, finally noticing her dripping hand. "Do you have the napkins?" she asks, clearly irritated. <English> Danee sighs with relief, "I have only one question. Are you an alliance supporter or a member of blue sun? My captain is a tiny bit rabid about such things." <Chinese>

Darion looks at her "I am hoping i understand the question correctly. But my answer is "neither." <Chinese>

Syna's attention is drawn away from the shouting again, and then is drawn to Idris as he shouts over to them. Slowly arching an eyebrow, she begins to walk in the direction of Zora when she notices her and comes to step up behind the other woman. "Hey..", she says quietly. "Didn't expect to see you here..." The mention of napkins causes Syna to reach into her jacket pocket and pull out one to offer to her. Passe is given a cool, polite enough nod as she greets him. <English>

Danee smiles, "good. Most doctors are core trained. but well if you are out here you must be ok." she hands him a card, "Tsukai no Inari is out ship and we are parked on the docks. we trade and are mostly legal. But you know how things are out here. we do what we must." the card is the name of the ship and teh captain's name and teh contact information. "if you have time now I could take you back to talk to my Captain?" <Chinese>

Passe smirks at the brownhaired kid and reaches in his pocket to pull out a handkercheif. He's French, he always has a few clean ones on hand. But it seems he's too slow as Syna superceeds him. Looking to Idris, Passe explains, "It's French, and one of the easier names in my language for non natives to say, Monsieur Gweenfreen." He says Idris' family name with his French accent and probably botches the pronunciation, but there you have it. He makes sure ot lick his own ice cream before it melts anymore. As an aside, he says to Zora, "And some people think the French are rude." He looks over at Syna and throws her a wink. <English>

Darion smiles back "ill follow you. Cant hurt to talk to someone." <Chinese>

Danee smiles and heads south. Walking along beside him. "I am sorry I do not speak English well. almost not at all. I am gypsy and I have lived out on the rim most of my life. I speak Chinese as a second language and english as like I am learning it now." <Chinese>

Danee heads through the exit labeled <South> Commons. Danee has left.

Darion heads through the exit labeled <South> Commons. Darion has left.

Idris blinks at Zora, "This isn't me being rude. Just me being me." After a pregnant pause from the pilot, he finally replies back, "Though, I do be supposin' that you caught me twixt thoughts. Twixted? Something like that. Looking for work does that to me." He grins wolfishly at Zora, however, as he adds, "But I think you'd probably have to find out more about me before telling me I'm rude and everything. I just like common sense is all." He glances to Passe and then back to Zora. A moment later, Id's rummage through one of his jacket's pockets to come up with a beer bottle coaster, "Shit. Where did that come from? I thought for sure I had napkins too." His hands try the other pocket and take out a mini-parasol used in frou-frou type drinks. He utters something unidentifiable under his breath in disgust. "I got no napkins, I guess," he replies back to Zora, almost disgruntled. Passe's monstrous pronunciation of Id's surname does not go without a cringe, "Gwynfryn," Id says again, saying it slower for the frog. As the dropship comes into view, Idris's face changes to one of utter serenity. "Now, see, that's one of the prettiest sights in the 'verse." He waits until Katie leaves before adding to Passe, Zora and now Syna as she's joined them, "Not the ship itself, but just watching a ship come down to a planet like that." <English>

"Common sense?" Zora says in astonishment, turning back to the man once more. "You said something and I /looked/ at you, and your response was to inform me that I should have expected you to be speaking, and that 'big city folk never know which way is up.' I hadn't even opened my mouth, and you were insulting me...and you're seriously going to tell me you like common sense from people?!" She glances to Passe and Syna, whom she greets with a very jerky nod, and scowls. "Please, Passe," she reassures, "You're many things, as far as I have seen, but you've never, ever been /rude/ to me." Rolling her eyes, she glares at Idris and accepts Syna's offer of a napkin, wiping the dripping sugar from her hand and tossing the crumpled napkin towards a nearby dumpster. She begins to walk away, calling over her shoulder, "I've got better things to do than this. Passe, I'll see you tomorrow. Syna, if you have the time later, I'd like to talk. Away from people who are...yeah." And with that she's off, shoulders tense and hands clenched at her sides. <English>

Syna's eyebrows slowly arch at Zora as she mentions Passe being rude. "He is rude.", she says bluntly, with a side-glance at Passe. "He just doesn't realize it half the time." Frowning a tad, she looks back to Idris thoughtfully, tilting her head a bit before she looks back to Zora, "Okay..", she says softly, a little overwhelmed by Zora's rush to get away. "What did you DO?", she looks at Idris then. <English>

Passe raises a brow as the stranger continues to talk, watching Idris rummage through his clothes and comment on the ship, though admittedly the younger girl at his side catches more of his attention. As Zora starts to leave, he says to Idris, "Some advice, funny thing about big city folk is learning their common sense and not trying to impose your own."

Before turning to chase after Zora, Syna's comment catches him off guard and he pauses in mid stride. "I guess not?" he says with a half grin and a shrug. "I am, after all, French. C'est la vie?" He tries to not chuckle but can't help himself and then chases down after the stalking Zora, to talk with her as the pair leave the docks. <English>

Idris watches the drama that is Zora before shaking his head, "Really, who shoved what up her..." He trails off as he looks to Laurent again, telling him, "Sorry mate. Didn't mean to get her riled up or anything. You know that little man in your head that says stuff like 'stop talking' and 'don't be rude'? I think he died a couple years back." He grins wickedly before glancing back to Syna, telling her plainly: "Didn't do anything but be born, lady." He shakes his head before glancing back to Laurent one more time. Id looks to have a question on his mind, but he keeps it to himself for once, watching the man leave. Id looks back to Syna and shakes his head, telling her, "I don't know how I get into these situations." <English>


Redemption - Crew Commons - A Deck

Of all the places on the ship, this is the most comfortable and relaxing. Keeping in theme with the rest of the ship, the decoration is ancient, modeled after a luxury seafaring vessel of Earth-that-Was. Subtle track lighting keeps the room softly bright, adding to the ambience of the decor. On the walls are hung elaborately framed pictures, mainly of various spacefaring vessels. There is enough furniture in the room to accommodate all the crew and then some. As with all the rooms on the ship, there are ashtrays in convenient places for the smokers.

Two Cortex terminals sit on two opposing desks against the wall, both wired into the huge screen hung on the far wall for media display and gaming. A long conference table is in the center of the room surrounded by large chairs. There is a Holo-Emitter on the conference table, a smaller and lower-quality version of the one on the Bridge.

To starboard is the Infirmary, behind a fireproof double glass sliding door, and to port is a large ornate door leading to the Captain's Quarters. Double ballistic doors lead fore to the Bridge, with the same leading Aft to the Crew Quarters, and the Shuttle Bay beyond it. Just beside the Captain's Quarters is the Operations Room, also sometimes called the briefing room or the ready room.

Zora makes her way into the Commons, glaring at the coffee pot for being empty. She strips off her sweater, balling it up and tossing it over into a corner of the couch, which she sinks into afterwards. Wrapping her arms around herself, she brings her ankles under her butt, waiting for Passe to enter as well. She doesn't look as upset as when they left dinner...but she doesn't look pleased, either. <English>

Wren arrives from Redemption - Crew Quarters - A Deck. Wren has arrived.

Adila arrives from Redemption - Crew Quarters - A Deck. Adila has arrived.

Zora makes her way into the Commons, glaring at the coffee pot for being empty. She strips off her sweater, balling it up and tossing it over into a corner of the couch, which she sinks into afterwards. Wrapping her arms around herself, she brings her ankles under her butt, waiting for Passe to enter as well. She doesn't look as upset as when they left dinner...but she doesn't look pleased, either. <English>

Passe follows up the stairs right behind Zora, moving rapidly just to keep up with her. In the commons, he scowls, looking around to make sure they're alone, and says, "Cherie, I don't want any of your flesh. I just..." He stumbles with the words to say before finally ending with, "I just can't go telling everyone this. Some people are rather testy about this, I just wanted to be sure, I don't know." He seems really frustrated as he talks and finally just throws his arms up in the air, shakes his head and looks for something to distract him. <English>

Adila is coming from the crew commons, slinging on her coat. A quick check of weapons, she tugs a hat on over her eyes and pauses at the sight of Zora and her companion, the Frenchman. Hands shift into her pockets, a soft click of her tongue sounding, "Ya alright there, Doc?" A sideways glance at Passe, blue eyes briefly narrowing. Where there is a man, and an upset woman, one is usually the cause of the other. <English>

"That's fine!" Zora protests, throwing her hands in the air as well. "You want to know something about me before you share. I get that! But I've told you more than I've told anyone in...a LONG time. And still, you won't come out with it! How much do I have to tell you, Passe? I'm not asking you to share for my own personal gain, I just want to - " She cuts herself off when Adila enters the room, glancing at the girl she's only met in passing so far and nodding. "I'm fine, thank you. We're just..." Her eyes shift to Passe before continuing, "...having a disagreement." <English>

Ah, a distraction. Passe looks over at the gunhand and forces a grin on his face. "Evening Adila," he says, though it's quite apparent that any smile is a facade. He shrugs and corrects Zora, moving over to take a seat near a cortex. "A simple discussion, is all. What about yourself? You doing okay? Catch that bug going around?" <English>

A glance between the two, a small smirk twitching at the corners of her mouth. "Uh.. huh." she says. Grabbing the lapels of her duster, she gives the garment a good snap, the collar and coat falling in line. "That's why I say, not on the ship." she mutters, half under her breath. "I'm heading planet side, to empty a bottle." This said at a normal volume, giving the Frenchman another glance. "Yeah, I did." She remarks, when he asks about 'the bug'. "Try not to break anything while I'm gone." She heads towards the exit in her usual swagger. <English>

Adila heads through the exit labeled <Down> Training Room. Adila has left.

It's been a while. The familiar sound of Wren's feet wandering through the corridors of the ship might not be as familiar as they once were. But that is the sound that precedes her entrance into the Commons, pausing just past the threshold to peer inside at its occupants. Her eyes drift from one face to another, accepting the presence of Adila and Passe as generally expected, even as Adila continues to pass right on by. Zora however is still a rather new quantity for her, and so her gaze lingers on the agitated woman. <English>

Zora smirks when Adila seems to think this is a lover's quarrel, but she doesn't take the time to correct her before she's out the door. As soon as they're alone, Zora turns to Passe and murmurs quietly, "Now, can you please - " And they're alone no more. Zora's eyes light up at recognition of Wren, and she calls out to her softly, "Hey, Wrenbird. Haven't seen you in a while." <English>

Passe watches Adila leave and then chuckles, finally comprehending what she means by 'not on the ship'. He looks over at Zora with a smile and shakes his head but decides to not comment. Rather the pitter patter of feet pulls his attention and visibly brightens his mood. "Petite?" he asks, being quite a while since he last saw her. He stands politely and smiles broadly. "Oui, where have you been keeping yourself? Doing good, I hope?" <English>

Wren blinks a few times, head canting to the side at the odd sputtering conversation, and then nods amiably. "On the Tienlong, mostly," she informs Passe simply, drifting a little further into the room. Unlike Adila, she makes no assumptions as to the cause of the tension in the room, nor does she inquire to its cause. "You're not monsters yet, are you?" she wonders a moment later, studying both of them intently. <English>

Zora sighs and unwraps her arms from around her middle. She shifts her eyes over towards Passe for a moment before turning back to Wren and holding her hand out to the other girl, to invite her onto the couch. "We're not monsters, Bird, and I don't think we plan to be. What do you do on the Tienlong, did you have fun?" Her voice carries the same quality one might expect to use with a younger child. <English>

Passe chuckles and adds to Zora's response, "Well, hopefully never." He moves to a closer chair himself, staying near the conversation. "How's Anastasiya doing?" he asks, being one of the crewmembers of the Tienlong that he knows. "Brian still causing troubles?" He smirks, thinking about the last warning Grey gave everyone about Brian and their preacher. <English>

Hazel green eyes stare at the outstretched hand curiously for a long moment, following up the arm to Zora's face before she wanders over and settles on the couch. "No one plans," she mutters unhappily, still not pleased with the general state of affairs on board. "I got high-- not on a ladder. And threw up. But I'm a person, so it's never happening again," she informs them generally. "Anastasiya is broken, Brian was going to shoot crew." <English>

Passe tests his Intelligence against a 60 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-12).

Zora frowns slightly and pulls her hand back in when Wren doesn't take it. But she does sit, which was the intention, so Zora angles herself to face the other girl on the couch. "You...got high?" she asks with a concerned tone. "On marijuana? And you threw up? Were you sick from before, or sick because of smoking?" The comments about the people, none of whom Zora knows, goes straight over her head. She looks over Wren's head to Passe, however, her eyes pleading for him to get more information, since he likely knows more about Wren than she does. <English>

Passe looks quite concerned suddenly. "Anastasiya's broken?" He says, and tries to put Wren's comment through his universal translator, but it dies before it could compute the complete translation. But before he could ask any further about the Tienlong's XO, Zora's words burst into his train of thought and yanks on the emergency brakes, causing the whole train to derail. "You got HIGH?!?" he exclaims, too shocked to show any other emotion. He stutters trying to get out words like 'where' and 'when', but nothing more than a couple 'uh's come out of his mouth. <English>

Wren blinks a few times at the series of questions and then simply nods. "Yes," she states, turning her gaze then to Passe. The sudden derailing of his thoughts is observed with interest, her gaze taking in the sudden shift of expressions. "Yes," she repeats again, looking slightly puzzled. Didn't she just answer that? <English>

"Wren," Zora says very patiently, holding out her hand once more pointedly towards Wren's own hand. "You have to tell me yes or no to each of these questions. Did you get sick because you got high, or did you get sick because of the flu we all had?" Zora looks over Wren to Passe once more, watching the man sputter for a moment before telling him simply, "People can have allergies, Passe. This is important. Also, marijuana is legal. They might not have realized her...situation." <English>

It's slowly sinking into the Frenchman's head the implication of Wren getting high. He ignores any explanations or justifcations Zora might explain. "Who," he says, with frighting calm, "Who got you high?" It's not within his vast imagination that this is something Wren would have done voluntarily. <English>

Canting her head to the side, Wren considers Zora's request for a moment, staring at that troublesome outstretched hand. "Yes, yes," she answers, deliberately separating the words out. Frowning slightly she tentatively offers her hand in return, studying the response she receives to see if it's the correct one. Glancing back over to Passe, she watches him a moment and then scoots just a little closer to Zora. "An idiot," she finally tells him. <English>

Zora nods calmly to Wren, wrapping her hand around the offered one and smiling. "Alright. So, you were sick to begin with, and then you got high, which caused you to be sick again. That's good, Wrenbird. It means you probably aren't allergic. Now, what are you going to tell someone the next time they offer to get high with you again?" Her eyes, when directed at Passe, are pleading. This is not the time for panic, or anger. In fact, as she surveys the man, she decides to tell him so. "If you get angry, you're going to seem like you're angry at the wrong person," she chides. <English>

"A dead idiot," Passe mutters, more softly to himself than to anyone in the room. He stands and decides to go find the 'broken' Russian and see if she can clue him in on what happened on her boat with the Petite. "I'm not angry," he says calmly. "Please, excuse me," he says courtly to the two women and then turns to head down into the belly of the ship. <English>

"I know," Zora replies back to Wren, watching Passe go with a sigh. "But, he's not angry with you, and that's what he meant." She snaps her attention back to Wren and smiles softly again. "So! Are you hungry, would you like for me to find you some food? Passe and I actually just ate, but I'm sure I can find you something." <English>

Aislinn arrives from Redemption - Training Room - B Deck. Aislinn has arrived.

Wren sighs a little, still watching the corridor Passe just exited for a moment after he's gone. Returning her attention to Zora then she nods. "I should eat," she agrees, looking down at herself. And she's right. Between being locked in her cabin for two weeks and throwing things up for a few days, she's far too thin. <English>

Aislinn makes her way intot he room with a tray with a lid on it being balanced in one arm and a tray with plates in the other. Peering over both trays she's doing her best not to step on any toes. <English>

Someone's at the door. And they're bringing food. Wren blinks at Aislinn curiously, canting her head to one side as she eyes the plates. "She was here before," she informs Zora after a moment. <English>

Aislinn peeks to the newest voice, "Ahh... hello lass.. I'm aislinn... pardon me... gotta get these things down 'fore I be droppin em." Flashing a smile before heading to the table to set the plates and the other tray out. When she lifts the lid on the tray she then turns on the warmer under it to keep the things warm for a while as people filter in and out. On the large tray on the left is what looks to be rolled up fajita shells, and on the right sauteed peppers and onions, along with chicken, some sort of red meat, and some spicy rice in the center. "Hello Wrenling... I have a gift for you... I went shopping recently." Her gaze sparkling as she pulls what looks to be some book out of a bag on her back and holds it out. "Here you are... I thought you might find it interesting." <English>

Zora smiles thankfully at the other woman at the appearance of food. "Well, Wren, there you go. Food aplently." She smiles gratefully at Aislinn, offering, "I'm Zora, the nurse on board. I'm sorry, but I actually need to get to some things in the med bay." Squeezing Wren's hand in her own for a moment, she lets go and stands up, reaching for the sweater she was sitting on and balling it up in her hands. "I have a Frenchman to intercept before he causes serious bodily harm to someone, which would only create more work for me." Now that it looks like Wren's immediate need will be filled, Zora nods to both of them again, and begins to make her way out of the room, unless someone should stop her. <English>

Wren stands and ambles over to the table, rather interested in the smells wafting in her direction. It takes a moment for her to pull her gaze away from the table and back to Aislinn and her gift. Peering at the book, she looks from it to the woman and back again. "It's not Christmas," she notes before, reaching out to take the offering curiously. Her attention zips back to Zora at the mention of the med bay, however. Scowling, she mutters something under her breath and then stalks out of the room headed for her cabin. <English>