Zora/Logs/Passe Faces the Music

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IC Time: March 22, 2122

Redemption - Bridge - A Deck

The Bridge of this ship is ergonomically and efficiently planned allowing for a small amount of crew members to operate the ship in flight. The Bridge is midships, high above the nose with a slanted canopy. The fortified ballistic glass wraps around the room, allowing a 180-degree view outside. Unlike the rest of the decadent ship, the Bridge is a feat of engineering and modern equipment, glass and lights.

This area is flat and wide with consoles circling the main command area, where the large Captain's Chair sits. Forward and to the left of him is the Flight Controls station, and symmetrically mirrored on the right, the Co-Pilot. A Holo-Emitter is positioned next to the Captain's Chair, from which images can be cast into the air above.

Sitting at the flight controls is the French pilot, and his screen is tuned into the cortex. He's flipping through a few messages and one text message pops up. Anyone looking can see it's from the Redemption's captain. He opens it up and reads it, and the color from his face fades. He sighs deeply and looks at the floor, an anxiety descending on Passe and he nervously rubs his hands together. <English>

You test your Move_Silently against a 40 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-9).

Zora tiptoes into the Bridge, grinning when she spots Passe - who has his back to her. She's carrying two mugs this time, as she sneaks to come up behind him - which doesn't work, as she bangs her foot against a metal box laying on the floor and loudly exclaims, "Son of a bitch!" She sheepishly grins at Passe and thrusts the mug in her right hand to him, offering with a blush, "Coffee?" <English>

Passe snaps his head around, looking at the coffee, the girl, the coffee, then reaches blindly to turn off the cortex. He hits however the wrong button, and a text-reader application turns on and reads in a computerized, female voice the text message: "We need to talk. Find me whenever you get the chance. And be prepared to tell me the truth - this is important."

Passe swears in French and turns to find the right off switch. It cuts the last word 'important' in half before finally killing the application. He slumps in his chair and asks over his shoulder, "Any whiskey in that coffee?" <English>

Zora blinks back at Passe as well, before grinning her deep dimpled smile. "No, but hell, there can be." She reaches inside her medcoat for a tiny flask, unscrewing the cap and pouring a decent amount into each cup. She hands the mug to Passe and moves to the chair opposite him, flopping down into it with a sigh. Her right leg rests normally, but she slings the left leg over the arm of the chair, slouching and arching her back as she sips. "So, who do you have to tell the truth to?" <English>

Passe gladly accepts the ad hoc Irish coffee and guzzles it down in one chug, a small trickly of coffee trailing down his chin he drinks it so fast. Finished, he wipes his mouth, sets the cup on his knee and sighs deeply. He looks over at the lounging Zora and takes a moment to consider what to say. "Le commandant," he finally replies, "Our beloved captain. Guess Sammie found him." He shrugs and looks into the empty mug in his hand. <English>

Zora raises her eyebrows as Passe downs his entire mug, and leaning forward, wordlessly passes her own to him. "Jesus, Passe," she says lowly. "Is it really all that bad? I mean, is that why you were looking for Sam the other day, to stop her from telling Gr - the Captain something?" Her voice catches slightly on Grey's name, but she quickly covers it. She rests her arms on her thighs, continuing to lean forward. "Can I ask what she told him? What's got you like this?" <English>

Passe shrugs and says, "I was more concerned that she might have had a nervous breakdown or something. She's had a hard life, and when we were talking the other day, some old memories came to the surface. Hit her hard." He looks down into his cup again and says, "People like to bury things in their past and hope they stay buried, rather than having to deal with them. Let's just say that's what the captain wants to talk to me about." <English>

Zora gives Passe a long, surveying look and replies slowly, "Well. I can certainly understand 'people's' desire to keep things about their past buried." Something about the tone of her voice conveys that this is more than a passing understanding - it seems Zora has a few things she'd like to forget about, as well. "I guess the only thing you can do, if Sam has discovered some thing about you and brought them to the Captain's attention, is to be honest, like he said. And if you ever want to talk, or...not..." she pauses, smiling at him, "I'm willing to be there." <English>

Passe brightens a little, a hint of a smile on his face. "I knew I was going to like you," he says to Zora. He adds solomnly, "Thanks."

The French pilot takes a deep breath and leans forward. "I guess I should go find the captain," he says dejectedly. He stands up and twists his neck until a popping sound is heard. "If things go well, you'll probably find out all about it. If not..." He shrugs and leaves the sentance hanging. Taking the coffee cup with him, he says, "Thanks for the coffee." and turns for towards the exit. <English>

Passe pulls out his communicator and tuning it to the right channel, he holds it to his mouth and says, "Le Commandant Gris, this is Passe. Are you on board?" He glances back at Zora, butterflies dancing in his stomach and it's quite clear that he's nervous and anxious at the same time. What will come will come, and of course he fears the worst. <English>

[XXX.XX MHZ] Passe says, "*big breath* Le Commandant Gris, this is Passe. Are you on board?" <English>

[XXX.XX MHZ] Grey says, "I'm just off-ship at the moment, actually, with an old friend... What's on your mind?" <English>

Zora's eyes widen a bit more, and she nods at the exiting man. "Well, Passe, I'd rather hear from you either way," she calls. "You know how to get ahold of me. And....for what it's worth. Good luck." Sighing, she stands and moves towards him, patting him on the hand when he calls Grey and looks on the verge of a breakdown. <English>

[XXX.XX MHZ] Passe says, "You wanted to see me, but it sounds like now isn't the best of times?" <English>

[XXX.XX MHZ] Grey says, "I can make the time. Meet me in the Operations Room, I should be there within ten minutes." <English>

[XXX.XX MHZ] Passe says, "A vos ordres. In ten minutes." <English>

Normally, Passe is the one who does the consoling, but today he's quite out of sorts. While he talks into the communicator as the captain replies, he absently holds Zora's patting hand, gripping it firmly. With his last words, he tucks the box back onto his belt and grits his teeth. "Operations room?" he mutters, more to himself than anyone else. "Gorram ship is too big." <English>

Squeezing Passe's hand with hers, she looks at him with concern in her eyes. "I will come with you, if you want?" she asks, though she's quick to add, "Though I'll understand if you don't want me to hear what's being discussed for privacy reasons." She glances to the door, as though mapping out the route in her head. "Just let me know, either way," she murmurs softly, squeezing his hand once more. <English>

Passe looks down into the green eyes and smiles warmly. "No," he says, "I need to take care of this myself. Thanks." He reluctantly releases her hand, takes a deep breath, and mutters, "Time to pay the piper." With that he moves out into the commons, trying to remember where the hell the 'Operations Room' is. <English>

Passe heads through the exit labeled <Aft> Crew Commons. Passe heads onto Redemption - Crew Commons - A Deck. Passe has left.